Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1242: Return to the disaster

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, Sun Hao always had a faint smile, listening to the information of Chen Juan and Yaqin Zhenjun carefully, and gradually cleared the context.

Perhaps it is the self-satisfaction in the darkness, when the mountains of the mountains are created, there should be no such thing in this world. After breaking through the high mountains of the heavenly regulation, on the mainland, with it, it began to produce some unexpected misfortune.

Soon after sleeping, the southern part of the mainland, somehow, emerged a large area of ​​magic, a large number of magic, magic, is the ancient devils to open the channel of this world and the devil, and then will appear, a very beneficial to the real magic The atmosphere of family survival.

In the first five years, the magic and the monsters mainly broke out in the Wuyuedong and the border areas of the two. Because the reaction was not very timely, the development was very fast. Many powerful demons rushed out, and a large number of monks were demonized and eventually became more and more fierce.

Wuyuedong was dispatched to the real power of the monarch, but failed to find out the source of the magic gas, and the real power of the monarch was also concealed and degraded.

The Wuyue Cave under the shock had to be the first on the right path of the South Continent, and was close to his own return for help.

The categorization was a quick response, sending a brigade of monks to help the boxers.

Then, on the occasion of the South China's various spectators' battles, after returning to Wuyuedong, after five years of war, the demon disaster seems to have been controlled, but it seems to have formed a sawing state.

In the tenth year of Sun Hao’s sleep, a Yuan Yingdong, who was handed over from Wuyuedong, woke up from the retreat and heard the punch before hearing the news, but unintentionally discovered that the entire Wuyuedong Zongmen resident. I don't know when it has become the base of the Mozu, and it has become a huge cave. Zhenjun’s heart is stunned, and he continues to explore.

Then, even more shocked to find that the South China boss is one, and there are still a lot of magical monks. The original white and innocent is a field. At this point it has completely become dark as ink.

When investigating the original, the demon lord perceives the monk's peeping, and violently rises, and Yuan Yingzhenjun has pursued the killing.

Fortunately, this really stunned the sword, and fled in a million miles. Before the lights were dry, the news was passed to many Zongmen, and the Southland was completely shaken.

This is the first stage of the return to the magic disaster, the hidden period of the magic disaster.

It makes sense. Such a great demon disaster, the real monarchs on the mainland should have been able to perceive it, or can count it, predict it. However, it is clear that the Mozu, or the Devil of the Dust, has a powerful monk to cover up the secret, and confuses the audio-visual. The Southern Confucian Mozu is based on the one and the Wuyue Cave, and unconsciously develops for ten years.

The second decade in which Sun Hao slept was the real outbreak of the disaster.

The original was debunked. Knowing that things are going on, simply do not endlessly, quickly expand the magic, and organize the magic repair, launched a storm on the surrounding Zongmen.

For a time, the catastrophe quickly spread in the South China. A large number of weaker Zongmen were forcibly broken through the mountain gate by the Mozu. A large number of monks and mortals were demonized. In the past five years, the South China has become a place of demon bonfire. Large areas and become the territory of the Mozu.

The powerful squadron of the demon warfare team is invincible and invincible.

The South China Sea is closer to the ancestral gates of the Yizong and Wuyuedong. Even the Zongmen station, such as the Huang Daozong and the Millennium Valley, was also strongly attacked. The catastrophe was out of control.

The southern ancestral sects are in danger and call for alliances to fight.

More monks think of Sun Quan, the only Sun Quan who can compete against the demon of the South, and call on Shen Xiang to come forward and organize monks to fight against the disaster.

However, at this time, Sun Hao is sleeping.

Qingyunmen kept silent, but he was actively preparing for it.

Sun Hao slept in the fifteenth year, the Mozu team, and fell into the Qingyun area, and all the way is like a broken bamboo, strong and quite come, less than a year, has been killed to Qingyun Xianshan.

Shen Xiang adults still have not appeared.

However, the "Battle of Heaven" built by Shen Xiang adults in Qingyunmen has sprung up.

Qingyun Shuangzhu, the real female adult and the Raksha Zhenjun, relying on the battle of the Heavenly Palace, led the Qingyun team, blocking the demon army of the magic flame.

At the time of the war, the magic of fighting the Heavenly Palace was displayed to the fullest.

Five attribute exercises, all increase by 80%.

Attack and defense capabilities increased by 80%.

