Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1247: The war will start

What Sun Hao didn't know was that the Nanyang sea vessels that he had gathered from him had not dismissed them immediately after they had been farewell to him. Instead, they gathered on the South Sea and smashed blood into alliances. The name "Shenxiang Corps" Hanging the flag of agarwood and choosing a huge original sea area to fight the land.

In the future, the "Shenxiang Bingtuan" became a lion above the South Sea.

The agarwood battle flag crossed, and the Nanyang Islands all bowed to the court.

And along with Sun Hao, the large and small sea vessels that rushed into the far-off seas of the South Sea were among the first group of monks who followed Sun Hao. The Shen Xiang Bing regiment called it "Shenxiang Defender."

The five top sea boats left by Sun Hao, each of them, are famous in Nanyang.

Sun Hao’s own car is always handed over to the Fengyun, which is unwilling to take care of it. It is undoubtedly the true core and the backbone of the ship’s battle.

On both sides of Fengyun, it is the one-eyed Haoshen, the "ice boat" of Li Yuncong, the "fire boat" of Xuanhu, the last one is the dragon boat that was seized from the dragon family, separated from the Fengyun, and has been in control. Fourth, the Valley and other Fengyun No. in the hands of the ship's monks, got the dragon boat that Sun Hao initially modified and the strength of the ship.

The main force of the Aquila Corps is Sun Hao’s plunging Nanyang pirates and the sea boat seized. Strictly speaking, the ownership of these top sea boats is Qingyun Port, or Sun Hao himself, but Sun Hao cannot be in Nanyang all the year round. Action, and do not want to have no Sun Hao's general control ability, so in the past few decades, these top sea boats have become accustomed to the South Ocean, each galloping.

But no matter which top sea boat. There is a dream in the mind of the monks who are stationed at the main station. That is to follow the adults of Agarwood. The sword refers to the sea and the world is in the world.

Sun Hao selected five top-class sea boats, and other sea ships did not have any dissatisfaction. The reason was that several sea boats were selected, and they were really the level of the overlord in the South Sea. He Si and others were the elders of Fengyun.

The Shen Xiang Bing Group was established and began to ride the Nanyang.

Sun Hao leads the "Agarwood Defender". Rushing into the vast sea of ​​the sea.

Far sea, unknown sinister seas.

However, with the route map of the full fox, this route is relatively safe. After all, it is also the channel that the predecessors had opened up.

After three days of sailing, Sun Hao said in his heart: "Small chapter, remember the route map?"

The shoulders were slightly sunken, and the pink octopus appeared on Sun Hao’s shoulder. The voice of Xiao Zhang sounded from Sun Hao’s heart: “Remember, boss, what do I need to do?”

Sun Hao thought about it. Then said: "I will properly control the speed of the fleet, you go to the front to explore the road. Pay attention to safety."

Xiao Zhang said in his heart: "Boss, or do we sneak into the past?"

Sun Hao thinks of Xuan Hong's embarrassment and replies: "Things should not be as simple as you think. You should first explore the road. If you can really get in, it is not impossible, but you must remember the small chapter. Don't be careless and need to be careful."

Xiao Zhang’s body leaped gently and disappeared into the eyes of Sun Hao. He sneaked into the sea quietly. He said, “Boss, I know, I will be careful, what will happen in the front, I will pass it to you at any time. Boss."

In Sun Hao's knowledge, Xiao Zhang's body quickly turned into a transparent color of sea water, like a rapid stream, quietly and quickly and quickly to the front.

Two months later, Sun Hao’s heart spurred, and once again contacted Xiao Zhang, and saw the information from Xiao Zhang, his face could not help but sink, calling Zhizhi and Manchu Fox, after a while.

Sitting cross-legged in the cabin of Fengyun, I thought about it, and Sun Hao said in his heart: "Building a military brother, Shen Xiang has something to help."

In the air tower, the easy road lights are riding on a horror, running around, but the look on the face is not particularly cool, a constipated expression.

