Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1246: Desire

I haven't seen it for decades. On the Fengyun, the monks changed a lot. In those days, the monks either retired or joined Qingyun. In the past, the old man had only two Xing Tengtou and Mu Xiaotian. Monk.

The three monks saw Sun Hao and were very surprised.

Enthusiastically brought Sun Hao to the Fengyun.

The maintenance of Fengyun is very good. Shen Xiang Haoran has a disciple who has tried on the Fengyun number all the year round, which is the fundamental reason for the good state of Fengyun.

If it were not for the outbreak of the disaster, in fact, the three disciples of Sun Hao must have a situation in the town.

Seeing Yu again, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that his cultivation has already advanced to the early Yuan Ying, and it is not the ordinary Yuan Ying early, but the peak of Yuan Ying.

Sun Hao can say with certainty that Yu does not want to be absolutely abnormal. Even if it is not the Tiangong, he will definitely have a lot of experience.

After a simple greeting, and arranged for Xing Chuantou and Mu Xiaotian to go to other things, Sun Hao asked the full fox to be the unspoken face, once again describing the basic process of the mainland's demon disaster, and the unclear situation of the island of the soul. .

Quietly listened to the story of the full fox.

Yu Fei’s face reveals a bitter smile, then looks at Sun Hao, his body glimpsed a little, and said: “I don’t want to feel a lot of my own, and I don’t want to feel my own differences. It’s a crime to go to the mainland, but it’s just a scent. If you don’t want the current situation, it’s really a bit wrong. It’s really hard to help Aquilaria...”

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse and then said, "I don't want to know my brother. I don't know if you need to ask for this question?"

Yu did not want to shake his head bitterly: "No. This problem. In fact, strictly speaking. It was passed to me by my father. My father didn't understand it. I naturally couldn't understand it."

Sun Hao looked at the full fox, and asked: "So no desire, you know where your father is now?"

On the face of the unsatisfied face, a very weird expression emerged. After half a ring, look at the full fox. Then look at the intellectual idiot, the eyes flashed in the eyes, and said in his mouth: "Agarwood, I don't want you to say, my father used to tell me a secret sorcerer, the name 封 "Falun Dafa", Shen Xiang, have you heard of it?"

Sealing the Dafa?

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse, and then said: "Agarwood is ignorant, but it is the first time I heard about such a mystery. What kind of secrets will have any effect. If it is convenient, please don't ask your brother."

Yu does not want to sigh. The temperament of the body changed and became a little far away, giving Sun Hao a feeling of not seeing the face.

Then, Yu does not want to whisper: "Blocking into God is to seal God's Dafa, to close itself, to make itself self-cultivation, to understand from the beginning, to the great monk, to be two people, to be one, to achieve God. It’s for the sake of God’s Dafa, Dafa is wonderful, but after self-proclaimed, it’s still alive, but it’s still very dangerous. Agarwood, do you understand now? That’s the secret technique my father passed to me, but now, I forgot my father. Where did you go, what it looks like..."

Sun Hao was a little bit stunned, watching the sorrowful jealousy, but his heart gradually understood it. If this is the case, then many problems are suddenly clear.

In a simple sentence, Yu does not want Tiangong to not want to, but he is now in the state of "Falancing the Dafa".

Close the self and re-cultivate, the effect is similar to reincarnation.

Moreover, this state is likely to be difficult to self-deblock.

However, if you don’t want to, you will understand your own footsteps. Moreover, this kind of self-styled will gradually untie many abilities as he improves.

For example, now, when Yu does not want to say these words, the intellectual idiots and the sacred foxes who are listening are obviously not heard. It seems that they are lost in an instant, and they have not heard the dialogue between Sun Hao and Yu.

In other words, Yu does not want to be absolutely simple in the early days of Yuan Ying.

But at the same time, the problem has come, because the "Falun Dafa" has not been completed, and it is estimated that even if you don't want to go to the island of the Soul, you may not be able to help.

Sun Hao looked at the bitterness of the bitterness of the bitterness. At the same time, he smiled in the heart, but also admired it. He said that he did not want to say: "Agarwood understands it, does not want it, and Shenxiang admires it to the extreme. Follow the agarwood to the island of the Souls?"