The five great beasts can be shaped and battled, and they will fight against the sky, so that the demons will not dare to approach.

The magical source pool is a battlefield for the rapid recovery and rapid healing of the Qingyunmen monks after the war.

During the war, the Qingyunmen monks were high-spirited, and the baptism of the war made the monks grow up quickly, and a large number of outstanding monks stood out.

Although Shen Xiang adults were not born, his three disciples showed an extraordinary role in the war.

Become an important assistant of Qingyun Double Beads.

The practice of Da Yu’s battle is the foundation of Qingyun’s ordinary monks’ battles; Wu’s wisdom calculations have really stepped onto the stage and become the core layout of the Qingyun war; and Zhu Dezhen’s magical refining technology has made Qingyunmen monk is amazing.

Wu Xianlang used the meter to show that the enemy was weak, and the enemy was infiltrated, and Fu Qingyun was set up.

Set up for Daewoo, 100,000 monks, and fight against each other, and mobilize the five spirits to cheer and become the main force of the war.

The "standard-style bricks" of Zhu Dezheng's refining system, one of the Qingyun monks, relying on the transfer station built on the battle of the Heavenly Palace, can allow the monks to communicate within a thousand miles.

Within a thousand miles, the information is unimpeded, and the Mozu’s every move is in the control of Qingyunmen.

Qingyun Xianshan war, under the dispatch of Wu Xianlang, Qingyunmen first suppressed and then rose, the last five spirits came out, the four monks helped out, killing 30,000 in one fell swoop to commit the magic repair.

After the beginning of the southern disaster, the mainland monks achieved their first brilliant victory.

In this campaign, the demon lord took the shot, but after being blessed by the Qingyun Shuangzhu with the help of the Tiangong Palace, he was firmly restrained, and he could only watch the Mozu army inundated in Wu’s tricks. Was divided into the battle of Daewoo.

Five thousand martial artists came to the army and only fled back to 20,000.

That is still the case when Sun Haosun Shen Xiang did not shoot.

The South Korean monks suddenly rose morale.

However, next, the raging devils quickly gathered a large army of more than 100,000 people, and Chen Bingqing’s borders were vast and smothered again.

If you don’t give up, you have to stop Qingyunmen in one fell swoop.

At this moment, the intensified demon disaster in the South China has finally attracted the attention of the mainland Xianban.

It is said that on the border of Qingyunmen, a terrible battle broke out, and the 100,000 magic repairs were hit hard by the mainland Xianban monks.

Subsequently, the top Xianban monks in the mainland encountered a strong resistance to the magic, and the war continued. In the last few years of Sun Hao’s second decade of sleep, the top battle lasted for several years.

It is said that the land of mountains and rivers that are not thousands of miles away was razed to the ground during the war, and the grass was not born, and the fire was continuous.

This is the second decade in which Sun Hao slept, returning to the outbreak of the disaster.

The outbreak of the devastating disaster brought endless trauma to the South China. A large number of monks and mortals were devastated by the treacherous disasters.

In the third decade of Sun Hao’s sleep, there was a very strange change in the disaster.

In the rumor, the top battle did not result.

The South China's catastrophe was curbed by but the other continent's catastrophe began to break out.

The feeling is that the Southland deliberately attracted the attention of the monks of Xianban, and the monks of Xianban came to the Southland. Then, the disasters of other continents took the opportunity to break out.

In the 22nd year of Sun Hao's sleep, a Yuan Ying can hold the Tiangong hero, claiming to be a monk of the island of the Soul, leading a man and a woman to the Qingyunmen, saying that there must be an urgent need to see the agarwood .

Qingyunmen had a monk who recognized Xiachuan and recognized that it was a disciple of Shenxiang adults who was accepted in Xiaguo. The real woman also recognized the real spirit of Wanshen and opened the big array to let him in.

However, Sun Hao’s sleep on Wanshao Mountain is the secret of Qingyunmen’s true peerlessness. Even if it is the island of the soul of the soul, Qingyunmen is also pushing three unknowns. It’s just that Sun Hao’s cultivation of secrets does not know where to go. In connection, this matter has been dragged down.

The Wan Hun Temple is full of St. Fox adults, and stayed in the Battle of Heaven Palace in Qingyunmen, and did not leave.

Still waiting for Sun Hao to return, first class is eight years. (To be continued.)

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