Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1338: 1 old blood

The Golden Moon Devil will be paralyzed, look at the airborne Golden Dragon that was blown up in the air, and look at Sun Hao. He said in his mouth: "Agarwood, you are not wrong? What did you just say?"

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "They are just a group of poor war criminals who are self-righteous and don't have the money to do so."

The Golden Moon Magic will laugh and laugh at the empty sky: "Agarwood, you didn't make a mistake, they blew up the airborne Golden Dragon and destroyed the East Pole. You said they are poor? Isn't it worth it?"

Sun Hao’s momentum gradually mentioned: “I want to correct your misunderstandings...”

The stick in the hand points to the Golden Moon Magic, and Sun Hao’s momentum is locked on him: “I wanted you to be a confused ghost, but I have to regret that your devil has a real warrior. Tell you a few facts."

The golden moon demon slammed the golden bell, and did not show weakness against Sun Hao. He laughed in his mouth: "Agarwood, are you so strong now?"

Sun Hao shook his head: "The first mistake is that the air transport Golden Dragon is nothing but a virtual shadow. The explosive force is not fatal to it. The second mistake is that the air transport Jinlong may be related to the East Pole, but it Not the real East Pole..."

The Golden Moon Magic will hear a glimpse, and the Magic Sword refers to Sun Hao: "You lie, this is impossible!"

Sun Hao shook his head: "You may wish to look at the sky, can you break through the gas cloud to the city of Anyang? You, then look at my Anyang city wall, there are signs of being defeated by your magic army. ?"

The Golden Moon Magic will look up into the sky and find that the Magic Cloud is still resisted by the clouds below.

The Golden Moon Magic will look to the battlefield ahead and find that the battlefield is still glued. The city wall is still like a meat grinder, harvesting the Mozu warriors.

“How could this be?” The Golden Moon Devil will instantly lose his mind and mutter in his mouth: “How could this be? How could this be?”

The devil's elite, Lang, nine true monarchs blew themselves, but in exchange for such a result, how can he accept it?

Zhaowen Emperor listened to Sun Hao’s words, looking up and down, his heart was overjoyed, and he couldn’t help but laugh: “Ha ha ha, hahaha, this is called stealing a chicken, the devils, you are self-defeating, hahaha, laughing at me. ”

The mouth of the national teacher fluttering from the mouth is still bloody, but the brow is a slight wrinkle. He said: "Zhaowen can’t be too proud. Although the Mozu did not completely destroy the Dahan air, the Golden Dragon was destroyed. The power of air transport has fallen sharply. I am facing more pressure from Anyang City, but it is not a big deal."

Zhao Wendi said: "Zhaowen has seen the national teacher, the national teacher is relieved, the demon is in this battle, and the self-destruction is eight people. Although the defense is weakened, our strength has the upper hand, and now there is aloes to aid. But it is not afraid of magic repair."

Sun Hao face the people who came to the front slightly, and said with aloud: "Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, I have seen the Dahan Guoshi."

Just Sun Hao battled the Golden Moon Magic Sword, showing that it is not weaker than his own strength, the Dahan Guoshi naturally did not dare to support the big, but in fact, there are still some big earth to retaliate: "Agarwood is exempt, you and me are also ranked Class, I am just a long time ago, this Eastern disaster, I have to rely on Aloes."

Sun Hao’s momentum has always been firmly locked in Jinyue’s body. He said in his mouth: “The national teacher is polite, and the agarwood will naturally do its best. Now, please ask the national division to help, you and I will work together to kill this.”

Between the words, the stick in his hand slowly lifted up and pointed to the Golden Moon Magic.

The Dahan Guoshi shouted: "Good", throwing a gold scissors in his hand, together with Sun Hao, will form a pinch of the Golden Moon.

Although it is not completely ineffective to know that the magic will blew himself from the mouth of the Great Han Dynasty, the Golden Moon Magic will still know that he really can't complete the task that the Devil has handed over to him and destroy the East Pole. The look on his face has been Extremely excited, it became extremely frustrating.

Reluctantly, Jin Yuemo will slowly say: "Agarwood, I really want to know where the East Pole is in the end, lose and understand, Shen Xiang assured, even if you know where the East Pole is. And there is no chance to destroy it anymore."

Sun Hao looked at Wang Yuan, not far from him, and his heart was filled with reluctance and uneasiness. He said in his mouth: "If you can hold on to my attack for a while, then you will know What is the East Pole?"

At this time, Wang Yuansheng said: "Xiao Hao, the damage is too great, especially the Golden Dragon was destroyed, hurt the roots, can not be cultivated, can only be like that."

