Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1343: Weak in the south

A sword defeated the army of the Mozu, and Sun Hao did not stay too much in the East.

Simply, after properly communicating with the national teacher and informing the East of his "three chapters of the law," Sun Hao has gone to the next goal with the exalted worship and cheers of the Eastern soldiers. , the southern continent.

Sun Hao is coming fast and going fast.

Before today, the name in the East was not seen.

Before today, it was even ignored by the Han Dynasty.

But today's war, the Eastern Dahan up and down, but firmly remembered Sun Hao, remembered that the heroic like a god, like a young monk who fights God.

Remember the dragon **** that has been turned into a high-flying cloud, and the salvation hero Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang.

After Sun Hao left, there are still many people in the city of Anyang who have been worshipping for a long time.

Sun Hao did not know, and did not think about how much influence he would have in the East, but when Sun Hao passed Baisha City, he found that the Mozu army outside Baisha City was retreating in a flood.

Wang Yuan dispelled the magical spirit that shrouded the East. Although the Mozu army did not have the intelligence, but also knew that the big event was not good, it was withdrawing to the Magic.

Regardless of how the Eastern Han Dynasty will clear the magic disaster, how to block the passage of the Mozu invasion, these things, the Eastern Han Dynasty Wang Ting himself should be able to settle.

Sun Hao is now most concerned about the safety of the extremely southern Tianzhu.

There was no delay, and there was no help to Baishacheng. I didn’t see the Berlin general again. It was a non-stop, and Sun Hao entered the island of the Soul through the transmission array.

In the process of flying, he also dealt with some things on the island of the Soul, almost incessantly, and Sun Hao once again entered the most familiar southern continent through the transmission array.

The reason why the Southern Continent will be put on the final restoration is based on one of the most basic principles. According to the non-hungry predecessors, the Antarctic Tianzhu should be Jiyan Mountain. At that time, although the rats were not hungry, they felt that the South was somewhat inappropriate, but he Did not find any problems with Ji Yanshan.

Simply understand that the Antarctic Tianzhu should be fairly intact.

Or it is said that the Southern Mozu did not find the Antarctic Tianzhu to destroy.

So Sun Hao is not particularly anxious.

Moreover, the intelligence shows that in the south there are Qingyunmen, the five elements of the Mozong and Qi Tianzong, and they have started a zigzag battle with the return of the magic disaster. The Jiyan Mountain at the junction of Qingyunmen and the five elements of the Mozong is relatively safe.

Everything is clear that the Antarctic Tianzhu should be innocent.

Of course, this is only the basic judgment of Sun Hao. In fact, it is necessary to go to the scene to find out.

With Zhu Ling and Yan, standing on the shoulders of a small fire, Sun Hao all the way to the wind, flying quickly to the accumulation of Yan Yanshan.

The South Continent is different from the East. Although there is a magical disaster in the South China, there is no magical power to cover the sky. Therefore, although the village has traces of war, it is slightly better than the East.

Of course, it is only relatively speaking. The outbreak of the disaster has caused many unpredictable injuries to the South China.

Although many villages were destroyed and the dangers of the disaster were seen, Sun Hao was still full of anger in his heart. Of course, he also had a strong sense of responsibility and mission to expel the Mozu.

Over the mountains of Ji Yan, the ash is still cloudy, and the sky is covered with volcanic ash, and there is no abnormality.

Sun Hao three are Yuan Ying Zhenjun, and the outside of Jiyan Mountain can't stop Sun Hao.

However, Sun Hao still followed the route of the year, crossed the Wudalian pool, and boundlessly slammed into the volcanic crater of Jiyanshan.

Let Zhu Ling and Yan wait for themselves in the crater, and Sun Hao plunged into the Jiyan Mountain.

When there was no Zhu Ling and his beggars, the small fire immediately came to life, holding Sun Hao’s neck and screaming.

In the heart of Sun Hao, there is also a faint warmth.

In the years of Jiyanshan, he took a small fire and formed an indissoluble bond. It can be said that there is a warm memory of Sun Hao and Xiaohuo in the Jiyan Mountain.

It’s natural to have a feeling when you revisit the place.

With a hand rubbing the warm fur of a small fire, the peerless gods protect the body, and Sun Hao flies down into the magma and flies down.

