Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1240: Nightmare 30 years

Sun Hao instantly understood his current state, and the reason why he appeared in the heart and soul was related to the yin and yang combination of his cultivation.

Of course, Sun Hao also determined that his own heart and soul is not a disease, but it is actually a magical use of yin and yang.

Magically, it allows the monks to perceive the magical heart and begin to realize the magical effect.

Sun Hao’s yin and yang combination is also in the process of progressing from the second layer of yin and yang to the third layer of yin and yang.

What Sun Hao needs to do now is precisely to follow the heart's original intention, to complete the real yin and yang, to achieve yin and yang, and in this process, fully understand the various traits and abnormalities of the heart and soul, for the future in advance. Practice.

After understanding his own state, Sun Hao’s thoughts filled with tears and laughter.

The combination of yin and yang is very good, very powerful, involving Yinyang Avenue, but the way of cultivation is a bit biased, but it is even more difficult for Sun Hao, who is a broiler chicken.

Moreover, Sun Hao’s heart is filled with a feeling of knowing why it is now.

Knowing the heart and soul of the heart and soul is the requirement of yin and yang. If you don’t have to endure such hard work in Qingyunmen, you don’t have to find the purple smoke master to do everything possible to suppress it. Let it be natural, I am not good, I am good, everyone?

Of course, Sun Hao thinks that the real situation is that if Sun Hao does not understand that the heart and soul of the heart comes from the combination of yin and yang, and does not drive and truly obey the intention of yin and yang, then Sun Hao is truly enchanted. .

Even if it can finally complete the yin and yang combination. It is estimated that there will be many detours.

But now, Sun Hao knows where the roots are. If you follow the needs of your heart, use the yin and yang combination drive, and actively cooperate with your heart to practice, the effect is completely different.

In short, if Sun Hao was stunned by the past, then he cultivated the yin and yang combination of Wei Xinbing's version; but now. Sun Hao is under his own control. Comply with the heart to complete the yin and yang combination, that is the right way, the yin and yang of the imperial emperor, the law of yin and yang.

The reason, very similar, the world often said, all the love that is not for the purpose of marriage is a rogue, that is equivalent to Sun Hao is hearted; and all the love for the purpose of marriage, that is true love And Renren Avenue.

Ok. In the peak state of the heart, Sun Hao understood his own situation and quickly found a solution to his own problems.

However, how to look at this method makes Sun Hao embarrassed.

Sun Hao is a good confidant, but the real Sun Hao is clean and self-love. It’s not that it’s not, it’s not that you don’t understand it. It’s just that everything goes with you. You feel young and don’t worry.

Coupled with more confidantes, Sun Hao is not willing to hurt anyone, so this has been dragged down.

just now. But it is time to stop dragging.

The outbreak of the heart and soul is inevitable.

If Sun Hao does not want to, if Sun Hao forcibly curbs himself, unless it is from the palace, or else, the fundamental problem cannot be solved.

The time of yin and yang can make Sun Hao clear and not too long, and Sun Hao must make a decision early.

Sun Hao quickly thought about his own coping style while quickly running yin and yang.

The first thing that can be affirmed is that you must not be guilty. If you are guilty, then there is no doubt that your temperament and behavior will change greatly, and cultivation will be affected.

Secondly, it is certain that you must find a Taoist and complete the yin and yang combination.

Then the key question is coming, who should I look for? How to find?

Sun Hao does not lack the object, there must be a summer house sister in the empty tower, there is a small bamboo in the lower side, Jiuyifeng is a female repair with more than a hundred chambers.

However, the thin-faced Sun Hao is really hard to decide.

Quickly judge your own situation.

Sun Hao quickly, according to the characteristics of the heart and soul, as well as his own ability, developed a plan, and finally sighed in his heart, said in his heart: "Xiaozhu, you come out, I have something for you to do."

After that, Sun Hao Dan Tian was shocked, and the small bamboo with a full body appeared in the middle of the sky.

Yingying paid a visit to Sun Hao, and Xiaozhu called out: "The son."

The peak of the heart and soul of Xinfeng immediately perceives the kind of reliance on oneself in the heart of Xiaozhu, the obedience and worship of the whole body, the kind of self-centered self-centered, completely omnidirectional toward his own heart.

The eyes are red and the light is not even worse. Sun Hao drives the yin and yang and the clear heart, while the voice says: "Xiaozhu, my current state, some are wrong, I need your help, so I will make a long story short, I will use it later. The secret technique seals itself and makes itself fall asleep. Then, you take me down and find the Xiaolan lord, let her teach you how to serve me, and ease the extremely yang in my body."

Xiaozhu was shocked and didn't fully understand it, but he still asked with concern: "You son, are you okay?"

