Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1248: Defensive attack

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse, and then said with a smile: "Well, since Aquilaria has let you preside over the ship's array, some of the arrays will naturally be given. As for the characters you said, this is really the secret of Aloes. It's really hard to teach you."

Sun Hao understands that the easy road lamp refers to the magical jade page gold book within the room.

After the first layer of the condensate empty tower was built, there were several jade pages in the magical interior of the tower, which were written with Sun Hao and were not recognized by the characters, but also the words with magical rules. This text, Sun Hao It is also found in thousands of words and can also correspond.

But the key issue is that even if he knows how to read it, Sun Hao can't read it. Even if he knows how to write it, Sun Hao can't write a stroke. The strange world power limits Sun Hao.

Therefore, for many years, the magical text of the jade page gold book, Sun Hao can only be shelved, can only see but can not learn.

Now, the easy road lights let Sun Hao teach him, and Sun Hao wants to teach.

Hearing Sun Hao’s statement, Yi Luguang said with regret: “Oh, this is the case, I should have thought of it. It’s so precious that it’s so precious, it’s really unbearable, I’m still thinking about it. What should I do to make this magical rune present in the world? It seems that only Aquilaria has a chance."

Sun Hao couldn’t help but move.

The monk in this world, to say that the runes are rumored, the light of the road that is invisible to the sect of the sect is more on his own. He can’t learn now, he can’t use the characters, maybe it’s just because the methods are not appropriate. Easy road lights to study and research, maybe there are some unexpected surprises.

Cough. Sun Hao said with a smile: "But Jianjun brother. Although said Shenxiang is limited to the rules of the door. Can not actively teach something, but you know, my pagoda is often not locked, I really want someone to go in, learn something, that ,non of my business……"

Easy road lights and eyes lit up, my heart was grateful. Speaking to Sun Hao slightly, "Building the army understands."

Sun Hao couldn't help but think of some past events in the burial sky market. He once again smiled and said: "Jade page gold book, fairy rune, I only emphasize one thing, pen power, pen power, pen power..."

Yi Lu Denghuo is even more grateful. I feel that this is Sun Hao pointed out the rune of the rune, and pointed out that the focus of the rune practice is the pen power, and said three times. It must be very important, and it is not to say that Sun Hao is grateful to Dade and said: "Thank you for the incense."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "I don't appreciate it. Remember one thing, make progress, leave notes at any time, maybe, I will leave something."

Easy road lights are also a spirit, the heart said, Aquilaria is to learn from the rhythm of the rune to the right medicine, but also a body: "Agarwood has a heart, there is a friend like Shenxiang, Jianjun is really a three-year repair The blessing comes."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Building the army, sharing the same feelings, and having a military brother and Sun Hao to climb the fairy road, it is really a joy in life."

Easy road lights burst into laughter.

Xiaohuo also said in the heart of Sun Hao: "Brother, you are so good, really derogatory to your friends, I admire you too much."

Sun Hao...

This matter has been finalized. Of course, the two are now only an agreement.

Easy road lights really want to start learning the characters, that is also after the sea battle. At present, the main thing to learn from the road lights is the various ship arrays that Sun Haobu set on the Fengyun.

There is a lot of connection between the world of monks and the roads of the monks. There are many connections between the roads and the roads. The roads of the sacred sects are not weak, but they have not been involved before. Under the guidance of Sun Hao, under the guidance of Sun Hao, his technique of martial arts has also advanced by leaps and bounds.

For more than two months, before Sun Hao met with Xiao Zhang and arrived at the disaster-stricken waters, the easy-street lights were swallowed up, and the various applications of the ship array on Fengyun were basically clarified.

With the learning of these applications, the feeling of the road is very deep and deep.

Sun Hao can say that he is very dedicated to his teaching, and he knows everything, and these profound and profound sea-ship battles, the powerful monk battles, if you don't learn, you really don't know the magic.

For the first time, I was very proud of the art of my own way. I felt the huge gap between myself and Sun Hao. My heart was also sighing. The longer I contacted Shen Xiang, how do I feel that the gap is getting bigger and bigger, and it’s really boring. .

