Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1219: Cold coming (1)

Will it be an infinite foundation of the dojo?

The monks will wait and see.

Shen Xiang shot, the first great supernatural power displayed is to live in a space.

Eight Yuan Ying Zhenjun cooperated with Agarwood, quickly stabilized the earth of the eight sides, and the Eight Diagrams array began to operate again.

To be precise, today's big battle has become the Eight Diagrams and Nine Palaces.

The small fire stood on Sun Hao's shoulder and stood and controlled the peak of Qingyun's main peak, which was swallowed up by himself. In the big array, he stood in the middle of the Jiugong.

The big array borrowed the constraints of the power of Sun Haozhen, driven it and slowly turned.

The entire space of the nine miles and nine is gradually shrouded in a large array.

The big array started to run, and the dojo construction can move on to the next step.

In Sun Hao’s mind, I once again thought about my own steps of action and started to act.

The peak tip is like a knife-like smooth upwardly on the bottom plane. Sun Hao's feet are gently stepped on, and a real element is quickly transmitted into the large array.

The cluster of the giant spirits built by Jin Xiaolan emerged from the lower part of the peak, and the light flashed and was inspired by Sun Hao.

Within the Eight Diagrams and Nine Palaces, the clouds are tumbling.

At the same time, there is a small gathering of the spirits, echoing the gathering of the spirits above the inverted peak.

The nine formations were driven by the big battle of the Eight Diagrams and Nine Palaces, and they were running at the same time.

The clouds are getting more and more urgent, and the rich aura that was originally concentrated around the peak of Qingyun Peak gradually spreads.

After a while, all of the space around the nine miles was covered by a strong aura.

Sun Hao’s voice was heard: “Qingyun Daochang, gathering on the ground, stereotypes.”

Rolling clouds, clouds and clouds with the shape of Sun Hao's stereotypes, suddenly fixed in the air, no longer ups and downs, but carefully observed, but found that the white clouds and mist are like a gauze, in the Eight Diagrams Palace In the line. It is slowly flowing, and it has drifted from time to time.

The aura is evenly distributed among the large arrays, that is, regardless of other functions of the Qingyun Dojo. But at least, the entire dojo, there is a strong aura in circulation.

This is what Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang said, based on the spirit.

Below, 100,000 Qingyun monks. Qi Qi cheered out.

Sun Hao smiled slightly, and the foot was another step.

Another real element was introduced into the big array.

On the apex of the peak, Luo Mei cloth set it up, and the red-sleeved gossip "卦下断" image emerged, and was inspired by Sun Haozheng, and began to emit red light.

The Eight Diagrams and Nine Palaces, the body of Luo Mei, also appeared red light, echoing the light of the map.

The sound of Sun Hao’s clear voice came out: “Qingyun Daochang, the red cloud is covered. Stereotype.”

In the picture of the gossip, two red satin-like satins were quickly shot. After entering the Eight Diagrams and Nine Palaces, they turned into a layer of red clouds, shrouded the entire Jiugong Bagua array, and in the big array, they were exposed to Luo and Sun. After Hao’s dual control, it quickly rose.

Then, like a bright red cover, it covered the entire gossip palace.

The red cover is completely red clouds. The thickness is only more than three feet, and it is not scattered.

Sun Hao only said that "red clouds are the cover", but did not explain the specific use of the red cloud, what effect does the red cloud have? The Qingyun monk entered the known, other monks, but did not need to know.

However, from the discourse analysis of Luo Mei, this red cloud definitely has the effect of refining the god.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is a good means.

Through the array method, the auxiliary effect of this strange effect is red cloud. One of the necessary training conditions for the Qingyun Dojo.

It is conceivable that the role of Jiuli and Jiujiu, the dojo of Jiuli and Nine Gods, once established, will be transformative to the role of Qingyunmen. In the next millennium, Qingyunmen will definitely flourish, and the monks will not Dare to say how much, but the backbone of the foundation to Jindan, there will be a blowout development.

Qingyun square, once again broke out and cheered.

However, the real dojo construction is just beginning.

Touching the small head of the small fire, Sun Hao said in his heart: "Small fire, you preside over the Jiugong faction, I am going to build the dojo."