Half-day kung fu, Sun Hao has passed through the pure fire, from the bottom of the magma, once again came to kill Shi Yanduo and the fire, the harvest of the fire elf finally angered the rat not hunger, let the small fire get a resurgence of the sea of ​​fire Among them.

It seems that nothing has changed.

The sea of ​​fire is still the same, the fire is still there.

Sun Hao can't see anything wrong, that is to say, Antarctic Tianzhu is safe and sound?

If you say that only Sun Hao at this time, you will really find nothing.

But Sun Hao has a small fire on his shoulder and a small fire.

Sun Hao seriously felt that after discovering the abnormality, the heart said to the small fire: "Small fire, you come to help me see, what is the difference between this and the last time we came here?"

Xiaohuo said: "Okay."

Jumping from Sun Hao’s shoulder, a small fire jumped into the sea of ​​fire, and a fierce plunged into the magma.

On the flaming magma, groaning and bubbling up.

Sun Hao stood up and looked forward quietly.

After a long time, the small fire rushed out of the magma, and the small body flew in the air, shaking off the magma on the body, and accurately stood on Sun Hao’s shoulder again.

At the same time, in the heart of Sun Hao, there was a small fire: "Brother, this piece of fire seems to have no abnormalities, but the feeling of giving a small fire is very bad."

Sun Hao’s heart suddenly sinks: “It’s important to talk about your feelings in detail, small fire.”

"The last time I came to this piece of fire, my feeling was alive and well." The little fire quickly said: "But this time, my feelings are dead, or the last time I had a problem, so I will feel that way. It may just be an illusion."

Sun Hao slammed into the sea of ​​fire, and said in his heart: "Small fire, your feelings are correct, I know what is wrong, the last time we came, there is a fire in the fire, but now They are gone..."

The little fire and small body trembled a little: "Yeah, brother, I ran out of the distance, but I really didn't see an illusion!"

Sun Hao’s heart gradually sinks. There is no doubt that Ji Yanshan has a problem, a problem he can’t understand, or a problem with Ji Yanshan’s origin.

The meaning of the representative is that the Antarctic Tianzhu is very inappropriate.

Only now, Sun Hao still does not know what Antarctic Tianzhu is.

After seeing the Dragon of the National Games in the East, Sun Hao understands that the possibility of supporting this world is not only a towering pillar, but Tianzhu may be a variety of incredible existence.

The East is the Dragon of the National Games.

Then, in the South, will it be a source of fire?

Where is this fire source, and what method does the Mozu use to influence or destroy it?

Sun Hao is not known.

The small fire said in Sun Hao’s heart at this time: "Brother, the sea of ​​fire is a huge difference compared with the past, that is, the overall temperature is many times weaker than before. In fact, after entering the boundless fire, I will I felt the silk weakened. When I got here, it felt very obvious."

Sun Hao suddenly stunned his heart and affirmed his own speculation. He said quickly: "Well, small fire, thank you, I know, the problem in the South should be a weak fire, and the southern fire should be the Antarctic Tianzhu. Although I don’t know the existence of the Antarctic Tianzhu, there is no doubt that the Mozu has a way to influence him..."

Xiaohuo asked: "Brother, what do we do now?"

Sun Hao thought for a moment and said in his heart: "According to the induction of the predecessors, there is no problem in Ji Yanshan Then we are here, we can't find the root of the problem of Antarctic Tianzhu. The reason, while the Antarctic Tianzhu, may be the source of the mainland fire, is the source of the mainland. What we should do now is to look at the changes in other directions in the southern continent."

The small fire turned to his head and thought about it. He said in his heart: "Brother, the South China is the last continent. We may have completely ruined the disaster in the South China. So, what problems are not solved?"

Sun Hao’s face showed a light smile, reaching out to touch the small head of the small fire, and said in his heart: “My family is really smart...”

The small face of the small fire showed a red glow, and the heart screamed: "Brother..."

Sun Hao said: "Let's go."

Standing on the shoulder with a small fire, Sun Hao returned from the original road in the sea of ​​fire, Qi Zhuling and Yi, and briefly exchanged a few words, Sun Hao said: "Go, we go back to Qingyunmen..."

The three men went from the Yanyan Mountain and quickly flew to Qingyunmen.

When passing through Mount Wanshan, Sun Hao’s body was slightly stunned, and then he did not stop at all, flying by the side. (To be continued.)

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