Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1337: Orphan

With Sun Hao fighting the island of the soul, repairing the Tianzhu on both sides of the northwest, the reputation of the dragon, has already shocked the magic domain.

Jinyue Devil will feel that he can't beat Sun Hao. It is normal. He does not need to beat Sun Hao. His own focus is precisely how to break through the big array of Anyang and destroy the golden dragons under the cover of the big battle. Drop the East Pole, to lay the foundation for the Devils.

During the war, the Golden Moon Demon swept the gods, but found that the parties on their side fought and fell to the bottom.

Amazing big beauty, a magical little boy, plus a little mouse that doesn't know the depths, actually put the three men of the Golden Day, and the three who will fight together will be firmly suppressed. Just like himself, only the merits of parry No effort to fight back.

Further away, the three major battles of the Sea Temple will also occupy an absolute advantage, and the final victory is only a matter of time.

The battlefield below has been given to the Zhaowen Emperor, and the situation is completely unfavorable to the Mozu side.

Before the war, the golden moon demon who had long been known for Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang’s name would be more difficult to know, but he did not expect it to be completely suppressed.

After all the calculations, after a large number of monks were transferred, it still fell into such a situation. It was a bit out of the expectation of Jinyue.

Fortunately, I have found the East Pole.

Although Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is powerful, he should not let himself discover the location of the East Pole. He also underestimated the confidence determination of the Mozu Erlang to complete the task.

Iron fist waving, full force shot, briefly avoiding Sun Hao, Jin Yuemo will scream in the sky.

The long whistle sounded like a broken stone, and it was spread all over the city of Anyang.

The army of the Mozu outside the city is like a great spirit, and the attack power is instantly increased. Even the monks of the Devils are living in their own lives and rushing to death.

Boosting the arrows and rain, and holding the spells, one of the Mozu warriors frantically besieged, and launched a full-scale attack from all directions in Anyang City.

A strong attack at any cost.

The magic repairs that entangled the stars and other generals also made an instant effort, and the attack and defense suddenly became hot.

The sky was built over the rooftops of Sun Hao, and the monks of the true monarchs in the war, at this time, also got the order, forcibly boosted the spirit, urged the secret, and the strength increased instantly.

Sun Hao’s brow slightly shrank, and his heart felt a bad feeling. He said, “Be careful.”

The voice just fell, and there was a terrifying noise at the scene of the battle of the monks at the bottom of the fierce battle: "Boom", a huge explosion, which exploded from the battlefield of the war, and the affected monks flew around like a bird, the scene of the explosion A mushroom-like cloud appeared.

Sun Hao’s heart glimpsed and instantly understood.

With the Mozu warriors who will be killed by the Golden Moon, they may all be dead. Below, a Mozu warrior blew Jin Dan.

Sun Hao’s thoughts have yet to fall, in the battlefield below.

Another two huge explosions came out.

The huge cloud impact, many monks have no time to react, no time to escape, has been drowned in the explosion.

Zhao Wendi screamed: "Damn, everyone pays attention, stay away from them, they are a group of madmen."

The bang, the bang, the explosion sounded from below, and Zhao Wendi was already a face.

Sun Hao’s heart burst into a bad hunch, and he screamed: “National division, pay attention to the big array...”

As soon as the voice fell, one of the members of the enshrined group had already rushed high, and the whole body was burning with a black flame, holding a flying sword in both hands and rushing forward.

The flying sword is tied to the big array.

After a big bang, a light bullet, the power of the earthquake broke out and attacked the monk.

However, without waiting for the power of the big force, the monk had already banged and exploded in the big array.

It is not easy for a monk to cultivate to Yuan Ying Zhen Jun. After breaking the baby, Shou Yuan is beyond the millennium.

But now, there are actually real kings on the big array, burning Yuan Ying, blasting.

The huge explosion is like a fireworks, bursting with dazzling colors, lighting up the sky, and letting the minds of the Zhaowen Emperor and the Dahan monks sink into the bottom of the valley. The Mozu warriors are so desperate, the Anyang big squad is also resisting Live it.

Not only that, the five monks of the enshrined group were almost in no particular order, and they rushed up and blew themselves up.

Five huge fireworks, blooming in the air.

Above the sky, the huge palms covered, trying to stabilize the big array, but Yuan Ying blew himself up, especially the five-figure baby blew, but it finally exceeded the defensive limit of the big array.