Zhu Ling and her body were slightly shocked.

Sun Hao Yang Tian shouted: "Ah", the stick of the sky suddenly swayed forward, a golden light with Sun Hao's anger and unwilling to rush to the Golden Moon magic.

Although I knew that this would be the case, Sun Hao was psychologically prepared. However, when he really faced this moment, Sun Hao couldn’t help but feel the feeling of boundless grief.

Zhu Ling called out: "Two hairs!"

Wang Yuan looked at Sun Hao, who had already been killed by the Golden Moon, and put his hands on the face of Zhu Ling. He shrugged his shoulders and said: "Xiao Pang and Wen Min can do it. Why can't I do it?"

Zhu Ling murmured: "You are different from them. What do you do when you go white? What should the baby do?"

Wang Yuan looked at the direction of the island of the Soul, and laughed: "You and Xiaohao are there, who dares to treat them?"

Zhu Ling suddenly turned her head and her face overflowed with light: "Two hairs, don't count on me."

Wang Yuan stunned, then hahaha smiled and said: "If this is the case, then you still have a hammer, please send me off, ah, just ang, just ang..."

In the big laughter, Wang Yuan flew in the air and his body instantly turned into a huge dragon.

The sky-covered behemoth lies in the air, the dragon's forehead is in the middle, the closed vertical eyes are open, and Wang Yuan's voice is heard: "Look at the ages, Xiaohao, I will help you... ”

An invisible glimpse shot from the vertical eyes of the dragon's owl, covered in the Golden Bell of the Golden Moon.

The powerful golden bell is like the endless encroachment of the years, the light is dark and the defense is greatly reduced.

The golden light of Sun Hao’s wrath is like cutting tofu. It broke the golden bell and slammed into the body of the Golden Moon.

The Golden Moon Devil will have a terrible call sign, one leg is cut off by a stick, and one leg is vacated and flies away.

The gold cut of the national division was cut and cut, and the golden moon magic that was hit hard will not dodge. One arm flashed and was cut off in the air.

The Golden Moon Demon will be another screaming call, and the Magic Sword will throw it away and fly down to the lower monk camp.

At the same time, the whole body flew down and rushed to the monks watching the battle near the rooftops, trying to fish in the water and use the blood of the monks to supplement their damaged bodies.

The following Mozu Jindan blew himself up, many monks fell on the spot, the magic sword came down, and the speed of rotation, has absorbed a lot of blood, added to the body of the Golden Moon Sword, Jin Yuemo's arm with the inhalation of blood, in Quickly recover.

Sun Hao screamed: "Where to escape," and the stick is brushing two sticks, and two golden lights are chasing them.

At this time, Sun Hao did not dare to look at Wang Yuan’s incarnation of the Dragon Soul, and he did not want to see his friends dying in order to repair the four pillars of the mainland.

Although the condensing tower will accept them as towers, they are in a special situation. It is really difficult to say when they can retain a few memories.

Long Hao helped Sun Hao, with his own magical powers, and after the Golden Moon Devils, the huge body leaped high and rushed into the clouds of high altitude.

Zhao Wendi shouted: "Dragon, what are you doing?"

The cloud of air transport was damaged, but it could not withstand repeated impact.

The National Teacher is also preparing to ask questions, but he heard Sun Hao said: "Let him go, he is repairing the Eastern air transport, recasting the East Pole..."

The Golden Moon Magic will scream to the sky but suddenly found that Gao Fei's dragon scorpion, a claw, throwing a thing, rushed to the air Yunyun.

The things that accompany each other in the day and night, the Golden Moon Devil will naturally recognize it at a glance, isn’t it the National Dragon column of the big man who once had his waist?

Almost instantaneously, Jinyue Devil will think of a possibility, suddenly like a earthy color, shouted loudly: "Agarwood, the national transport Longzhu is the East Pole?"

Seeing that your friends are going to return to the East Dragon Dragon.

Sun Hao’s heart is full of sorrow, and he has not answered the words of the Golden Moon Demon. He has violently increased his strength, holding both hands and his heart with grief and indignation.

In the sky, the dragon laughed and laughed: "Golden moon, you are finally smart once, good, you are with you day and night, this broken thing in your mouth, that is, you have not found it for a lifetime, fold Losing the eight true monarchs still can't hurt the East Pole of the East, hahaha, hahaha..."

The Golden Moon Devil will be hit by an electric shock, and he can't help but spurt a blood in his mouth. (To be continued.)

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