Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1345: Tiny into the magic (thanks to Wuhan Blue)

The morale of Qingyunmen is very high, but the heart of Sun Hao is rather heavy.

The situation on the South Continent is more complicated than expected.

After listening to the information, Sun Hao felt that the magic disaster in the South China is fundamentally different from other continents.

In other continents, the demon disasters are composed of the demonized Warcraft and the Mozu native warriors. The leaders are mostly ancient devils, but the magic disaster on the southern continent is dominated by the magic.

To be straightforward, the Southern Confession is more like a war of the Tao, more like a civil unrest.

Therefore, in the disasters of the South China, the influence of mortals is not very serious, and the scope of the magic is not very large.

However, after in-depth analysis, Sun Hao profoundly believes that the harm of the South China's magic disaster may be even worse than other continents.

The southern mainland monks who know the roots are not as good as the distant warriors.

Moreover, for mortals, the resistance to the disaster is not very heavy. Most people think that it is just a change of the dynasty and a change of the East.

Of course, Sun Hao, who witnessed the disaster in the East, knows that once the South China is completely controlled by the demon disaster, once the magic disaster spreads and the magic is covered, waiting for the billions of people will be a disaster.

As one of the oldest rankings in the South China, it has a huge influence and has many talents.

Over the years, Wu Xianlang has planned more than one combat plan.

But Sun Hao can hear from the intelligence that the effect of these plans is not very good.

In other words, with Wu’s wisdom and wisdom, it’s not too much cheaper to go back to the magic.

Of course, because of the lack of strength, there is no such thing as a monk who can contend with the relationship between the dust and the dust. Wu Xiaolang is still a strong limitation, and it is still one of the reasons.

Under the leadership of Sun Hao, the high morale of the Qingyunmen monks conducted a heated discussion on how to launch a strategic counterattack.

Many monks have put forward many practical suggestions.

This includes recommendations for designing and removing dust and implementing decapitation actions.

Of course, these opinions are only some drafts. I really want to organize them and I need to plan them in detail.

In the end, Sun Hao called out the intellectual idiot, let Zhichi and Wu Xianlang dominate, and integrated the opinions of everyone to draw up the operational plan.

At the same time, the Qingyunmen monks underwent a general division of tasks and began to prepare for the Southern War.

The task was arranged, and the monks of Qingyunmen’s peaks left without a word, and the morale was high and entered the comprehensive preparation period.

At the same time, the record of the Qingyun ancestor Shen Xiang adults also quickly spread in the main peak of Qingyun.

Up and down the Qingyun, there was a scene of extreme excitement and enthusiasm. No matter which monk, his face overflowed with a happy look.

After being suppressed for more than ten years, he took a sigh of relief. With the return of the fragrant incense ancestors, the counterattack was on the verge of rushing.

After leaving three disciples, the school was rebuilt as a progress, and Sun Hao expressed satisfaction with their cultivation.

The three disciples have steadily entered the Golden Dan Great Consummation, and are working hard to polish their own cultivation, and to lay a solid foundation for the preparation of the broken Dan.

Their foundations are good, they can sink their hearts, do not rush to break through, and continue to accumulate in strict accordance with the requirements of Sun Hao.

After passing down some practice exercises, Sun Hao said: "Dayu, Dezheng, you go back first, I am free, you stay, I still have some special information, need to know in detail, Daewoo, called Lao Jia also come over..."

Retired to Daewoo and Zhu Dezheng.

Say to Daewoo: "Good", and very rare to say: "The four teachers can go out."

Four younger brothers? Sun Hao immediately understood that he should refer to Xia Chuan and nodded: "Well, I know."

Sun Hao once let Xia Chuan and Zhou Yuxi retreat in the battle of Tiangong. At this time, the time has not arrived. To Daewoo, it is better to think that the effect of retreating them is better.

Sun Hao knows the movement and extends into the battle of Tiangong. After observing for a while, he slowly nods and says: "Daewoo, let Xiachuan and Yuxi come to me tomorrow morning."

In the mid-air flight, he said to Daewoo: "Okay."

Lao Jia came to Sun Hao Dong House, and naturally fell to the ground. He bowed his head and said: "You, the son, you finally came back, and the South is finally saved."

