Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1330: Air transport dragon column

Within the hall, the atmosphere is quite depressed. [不灭龙帝


Another big city fell, and there was a big city at stake. The Eastern Han Dynasty dynasty was almost at the end of life and death.

Everyone knows that when the Baisha City fell, it was when the outer city of Anyang Longcheng was broken.

When the outer city breaks, Anyang will lose a lot of land for cultivation. At that time, there is no need to attack the Mozu. As long as it is surrounded for several months, Anyang City will not break.

Under normal circumstances, like the situation of Baishacheng, at most, it can support for more than a month, and it will collapse and collapse.

Zhao Wendi’s face was sitting on the dragon bed with a sullen face. The tone slowly and slowly asked: “General Star, the central court can respond?”

The Central Wangting is also the structure of the Wang Ting. It has always been well-connected with the East, and there are also borders on both sides.

In the early period of the outbreak of the disaster, there were some exchanges between them. After the Eastern disaster, they also sent letters of help.

Just never got a response.

The central Wang Ting is a lofty place, located in the middle of the mainland, and exists as a buffer zone for the mainland.

However, the area of ​​the territory is not very large. It is only about one-third of the Eastern Wangting. The strength is also slightly inferior. It is only in the case of the four sides of the mainland, and the only thing that may help the East China. Perhaps only the Central Song Dynasty Wang Ting.

General Xingwen sighed and said: "At the eastern boundary, the Mozu has increased its deployment of troops, and the concentration of magic has increased greatly. The central monks want to kill the East, and it is quite difficult to be afraid..."

The words of the Star Master were not finished. Outside the hall, the guards sang loudly: "The southern continent, Shen Xiangzhen, seeks to see. [Do not destroy the dragon]]

General Xingwen frowned: "He was so busy at the moment, it was nothing to look for."

Zhao Wendi said loudly: "Please have Shen Xiang go to the temple."

With a few companions, I walked into the hall with ease, and Sun Hao said to the surrounding area with a slight voice. "I have seen Zhaowen the Great and I have seen you."

Zhao Wendi kept the basic etiquette of his own king. Although there was something in his heart, he still squeezed his smile: "Agarwood, I don't know if you want to see this seat, what's the matter?"

Sun Hao smiled slightly and said: "Zhaowen the Great, Aquilaria, but wants to do a little bit for the East, but also hope that the Emperor will not give up."

General Star Star said the heart of Zhao Wendi's present: "Agarwood, now this situation, even if it comes to ten or eight true monarchs, may not solve the fundamental problem. You are honestly staying, don't add chaos? ”

Sun Hao did not think that he was embarrassed and said with a smile: "Hey, also, general, general, Aquila does not feel that his combat power can help the East how much busy, but there is a secret law here, Aquila can lift the momentum, extremely Greatly boosting the power of Anyang Longcheng's air transport, so that Anyang Longcheng will not be affected by other cities, so it will be solid."

Within the hall, it was quiet in an instant.

In the end, Star Star will squint his eyes and say a little unbelief: "Agarwood, gas, and vain, the most unpredictable, my ten continents in the East are connected like a ten fingers, one loss, one glory, one leisure, the other, afraid It doesn't work. Of course, if the method of agarwood really works, my star will be willing to apologize to Shen Xiang for her shallow face. [The Gate of Xuanjie]

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "The general will not be polite, the general will be the heart of the big man, and the agarwood is very admired. Of course, since Shen Xiang today proposed the secret technique to boost the air, it is naturally more than 70%, but it is not empty talk. Also, please ask the Han Dynasty Wang Ting to allow Shen Xiang to try."

On the face of Zhao Wendi, a real smile emerged, and his mouth said: "Agarwood, what are the requirements for your sorcerer to display, and if it fails, will it cause any damage to my Anyang Dragon City, please also Let me talk about it in detail."

Within the Han Dynasty, there are various wizards gathering, among them there are Taoist divisions and several forecasting analysts. As long as Sun Hao can tell the general content of the mystery, they will naturally judge according to the information provided by Sun Hao. The feasibility of secret surgery, and then make more reasonable judgments and decisions.

Sun Hao instantly understood the meaning of Zhao Wendi, and smiled and said, "Agarwood, this technique, the name of the real dragon Zhenyun", when the exhibition, you need to 'take the roof, cast the dragon column, pray for the heavens' Fang Nengzhen The power of the country, the trend of the country, the main points are three, one, the foundation of the roof needs to be solid; the two dragons and eight dragons need the male; the three 曰 pray for the heavenly king of the real dragon..."

