Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1241: Agarwood wakes up

For monks, especially for Yuan Hao, such as Sun Hao, 30 years is often just a flick of a finger. Often, Sun Hao is an epiphany, or a meditation, that is, dozens of hundred years. .

Therefore, when Sun Hao sealed himself, he did not feel that something would be wrong, and he did not feel that something would go wrong.

In fact, Sun Hao in the big dream, in addition to feeling the warmth of his body, is slightly different from the unexpected, and really does not feel anything wrong with the outside world.

However, in fact, at the time of Sun Hao’s dream, the mainland, especially the southern continent, was a sudden change of the situation, and an unimaginable huge disaster occurred.

The reason for the outbreak, but with his slumbering Yuan Ying Zhenjun has a tangible connection, there is a relationship that can not be separated.

Of course, no matter what the outside is like, Sun Hao is still sleeping.

Qingyunmen also always secretly told Sun Hao’s whereabouts and status.

On Wanfeng Peak, more than one Yuan Yingzheng was seated in the town, and Sun Hao’s spare large array was also fully opened to ensure that Shen Xiang adults were invaded by foreign enemies during their sleep.

Sun Hao is screaming, but in fact, the spring is boundless.

Of course, even Sun Hao does not know that more than one female practitioner is strong and hateful and loveless.

Agarwood is amazing!

The golden battle body is not perfect!

Kill the individual!

Wait for some evaluations to be added to Sun Hao's body.

And Sun Hao, originally covered with a layer of faint red light and faint ice. In this kind of blame, it has been thirty years. Only gradually faded away.

Another gentle feeling, in the big dream, the majestic volcano erupted again in the magma, in the dream, the sky is raining.

On the foot of the incense sword, Sun Hao yelled: "Give me broken!"

Above the sword. Straight into the sky. Then take a moment, Sun Hao sat up from the cloud bed.

The soft jade in the arms is warm and warm, and Xiaozhu’s big eyes are looking at himself without looking at him. The white and tender arms are holding themselves tightly and they are in close contact with themselves.

The feeling of incomparable refreshment rushed into my heart. Sun Hao’s heart swayed slightly, and could not help but stretch out her arms.

On the face of Xiaozhuyu. A ruddy, tears of surprise in the big eyes, and also hugged Sun Hao tightly.

After half a ring, Sun Hao gently sniffed a few times between the hair of Xiaozhu. Then I whispered softly: "Xiaozhu, how long have I slept?"

Xiaozhu suddenly stunned and hurriedly climbed up from Sun Hao's body. He exclaimed in his mouth: "You, you have been sleeping for 30 years, a lot of big things, waiting for you to wake up and dispose of it."

Sun Hao looked at the rich and delicate body that Xiaozhu gradually covered by clothes. There was a faint smile on his face, and he said, "Have you slept for so long? But nothing, it’s been so long, what happened, what happened has happened, and it’s not anxious..."

Xiaozhu "hmm", then still quickly put on the clothes, said in his mouth: "You son, you don't know, these 30 years, the change is too big, you still see Xiaolan Zhenjun, let her, she has more The second time, once you wake up, call her the first time."

Sun Hao’s eyes, looking outside the Dongfu, his face still smirked, his mouth said: “She has come...”

The voice just fell, outside the Dongfu, a gust of wind came, Jin Xiaolan rushed in, and shouted in his mouth: "Agarwood, you wake up..."

After rushing in, I found that Sun Hao was still naked. Suddenly, on the slightly fat face, there was a flash of redness. When I turned around, I turned my back to Sun Hao and said with a sigh of relief: "Agarwood, hurry, get up and talk."

Sun Hao smiled slightly, shook his head slowly, and his arms stretched out from the cloud bed. The body floated and fell under the cloud bed. When he was completely standing, he had already put on a green shirt.

The gods swept their own, and Sun Hao’s heart was slightly moved.

I have been sleeping for 30 years, my body has no odor, my hair is neatly tidy, and more importantly, the functions of all parts of my body have been kept quite well, without any feeling of stagnation, no Question, Xiaozhu has taken care of himself very well over the years.

It can be expected that Xiaozhu will give himself a regular massage on a regular basis, and regularly sort out the instruments for himself. It can be said that he is taking care of himself.

