Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1326: Oriental Dragon City

In the inner room, several people chatted about some of the past events in the Tianzheng.

Sun Haoxin said awkwardly about the characteristics of some auspicious real people. The Berlin generals lamented, but finally fully affirmed the identity of Sun Hao.

The wise and cautious Berlin adults began to cooperate with Sun Hao without reservation. Sun Hao asked every question, but did not ask Sun Hao's intentions wisely.

Soon after, Sun Hao left something for the Berlin general, and after taking over a token from the Berlin general, he left.

The general of Berlin did not retain, and the eyes of Sun Hao and others disappeared into the night.

After half a ring, next to Berlin, a general asked: "General, are they gone?"

Berlin replied: "They have gone out of the city."

Another general said: "What are they doing?"

Berlin smiled and said: "It should be to go to the Imperial City."

The third general said with suspicion: "Is it useful? More than a few true kings, you should not be able to completely change the situation. The real king can participate in the war."

Daozhen Zhenjun said: "He should only be a person of the same period of auspicious real people. It is only the beginning of the real king, it should be difficult to make a difference."

General Berlin’s eyes were brilliant, and after a long ring, he said: "He said that he is Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang."

Several deputies yelled, one asked: "Is this important?"

General Berlin said with a deep meaning: "Nothing, I just let you remember his name."

From the city of Xiangyang, Sun Hao took the team quickly to the direction of the Imperial City.

The most fierce of the Eastern Devils is precisely the Hanwang Ting Anyang Imperial City. Moreover, recent intelligence shows that the army in all directions in the east is accelerating to gather in the Anyang Imperial City.

However, what makes Sun Hao more strange is that the eastern continent does not have the expectation that the majestic, like the Western Tianzhu and the northern icicles, can be called the pillars of the mainland.

Although the demon disaster in the eastern continent has been aggravated in the near future, there is no fundamental change. That is to say, the destruction of the East Pole continent should not be unmanageable.

So, where is the East Pole?

According to the Mozu's movements and attack focus analysis, it seems that the East Pole is in Anyang, the Great Han Dynasty, but the intelligence of the Berlin general is that Anyang City was built on the plain of a horse in Pingchuan, and there is no mountain at all.

Can not find the clues of the East Pole, Sun Hao simply went straight to Anyang.

At this time, Sun Hao had a detailed map of the eastern topography. In it, there was a general distribution of the forces of the Mozu and Wang Ting. It had a very clear topographical mark, but it was a marching road map drawn by the Berlin general. .

With this topographic map in hand, Sun Hao’s direction and route are undoubtedly faster.

Along the way, Sun Hao passed two huge cities like Xiangyang.

One of the cities named Baisha was fierce and even surpassed that of Xiangyang City. Its outer city has been broken, and the fertile land has been trampled into a battlefield. The mortal has lost its food source and the city is in jeopardy.

However, Sun Hao still did not stop, shaking his head and sighing, flying like a power, flew past Baisha City.

After passing through three big cities, according to the marching map of the generals of Berlin, the Mozu army has been reduced by at least 20%. If all the major forces outside the Great Eastern City have taken 20% to increase their attack power against the Imperial City.

According to this situation analysis.

The situation of the Imperial City can be imagined.

It can also be fully seen that the Mozu must win the Anyang Imperial City.

Under the counter-evidence, Sun Hao concluded that it is very likely that the East Tianzhu has an unclear relationship with the Anyang Imperial City.

Therefore, although Baishacheng is miserable, it cannot be left for a long time.

Sun Hao threw a few storage bags from the sky and threw them at Baishacheng, and accelerated to the Imperial City.

The Eastern Continent is one of the continents with the widest range of magical powers. Within a large and large area, the Terran has to hide in the Great City to seek refuge.

If you don't have time to enter the city, it's not a demonization, it's just a lot of bones.

Flying quickly along the way, the mood of several people almost changed from anger to numbness, but in my heart, the determination to destroy the demons and smash the disaster is even more determined.

For more than a month, Sun Hao followed the road map given by the generals of Berlin and quickly advanced to the vicinity of Wangcheng Anyang.

Overwhelming black clouds, thick magic fog, shrouded the earth.

