Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1284: Accidental agarwood

Sun Hao’s strength is slightly weaker, which is reasonable.

After all, the monks on the Battle of the Soul, in addition to Sun Hao, the other is itself the old Xianban.

Don't look at Gong Sirius is also the middle of Yuan Ying, but in fact, his mid-infant is the result of all sorts of suppression, he is only for the sake of his future practice.

And Sun Hao is a real rising star who has only risen in the last few hundred years. The grade is too small and young to be horrible. The current performance has already made people feel very surprised.

Yes, Sun Hao has stabilized his position. That is to say, Sun Hao has the basic conditions for the formation. Below, it depends on whether Sun Hao can pull the real wall and close it with other real-world walls. .

The entire process of the array is the greatest test for the monks.

It is not a fake to repair the strength.

The five minor monks did not choose Zhuang Yi to come up. In fact, they knew that Zhuang Yi would have been difficult to succeed.

Zhuang Yi himself knows, now, Zhuang Yi, who is located in the north, looks at Sun Hao in the air far away. He also thinks, can Aquilaria be able to do it? Does Aquilaria completely surpass itself?

Wait and see.

The huge real yuan can come from the ground.

These real elements can not be particularly violently constrained by the big array, but the real yuan itself has an incomparable impact, and there are signs that it will break out and cannot be restrained.

Sun Hao’s golden warfare was driven to the maximum, and he still could only survive the real yuan shock, but it was difficult to drive the real yuan under the guidance to reach the designated position of the big array.

Among the masters of the main squad, the most powerful thing is that the soul is not drunk. The real wall in front of him, gradually extending forward at a very constant speed, shows that he has a very steady manipulation of the real wall. force.

Almost, it is the combination of Gong Sirius and Yu. The speed of the real wall is slow and fast, and it has already rushed up from below. It appears that the control is insufficient and it is a bit ahead.

The most scientific and reasonable method of arranging the sky is to make the six positions go hand in hand, and finally round at the same time. To achieve a balance, this is the best.

However, because the strength is uneven, in fact, the current large-scale closure of the sky is likely to fall short.

Sun Hao’s real wall has not been able to guide it out, and Gong Sirius’s has already rushed out!

Sun Hao also perceives this situation, and his heart is also anxious. The body slammed into the air, and a virtual image of three heads and six arms swayed from behind. Suddenly, Sun Hao’s momentum rose.

The body sat firmly in the air, and Sun Hao knew the movement. The real wall that the monks gathered together was finally guided by Sun Hao, and the speed spread slowly to the middle.

In the air. The other big powers can't help.

Shen Xiang really did not expect, successfully exported the real wall, and overcome a difficult situation.

Below, as long as six people can effectively control their respective real wall. Can achieve a balance within the allowable range of speed, then, a large array can be expected.

Although everyone is in the main battle, but it is the power of some means, but also the eye of the winner.

The western ghosts don't die. A pair of dead gray eyes are fixedly watching the three heads and six arms behind Sun Hao. The mouth is sighing and sighing: "Qianlong Didong. Aquilaria, your stuff is actually a magical law?"

Without waiting for Sun Hao to answer his question, he changed his tone again: "The old man. The law and the heavens are the same as the gods. In the legend, the magical law appears, tall and powerful, and his power is infinite. Children, even if it is a magical law, I think it is also a baby embryo..."

Sun Hao smiled, did not speak, began to control the speed of the real wall of his imperial.

The rat is not hungry and said with disdain: "Don't eat grapes, you can say that the grapes are sour. If you have the ability to die, give me a look at the whole embryonic period?"

After the real yuan wall is guided out, the control of the real yuan can see the strength of everyone.

At this time, the real wall is not as fast as possible. It is precisely who can control the real wall to go the slowest, and the most unhurried, who is the strongest.

Undoubtedly, in the case of the situation of the Emperor of Heaven, the strength of the Soul Emperor is higher than everyone else.

The real wall that is not drunk is the most unhurried, and can be coordinated at any time to synchronize with other main warriors, the true yuan wall, and not bad.

