Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1220: Cold coming (2)

The body of the packer figure, at this time, it is strange.

A warm air flow, constantly flowing around his body, wherever, the body's frost layer melted, so that his entire body was like a thin stream of creeks.

The stream has greatly increased his strength, and he has been able to hold up the basalt in the air more powerfully, and let Xuanwu support it for a long time under the pressure of Sun Hao.

Above the sky, Sun Hao said slowly: "Kitu is careful."

After that, the index finger is a little bit lighter on the water droplets.

Heavy water jerked, down the meal.

Huge power, let Xuanwu again slammed, the solid body, and the signs of collapse again.

In the mouth of Bao Ketu, a shiver, eight pink arms, grew up and turned into eight stout wrists, and his body, also turned into a huge octopus, hovering in the air, steaming, all over the body Like the steaming, exhausted the strength of the whole body, the eight arms entangled, resisting heavy water pressure and ice cold, maintaining the basaltic true shape in the air.

Sun Hao said in his mouth: "Okay, Ketu is good."

But not in the hands, the fingers are aimed at the land of the north.

In the rotation of the earth in the north, it automatically splits, and the construction that has been cast out long before it stretches out, and extends to the basaltic shadow that hovered above itself.

After the road was built, after entering the virtual shadow, it was immediately frozen by Sun Hao’s endless ice, and it quickly solidified into a real ice.

The construction is like flowing water, flowing into the basaltic, and then, in the shape of Xuanwu, it quickly freezes.

Less than tea, Kung Fu, above the soil of the North, a white, Xuanbing framed, Xuanwu, which occupies a radius of a circle, has been successfully built.

Xuanwu floats, tightly attached to the soil of the north. Start moving slowly with the Eight Diagrams Palace.

This basaltic, but the real element that evolved with the power of 100,000 monks, can be used as a map.

With the unparalleled cold of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang, the construction of the northern soil that has already been prepared is used as a skeleton to form the Qingyun Dojo in the north.

The power to rule the northern waters of the Qingyun Daochang.

In the north of Qingyun Daochang. Formed a one-mile round of Xuanwu Ice Palace.

The Ice Palace is based on Xuanwu. Under the light, it flashes white and brilliance, and it looks crystal clear, but. What is the effect inside the Ice Palace?

It is also unknown.

This is the dojo of the Qingyun monk, you can see the outside, but it is difficult to really see through itself.

Many monks in the sky tried to use the gods to explore the internal conditions of the ice palace. However, after the gods reached the ice palace, they immediately became frozen and there was a huge sense of oppression that was firmly suppressed by the mountains.

The power of freezing and oppression forces the monks to be scared.

I had to quickly and burn the buttocks, and quickly retreat the gods back, but at the same time, my heart was taboo.

Awesome Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang. Awesome means.

This ice palace, the effect is definitely not weak.

Above the sky, Sun Hao smiled slightly.

Within the Ice Palace, Sun Hao uses thousands of ice, and there are many extremely cold features of the North, which assist in the construction of various formations, which is enough to freeze all things. Moreover, at this time, there is its own heavy water suppression, no matter who it is. Then go to explore. Undoubtedly it is asking for trouble.

Many Yuan Ying monks, even the body slightly shocked, his mouth snorted.

Sun Hao smiled and pretended not to know. The mouth said in a loud voice: "The northern water belongs to the basaltic, and this is the palace of the cold, but it has some origins with the northern palace. Today, Qingyun is fortunate. Please come to the Holy Palace to help, now, please also the Holy Named me the palace of Qingyun North..."

The sanctuary of the Holy Palace made a clean white spruce, a bright tooth, like a cold palace fairy. At this time, listening to Sun Hao’s words, he had already got up from the futon, and his sleeves swayed gently from above the sky.

Once again, it is already standing side by side with Sun Hao.

Sun Hao said to her slightly, and said with a smile: "There is a request for the Holy Spirit..."

After Qingyun’s 100,000 disciple, Qi Qi followed Sun Hao and shouted: “There is a request for the Holy Messenger.”

The Holy Ghost of the Holy Palace succumbed to the ceremony and said with a fragile voice: "Respect is not as good as death. This ambassador is represented by the Northern Palace. It is the owner of the sacred palace. I am willing to act cheaply. In this case, today, the ambassador follows the opinion of Aquilaria. Be bold and take the lead."

