Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1283: 6 combined strength

(Three more chapters, on the list of combat power, has already rushed to the second place, you friends, Bo Yao is still the same sentence, everyone fights together, Bo Yao looks forward to your assists, rich to give points, tickets Recommend to the point, give a book review, please

The five minor monks have their own characteristics.

Miyazawa said that they are "rats chasing beauty, rogue and false", although a bit exaggerated, but also summed up their typical characteristics.

The three gods and the two emperors, after all, are only official titles, and this is the description of their personality.

Of course, these personalities are not visible to anyone, and will not be displayed in front of anyone.

Only when they meet, the way of doing things will be exposed. In fact, this is not a smart way of communication.

After the fat smashed the ghost and did not die, the five minor monks began to really discuss the business.

The Temple of God of War is shrouded in a mysterious light. What five people are talking about inside, even Sun Hao can't hear it.

However, from their expressions, sometimes it is a bit controversial, and they don’t even want to wear their sleeves several times.

The ghost does not die and squints.

The soul is not drunk, it seems to be confusing, but the final plan should still be taken out of the soul.

After a while, the sound of the fish was not so cold and it was uploaded from the Temple of God.

"After deliberation, we decided to use the Liuhe seal to lock the ground and stabilize the space, and use the power of Zhenwanlong to suppress the magical distance. Can you disagree?"

The big master of the ceremony was slightly wrinkled, and he said in his mouth: "But..."

Immediately shook his head and said: "There is no objection."

Sun Hao’s heart is also a little bit stunned. These two methods are not easy to do. only. The five minor monks have come up. Presumably there are some ways and means, I don’t have to think too much.

Other Xianban monks are estimated to have an idea with Sun Hao and have not raised any objections.

The fish did not stand up and said: "Well, since everyone has no opinions, then everyone will listen to it, Zhuang Yi, you lead a army. Bu Liuhe locks the sky in the north of the God of War, for my use; Master, you lead a department, the cloth six locks the sky in the war **** palace west, for the undead help..."

The fish is not alone, and the arrangement begins.

It is very difficult to arrange a six-in-one-season lockout. However, the five minor monks mobilize the power of all the monks and monks, but they should be able to complete them.

Even the monks who attended the class of Xianban. Most of them are called up and enter the various departments. Participated in the suppression of the Magic Yuan, among which Sun Hao’s friends, Suzaku, Long Yao and Jianjun, and other powerful backbones, even self-contained, led by Suzaku, Bu Liuhe locks the day in the Ares Palace The South assisted rat is not hungry.

Not only that, but the entire Wanshen Mountain also moved quickly. The monks returned to the team, prepared to take the battle, and cooperated with the five top powers to suppress the feat of the Mozu.

After most of the monks found their position, the fish did not smile and looked at Sun Hao and Gong Sirius. They whispered: "Sirius, Agarwood, please come up with both, and cooperate with us."

Sun Hao and Gong Tianwo looked at each other and saw the strangeness in each other's eyes, but they did not speak. They both stood up and flew to the battle hall.

When I was really standing on the Battle of the Soul, Sun Hao looked at the Quartet and could not help but feel a little shocked.

At this time, the Wanshen Mountain, towering high, flying high, suppressed in the black air rolling, the black mist filled the sea.

On the top of the Wanshen Mountain, thousands of monks stand by and are in good order, with high morale.

At this time, Sun Hao’s heart has a very intuitive feeling. This is the true elite of the mainland, the backbone of the mainland.

As long as these monks are still there, the Mozu will not succeed.

From these monks, Sun Hao realized the other meaning and responsibility of the immortal.

For the Terran, the cultivators are high above, and while they are proud of themselves, the cultivators should be the guardians of the entire Terran and the guardians of their homeland.

When the mainland is ruined, when the Terran is facing extinction, the monks of our generation will stand up and take on the responsibility of demon and demon, and the world will be haunted.

Sun Hao feels a little touched, and the fish is not alone. It has already begun to divide the work on behalf of the five minor monks.

The four parties add the next, for the six.

Liuhe, actually refers to the entire space.

According to the truth, presiding over the Liuhe array, it is best to have six monks, but now with the soul of the palace, together with Sun Hao, there are seven monks.