Zhenlong Zhenyun.

Take the roof, cast the dragon column, pray for the heavens.

It sounds like something.

Within the hall, many monks who can measure the counts are already closing their eyes and chanting their words.

Zhao Wendi knew that the priests needed a little time, and he asked in a hurry: "Listening to this method of agarwood seems to require a certain construction time. I don't know how long it will take. Can we build it before the fall of Baishacheng?"

Sun Hao asked: "I don't know how long Baisha City can hold on?"

Zhao Wendi put up a finger: "At most one month."

Sun Hao’s heart sinks, and he can’t help but think of the hundreds of millions of people in Baishacheng, but his mouth still calmly said: “If the emperor is fully assisted, it is only necessary to build a dragon pillar for ten days, and pray for heaven. It only takes five days. If it is really effective, maybe this technique can increase the little combat power of Baishacheng and let Baishacheng persist for a long time."

Zhao Wendi heard a little bit of spirit, and glanced at the minister who still remembered the words. He asked: "Agarwood, you said that you need a real dragon for the prayer. I don't know if this real dragon refers to the body of my emperor? Or is it true? Shenlong?"

Sun Hao said slightly, laughing and saying: "The two have their own advantages. If the two get together, the effect is best. Of course, as long as one of them can pray for some fortune..."

Zhao Wendi nodded: "Well, that is to say, the emperor can pray, but there is a chance..."

At this time, in the lower hall, a generalist opened his eyes and said: "The heavens and the earth are transported, the inexplicable, the chaos of the heavens, the Mo can measure... strangely strange, but it is unclear, but why Hidden good and bad, the murderous with the Kyrgyzstan, Ji Chang thought, this should have an effect, but at the same time it is dangerous..."

Zhao Wendi looked at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao nodded and said: "The so-called misfortunes and blessings, the blessing of nature has a success rate, 70% may not really be able to make a big move. Once the blessing is not successful, the overall gas movement of Anyang City will be reduced by 20%, but it is also really Jizhong. There is danger. Of course, once the blessing is successful, the overall gas transportation of Anyang City will boost at least 80%, and..."

Having said that, Sun Hao has a meal.

Zhao Wendi asked: "And what?"

Sun Hao glanced at Wang Yuan and said, "And, if this is boosted to the extreme, it is very likely that there will be a reversal of the sky, and in one fell swoop, the oriental magic will be swayed, and the eastern continent will be scattered."

Zhao Wendi stayed for a while and couldn't help but say: "Is this unlikely? The magic can cover the eastern land. Can one have such an effect? ​​If so, I would owe you a scent of a big man."

Sun Hao said: "The ultimate form will be the birth of the air transport dragon column, the dragon column skyrocketing, the air transport cover the world, representing the boundless will of the eastern land and the thousands of people, the haze over the mainland will naturally be strongly dispelled. However, by then, the Great will know that it is not easy to achieve such a level."

At this time, Zhao Wendi was next to another monk and pointed out the result: "The Great Emperor, this method of yin and yang chaos, it is really difficult to measure, but the micro-minister is vaguely calculated, it should have the effect of stealing the sky, but against the sky There must be corresponding obstacles, and it is not easy to be afraid of it..."

In the Another monk screamed in the mouth: "When you borrow the law, I use it in heaven and earth, hehe...hey..." In the scream, a blood spurted on his own Above the fingertips.

The eyes are looking at the fingertips, the fingers are moving fast, and the mouth quickly says: "There is no root, the law is for the people, the law is the real dragon, the sorcerer is now..."

After that, the monk slammed and slammed forward.

Master Xingwen quickly caught his body with one hand, and cried in his mouth: "Master Xue Kang, Master Kang Kang..."

Above the main hall, the atmosphere is tight.

They were all stunned by the last two sentences of Master Xue Kang.

Sun Hao’s heart sighed slightly.

If the air transport dragon column wants to be in the world, it really needs a true dragon phase sacrifice.

What will happen then?

Also, will your own plan be successfully implemented? Sun Hao looked at Zhao Wendi, who was thinking in front of him, with a slightly bitter smile on his face. (~^~)

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