Between Sun Hao’s thoughts and reversal, Jin Xiaolan has once again turned back and said in a mouthful of words: “Agarwood, it’s incredible, it’s awful, there’s a huge disaster in the mainland, many areas have fallen, and many things are waiting for you to wake up. After coming to dispose of it, there is a Yuan Ying Dao of the Wan Hun Temple, which is in the Qingyunmen, waiting for you to wake up, as if it is anxious..."

Magic disaster!

Hall of the Souls!

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly stunned, and even the Wan Hun Temple came out. The situation is really not small.

Still with a faint smile, Sun Hao said slowly: "Xiaolan Zhenjun don't worry, there is something to say slowly, Shenxiang has already woken up, and then big things need to be handled step by step. Here, first of all, thank you. Lan Zhenjun has been taking care of him for so many years."

On the face of Jin Xiaolan's white pheasant, he flew over a red glow. The heart said that the old lady was only taking care of herself, but her mouth said: "The agarwood is very polite, and the nine squats are up and down. This is the interior of the agarwood, but it is not to be seen."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Xiaolan is really polite, but don't say so, Aquilaria does not dare, and after the Nine Emperor, it should be renamed Wanzong, and the rules are best adjusted appropriately. Don't be as close as usual."

Jin Xiaolan gave a slight glimpse, then nodded and said: "Well, follow the advice of Shen Xiang, and later, I will be renamed Wan Yizong..."

Without saying it, outside the Dongfu, there was a fragrant wind coming. Xuanyuan Yaqin slammed into it and shouted in his mouth: "Xiaohao, Xiaohao, you are awake, fast, we are going back to Qingyun. The door, the magic disaster is getting more and more fierce, once the Qingyun Xianshan is broken, the spiritual pillar of the Southland..."

Speaking of this, I saw Jin Xiaolan on the side, as if I saw the general, quickly said: "Golden woman, your movement is still very fast, saying that Xiaohao can not stay in your gentle nest, If you do something right, don't leave it."

Jin Xiaolan slammed his eyes and said with no anger: "Xiaoqin, which of your eyes saw me staying? I am not analyzing the situation of the mainland with Aquilaria."

Sun Hao was a little surprised. He said a little to Xuanyuan Yaqin, and then said: "Master Yaqin, you are here too! Don't worry, don't worry, what is going on, slowly, not in a hurry."

Jin Xiaolan was next to him, and he said with a deep meaning: "Agarwood, Master Yaqin is coming early."

Xuanyuan Yaqin glanced at Jin Xiaolan and said loudly: "There is no Jinchao early."

Xiaozhu was on the side, grinning and smiling.

Sun Hao felt a little surprised, and the strange feeling in his heart flashed past, but it was still a natural turning topic. He said with a smile: "The two really don't worry, so, Xiaolan Zhenjun, you tell me the magic. The specific information of the disaster, Master Yaqin, tell me about the current situation of Qingyun. If things are really urgent, I will decide what to do according to the situation."

Jin Xiaolan looked positive and said: "The intelligence of the disaster, Xiaojuan is the most clear, I asked her to explain the agarwood in finished, Yangsheng said: "Xiaojuan, Shen Xiang woke up, Come over. ”

After a while, another burst of fragrant wind blew, Chen Hao looked red, appeared in Sun Hao's Dongfu, after a slight ceremony, looked at Sun Hao, called out: "Adult, you finally woke up."

Sun Hao’s knowledge swept Chen Hao, and his face looked different. Naturally, he said: “Juan Zong’s cultivation is a good place to enter the country. Congratulations on Juan Zong’s achievement in Jin Dan’s great perfection. Far away, my Qingyunmen is about to add another tiger."

Chen Juan's face is reddish, and he is slightly blessed by Sun Hao: "Take the abundance of the incense, the adults have a reputation."

Jin Xiaolan squinted his eyes and said to Chen Wei: "Xiao Juan, let's talk about Aquilaria, let's talk about a disaster, and quickly say that it is easy for Aquilaria to quickly grasp the situation."

Chen Juan nodded, and looked positive. Then she slowly said: "There is a catastrophe, starting from the genius, going to the dusty monk, oh no, it is to go to the dust lord with the help of a field, forcibly breaking The magical channel, put a lot of monsters, poured in a lot of magic, caused the mainland magic disaster, this magic disaster began in the South China, and then, the mainland parties, Qi Qi broke out, the harm is big, has become a spread The trend is now more and more intense..." (To be continued.)

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