After a while, the city of Anyang was over, and the roof of Sun Hao was over the sky.

The three monks spit blood and turned upside down in three directions. One of the monks vomited blood on the side of the mouth and shouted loudly with a strong voice|: "Block them, don't let them hurt the air dragon..."

However, the devil's dedication is simply impossible to stop.

The three men in the Golden Japan Department will be ignited with a blazing flame, and they will not be allowed to approach the Lost Charm and Xiao Zhang Xiaohuo. The huge magical flame will turn into a golden day and stop three opponents.

And their bodies, burning and gathering together into a whole, above the sky, came the voice of the devil's native land: "Smelling the fragrance of blood, I found the temple of peace of mind; a scene of ruin, ghosts sing and sing; soul Zhang Wang, the moonlight that believes in blood..."

In the sorrowful and mourning songs of the three devils, the magic swords in the hands are used as a medium, and they become one. They eventually become a group of burning golden sun, dragging the red tail and swaying into the sky. The clouds, the looming airborne golden dragons in the clouds hit the past.

At this moment, the devil is like a cursed song. In Anyang City, hundreds of millions of people, Qi Qiyang looked at the sky and looked at the big battle, like the high altitude of fireworks.

Seeing their life is also unforgettable, it seems like a doomsday scene.

A round of black flames burned, and the golden light was shining. It seemed to be the curse of hell. It appeared in the sky above Anyang City and smashed into the golden dragon that has been sheltering Anyang.

A loud bang, a huge explosion of sound, spread throughout the sky.

In the sky, the brilliance of white brilliance flashed, and everyone’s eyes felt instantly blind and fell into absolute darkness.

The heart is also falling into the abyss, sinking at a rapid speed.

When it’s over, it’s so explosive, and the golden dragon is afraid that it’s over.

"Oh...", above the sky, it seems that there was a mourning of the golden dragons. The huge golden clouds were blown up in the explosion and flew everywhere.

The air transport Jinlong was instantly blown apart and flew around.

In the huge explosion, all the monks stopped the attack in their hands near the rooftop, and looked at the sky high. In the heart of Zhao Wendi, there was a deep helplessness, and there was tears in his eyes.

The air transport of the Golden Dragon symbolizes the destruction of the Golden Dragon of the Han Dynasty.

Sun Hao portable sticks, floating in the air, and did not take the opportunity to storm the Golden Moon magic, the heart slightly nervously glanced at the high-altitude airborne Golden Dragon, and looked at Wang Yuan not far away.

Wang Yuan’s eyes were full of eyes and he nodded slightly to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao suddenly felt a good heart.

The Golden Moon Devil will watch the sky has been smashed and smashed, and the gas-filled Golden Dragon, which has not been blown up, has a long breath in his mouth. He laughs happily: "The devil will be nine people, fight Anyang City, eight People blew away, leaving me alone... Hahaha, hahaha, you are not a good boy of my devil, hahaha, the East Pole is destroyed, you may not be able to name it, but you, will be my devil Peerless hero..."

The sound went straight to Tianyu and resounded outside Anyang.

Outside Anyang City, the Mozu local warrior Qi Qizheng shouted: "Hero, hero..."

The morale was greatly boosted and the tide-like attack was again launched to Anyang City.

Above the sky Dahan Guoshi and other three monks slowly flew over, his face looked blue.

Yan, Zhu Ling, Wang Yuan, Luo Mei, and Xiao Zhang slowly stood by Sun Hao, and the little fire jumped on Sun Hao’s shoulder.

All the monks faintly formed an encirclement, surrounded by the middle of the Golden Moon Magic will be white.

Jinyue Devil will laugh, no feeling of being trapped in the slightest look, looking at Sun Hao: "Agarwood, I said they are heroes, are you not convinced?"

On Sun Hao’s face, there is a smile: “Any intruder is unjust. If it is unjust, it cannot be called a hero. They are accurate. They are criminals of war. If you can, I don’t mind. Give them a few words."

The Golden Moon Demon will blow up the airborne Golden Dragon, destroying the Tianzhu Tianzhu, and the heart is loose. If you know it, you may not be able to escape. It is completely out of the way. He smiled and asked: "I just want to hear, how is Shenxiang?" Attributive to them..."

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "A group of poor war criminals who are self-righteous under the leadership of a commander who has no long brains and who are not worthy of the real merits." (To be continued.)

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