Yu does not want to return to the ceremony: "This life meets Agarwood, but it is also an opportunity to follow the scent of Nanxiang, but it is also the desire of the heart, but does not want, wants, does not want to follow the agarwood, and then 闯Nanyang, expedition to the sea, witnessing the disaster of the soul."

Sun Hao laughed happily: "Well, I want a desire, I don't want it, I don't want it, I want to admire it, I also wish I don't want to be a big man, and I will go away."

Yu does not want to calmly nod. "If you don't know, you still need agarwood to discuss feats."

There is something in the words, but the surrounding environment is slightly changed. The sacred fox and the sorrowful look are a little bit strange. "Agarwood, what did you just say?"

Sun Hao smiled and looked at Yu and did not want to glance at it. Then he said, "I just welcomed the team that didn't want to join us. With us, I drove to the distant sea and drove the island of the soul."

Yu does not want to laugh and said: "I am willing to follow the adults, and then raise my glory."

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "Don't dare, don't want to have a heart."

Yu does not want to smile, and then whispered: "Follow the life of the incense, the sails, the goal, the sea of ​​the sea."

The sound spread throughout the Fengyun.

The busy Fengyun No. Qiqi calmed down and stopped the work in his hands. After a while, he only reacted. Various reactions took place on the Fengyun.

Even Mu Xiaotian and Xing Chuantou did not stand up, and their eyes looked at Sun Hao and Yu’s unwilling direction.

The disciples who belong to Qingyunmen are no matter what they don't want to say. They have heard the words of Shenxiang adults, and they are already cheering.

Of course, more Fengyun monks are the target of this line: "The sea of ​​the sea" is full of embarrassment and worry.

The far sea, strictly speaking, is the undeveloped pristine waters.

At the same time, it is full of great dangers. It is also full of great dangers. It is not enough to see the Fengyun. It is really difficult to say whether it will come back to the sea.

Even if there is a legendary agarwood man sitting on the Fengyun, it is inevitable that Fengyun monks also began to talk.

Many monks are not confident.

At the same time, I feel that the incense is probably awesome, perhaps with an unparalleled record, but in the mysterious sea, things are hard to say.

With the uneasiness and speculation of the monks, the Fengyun number crashed.

Within the boat room, Sun Hao said to Yu: "Let's do it, don't want to, you can communicate with Icefire Island and One Eye, see if they have time, join me and travel to the sea."

Yu does not want to say "good" loudly, and he has issued a cloud arrow.

In the following month, Fengyun was not slow and sailed to the sea.

But a sea boat gradually came together.

On the Fengyun, those monks who were not very confident, and originally had a lot of worries, with the gradual increase of the sea-going vessels, the heart was properly stabilized.

Once again, a team of clouds and arrows, thousands of ships to meet!

On the Fengyun, it raised the flag of Sun Xiang’s agarwood.

One by one, the formed fleet, followed by, consciously after the Fengyun, opened the ship.

A month later, Fengyun monk was shocked to discover that after the Fengyun, he had already covered more than 20 top sea boats, hundreds of sea boats, and other sea boats, but they were contiguous and could not see at first glance.

One month, just one The monks saw a huge fleet of rapid prototyping.

I did not expect that the appeal of Agarwood adults was so great.

The new generation of monks in the fledgling mood, the feeling of suddenly rising in their hearts is just the frog of the bottom of the well, and once again realized that the old monk of Fengyun was passed down by mouth, the kind of **** sea years, finally realized the real blood and charm of the sea battle. Where.

Three months later, Sun Hao’s fleet expanded again, and the top sea boat reached more than 30 ships. However, all the monks who had been separated from the Fengyun number in the past were returned, and they would follow Sunkang adults. Spend some time in the open sea.

The ship's array is a veteran of Nanyang. They are all elites in the sea. The sacred foxes from the same industry have a bit of straightness. They never imagined that the appeal of Aquilaria was so great.

However, considering that the situation of the Soul of the Soul is unknown, the team in the far sea is too large and the target is too obvious. It is recommended to reduce the size of the fleet.

In the end, Sun Hao selected five top-class sea boats, ten sea boats, and hundreds of other sea-going vessels to form an elite elite, and really began to move into the distant sea. (To be continued.)

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