Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1331: Air transport dragon column (2)

Master Kang’s hair was instantly white, over-consumption, and fainted. Oh,

But he gave a clearer calculation. Now, let's see how the Emperor made a decision.

A few can count on it, and the generals of the Manchu dynasty will look at Zhao Wendi.

Zhao Wendi stood up and said with aloud: "Well, agarwood, immediately, you are fully empowered, you must give people, give things to you, take the roof as soon as possible, cast the dragon column, the emperor personally prays, ask me... ”

"The Great, and slow," outside the main hall, a monk raised his voice and said: "The matter still needs to be considered."

Between the talks, four or five monks dressed in robes have stepped forward and walked in. The monk headed by the middle is holding a dust, facing the emperor with a slight sigh, and said: "I have seen the great emperor."

Zhao Wendi and Yan Yue said with a smile: "The elders are exempt from the ceremony. I didn't expect this incident to alarm the envoys. I don't know what the opinions of the enshrining group are?"

The elders glanced at Sun Hao and said with aloud: "Blessing is a vain thing. Nowadays, it is necessary to use a lot of manpower and resources to pray for the high platform. I believe that it is not appropriate. We should do it now, but we must do it well. It is precisely how to hold on to Anyang and wait for the reinforcements after the other continents have disappeared."

Sun Hao smiled and stood in the hall without making any arguments.

Zhao Wendi shook his head and said: "When the outer city breaks, Anyang can't hold on for a long time, and the supply of hundreds of millions of mortals can directly crush Anyang Longcheng."

The elders whispered to the monks around him and asked him to launch a huge scroll. The elders said to the Zhaowen Emperor: "The emperor, my entourage group has not been idle recently. When managing Anyang City, it is also the next step for Anyang. The defense made some preparations in advance, the Emperor please see, I am floating in the Anyang City, there are ten Xianshan, each of the Xianshan has many Lingtian, there are a lot of fields for development and utilization..."

The elders who were enshrined in the group, obviously, did their homework in advance. For this reason, they prepared for a short period of time. The head was the road, and they came to the end. Finally, they summed up a sentence: "Even if the outer city is broken, but as long as we prepare well, Ready to fully utilize the top ten Xianshan, you should be able to make Anyang City have a strong vitality, stand in the East and not fall..."

The consecration group felt that Anyang City did not have to retreat to the end, and the focus should be on how to develop Xianshan, and praying for heaven is not reliable.

Zhaowen Emperor looked at Sun Hao.

I found that Sun Hao was smiling and standing, as if he had nothing to do with himself.

Zhaowen Emperor thought a little, but he understood Sun Hao’s position. For Sun Hao, no matter how Anyang chooses, it has little to do with it, because it has no effect on Sun Hao, even Anyang City’s fall, with Sun Hao’s several people. You can escape safely by walking through the East.

After thinking about it, Zhaowen Emperor looked at the star general and smiled and said to Wei Bai: "The great elder, Aquilaria should have a greater chance of success, but it can be tried. I can't see it like this. We split up, big elders. You continue to plan the Lingshan Lingtian in accordance with the original plan, and the outer city is broken and prepared, and on my side, organize the strength to cooperate with the agarwood."

The elders looked at Sun Hao very uncomfortably and said: "The emperor, the qi is illusory, you must not be confused by the rumors of the rivers and lakes warlocks, and make some foolish things that hurt the people."

This is not good to hear, Wang Yuan is a little unhappy, and said in his mouth: "How is it that the people and the people are hurting money? According to me, your method is a bad idea. Take Xianshan to open up Fantian, saying that it is to lower the grade of Xianshan. The key point is to let Xianshan dye the dust and damage the Dahan air transport..."

Wei Bai was so angry that his face turned red and his fingers pointed to Wang Yuan: "You, Huang Tongzi, gibberish."

The air transport is the most difficult to measure, and it is difficult to measure it. Wang Yuan’s words are actually nonsense, but the speaker is unintentional. The listener is interested. Sun Hao heard Wang Yuan’s argument and his heart could not help but move.

As a dragon, Wang Yuan has many incredible abilities.

Dahan used the real dragon as a totem. In the midst of it, Sun Hao actually had some connection with the Han Dynasty's air transport. Now, Wang Yuan seems to be unconsciously guessing wildly, but maybe things are as expected by Wang Yuan. The decision of the regiment to open Fantian in Xianshan may have lost the Dahan air transport.

