Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1291: Wang Qiong Status

Wanshen Mountain flew away.

On the site of the Wanshou Mountain, there was a huge island.

The island is guarded between the islands of the Souls, the true core of the island of the Soul.

There are still many deacons in the Hall of the Soul, and the Mozu has been trying to completely uproot the resident of Wanshen Mountain. Therefore, near the Wanshen Mountain, the war has been constant for more than a decade, especially the Wanshou Mountain. The five major islands in the area are said to be even more powerful.

Today, in the resident of Wanshen Mountain, after flying away in Wanshen Mountain, a large number of empty islands have appeared.

Ten years later, with the gradual fall of the front line of the Soul of the Soul, the monks of the Soul of the Souls began to migrate inward on a large scale, and some of the families or monks who could find many relationships began to enter the Fortune Island.

There are many people in the island of the Soul, and there is nowhere to go in the treacherous disaster. The deacon of the Wanshen Mountain can only gradually open the Wanshou Island.

In ten years, most of the places in the Wanshoukong Island were filled with monks, and even the mortals of the monk family came along.

Wang Qiong was fortunate enough to live in a member of Wanshou Island.

The soul of the island is stronger than the island, and it is the real core of the island of the soul. It can really be a great blessing.

Wang Qiong’s time to live was earlier. Basically, it didn’t take long for the demon disaster to erupt, and she lived in, even several years before the rest of the island.

Therefore, Wang Qiong’s location and living environment are quite good.

After more and more monks on the island of Wanshou, in order to facilitate management and differentiation, according to the distance of the island from the core area, the monks divided the Wanshou Island into the inner three rings and the outer three rings.

The core area is naturally only the monks of the Wanshen Temple can enter and exit, and it is also the important place for the Wanshen Temple to stay in the task of setting up the monks.

The inner three rings are the only ones that have a certain degree of strength. And the family monks who have some relationship with the Souls Hall can live, but it is the true symbol of the cultivation and strength of the island of the Soul.

At that time, when Wang Qiong entered the island of Wanshou, in order to be quiet, she used to be ordinary, and chose a region farther away from the core.

At that time, there was no division of the inner and outer three rings of Wanshou Island.

later. After the artificial division, Wang Qiong’s independent courtyard entered the inner ring, which happened to be the third ring, which was more external.

Just this place. The location is very good, a large courtyard, there is also an inland small lake on the island. To be honest, the location here is only in terms of the living environment, and even more than the inside.

and. Wang Qiong entered the time early, so the site that was given to her would be wider.

In the independent courtyard, a farmland is drawn into the boss, and there is a large vegetable garden. Wang Qiong can rely on farmland and vegetable gardens to be self-sufficient.

To be honest, many of the monks and mortals who came in later came to see Wang Qiong’s large yard, and the lake next to the big yard, as if they were also under the name of Wang Qiong.


However, there is no simple one that can live in the inner ring.

No one can understand the details of Wang Qiong. Wang Qiong alone has occupied such a large territory. No one is blaming behind.

In the first few years, although I was envious, I was still safe. No one dares to cross the border at will.

Later, everyone also heard about it. The little girl seems to have something to do with the dragon battle.

However, the family of the Dragon Warrior lived in the fourth ring, and the reason why she was able to live in the third ring happened to be because she came very early.

With the status of Long Yao, his family is indeed eligible to live in the Third Ring Road. In the light of the reasons why everyone is temporarily living, it is still safe.

However, with the great victory of Sun Hao’s soul-stricken island, the Fire Island is awesome.

After the recovery of the island of the Souls, the situation began to change.

The news of the Deacon's Deacon Hall shows that the Wanshen Mountain has already flown away and will not come back, but the Real Estate of the Soul is really likely to become a huge island for the monks to live.

The gossip shows that as long as they are willing to stay on the island, they should basically maintain the current living pattern.

When the gossip came out, the situation was completely different.

The spiritual concentration of the soul of the island, the cultivation resources are extremely beneficial to the family development, and on the island, there is the deacon organization of the Wanshen Hall. The so-called near-water tower has the first month, and the family children will definitely have a shortcut in the future.

Suddenly, how to stay in Wanshou Island and occupy a good site has become a passionate pursuit of the various monk families.

One round is more than identity, and the most important thing is to start with a big match in the background.

Instead of the Hall of Fantastic Hall, the size of the soul on the island began to rank itself.

Rows and rows, and finally found Wang Qiong became a different kind.