Sun Hao’s hand waved and cheered Lao Jia up and said with joy: “Get up and talk, gossip, old Jia, tell the truth, after listening to the intelligence of the South, I have a very clear feeling, that is, leisure. Lang Zhimou was targeted and designed to be good, as if the effect was not sloppy. I wonder why this is so, can you tell me? Or is there a special person who has something special? ?"

Wu Xianlang swept the old Jia, his face showed a bitter smile.

Lao Jia thought about it, facing Sun Hao, said: "The son does not know, the reason why the free slang will be shackled, in fact, it is because, because there is a magic repair to know the roots of the free slang, the prevention is very strict, The free man is also helpless."

Sun Hao’s interest has increased greatly: “How can a singer know the power of the slang? Isn’t the slang not the best at Tibetan mastiff? Why is it seen?”

Lao Jia looked at Wu Xianlang and bowed his head and said: "The son, the opponent of the real man, is called Lancome. Actually, actually..."

Sun Hao looked at the old Jia of Ai Ai, and his brow was slightly wrinkled: "Lan Lan? What's wrong?"

Lao Jia squatted and said to Sun Hao with a hard scalp: "Lan Lan is actually a small cockroach, just a small cockroach after the magic."

Xiao Yan?

Sun Hao slammed and stayed in the same place, silently.

After a long time, Sun Hao asked: "Detailed talk, what happened?"

Lao Jia said with a smile: "At the time of the outbreak of the Southern China, the Xiaoyan was not in Qingyun Mountain, but outside the management industry for the son. It happened that the position she was in was under the magic..."

With the explanation of Lao Jia, Sun Hao gradually understood.

After the disaster, Xiaoxuan lost contact, but when he designed the magic repair in Shi Lang, when he saw that he was going to succeed, Xiao Yan appeared, and he wore the slang, so that Qingyun fell short.

And Xiao Xiao’s cultivation is a direct jump from Jin Dan to Yuan Ying Zhenmo.

Lao Jia finally said: "We did not expect that Xiaoyan would be demonized, and the means of coping were insufficient. Moreover, Xiaoxuan is Lancome. In the past few years, a huge intelligence network has been developed. We don’t know how to prevent it. Therefore, Shi Lang How to design, it is very difficult to work, Qingyunmen can only defend, but can not make progress."

Xiaoyan entered the magic disaster area, was demonized, and turned to the Mozu camp, which contained Wu Xiaolang.

In the heart of Sun Hao, there is a feeling of scent.

The matter of time is really unpredictable. There is a small scorpion in the magical camp, and I will not be able to open it.

As far as Sun Hao’s situation is concerned, Xiao’s intelligence network has not only covered the South China Sea, but also extends to other continents. The management is complicated and secret. Wu’s leisure can not suffer, but it’s already very good. It is.

Just, let Sun Hao be strange.

Old Jia Mingming said that Xiao Xiao has already turned to the magic camp.

However, in the hands of Sun Hao, there is still a call token for the Xiaoyan intelligence organization.

The token is still shining, there is no sign of failure, and the token still shows that there is more than one senior contact in Qingyun Xianshan.

In other words, Xiaoyan’s intelligence network is still open to Sun Hao.

Moreover, if Xiao Xiao did not change the settings, the token of Sun Hao’s hand is the top-ranking king of the intelligence network, and the level is even higher than that of Xiao Yan’s hand.

After listening to Lao Jia’s words.

Sun Hao would like to see if the Tianwang order is still valid. I really want to see if Qingyunmen still has a small Hao is strange, isn’t he afraid that he will hold the king’s order and pull it directly? Miss her spy placed in the Qingyunmen?

Or is it that Xiao Xiao has not had time to modify the settings?

But that is not like it!

Sun Hao said with a slight meditation, said: "In this case, I will find a small cockroach to figure out, Zhichi is a singer, and what you discuss must be strictly controlled within a very small scope. Also, before each action, Don't give any advice to the monk who performs the task..."

Zhichi and Wu Xianlang Qiqi said: "Understood."

Sun Hao’s topic turned and asked again: “Chu Lang, Lao Jia, you will recall it carefully. In the past two years, there has been no large-scale adjustment of the deployment of troops, and what are they doing? The key areas of special defense, or the key areas where large-scale battles have erupted."

According to the devil's usual practice, the four pillars should be the focus of their attacks. Sun Hao would like to find some clues from the Antarctic Tianzhu from these intelligences. (To be continued.)

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