The locust-like Warcraft can't see the margins. In the knowledge of God, there are more than 300,000 local elites in the devil world. The Devil Warriors who surround the Anyang Wangcheng are not even worse than the core area of ​​the disaster.

Sun Hao’s knowledge does not dare to penetrate too deep, because Sun Hao can perceive it. At least one of the devils who have been trained as a ghost is sitting here.

Incarnate and sneaky, Sun Hao took a few people to avoid the front of the Mozu generals and began to sneak into Anyang.

A huge army surrounded the iron barrels around Anyang.

Sun Hao took the team carefully, for three days, which gradually approached the Anyang Imperial City.

A huge city appeared in front of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao went to the south and saw the magnificent scenery of nature. He had seen all kinds of magical means of immortality. However, he first saw the artificial city like Anyang Imperial City.

The capital of Xiaguo, the capital of Xiaguo, was originally small. Sun Hao felt that it could be big, but when Sun Hao saw the city of Xiangyang, he lamented that Jinghua was just like this, not as much as half of Xiangyang City.

But now, after seeing Anyang City, Sun Hao once again lamented that the Terran monks commanded the mainland for hundreds of millions of years, and the highly centralized continent really had its own majesty. The Anyang City in front of it was more than four. Five times more.

The huge Anyang City has already made Sun Hao’s gods feel a look at the head, like a huge Wolong, entrenched on the earth.

Under the dark magic cloud, Anyang City shines with white light and does not move.

Quietly sneaking forward, Sun Hao found that the Anyang City that he saw today is not its complete face.

Along the way, Sun Hao saw a huge wall that was broken in three rounds. Between the city walls and the city walls, there was a vast farmland that was ridiculous. It was also mixed with some farmhouses destroyed by war.

Originally, these fertile fields and farmyards should be the outer city of Anyang City, but it has now fallen.

Going inside, Sun Hao saw the real front line.

After being close to Anyang City, Sun Hao was once again shocked by the majesty of Anyang City.

Looking far away, Anyang City seems to be divided into upper, middle and lower three layers. The lowermost layer is like a dragon on the Panyu plain. It has a high wall to resist the Mozu army.

In the middle layer, there are some floating hills, like Qingyunxian Mountain. There are also floating mountains on the top of the Imperial City. The power of large arrays has promoted the slow drift of Xianshan. In the mountains, it seems that floating physical bridges are connected. .

The top layer of Anyang City is strictly not a city, but a thick layer of cloud-like clouds, emitting white light, insulting the invasion of the magic cloud, shining through the whole Anyang.

Sun Hao is facing the direction of the East Gate.

Nowadays, the East Gate is closed, and the two ancient characters of "Anyang" on the gate are flying dragon dances, simple and vicissitudes. Under the two characters, two closed cities are engraved with two lifelike dragons.

When I saw the dragon, Sun Hao was a bit stunned.

Legend has it that the East is the birthplace of the ancestors of the Terran, and many long-standing historical legends come from the East.

Many traditions in the southern continent have followed the old customs of the East. For example, the dragon totem worship is one of them.

The East is the descendant of the dragon!

Sun Hao also quickly remembered the cloud temple, about the records of Anyang City, among the Yundian materials, the Oriental Anyang City, also known as the Oriental Dragon City.

Seeing the dragon, Wang Yuan shines in front of him, but he has a relationship with him.

Perhaps, he should be born in the East by nature.

Only only saw a dragon, after a moment, the army of the Mozu masked everyone's sight, and the gate was surrounded by layers of troops.

Countless heads and three eyes, the magical warriors who kept shooting forward in the black light personally supervised the army, and hundreds of millions of Warcraft and Enchanted Warriors continued to pounce on the towering walls and launched a wave of insurgent attacks on Anyang City.

Under the wall, the bodies piled up like mountains.

Above the city wall, the Dahan Wangting Warriors appeared in a variety of arms.

In addition to the long-handed archer, there are long-gun monks, swordsmen, swordsmen, etc., and the defensive power of various combat forces.

In the air, even from time to time, there are driving cavalry capable of flying at low altitude.

All the fighters are engaged in the battle of forgetting to die.

The battle on the battlefield kept going all the time, and it was fierce that Sun Hao could not find a suitable opportunity to sneak into the city of Anyang. (To be continued.)


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