Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1344: Southern trend

Some things, although Sun Hao knows, can only understand and confused.

Some things, Sun Hao can not find a better solution, not Sun Hao does not want, but Sun Hao is now responsible for greater responsibility, Sun Hao does not even know, whether he can complete the four-pole four-post repair task as scheduled.

Therefore, Sun Hao still can only fly by.

Just as Sun Hao's eyes swept over Wanyi Mountain, inside, the two female repairs seemed to have a heart and soul, and looked out to the outside, but there was no discovery.

One person said: "Strange, how come you think of a little bad guy?"

Another person said: "You are in this state, don't want to blame!"

"This seems a bit different!"

"I seem to be all the same, to say differently, that is, you may have to vomit again..."


I really spit it up and spit on my side: "You are a crow mouth, you are a crow mouth..."

At the moment when the big spit spit, Sun Hao’s body shook slightly in the air. After a long time, he sighed leisurely and didn’t look back. He rushed to Qingyunmen.

Far away, Sun Hao saw the flying battle of the Heavenly Palace.

The speed is a little slow, and there are already monks in the distance who have discovered Sun Hao and his party.

Qingyun Xianshan was fully opened, and the vigilance of the patrolling monks was also quite high. He did not go out and asked in aloud: "Who is here?"

Sun Hao’s mood was not very good, but he still paused slightly before the big battle, and returned: “This grandson Sun Sun is incense.”

After that, he only took out the identity token and entered, with Yan and Zhu Ling on the highest peak of Qingyun, flying away.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang?

Patrol disciples stayed for a while.

It was discovered that Sun Hao had already broken in. One of the more clever monks quickly said: "Boss, quickly signal, Aquilaria ancestors are back..."

The band of monks reacted instantly, shaking hands, and the signal rose to the sky.

A loud bang of "啪..." rang through the Qingyun Xianshan, shaking the peaks of Qingyun.

Above the peaks, a large number of monks appeared, floating in the air, looking at the direction of the signal flying.

Sun Hao brows slightly wrinkled and whispered: "This is the grandson of Sun Hao, the peaks of the peaks, the Qingyun Taishang, the speed to the Qingyun main peak, others, etc., everyone, slightly safe..."

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang?

That is the return of the incense ancestors.

Among the ten peaks of Qingyun, suddenly there was a burst of cheers.

Above the main peak, Xuanyuan red foot stepped on the real female sword, a smile on his face, like a flying welcoming, far away, the surprise and inexplicable voice passed over: "Agarwood, you are back!"

Sun Hao looked at the face with a lot of resolute look of Xuanyuan Red, his heart was slightly warm, nodded gently: "Well, I am back, these years, hard red."

Xuanyuan Hongfei flew and hugged Sun Hao tightly: "It's not hard, not hard, just a little worried about you. Just come back, just come back."

Sun Hao touched her little head, and there was a slight apology in her heart. She said in her mouth: "Small red is holding on to Qingyun, but I am worried about it. It is really suffering you."

Xuanyuanhong remembered the hard work of these years, especially the hardships in recent years. His heart was slightly bitter, his eyes were slightly red, but his mouth still said: "Agarwood, you are running outside, it is more dangerous than I do not know how many times, now You returned safely, and a big stone in my heart finally landed."

Sun Hao patted her shoulder and whispered: "Xiaohong, there are old friends."

Xuanyuanhong actually saw Zhu Ling and hey, and it seems that he only found out in general. He looked up from Sun Hao’s arms and looked at Sun Hao’s body. He stood up straight and said: “The mermaid princess, Suzaku warrior, one Don't meet again for many years, you are still in style, welcome to my Qingyunmen."

Shan Yu and Zhu Ling Qi Qi returned: "The real woman is polite, goodbye to the real woman, but you are more and more smart, able to hold the South China, to keep Qingyunmen, the real woman for the security of the mainland, made an indelible contribution..."

A few simple words, at this time, Shuguang Zhenjun and Rakshasa Jun are also flying.

Sun Hao returned to the main peak of Qingyun. It was not long before the ceremony was held. The peak of the Qingyunmen at home and the elders of the elders had all arrived, and all of them looked at each other with a look of enthusiasm and looked at the first grandson.

