Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1290: Agarwood 1 promise (2)

The soul is not drunk, but I really didn't think of this embarrassment. He really only wanted a happy life for his daughter, but who knows that there is such a ridiculous scene.

Leisurely sigh, the soul is not drunk and gently said: "Poor parents in the world, that Xiaohao, this matter you take your own ideas."

Sun Hao said slightly, whispered: "The teacher is assured, the agarwood will handle it well!"

When Li Qi got up, Sun Hao looked at these four great devils who were about to go to the magic town. They didn't know whether they could finally get a new life. In their hands, there was a scented sword, and the sword was arched with both hands. The solemnity of the opening, slowly opening, said in a voice: "You seniors, Aquilaria is here, there is a promise..."

Sun Hao’s voice is low and solemn. From his voice, several monks can hear the firm determination and confidence: “Agarwood promises that as long as I am alive, I will do my best to pass on the will of the adults and protect the mainland. The guardian of the human race, the sun and the moon as evidence, the sky can be learned."

On the incense sword, it made a whisper, as if it was responding to Sun Hao.

Five little monks looked at each other and their eyes showed a gratifying expression.

Yu does not want to whisper: "If you don't want to be late, let's get started soon."

The soul did not get drunk and nodded: "You are ready, I will give a sigh, we will start a big battle and sink into the bottom of the soul."

Other monks nodded, and their bodies lit up with various colors: ▽长∷▽▽风∷▽文∷▽华.

Sun Hao has a single knee and half a squat in the air.

The sound of the soul is not drunk, piercing the big array of Feng Tian lock, resounding through the mountains of Wanshou and the surrounding waters: "To ensure the stability of the space around the Wanshen Mountain, this seat and the desire, not hungry, not alone, not dead still There will be Sirius who will guard the Wanshen Mountain for more than 100 years. During this period, the mainland is the devil's thing. The act of Xianban Dayi, respecting my soul and the Lord, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang..."

When respecting my soul, I am a master, Sun Haosun, Shen Xiang...

When respecting my soul, I am a master, Sun Haosun, Shen Xiang...

The clear voice echoed over the sea for a long time.

On the Wanshen Mountain, the monks did not know that the five monks were probably the strong men who never returned. At this moment, they shouted loudly: "Agarwood. Aloes..."

The battle of the soul of the soul of the island is continuous, and the soul of the soul, Sun Hao, Sun Shenxiang, has risen from the smoke of the war, and has been recognized by the Wanshou Mountain. It has also been recognized by the monks of Xianban.

Now that Sun Hao is temporarily hosting the overall situation of Xianban, no one has any objections. Everyone cheers.

The five minor monks can feel the support of the monks from the upper and lower spirits to the aloes. They look at each other and see the gratification in each other's eyes.

A new generation of old people for old people, the waves of the Yangtze River push forward waves, a wave is higher than a wave.

perhaps. The era of the five minor monks is about to pass, and the age of agarwood is coming.

I waited for someone to go to suppress the magic. It is the shift.

At last glance, the six monks were shocked by the body, and the air came out of the palm, forming a shape of a six-pointed star.

The six monks also quickly took Sun Hao as the core and quickly rotated.

The speed is getting faster and faster. At the end, I can't distinguish the shape of the monk, only seeing a rotating circle.

After the speed reached its limit, it suddenly stopped, and the six-pointed star in the air disappeared together with the rotating monk.

Only Sun Hao was left, standing high in the air.

On the Battle of the Soul, six streams of light are like six thin lines, quickly rushing into the Wanshen Mountain, and rushing down the Wanshen Mountain.

Sun Hao said in the air on one knee, and said with aloud: "Give me all the ancestors, I hope that your ancestors will suppress the magic Yuan as soon as possible and return soon."

The monks of the Wanshen Mountain did not know that the hopes of the ancestors came back very much, and they still cheered loudly with morale: "Give me the ancestors and congratulate the ancestors..."

Six meteors fell quickly.

It quickly disappeared into the body of the Wanshen.

After the tea martial arts, the Wanshen Mountain trembled fiercely, as if there was a huge force that was constantly impacting the mountain, and it seemed to break through the mountains.

Above the sky, Sun Hao’s hand flashed a singer, and his mouth screamed: “Zhuang Dianzhu, please come up and talk...”