After listening to Sun Hao’s words, sitting on the head of the horror, he said casually: “What is it? Business or private affairs? Nothing to say about private affairs, Qingyun’s business, Shenxiang, don’t bother me, I’m bothering, violence. Fear that the baby has turned into a sheep again..."

Sun Hao said: "The Jianjun remembers not to bury the sky market? The matter of today is not important."

The easy road lights violently pulled a violent temper, and the violent erection rose upright.

Sitting on the back of the horror, Yi Lu lights up and said: "No, what? It's so important, you are not in a situation, have you not seen it for decades?"

"Building the military brother, please come out and speak." Sun Hao knows what to do and will take the light from the road.

After the road lights out of the tower, I looked around, then looked at Sun Hao, and enthusiastically greeted Xiaohao with a small fire on her shoulder. This said: "Agarwood, what is so urgent? What can I help?" Busy?"

Sun Hao looked at the intellectual idiot on the side, and then said: "Chi-Chi, you tell the army about the situation, and the situation at our eyes."

Zhizai puts a cloud exhibition: "Building a military brother, now we are in the far ocean of the South Sea, the reason is because of the mainland disaster..."

The more I heard the light, the more I was shocked, the more unbelievable in my eyes, and my mouth said: "Yes, I should have thought of it, I have to make friends with Shenxiang, there is no good thing, such a thing, I really can’t be alone, let’s say it. Agarwood, what do I need to do?"

Sun Hao touched the small fire on his shoulder, the look on his face was still peaceful, but the tone was relatively dignified and said: "Agarwood wants to go to the island of the soul, but the front is blocked by the magic disaster, the war is inevitable, now agarwood There are five top-class sea boats, and I want to ask the military brothers to preside over the overall situation.

The easy road lamp stayed for a while, then said very directly: "Jianjun was born on the western continent, but he has never seen the sea."

Sun Hao smiled and took a sip of tea.

Easy road lights touched his head: "Well, in order to catch the sea beasts, the army was really mixed at sea for a while."

With a wave of wisdom, a sandbox appeared in the cabin, and a few simple strokes appeared in the sand table: "Let's see, the sea in front should be the island of the souls that the elders said. And our current position is here, what is the state inside the island of the Soul, it is not known now, but on the periphery, there has been a huge magic cloud, as if it is an encirclement, surrounded by the island of the Soul..."

Sun Hao added: "The elders of St. Fox used to say that the island of the Soul is the core area of ​​the demon disaster, but the reality is far more severe than the imagination. Now we need to break through as soon as possible, cut through the encirclement, and see the soul of the soul. In the case of the island, then we need to go from this sea area to the Nandou Island. Among them, within the sea, within the sea, above the sea and the sea, covered with water, the needles can’t get in. Waiting for us will be a fierce battle..."

Yi Lu Denghuo asked: "How is the hyperthyroidism?"

Sun Hao said: "There is nothing more than Yi Lu lights to see the small fire of Sun Hao's shoulder, and then said: "Agarwood, you just said let the small fire fight with me, want to come, You should have another plan for yourself. ”

Sun Hao nodded and said: "I, the elders of the fox, and the intellectuals, do not want to wait for the soldiers to fight together in the early stage, but in the end, we should be divided into two ways, the ship continues to fight in the surrounding wars To alleviate the peripheral pressure of the island of the Soul, but Aquilaria will take them a few and go straight into the soul."

Yi Luguang ignited Sun Hao's side and then nodded: "Jianjun understands, if this is the case, then according to Shen Xiang's opinion, I am doing my best, but before that, Jianjun still has a private matter to follow. Shen Xiang, you discuss it."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "The army is not polite, please talk about it."

Yi Lu Deng's face is a positive color: "Agarwood, I want to preside over the Fengyun Sea, then you must need agarwood. You teach me a lot of arrays, many of which are the secrets of Aquilaria. Second, by chance, I have been agarwood. In the tower's room, I found some magical characters, and my heart is itchy. Can Aquilaria be a convenient door? Professor One or Two?" (To be continued.)

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