When the incense ancestors returned to the mountains, Qingyunmen was bound to have great strength, and the battle against the catastrophe should have many advantages.

Although the real female is not weak, but she has more than enough soil and lack of progress, she can only support the situation. Over the years, Qingyun’s monk hopes that Shen Xiang’s ancestors will come back as soon as possible to lead everyone to sweep the magic.

In fact, because the adults of Aquilaria have always been hidden, the South Korean monks have already had two views that have spread rapidly, and the three have become tigers.

One way of saying this is that the incense adult has fallen, and he has fallen into the demon disaster and will never return.

Another way of saying this is that Shen Xiang adults have been trapped in the Jedi and can't get out.

Even Qingyun Benshan, there are monks in the secret to rumor this little news.

But today, when Aquila is back, the rumors will not break.

Sitting calmly on the top, Sun Hao began to listen to the intelligence of the South China.

Over the years, Wu Youlang has been unanimously recognized by Qingyunmen. He is the keynote speaker, and other people assisted him. In less than three hours, in recent years, some major events in the South China have occurred. Hao has a very clear outline, and the rest is some fine details.

After listening to the information of Wu Xianlang, Sun Hao brows slightly.

The information is very comprehensive and the key points are also mentioned.

However, Sun Hao did not see or feel any information about the Antarctic Tianzhu.

Of course, perhaps communicating alone, you should be able to find some clues.

This is an urgent matter. If you can't find any clues, then simply as the small fire said, directly smashing the southern disaster, when you can find the reason.

The South China has been very hard in these years. Basically, it was crushed by the catastrophe. Many times, the army of the Mozu organization killed the Qingyun Mountain, but they were all beaten by Xiaohong with the help of the Tiangong. go back.

That is to say, defending more and less, playing quite awkwardly.

After listening to the information of Wu Xianlang, Sun Hao took a sip of tea and looked at Zhu Ling and said softly: "Suzaku warfare, please tell us about the mainland battle report..."

Suzaku nodded to Sun Hao with a smile.

The body was shocked and stood tall on the futon. It said crisply: "Dear friends, please listen to the mainland battle report..."

Within the hall, suddenly the needle can be heard.

Zhu Ling slightly paused, and this said: "The island of the Soul is the core area of ​​the disaster. The Demon warriors have accumulated no more than five million troops, and the demonized sea beasts are countless. In the fierce battle, the Wanshen Mountain of the Soul of the Souls has been doubled, and the Terran monks have lost 60% of their lives..."

Zhu Ling’s battle report made the imposing manner of the hall stunned.

Many monks have a bad idea of ​​"bad, broken" and so on.

When he heard Zhu Ling read the report, Sun Hao couldn't help but laugh. It is obvious that Zhu Ling and Wang Yuan have different styles.

When Wang Yuan read the war report, he started directly, took the most shocking news, and scared everyone to say it again, while Zhu Ling, obviously likes to sell off, of course, it is more detailed.

When the hearts of Qingyunmen’s monks were raised, they were all scared when the Xianban’s powers failed to solve the problem. Zhu Ling suddenly threw a blockbuster, and the speed was fast and the tone was fierce. Zhu Ling Yang Sheng said: "In the crisis, the soul of the soul is not returned, Qingyunmen Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang breaks through the Mozu and appears in the soul of the soul of the soul..."

Actually said that Shen Xiang adults!

The spirit of the hall suddenly rose.

But then the monks in the hall were thrown by Zhu Ling, and Sun Hao’s string of shocking records was completely stunned.

Ten thousand demons are elite! 200,000 Mozu sea main force! Destroy the millions of demons!

This is my own agarwood adult.

When the incense is out, it is also the soul of the mountains.

Some intelligence does not require Qingyunmen to know, Zhu Ling simply skipped, but Zhu Ling continued to inform the mainland's various intelligences still let Qingyunmen up and down the spirit, and the respect for Sun Hao reached a new height.

Someone passed down in the south, and Shen Xiang adults fell into the hands of the magic.

However, the actual situation is that the agarwood adults of their own are the real mainland saviors, and the number of demon monks who have been killed in these years has been countless.

Not only that, the Aquila adults shot, the mainland disaster has wiped out most of the time, and now, only the South China's magic disaster has been lingering.

Morale, unprecedentedly high. (To be continued.)

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