Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1325: Berlin general

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In the middle of the night, Sun Hao four people are not fast or slow, and walk along the street.

The people on both sides of the street looked at the dresses and qi of the four people a little, but they knew that these four should be the singers.

What is only confusing to them is that the Xianshi and the Xianjia temperament of Xiangyang City are slightly different.

After appearing, not far away, Sun Hao met the patrolling soldiers, stopped four people, began to check.

The soldiers patrolling in Xiangyang City are all monks, and the ones who led the team were repaired to achieve the great completion of the foundation, and the rest were all base-building warriors.

The monk who led the team was slightly swept over Sun Hao and others, and was suddenly photographed by the four people's deep and imposing manners. They dared not sneer and said: "Liao step can see the predecessors, I don't know where the predecessors came from, for what?"

Sun Hao looks at Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan will come forward unexpectedly and screamed: "The island of the souls, the dragon will be Wang Yuan, especially to help the East China, and also ask the brothers to lead the way, I need to see your resident generals in Xiangyang City."

The island of the souls? Dragon will?

Liao Buke’s face was awkward, and he was completely stranger to these things.

Sun Hao instantly understood, his face smiled slightly and said: "The South China Qingyunmen, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, want to see you in the Fuyang City stationed generals, please please."

South China Qingyunmen!

This is a good understanding.

Liao Bu can quickly understand it, and his spirit has been shaken. He said: "It turned out to be a friend of the Southland. Welcome, welcome..."

Wang Yuan looked at Shan Yu and Zhu Ling, shrugged his shoulders and waved his hands. He was quite speechless. Sometimes, the powerful ones may not be applicable.

Sun Hao said with a smile: "The Taoist friend is polite."

Liao Buke then asked at this time: "That, Shen Xiangdao friends, can you tell me, how did you get into the city? Also, is there anything important to find our generals? Sorry, responsibility, I need Know some of your basics."

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse and realized it in an instant.

The Eastern Continent is the dynasty system, the army is regulated, and the monks have a strict military education while repairing liàn, but the work is much more rigorous than the South China.

This patrol monk is also quite responsible.

Smiled, Sun Hao said indifferently: "We naturally walked in like this. Also, I am looking for you generals. What you have to ask is not what you should know. You pass my original words into you. If you don’t see me, it’s up to you to decide.”

Liao Buke stayed for a while and nodded and said: "In this case, please ask several predecessors not to walk around, I will report it, how to deal with it, you should know the result soon."

Sun Hao slightly handed his hand: "It’s a trouble."

Liao Bu can take out a pen, a piece of paper, and quickly write a few lines of words, calling a monk a few words.

The monk nodded and flew away.

The little monk is not qualified to see the general.

In Sun Hao’s knowledge, the information quickly turned a few times and finally appeared in the hands of a Jindan real person.

After Jin Danzhen received the information, the gods quickly probed into the direction of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s knowledge was slightly moved, and Jin Dan’s real person suddenly slammed, his ears creaked and his eyes sparkled.

The heart was shocked, Jin Dan real people did not dare to neglect, flew away, and quickly flew into a small ordinary courtyard into the qù.

Sun Hao’s knowledge of the gods followed and flew into the qù.

Among the yards, there were several monks who were not weak at the ceremony. At the beginning of the ceremony, they were a refined and elegant monk. After the Jindan monk came in, he said: "General Berlin, two men and two suddenly appeared in the city of Xiangyang. The woman claimed to be the monk of Qingyunmen in the southern continent. Seeking the generals, visiting the gods, and suspecting the true power of the king, how to deal with it, and the generals clearly show..."

The general of Berlin heard a slight glimpse of it and thought about the time. He suddenly said to the air: "Since the friend of the road is coming to my city, please come to the city."

On the street, Sun Hao and a few companions looked at each other and smiled.

If the Berlin general is not amazing, then it is very strong judgment.

The body shook a little, and the four people disappeared in the same place.

The patrolling monks were shocked, and Liao Bu was able to react quickly. Shen Sheng said: "That is the power of Yuan Ying Zhen Jun, we can't manage it, let's go, brothers, we continue to patrol."

The patrolling monks settled down, and one of them said: "A young and beautiful man is a great man. I thought it was just a few younger brothers and sisters..."

