Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1346: Uranus has orders

Lao Jia and Wu Xianlang heard the words and began to recall.

After a while, Wu Xianlang said: "In recent years, the overall situation of the magic repair has changed from strong to contraction. However, there is no obvious attack focus that the master said. The biggest battle is nothing more than happening. In my Qingyun Mountain, there is also Qitiansha City, but I have not seen any special anomalies."

After thinking about his head for a long time, Lao Jia slowly said: "On the surface, there is no abnormal behavior in the magic repair. However, since the son asked this question, there is no doubt that the magic repair should be in these two. There will be no doubts about the action. I have carefully analyzed the intelligence of the past few years, but I have found a little."

On strategy, there is no doubt that Wu Youlang is a little better, but when it comes to intelligence analysis, Lao Jia is a good hand.

Putting his finger, Lao Jia said with a smile: "First of all, this first change, I found that the magic repair was subtly used, and it took a few years to gradually surround Qitiansha City. That is to say, it is very likely that Qitiansha City Is one of the focuses of their attacks..."

Sun Hao shook hands in the information, and nodded to Lao Jia.

"This second change is actually not a problem." Lao Jia continued: "You see that the configuration of a body sect is higher than the other direction. Is this the key defense area?"

Wu Xian made a sigh of relief, and sincerely said: "Old Jia, really, I ignored the original squad, and now I want to come, it is indeed true. The South China catastrophe in recent years is not as good as before, it seems to converge. Many, but their true strength, but unconsciously moved to these two points.

Sun Hao nodded and said: "Well, I understand, I am quick, you and the intellectuals to step up planning, focus on these two areas, we quickly move."

Wu Xianlang said: "For the sake of one, it is a full-scale war."

Sun Hao nodded: "Well, the whole war, when I am not waiting, I will see your plan tomorrow, do not need a sword to slant, we are upright, just oppress from the front."

The spirit of Wu Xianlang was alive, and it felt like Sun Hao was there. He took a lot of battle plans and straightened his head. He said loudly: "Follow, Master."

Let Wu Xianlang and Zhichao discuss in Qingyunfeng. Sun Hao’s heart moved, his body shook a little, and he appeared silently on Caiyun Peak.

A wrist flashed and a delicate white jade token appeared in the hand.

This is the prince who gave it to himself, but he never used it. I didn't expect it to be used for the first time, to verify whether it is still valid.

The Heavenly King ordered that Xiao Xiao spent a lot of effort and found Zhu Dezheng.

With a more magical effect, Sun Hao injected the real yuan, and the king ordered it, and suddenly showed a row of dense and bright spots.

Seeing these bright spots, Sun Hao couldn’t help but laugh.

Xiaoyan has been in business for many years, and he is also from Qingyunmen. This Qingyun is up and down. According to the display of Tianwangling, there are many secret agents.

Wu Xiaolang has any plans, it may be really difficult to get too small, not to be restrained.

Sun Hao looked at these bright spots, but he couldn’t help but wonder. After Xiaozheng’s demonization, if he really played against the right path, why would he let him continue to control the Tianwang order?

If Otaru does not fight against the right path, why has he repeatedly destroyed the plan of the CZ.

Sun Hao can't understand it.

After thinking about it, according to Xiao Yan's method, Sun Hao inspired the brightest star in the king's order, standing quietly in the spot, to see if the star network secret agent represented by this star will come, who is it.

About 盏 tea kungfu, Sun Hao knows the movement, in the sight, the purple smoke master floats away, wants to be ashamed and annoyed with a white eye, Yun Ziyan gently said: "I know that the little bad guys will come back when you will Looking for me, Xiaohao, why don't you go to my Dongfu, but want to call me over?"

Sun Hao... I said that I know that you are a detective of the Son of Heaven, a top-ranking agent with a position of detachment!

The face was filled with a bright smile. Sun Hao stretched out his arms and hugged the cloud purple smoke: "Today's night is good, I haven't watched the stars with the purple smoke for a long time..."

There was a faint thought, a touch of warmth, and a little bit of a little purple master, until the sky was bright, the stars disappeared, and Sun Hao sent the cloud purple smoke back to Dongfu.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao’s body swayed and appeared on the peak of the hammer, once again urging the king’s order.

