Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1342: Reproduction of feather

With the increasing power of the National Dragon Column, Anyang City's defense capabilities are getting stronger and stronger.

The demon army, who was defeated by the mourning soldiers, found that he had no reason for Anyang, and he could not attack Anyang with enthusiasm, and his morale was exhausted.

The devil will also know that today's events are impossible, and the horn of the retreat is blown up.

The billions of magical troops slowly withdrew from the Anyang city wall, but did not go far, still paying attention to Anyang, surrounded by Anyang.

And the devils are eager to discuss and discuss what should happen today.

But right away, they know that there is no need for deliberation.

Above the sky, Jinlong is completely homing, the dragon pillar is golden and shining, and the East Pole of the East Airlift represents the great vibration. Jinguang seems to be transparent to the world.

On the top of the dragon column, the longan slammed, and Wang Yuan’s voice came out: “The last sentence, Xiaohao, I am in the sky, you are underground, I am going to destroy you...”

Sun Hao heard the body shocked and said loudly: "Well, Ermao, you and my brother, fighting side by side."

A spray in Jinlong's mouth, a golden light rushed to Sun Hao: "Xiaohao, air transport plus, you burst big move, hey, the eastern dragon dragon, the eastern air transport, the golden dragon vacated, the magic fog avoids, 嗷呜, uh..."

In the air, a huge dragon humming came, and Jinlong's eyes looked like two huge suns, rising from the sky and blooming.

The light shines everywhere, and the thick black magic fog that hangs over the east, like the ice and snow, meets the high temperature and quickly melts away.

The dragon's eyes are like two beams of light, circling across the circle, turning around in a circle, the magic is scattered, and the sky above Anyang City shows the grandeur.

Hundreds of millions of people worshipped and shed tears.

The devils face each other, the magic is dispelled, and the Warcraft will gradually lose control. The warriors from the devil's homeland will soon produce various kinds of acclimatization. It seems that the Eastern War situation is about to undergo a fundamental change.

Then the best of the magic army outside Anyang City is to retreat immediately.

However, without waiting for the devil to react, a bigger disaster is on the head of the devil.

Jinlong gas transportation blessing, Sun Hao slammed into a shock, feeling that his strength instantly doubled.

The mind was shocked, and Sun Hao showed his magical powers. Under the bang, there was a three-headed and six-armed giant shadow.

At this moment, the crisp voice said: "Agarwood, you can help you with your strength..." The blue brilliance of the body flashed on Sun Hao, and at the same time, a fascinating sound of Poseidon also came from her. The small mouth was passed out and clearly sent into Sun Hao’s ears.

Sun Hao suddenly felt that his body was a vibration and his strength was once again high.

With a heart and soul, Sun Hao put away the stick.

The agarwood sword was hovering rapidly and crossed a streamline, appearing above the head of Sun Hao.

Gas transport blessing, the law is blessing, and the secret surgery blessing.

Sun Hao suddenly felt that his strength has reached a new height. Maybe at this time, he can use the sword array to help him out.

Shen Xiangjian circling slightly in the air, slowly vibrating, giving a soft humming, extremely heavy and extremely light, both of which seem to be reflected in the incense sword.

Sun Hao earnestly perceived it and found that it was a little worse than using Aquilaria Sword by himself.

The body is again a vibration, and the mystery is "running thousands of miles".

The momentum is another prosperous, Sun Hao found that he should have the basic requirements of using Jianhua.

Under the dragon column of the National Games, bathing the dragon column Jinguang, Sun Hao side, Shen Xiangjian flying more and more urgent, and finally, on the top of Sun Hao's head formed a sword circle less than three meters in diameter.

Sun Hao screamed: "Give me, Shen Xiang, Jian Hua Yu..."

Brushing brush... The direction of the four gates, while flying from the top of Sun Hao's head, flying a flying sword.

When the flying sword began to fly out, it seemed that there was only one hand. However, after flying out, the air quickly separated a lot. It was like a piece of feathers. It seemed to be swaying, but the actual speed quickly killed the enemy in the direction of the Mozu. .

The devils who are discussing what should be done are slightly puzzled. The tricks of this four-sided attack should be limited!

I didn’t have time to reflect it, they have already discovered the sight of horror.

The flying feathers are floating, the sword feathers are everywhere, and the billions of the Mozu army seem to have become the fine sand blown away by the north wind, and they have been swept away.