Wang Qiong is just a person, never arguing with others, so he rarely participates in the activities of the monk family, nor does he know that the monk family is deciding himself to determine his position.

However, the location of Wang Qiong’s occupation is quite good, and the resources and sites are also very eye-popping. Therefore, there are many families who started to play Wang Qiong’s idea.

And Wang Qiong’s practice of dissatisfying them is the breakthrough point of their shots.

A few days ago, the gossip showed that Wanshen Mountain had already suppressed the Magic Yuan, and the site of Wanshou Island was about to begin to be demarcated.

Several families finally couldn’t sit still, gathered together, found Wang Qiong’s front yard and knocked Wang Qiong’s courtyard door.

Of course, because of the relationship between Wang Qiong and Long Hao, these families did not want to do too much, but they kept the basic courtesy.

Four or five family representatives walked into Wang Qiong's compound, standing in front of Wang Qiong, from the small fishing village, Wang Qiong, who rarely dealt with monks, was a bit cautious.

More than 20 children, also widened their eyes, stood behind Wang Qiong a little panic, clinging to Wang Qiong tightly, looking at the family representatives.

"Wang girl", talking to a female monk, the tone is as soft as possible: "I am the fourth ring, the late home, the late rain, the family ancestor, Chi Kang, is the deputy of the soul, this time, a little thing to think Negotiating with the Wang girl."

Wang Qiong is still the same, looks ordinary, not tall, slightly fat, and reveals a pair of big front teeth when he speaks. The only thing that doesn't change is her grade, it still looks small.

The fishermen of Wangcun knew her well and would let her younger generation call her "Wang Po", but these families did not know.

After the rain was just finished, I didn’t wait for Wang Qiong to speak. A thin male repairman had already said: “Small girl, I just said, you have done something too much, we said that it is very unhappy, I hope to communicate. communication……"

The voice of the male repair is sharp, and the tone and attitude are not very good.

The children leaned against Wang Qiong a little in horror.

Wang Qiong took a deep breath and held the child. The little fat hand and arm were a little shaken, but finally he still had the courage: "What is wrong with Wang Qiong, please ask the teacher."

There is a gentle smile on the face of Qiu Yufeng: "Wang girl, this is Luo family, his family is the master of the spirit of the temple, but the big family living in the third ring, his attitude, representative The attitude of many monks in the inner ring, Wang girl, you really have some places to do too much, and it is no wonder that they are angry."

For so long, Wang Qiong has rarely taken the initiative to contact other monks, but he also understands that the inner ring is the real fairy and powerful.

I can't afford to be offended, and I can't find trouble for my older brother and my second brother.

Therefore, Wang Qiong's body trembled a little, and said with a sincere and sincere fear: "Yu Chi Xiangu, Qiong Er, I have always been careful, I dare not cause trouble, in the end, there is something wrong, please also make it clear that Qionger will restrain itself and correct it... ”

"Wang girl", Yu Chi Yufeng smiled, such as Mu Chunfeng said: "You have to know that the inner ring is the real fairy land, the concentration of aura, cultivation resources, each one is precious, originally, Wang The girl you live in the inner ring, it is slightly inappropriate..."

The Luo family’s representative snorted and stood up. Next to him, a middle-aged man said: “But you are the family of the dragons, our ancestors and the dragons are also the ministers of the same hall. Everyone looks up and sees you. You occupy such a large territory, we can also endure but Wang girl..."

When Yu Chi Yufeng took over the middle-aged man, he said with a strong heart: "But Wang girl, you shouldn’t have to do anything. You have kept so many little guys. These little guys are lively and cute, but they are all mortal, in the third. The ring is a serious waste, but it is often shouted, and there are no rules, which greatly interferes with the cultivation environment of the inner ring, so that the families of the inner ring are complaining..."

Although he rarely went out to Wangcun and had never seen anything in the world, Wang Qiong was a man who had lived for a long time. After almost the words of Yu Yuyu, Wang Qiong had already understood what was going on.

Very simple, many families believe that her identity, her strength is not enough to occupy such a large site.

In fact, she used to be shocked by this huge yard. Later, when the Wanshen Island site became more and more valuable, she once worried that someone would drive away.

Unexpectedly, there was no accident at the time, but now someone is dissatisfied with the enjoyment of such treatment.

There is a bitter bitterness on his face. Wang Qiong whispered softly: "Yu Chi Xiangu, I don't know what Qionger should do, as long as your plan is reasonable, Qiong Er intended to cooperate." (To be continued.)

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