Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1289: Agarwood

Next, around the how to repair the four poles and four pillars and crack the Mozu disaster, the monks began a discussion. ≧>≥网

There is information in the memory of Luo Mei, everyone has a basis for discussion, and gradually formed a more unified opinion, but the Mozu is brewing for many years, the conditions are so harsh, and the Mozu is willing to pay for the four devils. The price to complete this method.

It is very difficult to completely break this law.

Big 6 monks will still have significant losses.

The first point of cracking this law is to cut off the power of attacking the four pillars, and this world should be sooner rather than later.

How to cut off?

The result of everyone's deliberation is that it is still blocked by force.

It is difficult to implement.

This blockade needs to be blocked. It is the power of conduction in the demon domain. Therefore, it is necessary for the bandage monk to follow the Wanshen Mountain to reach the bottom of the magical spirits and cut off the guiding force.

The final result, most likely, together with the four devils, the bandage monks are blocked under the Wanshen Mountain.

To say that the good point is to break the force of attacking the four pillars, saying that it is difficult to hear, in fact, it is equivalent to the four devils.

This is only the first step.

After the truncation, the Big Six monks also need to clear the Quartet and repair the damaged four columns. The difficulty is not small.

After analyzing the method of cracking, the seven monks were silent.

So, how should the seven monks divide?

The fish did not stand alone and said: "I am not alone for thousands of years, lonely for thousands of years, but this time I am not willing to act alone. I am willing to go deep into the bottom of the soul, and follow the Taoist friends to block the four great devils."

Seven monks need six blocks to the four devils, but at least they have to leave a four-post to repair the overall situation.

There is no doubt that one of the possibilities left is truly safe, and the monks who blocked the four great devils are likely to never return, and truly fall under the mountains.

The fish did not stand alone, and the original intention was to block the devil.

The soul nodded and nodded, whispered: "Although it is very unwilling to do this, but the reality does not allow us to escape, the four great devils can be so sacrificed, we naturally can not be vague, let alone ..."

"To Sun Hao", the soul is not drunk and said: "Under the blockade of the four great devils, although nine lives, but not the opportunity for you, how many years before everyone stuck in the gods, now the soul of the mountain, the space is unstable, but it is relative It's easier to break through the gods. Once someone breaks through us, maybe we can get out of trouble."

Ghosts are not dead, the gray eyes are bright, and they say: "There is, even, the old confused and reasonable, suppressing the devil, I am not a dead."

The rat does not hungry and looks at the fish. He said slowly: "Small fish, you have been hiding in this seat for hundreds of years, but this time you can't hide it, it is also a copy of me."

Yu does not want to whisper: "I don't want a lifetime, the greatest desire, the greatest pursuit is to turn the gods, this opportunity, but it is not to be missed."

On-site monks, the only ones who are far away from the gods, are Sun Hao and Gong Sirius. Moreover, the five minor monks think that it is their responsibility to block the world. Naturally, they will not be shirked. In fact, they really need to choose, or Gong Tian. Wolf and Sun Hao.

Gong Sirius first spoke: "I am the most troublesome bearer and responsible, so I would rather stay in Wanshenshan to suppress the demon, and I don't want to manage the messy things on the Big 6 and count me."

Sun Hao opened his mouth and was about to speak. The soul didn't get drunk and reached out. He interrupted Sun Hao and said slowly: "So, in the end, it is still Aquilaria, you stay, presume to repair the big six four columns, and at the same time preside over the fairy class things. ""

Sun Hao glimpsed a little, and quickly said: "Old ancestors, Xiaohao is also willing to go to the Wanshen Mountain to block the devil."

The soul is not drunk and shakes his head slightly: "You are not suitable for Xiaohao. First, our cultivation has accumulated for many years. It is only a chance to break through to the gods. It is both a crisis and a chance." You are a real distance from the gods. Even if you insist on the realm of the gods, maybe we have fallen, so you are not suitable..."