Zhuang Yi flew up and faced Sun Hao with a slight sigh, and said with aloud: "I have seen Shen Xiang adults."

Sun Hao said quickly: "The space needs to be up and down together. Zhuang Dianzhu, you are the main general. The six monks who are excluded from the Grand Masters of the squadron will continue to set up on the Battle of the Soul, and defend for more than ten years. Can you do it? ”

Zhuang Yi said loudly: "The adults are assured that Zhuang Yi will firmly guard the Palace of War."

Sun Hao nodded: "Well, it is not too late, Zhuang Dianzhu, you are starting to deploy."

Zhuang Yi also said to Sun Hao: "Good," and then said to the following voice: "I am an adult, please come up."

Sun Hao smiled and nodded to the monks of Xianban, and then looked at the Grand Master of the ceremony. He smiled and said: "The Grand Master of the ceremonies, please speak up."

The great master of the squadron felt very touched in his heart, and his heart was also very lucky. Fortunately, he did not offend Shenxiang too much in the past, and he handled it at a crucial moment. Otherwise, his life would not be too good.

Standing in front of Sun Hao, the grandmaster of the dynasty said: "The squad has seen Shenxiang adults."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "The Grand Master of the Array, Aquila has a crucial task for you here."

The spirit of the Grand Master of the dynasty spurred, and said, "Please ask the adults."

Sun Hao’s wrists rose and a map appeared in his hand: “On the top, a few transmission arrays are marked, and the agarwood also marks the repair order. Also ask the Grand Master to lead the rest of the Xianban colleagues, and go to repair, the sooner The better, after the repair, I will tell you in time, I will go through the transmission array and go to the mainland to clear the disaster."

The great master of the dynasty knew the importance of the matter. He couldn’t help but take over the map of Sun Hao’s hand. He said with aloud: “The adults are assured that the array will go all out, the first transmission point, the phalanx to remove the hurry, and strive for one month. Repair within."

Sun Hao smiled and nodded: "Well, hard master."

The grandmaster of the dynasty laughed: "Yes, it should be, thank you for the incense, not to mention the suspicion, the code must be personally hand-in-hand, never let down the incense, I went."

Sun Hao gave a slight confession to the great master of the rapid organization to repair and repair. After watching him leave, he said with aloud: "Single Lord, Master of Selection, Elder of the Holy Fox... Please come up..."

The four halls of the Hall of the Soul and the elders who held the important positions flew up, and Qi Qi gave a gift to Sun Hao: "I have seen Shen Xiang adults."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "You don't have to be so cautious, call me Xiaohao, or agarwood."

Everyone in the Hall of the Souls looked at each other. The owner of the single hall said respectfully: "The adults preside over the Xianban, sitting in the soul of the soul, but I can't be rude, or called Shenxiang adults!"

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Then follow you, you are now dominated by the single lord, other people cooperate, organize the power as soon as possible, thoroughly clean up the Mozu linger in the sea of ​​thousands of souls, use practical means to clean up the magic The tribes hidden in my family, can you do that?"

The single lord said with a slight sigh: "Please rest assured that we will do our best to put them in place."

Sun Hao nodded and said: "Right, the four spirits and the monks do not arrange tasks, they want to join me in the mainland, and there are important tasks."

The single prince heard that Sun Hao was going to take the squad out to perform the task. He couldn’t help but blink his eyes and smiled and said: "Understood, understand, I hope that Shen Xiang adults will succeed, and the mainland will be restored..."

Sun Hao thought of the damaged four pillars of the mainland, and then looked at the four spirits that stood upright. The heart suddenly burst into a whim. In the midst of it, there were many unreasonable feelings, and he could not help but sigh and said: I hope everything goes well!"

The single lord was slightly surprised and asked: "Agarwood, is there anything wrong?"

Sun Hao shook his head: "I just thought of some other things, right. When you are in charge of the single house, you must be very careful when you check it out. Don't be left behind by the real Mozu seeds. One more magic species. There are many unpredictable similar endless troubles."

The spirit of the single lord replied in awe-inspiring way: "Understood, the agarwood is relieved, we will be cautious."

Sun Hao smiled and nodded, looking at the direction of Suzaku, Wang Yuan and others. (To be continued.)

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