The small fire leaped down from Sun Hao’s shoulder and said in his heart: "Brother, you can rest assured that the heart will be handed over to me. I wish you a good accomplishment and a name forever."

Sun Hao laughed in his heart and fluttered his arms to the sky over the Eight Diagrams Palace.

Facing the north, Sun Hao said with a slight hand in his mouth: "Please have a friend."

Bao Ketu sat on his knees, his hands arched, and the body forwarded for me: "Agarwood, Ketu has been preparing for a long time."

Sun Hao smiled and nodded, slowly raised his right hand, pointing the food to the vertical.

The tip of the index finger, a drop of dark water droplets, slowly emerged.

When the water droplets appeared, in the air, Sun Hao’s body seemed to be violently frustrated, golden light, shaking a few times, and stabilizing in the air.

The floating clouds around Sun Hao’s body seem to be suppressed by heavy pressure in an instant, and they can’t move at all. The space around Sun Hao seems to be frozen. Even Sun Hao’s body has a whitish frost.

Gong Sirius has blinked again, his eyes slightly shrinking, but did not speak.

Nanyang’s representative, Li Yuncong, involuntarily, stepped up from the futon and looked at Sun Hao. He was excited. After a long time, he sat down slowly.

It seems to be very difficult, Sun Hao index finger slowly aligned with the north of the eight-armed pack.

Gently bend your fingers and gently slam.

The water droplets drifted over.

The light water droplets give the monks a strange, heavy feeling. When they pass, the white clouds are frozen, the space is oppressed and solidified, and a thin line of water droplets flying through it is very obvious.

Sun Hao’s voice came over: “Taiji’s two instruments, two instruments and four images, four elephants and eight gossips. Now that the gossip has been completed, how can there be no four images, and all the friends help me, and the four images...”

As soon as the gods were drawn, the 100,000 Qingyun monks suddenly changed into a four-image, four monks, a small four-image array, bursting together, accumulating, and building into a huge four-image array. .

Sun Hao’s "four-image" voice just fell, and the entire four-image array of Qingyun monks has been fully deployed.

All the monks rushed to the real thing and rushed to the north of the four elephants.

With the bang, a huge Xuanwu figure appeared in the north of the monk's square.

"North Palace basaltic, the name of the water god", Sun Hao screamed in the air: "Ke Tuzhen Jun, homing."

The little boy who sits cross-legged: "Keto is here, Xuanwu belongs to me", his arms are stretched out, his arms are underneath, and he is squatting, three pairs of arms are emerging, a total of eight arms, powder The pink and tender, like the chastity, Qiqi waving to the huge Xuanwu figure in the clouds below.

The Eight Diagrams and Nine Palaces are bright, and they are in contact with the four elephants below.

The Xuanwu graphic was attracted and quickly flew to the top of the Bao Ketu.

Xuanwu was just in place, the water droplets had already floated, and the head fell to the Xuanwu pattern.

Xuanwu was pressured by water droplets, and the virtual image shook, as if it was to be crushed in an instant.

Bao Ketu sat on his knees, flying with eight arms, pulling the power of the Eight Diagrams and Nine Palaces, and moving upwards, the force of the North Water was imposed on the Xuanwu.

The spirit of Xuanwu is one of the uplifts. The air "just ang" screams, not to be outdone, trying to pick up the water droplets.

But the water droplets are not moving penetrated his body as a virtual shadow.

Like a beautiful woman, I was on the forehead of the Xuanwu tortoise.

The forehead was spotted, and the huge basalt body shook violently. It seemed to be suppressed or attracted by water droplets. The Xuanwu figure was quickly reduced in the support of the Bao Ketu.

In less than a moment, the huge Xuanwu figure was completely indented into the Eight Diagrams and Nine Palaces, and it became only one mile in size, but it seemed to be very solid and vivid, hovering in the north of the Eight Diagrams.

On the soil of the north, there is a floating basaltic.

And the eight-armed pack diagram, at this time is full of spirit, eight arms out, do their best to lift the soil of the North and the North Xuanwu.

The huge weight, pressing his eight pink arms, appeared real blush, and the eight arms involuntarily bent slightly.

The huge cold energy is to make the space around him, so that the soil below the north will begin to freeze, and it will burst into frost. (To be continued.)

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