The rats are not hungry, the ghosts are not dead, and the fish are not alone. The three people are not much different. They can also control the speed of the real wall and move slowly.

When Gong Sirius started, the control was not very good. He rushed forward a bit, but now it is basically stable, helping Yu to not gradually control the speed of the real wall.

The five major monks are actually most worried about Sun Hao’s real wall control.

Once Sun Hao’s real wall is too fast, or too irregular, and rushed up, their formation will fall short because they cannot balance effectively.

To this end, before the battle, Xianban monks even had an alternative plan, that is, the key moments are not drunk, and drive their own real wall in time, first to stabilize the real wall that Sun Hao may not be able to hold, then The real wall in other directions quickly came to meet.

However, this will be quite difficult, so the five minor monks are even prepared for repeated drills.

However, when Sun Hao’s real wall rushed out and began to control, the five minor monks said that they could not understand Sun Hao at all.

Sun Hao’s real wall control is only a little weaker than the soul.

At the moment when the real wall rushed out, Sun Hao had already firmly controlled his impact speed. Without going far, the real wall was very soft under the control of Sun Hao and began to slow down. Move slowly forward with a speed that is relatively close to other big monks.

The fish is not alone in the movement, slightly speeding up the speed of its real wall extension.

The other three monks also accelerated.

Sun Hao’s Zhenyuan Wall, without hesitation, is in full place, keeping up with the progress of the big monks, speed control, just right.

Soon, the fish did not find out, the true yuan wall in the six directions, reached the same horizontal line, and as long as everyone keeps the speed of travel, it can be more balanced, in this state in the middle.

Several big monks looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

There is no doubt that although the cultivation of Aquilaria is weaker, the manipulation of the true yuan is to say that the technique of refining the gods is quite unique.

In contrast, the six-sided real wall at high altitude is a weaker combination of Gong Sirius and Yu.

Gong Sirius naturally also saw the slight gaps in it. Looking at Sun Hao’s eyes, he was full of gratification, but he said in his heart: "Rely, it is stronger than Laozi’s control ability. This kid is progressing too fast. Now!"

Imagine that Sun Hao once suppressed his own magical pagoda. Gong Sirius suddenly had a very clear feeling. Perhaps it is not necessarily the right person to die with his own outstanding younger generation.

In six directions, the six-faced real wall, in accordance with the large-scale route of the lock-up of the sky, spread upward.

In the end, at the foot of the soul not drunk, a ball made up of six walls, a ball more than one foot in diameter, gradually formed.

In the original delusion, the weaker Sun Hao unexpectedly became stronger, even if the soul was not drunk, so that the formation of the big formation was easy to understand.

It was just the first time that the array was arranged. Unexpectedly, the big array of locks and locks was completely formed.

In the air, under the control of the monks, the six real walls were gradually twisted into a ball, slowly healed, and finally turned into a sealed ball hanging in the foot of the soul not drunk.

The soul is not drunk and turbid eyes open, the broom in the hand is placed on the ball A light drink in the mouth: "Strong, space stereotype, give me a go..."

Then, the broom gently waved, as if sweeping the ground, sweeping the real ball.

The ball of the real yuan disappeared instantly in the same place.

In the consciousness of Sun Hao, those abyss that are constantly coming out of the magical and black fog, seem to be caught in the moment by something, and began to shrink rapidly, Wanshou Mountain, with the power of this reduction , began to rumble, rumbling sinking.

On the Wanshen Mountain, thousands of monks rose up.

Every time the Wanshen Mountain sank, the monks burst into bursts of cheers.

Many monks thought in their minds that although the incense and adults were weak, they almost didn't stabilize, but they finally lived up to expectations and completed the big battle.

In fact, even the master of Zhuang Dachang, who is fascinated by Sun Hao, does not know that at the last moment of the completion of the big battle, Sun Hao’s real power of the wall has been only slightly weaker than the soul, even more than The other top monks, really let a few top talents look at each other. (To be continued.)

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