Sun Hao's eyes were red, sweeping through the towering and plump chest of Xiaozhu, the front and back of the concave body, and a thought in his heart, unconsciously, Xiaozhu has already matured.

I said in my mouth: "It's not a big problem, it just needs your help. I will close myself first. Otherwise, once I am really controlled by my heart, the consequences will be unimaginable..."

Sun Hao said that while shaking the soul of the gods in the depths of the soul, a secret technique was displayed, and an ice cold was quickly released from the heavy water, spreading rapidly, not killing, Sun Hao has been wearing golden light, the whole body A stiff, slowly fell to the ground.

Xiaozhu exclaimed: "The son."

Did not dare to neglect, quickly catching the fallen Sun Hao, and then the body condensed, flew down from the sky, while flying and shouting: "Xiaolan Zhenjun, Xiaolan Zhenjun, son let you Teach me how to serve him and ease the yang in his body..."

Jin Xiaolan heard a red cheek and then coughed: "Well, you come with me..."

Although the time is short, the reason why Sun Hao chose Xiaozhu is actually the result of deliberation.

The reason is naturally that Xiaozhu is following himself from small to large, has always been a prostitute, and has no ambitions, never contending for anything.

Sun Hao also thought about Xia Wei, but also had a good impression on Xi Huo’s heart, but this girl’s fighting spirit was too strong, she really wanted to choose her, and she would really hurt other red faces afterwards.

Regardless of whether the heart admits it or not, the actual Sun Hao’s heart still has a red-faced ranking. Among them, Xiaohong’s ranking is very high, but Xia Wei’s fight with Xiaohong, Sun Hao’s memory is still fresh. It is the fundamental reason why Sun Hao chose Xiaozhu.

Others dare not say that Xiaozhu is sure to be compliant with himself, and that kind of whole-heartedness is almost engraved into the bone marrow.

Of course, don't look at Sun Hao's seemingly natural arrangement of Xiaozhu to take care of himself, but in fact, this does not cover up the fact that he is a first brother.

Otherwise, with the means of Sun Hao, even if it is the technique of displaying the "Wan Nianbing" of the ancient silkworm, it will not really make yourself faint.

The reason why I simply stunned myself to sleep, but it is because of Sun Hao’s embarrassment, Sun Hao’s inner thoughts are, but I have slept in the past, what should I do, Xiaozhu, you can do it...

Of course, Sun Hao who slept in the past did not know anything about the outside world. He only closed most of his senses. However, if there is a real crisis, Sun Hao can wake up quickly.

Of course, if you don't feel the danger, Sun Hao will automatically wake up from the state of eternal ice after the heart and soul are completely surrendered, and Sun Hao's sense of the ontology is deep during this time. Deeply sinking into the white public into the dream, understanding the various aspects of life, and practicing their own various exercises, even alchemy, characters, can be repeatedly practiced in the dream.

Sun Hao fell asleep and then began to dream.

In the special environment, Sun Hao’s dreams are many more embarrassing.

Many times, Sun Hao feels very soft and moist, feels passionate and volcanic, and the volcanic eruption is so refreshing.

Sun Hao, who is immersed in sleep and who is sinking into his sleep, does not know that he seriously underestimated the strength of his golden perfect body. I did not expect that Xiaozhu could not neutralize his own yang.

However, he has fallen asleep, and Xiaozhu naturally starts to think of a solution.

Asked, naturally, it is "to come over" Jin Xiaolan.

Hearing Xiaozhu’s remarks and seeing Sun Hao’s Optimus Prime, Jin Xiaolan, who was the real son of Yuan Ying, immediately understood what it was.

Gently frowning, Jin Xiaolan said with Xiaozhu: "You have been weakened, and with the strength of the thin, but it can not solve the fundamental problem of agarwood."

Xiaozhuhuarong is eclipsed, Yingying stumbles: "Xiaolan Zhenjun, please help Xiaozhu, help my family..."

The face is The silver teeth bite, and some thoughts in the heart of Jin Xiaolan say: "I still don't believe it, the old lady can't help you, you can't do it..."

Just as Jin Xiaolan was preparing to undress, the Wanzong Guardian Mountain swayed for a while, and some people shouted outside: "A big event, a big event, Jin Pozi, Jin Pozi, a great disaster, a great disaster, a small disaster. How is Hao here?"

When someone was smashed into a good thing, some of the irritated Jin Xiaolan screamed and rushed to the sky. The mouth screamed: "You are just right, the old lady has a big disaster here waiting for you..."

Sun Hao continues to dream.

The big dreams of the hustle and bustle are continuous, different warm feelings, different understandings, from time to time.

When he was asleep, he was still diligent in his dreams. Although he was a little surprised, he did not feel a crisis and did not wake up.

In the big dream, the feeling of warm water is running, time passes by.

A dream does not wake up, a nightmare for thirty years. (To be continued.)

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