Among the small yards, Sun Hao appeared with his three companions and stood under the roof of the courtyard. Sun Hao said to him inside: "The South China Qingyunmen, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, met the general of Berlin, see Have a good friend."

The four real monarchs were able to appear in a teleport, and the atmosphere was slightly tight in the small yard.

General Berlin smiled slightly and said, "The four great men are the dragons among the people. The heavens are full and full of integrity, but they are my true human elite, please inside."

The general of Berlin’s evaluation of Sun Hao’s four people suddenly made the atmosphere in the yard a loose one. The three were also the decorators of Zhenjun. A true monarchy decorator shook hands: “Please.”

Separate the guest to sit down, a few simple words, Sun Hao is not nonsense, straightforwardly expressed his intentions, I hope that the generals of Berlin can introduce some information on the eastern continent.

Berlin smiled and asked a lot of information about the South China continent. I learned that the Southern China's catastrophe is still serious. When the three monks of the Terran were opposed, they could not help but wonder a little. They said that Sun Hao had a little bit of trouble from the South China to the east. .

Sun Hao judged that the Berlin general was really a very intelligent person. Unfortunately, he did not particularly trust himself.

After a long conversation, Sun Hao discovered that the information he had received was a trivial matter. The general of Berlin seemed to be understated and talked about it, but he was very old and evasive, so he could not grasp the key points.

However, Sun Hao was dumbfounded and found that he was instead put a lot of intelligence out.

No, I met a master.

Sun Hao patiently and with the Berlin generals grinding a little bit, hoping to find out the information they need, Wang Yuan was impatient, and said: "Berlin general, can we not circle? Aquilaria leads the team Come, the purpose is to help the East China solve the problem. What are the benefits of this wave? You should not just say no, can you give practical information?"

The general of Berlin smiled and did not speak.

He headed down, an armored general who stood up and said proudly: "Daoyou, can't say that, the generals of Berlin guarded the sun, killing countless monsters, and the demon warriors were killed more than 10,000 people. What is your rating?"

Another pretending general took a sip of tea and said slowly: "Moreover, your four juniors are suspicious, and why do we give you information?"

Wang Yuanxiao smiled and said: "There are more than 10,000 warriors in the Devils? Is it a very good record? I..."

Sun Hao raised his hand and interrupted Wang Yuan’s words. He said that “the Berlin generals loved the people like a child, and the generals were all freed to let the poor live, to guard the people’s comfort, and Shen Xiang really admire.”

The general of Berlin smiled and said: "Agarwood has a reputation, but Berlin should do its duty."

Sun Hao nodded: "The repair is different, the position is different, the responsibilities and obligations are different. Agarwood today, dare not say that his responsibilities are multiple, but also ask the generals of Berlin to tell some information about the East China, and Aquilaria needs to fulfill some of its own. The duties that should be fulfilled, perhaps, some of the information needs to be kept secret with the generals. Some things of Aquilaria are not easy to tell. You can see that this is good. The Berlin generals will, as far as possible, say something to Shen Xiang, others. Agarwood is no longer strong."

The general of Berlin is like a Looking at Sun Hao, after a long ringing, slowly said: "Berlin has a disciple, a famous auspicious, and a burial of the market, Berlin has the honor to see the heroes, once in On the top of this book, I found some attention to Sun Shenxiang, I don’t know this incense..."

Sun Hao’s body was slightly shocked and said: “After the incense, the old brothers used to accompany the Xiangwu brothers to bury the Tianzheng, and they cherish each other. Unfortunately, the final Xiangwu brother’s hand of the ancient devil Luo Er’s life should be a lifelong regret for Shenxiang. When you meet the aunt of Xiangwu, please accept me."

Wang Yuan, Zhu Ling and Shan Yu looked at each other and also said to the general of Berlin: "The funeral ruins of the ruins of the monks, the scorpions, the mermaid and the mermaid have seen the generals of Berlin."

The general of Berlin gave a slight glimpse: "It turned out that it was the old burial of the sky, Yingjie, good, good, since that is, Shen Xiang, please come with me..."

"General," a monk called: "They..."

Berlin laughed: "They can't be wrong. My eyes won't look at the wrong person. Let's go, Aquilaria, let's talk about it in detail." (To be continued.)

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