After shipping for a few months on the South Sea, it is not possible to have a smooth sailing. During the period, I also met a few waves of sea beasts.

Especially after entering the distant sea, powerful sea beasts attacked the fleet, but these sea beasts were under the main battle of unsuccessful battles. The ship’s battle was struggling, killing on the sea and following Sun Hao, later generations called it The size of the "Agarwood Shenwei" sea boat, but took the opportunity to harvest a lot of unique cultivation resources.

Three months later, the Fengyun fleet slowly stopped on the sea.

All the monks appeared on the deck of the ship and looked at the front, and the heart was suppressed.

Sun Hao is also floating on the mast of Fengyun. As he stands around, he is standing on the left and right.

All the monks, including Sun Hao, did not speak, and some were only shocked in the heart, and there was a heavy feeling.

In front of the sea, a huge magical spirit is condensing and not distracting, and you can't see your head at a glance.

The magic is over the sea, and it is always a twilight sight.

What makes the monks more convinced is that the sea water in the front waters seems to be dyed as well, black as ink and no longer normal blue.

Sun Hao’s knowledge of the gods has been swept away, and it has been found that the sea is also full of magical power. It seems that it is also infected by magic.

The fleet was just quite stable. A pink octopus jumped from the sea and fell on Sun Hao’s shoulder. At the same time, Sun Hao’s heart also heard the voice of Xiao Zhang: “Boss, the sea ahead” All of them are demonized. The sea is full of monsters. It is difficult to fish in troubles without disturbing the monsters. I dare to spin around and not scream."

Looking at the front of the demon domain, Sun Hao said in his heart: "Small chapter, your care is right, the sea in front is shrouded in a magical array, and any non-magic objects that enter it will be discovered instantly, or will be demonized. Or, it will be instantly torn by many monsters."

Xiaozhang’s heart was slightly shocked, and then said: “Boss, it’s no wonder that after I got here, I have a feeling of trepidation. I don’t dare to act arbitrarily. It’s the case, then, boss, what do we do now?”

Sun Hao said in his heart: "Nature is the first to try the power of the magic array, the power of the magic."

Then, Sun Hao said: "You friends, Aquilaria is ready to lead the ship in person, to explore the magic array, do not want to be a brother, please be prepared, build a military brother, please pay attention to my sea boat tactical manipulation method..."

After that, Sun Hao screamed in the sky, and the light flashed under his feet. A real yuan was introduced into the Fengyun.

The Fengyun number shines in an instant, and Sun Hao knows how to take care of it. Under the sea, all the big and small ships have formed a huge ship array.

In the long whistle, the Fengyun was turned into a sharp array of ships, and the entire ship was turned into a cone, rushing into the magic.

In the ship's array, all the monks instantly produced a feeling that they and the whole ship were integrated into one another, as if they were fully integrated into the ship's array at this moment, and they became an inseparable part of the ship's formation.

The monks who once followed Sun Hao to expedition to Nanyang, one-eyed and three, and four of them, couldn't help but think of the Zhongyin years in Nanyang. They couldn't help but scream and cheer.

The cheers of "Agarwood, Aloes..." came out from the ship's array. decades, the monks on the ship have changed blood, and Sun Hao’s record has become a legend. The new generation of monks has no personal experience.

At this moment, more monks are actually fearful, so they rush into the magic, is it a bit rash?

You should not be dumped with magic objects.

In the line of sight, the magical vortex quickly approaches.

On the sea and the sky, under the surface of the sea, a variety of magical sea beasts with only two eyes and blood red, all of which have been dyed with ink, have found the Fengyun fleet, flooding like a flood.

The monk seemed to feel a loud bang, and a large number of monsters slammed into the Fengyun.

The boat swayed, and above the bow of Fengyun, a huge three-dimensional golden horn rushed out along the force of the ship.

The corner is over, the blood is flying, the minced meat is floating,

The sea battle is instantly hot. (To be continued.)

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