Speaking of this, the tone is a little bit, and then, it is only crisply said: "Qingyun Ice Palace, the construction of the material, the vagueness is my special northern specialty, the water of aloes, extremely cold, and also has many origins with my extreme north. In this case, this palace, may wish to call 'Shang Bing Qing Han Palace' how?"

Sun Hao said slightly, and said with a smile: "This is so good. There are both the name of the Holy Palace and Qingyun, and the meaning of the mysterious ice and the cold. The Holy Spirit makes the heart temperate, but it is bothering. Thank you for the name given by the Holy Spirit. ”

Hundreds of thousands of monks shouted: "Thank you for the name given by the Holy Ghost."

The Holy Ghost of the Holy Palace succumbs to the ceremony, and then he raises his hand. On the white basalt, the dragon flies and phoenix dances, and the five characters are beautifully displayed. The fairy-sounding characters: "Sheng Bing Qing Han Palace", the last time when the money is dropped, it is even more The face is awe-inspiring, and the hand is turned over, and a white snow is set.

Slowly, the snowflake was pushed to Xuanwu. The saint said in his mouth: "The Holy Palace is coming from an empty hand. Now, it is a icing on the cake. For this palace, add another thousand years of blessings, go, snow and ice..."

The snow flickering, falling under the "Sacred Ice Palace", became a lifelike snowflake imprint, representing the ice and snow palace, with the imprint of ice and snow blessing.

Sun Hao’s spirit was violent, and he succumbed to his body. He said in his mouth: “Thank you for the Holy Palace and thank the Holy Ghost for giving the ice and snow mark.”

Hundreds of thousands of monks cheered loudly.

Watching the monks, look at me, I look at you, many monks have an envious look on their faces.

The ice and snow palace is a icing on the cake, but it is really a must.

The Millennium blessing, that is to say, within the millennium, the ice and snow properties of this palace will be indestructible, at least the Millennium Dojo.

It can be said with certainty that as long as there is a holy ice palace, even if the rest of the Qingyun Daochang fails, the entire Qingyun Dojo will still be the Millennium Road.

In other words, Sun Hao’s dojo goal has been completed ahead of schedule.

Later, if Sun Hao has the means, it is based on this overweight.

Qingyunmen, it is a great blessing, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, a big face, legend, the Holy Palace Lord Xia Qingyu loves Sun Shenxiang, may not be a hole in the wind!

The wild history that was buried in the ruins of the heavens, the seven lords of the scent may not be a hole in the wind.

Many monks are more curious and more concerned. They have been helped by the Ice and Snow Palace. They were built by Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang. The first real thing of Qingyunmen has two basic functions: What is the purpose of the Holy Ice Palace?

In the square of Qi Tianzong's ceremonial monks, Xiaoyu Chemical Library has been turning his eyes and thinking about what he needs to do to stay in Qingyunmen. He will go into the holy ice palace for the first time to experience it.

The cousin's way to Daewoo, Aquilaria's friendship, that is the biggest bargaining chip of Kuye, how can we maximize the role of chips?

Xiaoyu Chemical Library urgently started to use his brains. The Holy Palace’s holy ambassador had completed his merits and laughed, like a nine-day fairy, and returned to her futon again, sitting cross-legged.

The voice of the Qingyunmen monk is still a thunder.

After the monks under the door screamed and cheered, Sun Hao was not in a hurry. With a finger, he regained the heavy water that was suppressed in Xuanwu’s forehead.

The eight-armed pack map is also relieved at this time, in the eyes of many monks, slowly change into the body.

Sun Hao said: "The hard work is really good."

Bao Ketu owes a return: "This is what the bag should be, but fortunately not to be insulted."

Below, thousands of monks Qi Qi sang to Bao Ketu: "Spirited Ketu Zhenjun."

Bao Ketu’s small face overflowed with a happy smile, and he said with a loud voice: “You are a friend.”

Sun Hao smiled slightly, then slowly turned to face the south.

Zhengnan is the orientation of Xuanyuan Yaqin.

In the face of Xuanyuan Yaqin, Sun Hao said slightly: "The cold is coming, the south is the fire, and there is Master Yaqin."

Sun Haozun called a master, and this is the occasion, Xuanyuan Yaqin heart music opened, very useful, smiled, said quickly: "Xiaohao, you are welcome, I have been prepared for a long time, just wait for you big Show Xiongfeng, Xiaohao, please." (To be continued.)

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