The soul is not drunk at this time, the speech is completely unconcealed, clear and reasonable: "Second, the monks left are not easy, as Sirius said, he needs to preside over the overall situation of the Xianban, you need to lead the Qing dynasty, need Presiding over the repair of the four pillars, but also must be a wise and awkward generation, looking at my big 6 battle situation, it is really agarwood you leave more suitable."

Ghosts are not dead, and the voice of the old man reappears: "I said kid, you don't want to be tempted. Let's be honest, let's be so embarrassed that you will grab the place left with you, and that is, his mother, You stay, it is the big 6 real hope..."

Sun Hao gave a slight glance and glanced at the palace Sirius.

The ghost is not dead, but it is replaced by the voice of the old corpse: "You guessed it well. In the middle, there is a chance for the little boy to stay. I thought that he would argue with you according to his selfish selfish style. I argued, but I didn’t expect him to be such a bachelor. It’s like a big deal.”

Gong Sirius disdainfully said: "I always pay attention to the overall situation, Laozi's realm, you don't understand."

Sun Hao did understand why Palace Sirius chose so much. He couldn’t help but swear to him. His mouth was preparing to speak. In the ear, he heard the voice of Gong Sirius: "Don’t break it, Lao Tzu wants to make this dead ghost dead. ghost."

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse, and after screaming, Lang said: "Agarwood thank you for your love of the predecessors. If so, Shen Xiang would be more respectful than death, then stay."

The soul didn't get drunk and nodded, and the wrist was shocked. A white jade card appeared in the hand, and the hand was flickered. The jade card flew to Sun Hao: "Xiao Hao, this is the immortal, it is the symbol of Xianban, you collect well. In the future, the Xianban will be yours."

The jade card fell gently on the hand, and Sun Hao felt warm and silky. At the same time, he felt his shoulders and added a heavy responsibility.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Hao said slowly: "Xiao Hao knows that the master is assured, and the predecessors are assured that Sun Hao will inherit your will, your spirit will be inherited from generation to generation, and that the human race will last forever."

The soul is not drunk and nodded slightly: "What to do in the future, you can do it yourself. Now that the official business is over, I still have a private matter to explain, saying that Xiaohao, my baby daughter has been waiting for you for hundreds of years. This matter, I have really been in a hurry in the past, but now it is not done. I have to go down and block the devil. You can see if this can be done, or let me..."

If the soul is not drunk, the words are not finished. The ghost does not scream and screams: "Right right, think of it, think of it, I have two hoes in the Temple of the King, and I have waited for you for more than a hundred years. This is not done properly. I am dead!"

The soul is not drunk and squints.

The fish did not smile, whispered: "I am a snow sacred lord, it seems to be a fragrant confidante, oh, even the proposal of the lord of the heavens is rejected, agarwood, you have to give a letter! ”

Sun Hao...

Gong Tianwo's forehead is a little sweaty Fortunately, he did not announce the relationship with Sun Hao, or else, these forced marriage guys have to come to themselves!

The soul is not drunk, coughing gently, holding a broom, and said: "Remember that my immortal order has a veto power. You should not force me to move thick. I can use the immortal order to give you all the words you just said. ......"

"Old confused, you dare", I have never spoken, I don't want to talk: "I remember that my Emperor seems to have a certain affirmation. If you want to decide their proposal, then I will definitely cancel it..."

The ghost did not die and shouted: "Old hooligans, you finally said a sentence, doing something!"

The voice of the old man said: "There is not a temple in the Temple of Heaven who is entangled with Aquilaria. He does not blame the mud..."

The rats did not hungry and glanced at the small fire in the monk camp. They shouted in their mouths: "You, everyone, I can’t say anything, today’s situation, Aquilaria holding an immortal, I’m afraid it’s a squad of any power. Yeah is not good, or it will not be recruited, or it will be all recruited, even my demon mountain has to recruit one, or else, my demon mountain status is not guaranteed, so I think, this thing still let agarwood It’s better to handle it yourself...” (To be continued.) 8

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