Zhao Wendi puts on his sleeves. Don't make a noise, everyone said: "Just say so, I work with the elders, Shen Xiang, how many people do you need, and what are the specifications of the rooftop and the dragon column? We must as soon as possible Set up."

The elders saw that Zhao Wendi insisted on praying, and his heart was dissatisfied. The sleeves were swayed and led the monks to retreat, but they also prepared for the development of Xianshan.

Sun Hao faced the smile and watched the elders leave. After smiling, he smiled and said to Zhao Wendi: "The Great Emperor, you can hand over the Xiangwen Department to me to take the roof. In addition, please call the four-family refining monk, with Aquilaria Casting the dragon column, other things, Shen Xiang will solve it."

Looking for a huge open field, Sun Hao recruited Xiangwen Department, began to arrange the Longtai thing, at the same time, in the Dahan's smelting bureau, let the dragon Wang Wang urged to cast the dragon column.

Wang Yuan had the experience of renovating the sea boat. At this time, he organized the staff to do things and was familiar with the road.

Zhu Ling and Shan Hao assisted Sun Hao in the wilderness, and soon set up a huge cylindrical high platform with a bottom of 30 feet and a top ten squares and a height of more than 30 feet.

The three tall Panlong stone pillars were also cast as scheduled, and Wang Yuan was smashed over and stood on the high platform.

The three Panlong stone pillars are more than 30 feet long, each of which has a diameter of about three feet. On the basis of Sun Hao's drawings, each of them has carved a lifelike dragon.

The dragon hovered over the stone pillars, and the head rushed up, seemingly to vacate.

Above the high platform, after the stone pillar was set up, the three stone pillars skyrocketed and were already very close to the clouds in the air.

Standing on the bottom of the ceremony, a large number, but the high status of the Eastern monks feel that the three Panlong stone pillars are extremely majestic, giving a strong feeling of spiritual excitement.

In the center of the three stone pillars, an altar is arranged, and sacred sand, stylus, incense burner and paper are all available.

Sun Hao stood on the altar and became a god-like feeling.

In the pretense, Sun Hao’s mouth is full of words. In fact, Sun Hao himself does not know what he is reading. Sun Hao’s practice of law now is just a cover-up, but it’s just that there is no need to ask for it.

Sun Hao learned a lot of things, but he really didn't learn to pray for the Fa, the air is nothing, Sun Hao is also real, and there is no related method to boost.

Taking the high platform and casting the dragon column are just some gimmicks.

Sun Hao admire the master of Kang Xue. The first sentence predicted by this guy has no roots. It refers to Sun Hao’s rootlessness. It is purely a borrowing of the law, knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger, finding the target that he needs to find, and realizing his next step. plan.

Hand-held pens, point cinnabar, painted plaques, busy for a long time, Sun Hao Lang said: "Please enlighten the Emperor Zhaowen ~ ~ please the emperor to sit in the position of the three talents..."

Zhao Wendi, who had been prepared for a long time, flew up and strode over a pillar above the high platform.

The three dragons have their own orientations. Zhao Wendi is an emperor and represents the real dragon. It is just right to sit in a three-person position.

When the emperor was seated, Sun Hao whispered again: "Dragon will, please follow me, guard the three talents, my town, your town, and jointly assist the emperor to pray for luck."

Zhu Ling’s eyes flashed in sorrow, and the dragon Wang Yuan had already flew up and landed on the third pillar.

Sun Hao shook his head and sighed. The sword in his hand swayed, his body was spinning, and his hovering flew up and landed on the last dragon column.

Standing on the high platform, Sun Hao looked at Wang Yuan and Zhao Wendi, but the gods extended and swept to the high platform, but unfortunately, until now, Sun Hao still did not find it.

There is no hidden magic repair, and no trace of the East Pole.

According to his and intellectual speculation, the East Pole should be the pillar of the Eastern air transport, the Eastern air transport, not necessarily the dynasty air transport, but there should be a carrier that supports the eastern side of the sky.

Sun Hao engaged in such a big movement and set up a blessing high platform. In fact, he wanted to bring out the hidden magic repair or the carrier of the air transport pillar.

But it seems that, until now, there is still no response.

Then, Sun Hao can only bite the scalp and really pray for it.

Perhaps, only Sun Hao really prayed to Heaven, so that the Eastern air transport has changed, those hidden magic repairs will actually launch a surprise attack, and the real air transport pillar will also appear.

Sun Hao is pious and sly, and he whispered: "Fengtian carrier, praying today, there are people who want to be immortal..." (To be continued.) u More exciting novels, welcome to visit the reading institute

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