Surrounded by the scale of the Warcraft Magic Army surrounding Anyang City, it was surrounded by all sides.

But now, this kind of encirclement is under the agarwood sword of Sun Hao, like a circular hollow to expand forward, Jian Yu is everywhere, the magic army layer is flat.

Jian Yu is everywhere, no magic army can survive.

What kind of big move is this?

How could there be such a powerful killing?

The devil will be dumbfounded, even forgot to escape, and his eyes are full of incredible eyes.

Then, in the eyes they couldn't believe, Jian Yu swept through them, even if they reacted instantly, even though they wanted to get up and flee.

But unfortunately, at this moment, they found that time seems to be slow.

The fluttering sword feathers seem to be slowly swallowing, but I can only watch the Jianyu sticking myself to the riddled hole, and the real energy that was subsequently impacted is forced to be like a fine sand. Blow out.

Endless darkness is coming.

The magic will not be spared.

The soldiers on the walls of Anyang witnessed this very dazzling scene.

Just still fighting with them, the battle is endless, almost the empire that once rushed to the wall.

In this way, the boy in the air, under the handsome and mighty juvenile sword, turned into a fly ash.

If not for personal experience.

If you don't see it with your own eyes.

Who can believe that human beings can be so powerful.

The huge Anyang City, outside the Anyang City, is so large that it was actually a sword by Shen Xiang, and it was covered like a circle.

Anyang City was surrounded by ten years, and there were countless battles in size. Everyone thought that to defeat the opponent, it would be a war that lasted for a long time.

But now, the reality tells them that someone can smash a million lions by one person and one sword.

And the man, standing at this time, stood in front of their eyes.

At this time, Sun Hao, his body is fighting against the sky, there are laws behind it, and Shen Xiangjian still hovering over his head, constantly shooting Jian Yu to the Quartet.

The real fairy tales are nothing but nothing.

Above the wall, thousands of Dahan could not help but squat on one knee, holding arms and shaking their arms.

Among them, there are star generals who once looked down on Sun Hao.

At this moment, the star general has not felt uncomfortable, and does not feel embarrassed. The reason is that at this moment, in his heart, there is only one emotion, admiration.

Very admirable.

In addition to admiration, there is no room for admiration for other feelings.

A sword light cold demon soul.

Farther away from Warcraft, the Devil, the surviving magic repair is completely ruthless.

The courage in the heart was completely destroyed, the tide was like, in all directions, the mountains and the mountains, the Mozu monks fled.

Star Wen will suddenly wake up and vibrate: "Chong, kill..."

In Anyang City, the monks rushed out and began to beat the dogs.

When Sun Hao knew the move, the law was closed, and Shen Xiangjian stopped spinning. He slammed and flashed a bright brilliance in the air.

At this time, the National Teacher did not know what to say.

However, he really feels deeply that even if it is not a small monk, it is difficult to achieve agarwood!

A sword revives Anyang City.

Unablely, this old man fell down in the air, and said with sincerity: "Adults have a sword, smashing the enemy, a sword, a cold, a demon, a sword, a rejuvenation of Anyang City, thank you, Shen Xiang, thank you, Shen Xiang adults... ..."

Hundreds of millions of people in the city only saw Sun Xiang’s sword at the top of Sun Hao’s sword, but did not see the true history of Aquilaria. The cheers and shouts that broke out on the wall were not clear.

The voice of the national teacher came out.

It turned out to be a sword to kill millions of A sword Guangfu Anyang City!

The cheers suddenly came out of the city with a wave of waves.

Sun Hao looked at the sky, and the huge dragon pillar had broken through the clouds, blooming golden light, and flying high.

And the golden light, from the top of the clouds, constantly shines on the mountains and rivers of the east.

The East Pole is actually the pillar of gas transportation. For example, today's pillar repair, the eastern air transport is booming, the magic gas is emptied, and the most serious oriental disaster in the mainland will naturally disappear quickly.

At the bottom of my heart, I sighed and sighed: "Brothers are good," Sun Hao showed his arms and flew to the National Division and Zhao Wen.

Yan and Zhu Ling followed closely.

The restoration of the East is completed, leaving the last point, the earliest area where the magic disaster broke out, the South Continent.

The gods inadvertently swept through Zhu Ling, and Sun Hao could not help but feel a slight pain. (To be continued.)

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