The arrangement of the fish is not so lonely, naturally it is slightly different from the ordinary Liuhe.

"Sirius, please come up, it is to let you assist, do not want to preside over the six-in-one position; and Aquilaria, please also preside over the sixth position of Liuhe."

Gong Tianwo and Sun Hao Qi Qi are a glimpse.

But I also understand that in an instant, the fish is not so arranged, fear is also a last resort, not a way.

Originally, the normal Liuhe array should be a single person who does not want to be in the lower position, and Gong Tianwo is sitting in the east, but now, if you don’t want to have problems, it’s very difficult to complete the task of closing the town below, and the power that can be stimulated may be even more It is not enough, naturally it can only help the Sirius.

The task of guarding the East falls on Sun Haoxiang, who is under the strength of Gong Tianwo.

Sun Hao is a bit heavy in his heart.

Liuhe closed the sky, and Sun Hao had also been involved in hunting.

The formation method is not unfamiliar, I believe that I can cooperate very well, but compared with other big monks on the scene, there is no doubt that Sun Hao's strength is weak, and at that time, it is afraid that it will drag the whole leg.

Obviously, the five minor monks also thought of this point long ago, and the soul did not drunk and nodded to Sun Hao: "Xiao Hao, as long as you try your best to achieve the basic layout requirements of the six-in-one lock, then this The big array can at least stabilize the space of the soul for six thousand years, but it is much better than the simple lock-up."

Sun Hao said with amazement: "The disciple understands, the teacher is assured, the disciple will do his best."

The fish did not stand up to Sun Hao and nodded. He said: "Please have your friends return home."

Sun Hao’s body swayed and sat down in the battle of the East Palace.

The soul is not drunk, it has appeared directly above.

God knows to go to the next sweep, Sun Hao found that his position, leading the way to assist himself, is full of fox, and intellectually, also naturally stood by his side.

Reaching out and touching the warm fur of the small fire, Sun Hao said in his heart: "Small fire, you will go down to the team and help the brothers to set up the law."

The small fire smashed two times on Sun Hao’s neck and said quickly: "Okay, brother, then you are careful, the fire goes down."

The small body leaped gently, and the small fire tumbling in the air, falling on the shoulders of Zhizai, screaming at the sacred fox.

In the eyes of the sacred fox, a golden light flashed, and then the attention shifted to the high-altitude fish.

The fish is not alone, fluttering, and the sleeves are swung, and the mouth is ordered: "Southeast and northwest, up and down Liuhe, work together, seal the sky, the friends, start..."

The monks who had already prepared for the Wanshen Mountain had walked in the same position and driven the real yuan into the big array.

In the instant, Sun Hao felt that under his own body, the monks of the Wanshen Mountain who had fought in battle seemed to have turned into a solid brick, which was connected by the real yuan and sealed into a wall. Extend yourself.

And his task is to bring this wall to the traction, and to form a close with the walls of other directions, and finally complete the six-season lock to form a stable space.

The master sergeant must be able to withstand the huge real yuan perfusion of the monks below, and be able to guide the real yuan in time to form a close, and turn it into a wall or cage.

Otherwise it will be a mistake.

Sun Hao did not dare to neglect, a light drink in his mouth, the whole body glittered, and the blue color flowed in the golden light.

The golden battle body was driven to the maximum with a perfect moment, welcoming the true yuan perfusion of the monks below.

A bang of The monk of the monk below almost came up at the same time.

The strength of the six-in-one master monk, at this moment, high judgment.

The soul is not drunk and does not move. If nothing happens, even the broom in the hand does not sway, no abnormality, and the performance is the most natural.

The fish are not alone, the ghosts are not dead, and the rats are not hungry and there are not many appearances, but the careful observation of Sun Hao still reveals that their clothes, at the moment of the real yuan perfusion, seem to be slightly raised by the breeze, performance It’s a little weaker than the soul.

Under the war, the palace Sirius and Yu did not want to sway and steadily stabilized their position.

Undoubtedly, the weakest performance is still Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s body trembled fiercely. There was a feeling that half of the buttocks were opened. As a last resort, Sun Hao was violent: “Give me a...”

The body was slammed and the real element was suppressed under the ass. Sun Hao finally stabilized his position and reached the most basic requirements. (To be continued.)

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