Well, the first celestial secret agent is actually the purple smoke master. Sun Hao suddenly feels that he can't clean it up, and there is no need to clean it up. Because the purple smoke master is the real one, it will definitely not harm himself. One hundred believe in yourself.

A sip of tea kung fu in the past, Sun Hao's knowledge, on the peak of the hammer, a short, fat big fat man flew up, while flying and squatting: "This early morning, actually summoned to me, did you engage? Wrong, is there a public morality... Ah... Master, it’s you, Master Ying Ming’s martial arts, and finally remembered to see the political affairs...”

Sun Hao is one of the first two big, on the peak of the hammer, the biggest and brightest day is the baby apprentice! !

Over the years, the slabs of Zhu Dezheng's refining system have been very helpful to the war situation in the South China, and even to the battle of the island of the Soul.

The emergence of mobile phones can be said to have brought about tremendous changes to the mainland.

However, Zhu Dezheng, the kid, is the kind of guy who doesn't hit the house for three days. Sun Haohu asked with a deep voice: "German politics, what happened? How did you become a Skynet agent?"

Zhu Dezheng took a brief glance and immediately said: "Master, you are the king, and of course the disciple is going to be the number one secret agent. Is there any problem?"

Sun Hao coughed and then asked: "Do you know who the Skynet promoter is, who is the Skynet organizer? Who is responsible for your intelligence?"

Zhu Dezheng quickly replied: "The promoter of Skynet is vigorous. Isn't organization just you? Master, I am a secret agent of Tianzi. Naturally, I am only responsible for Master. Now, Master, what important secret tasks do you have for me? I promise to be 100% complete. After I finish it, I will keep my mouth shut, even Jieber will not reveal it..."

Sun Hao thought quickly and thought, what is the mode of Xiaotian’s Skynet? How did these secret agents manage and form in the end? I didn’t say anything in my mouth: “Talk about what secret missions can you give me to this king?”

Zhu Dezheng Ma Mafei said: "More, I can complete more secret tasks, such as accompanying Master, you experience the red dust, find a flower girl music; also, for example, **** voyeur Caiyun female disciple..."

Sun Hao flew a foot on his ass.

Zhu Dezheng danced in the air and said in a loud voice: "Confidence, absolutely confidential, the last five tigers looked for me, I did not tell Jieber..."

Looking for two secret agents in succession, Sun Hao is a bit of a recollection. The members of Skynet in Qingyunmen may be the masters of their own aroma, and most of them don’t know the actual leader of Skynet. Demonization.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao flew up and entered the battle of the Heavenly Palace.

It is very likely that the Haoran Summit will meet Daewoo. Maybe the Qingyun Summit will attract Xiaohong. Sun Hao decided to go to the battle of Tiangong to find a general monk to ask about the situation.

Within the battle of the Heavenly Palace, Sun Hao mobilized the Heavenly King, and after the excitement, issued a call to the brightest mystery.

But this time, there was a slight accident.

After half a day without seeing the monk coming, Sun Hao was preparing to get up and look for it, a voice came out of the air.

Sun Hao grabbed the notes in one hand and squeezed them open. Inside, there was a loud voice from Zhou Yuxi: "No matter who you are? Uranus is not working, I am retreating, I am not going to accompany you, the shop is fighting, the business is free, To buy intelligence, please contact ten years later..."

Sun Hao...

I have to go to I don't have to ask, the biggest secret agent in the battle of the Heavenly Palace is my own prostitutes, Miss Xi Xi.

The current retreat in his fight against the Tiangong, it seems to be quite disciplined, knowing that the business will be discussed after ten years.

It is obvious that the reason for joining Skynet is different from that of Ziyan Master and Dezheng. She is estimated to be earning extra money.

Did not disturb Zhou Yuxi retreat, Sun Hao flew out, and found a few places, casually inspired the king of the order, summoned some monks.

Sure enough, as expected, the King of the Kings is mostly a monk who is a fragrant aphrodisiac.

Many are still his disciples, such as the apprentice to Daewoo, the grandson of Zhu Dezheng, and so that Sun Hao laughs.

It is really necessary to clean up Qingyunmen Skynet. In fact, it is to clean up his grand descendants of Sun Hao himself. The existence of this situation is estimated to make Wu Xianlang a monarch.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao flew out of Qingyun Xianshan, and wrote a spell in his mouth, and ordered it to the king, the biggest one, and the faint stars. (To be continued.)

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