Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1349: Qingyun swearer (blue rewards plus)

Hunting for the flag, Wan Xia array, Yu Jian Lin, floating between the Qingyun Xianshan.

The mountain screams and screams, screams and swears.

The swearing ceremony was still presided over by the Qingyunmen lord Xuanyuan Hongjun. The clear voice echoed in Xianshan: "You ancestors, Qingyun Tongdao, the swearing ceremony is now starting..."

The flag of Manshan calmed down and the cheers of the sky calmed down.

More than 100,000 Qingyun monks, with ten mountain peaks as the array, Qi Qi looked to the sky, the entire Qingyun Xianshan momentum is awe-inspiring.

The voice of Xuanyuan Hongjun was heard out loudly: "Iron rides, walks through the mountains and rivers; shouts, gathers Qingyun elite; crosses the sea, and shows the hero's true color; the iron-blooded lion is the hero of my generation... Start now. The first item of the ceremony, the guns..."

The swearing ceremony, also known as the "construction conference", the most important thing is to have a huge momentum, so the word "big" is indispensable.

Xuanyuan Hongjun fired a cannon. First of all, the main peak of Qingyun rang a loud bell, a total of nine rings, each ringing through the fairy mountain, wearing a white cloud.

After nine minutes.

Above the Qingyun Shifeng, Qiqi rushed out of the salute and burst into flames.

Over the entire Qingyun Xianshan, the fireworks are endless, and a seven-color cloud emerges. The Qingyun monk Qiqi shouted loudly: "Qingyun, Qingyun; Qingyun, Qingyun..."

The grand swearing ceremony officially began.

Xuanyuan Hongjun’s hands were pressed, and the cheers of the mountains and the tsunami came to an abrupt end. Xuanyuan Hongyi said again: “Today’s swearing, it’s my Qingyun event, the South China event, and the turning point of the whole continent. I’m up and down, I’m all right, now At the scene of the swearing-in, there are monks from my Qingyun Shifeng. They are Qingyunfeng and Xurifeng... Welcome you..."

After introducing the monks who took part in the swearing, Xuanyuan Hongyi said with aloud: "Today's swearing-in, I have invited many monks from the mainland to participate in the grand ceremony. They are, Zhuque warrior Zhu Ling, the mermaid princess, and everyone welcomes you today... I swear, I got the high attention of my Qingyunmen high-level, my Qingyun ancestor Luosha Zhenjun, Shuguang Zhenjun... Real female adult..."

Speaking of this, Xuanyuan Hongjun’s voice was slightly stunned, and the voice was in vain. “In the end, it’s our monk seal monk, my Qingyunmen’s pride, and Shen Xiang’s ancestors personally attended today’s swearing-in meeting, let us give a warm applause. Welcome to the incense ancestor..."

The applause of the tsunami in the mountains and the cheers, which were uploaded from the Qingyun Shifeng, the monks shouted and released their enthusiasm.

After following Sun Hao, the monk who was named by Xuanyuan Hongjun appeared in the air, standing side by side behind Xuanyuan Hongjun.

After the Qingyun monk fully expressed his enthusiasm, Xuanyuan Hongjun said loudly: "Below, please have Shen Xiang ancestors..."

Xuanyuan Hongjun's body was slightly on one side, so Sun Hao stood in the middle of the venue.

"Agarwood, Aloes", the tsunami-like cheers of the mountains, made Sun Hao's ears slightly vibrate, his face slightly heavy, his tone, and full of introverted momentum, Sun Hao slowly said: "The magic land, the spirits are charcoal, Ten thousand villages are homeless, and they are sorrowful, and their sins are in jeopardy.

The swearing-in ceremony usually informs the soldiers of the purpose and meaning of the expedition, reveals the evils of the enemy, and boosts morale, that is, the mobilization and education of the troops before a battle.

Sun Hao also has a feeling for this.

When it comes to the crime of the catastrophe, Sun Hao can't help but think of the disaster of the island of the Soul and the disaster of the Eastern Continent. The heart is even more passionate: "There is three great hatreds, one hate, one hurts me, and hurts me. Agarwood walks the world, but sees the magical powers, the bones of the forest, after the demon disaster, my mainland Limin at least reduced the number of people by more than 30%; the second hate occupied my mainland, a thousand miles of magic dyed... three hate my faith, chaotic mainland order, provoke the Taoist The battle..."

Because it is sentimental, when Sun Hao counts the damage of the magic disaster, the voice is heavy, the words are heart-wrenching, the Qingyun monk feels the same, deeply understands the great harm of the magic disaster.

The monks have once again strengthened their confidence and determination to destroy the devil, a strong sense of responsibility, and a sense of mission.

All the monks stood up and firmly erected the belief of destroying the devil.

Sun Hao’s voice is vainly raised a little: “The magical disaster is not extinguished, and the food is difficult to sleep. Today’s confession of the comrades’ comrades is like a tiger’s sorrow. If you are like a singer, you’re not like... Oh, it’s awkward...”

Xia Chuan around Zhou Yixi's elbows: "Chuanchuan dad, what the ancestors said, how can I not understand?"

Xia Chuan sighed: "Hey, there are very few monks who don't understand classical Chinese. You have already let you learn more. You don't listen. Your ancestors said, 'Be brave and forward, the soldiers! I hope you are all mighty. Majestic, like a tiger like a beggar, such as Xiong Ruzhen, bravely marching forward, soldiers, if you do not work hard, you will be killed by yourself...

Zhou Yuxi waved a small fist: "When you say something so complicated, give it to me, just cut the word "cut him" and get it."

Xia Chuan shook his head silently, suddenly there was a very clear cognition, it seems that his education is a bit of a failure, and this is a bit of a man-like trend!

Sun Hao’s passionate voice finally turned into a sentence: “After the Qingyun, can you follow me, smash the disaster?”

Wan Jian Qi Ming, Wan Xiu Tong said: "The sorcerer, the sorcerer..."

Sun Hao was slightly covered around, with a smile back.

Xuanyuan Hongjun came forward again, Lang said: "Agarwood has just profoundly explained the harm of the disaster, and issued a call for the sorcerer. Then, there is a representative of the monk who speaks to Daewoo..."

To Daewoo was originally the least talked, and it was always the cherished word of gold, but Sun Hao chose him to speak.

Of course, as a great disciple of Sun Hao, he spoke at the swearing ceremony and is also the most suitable object.

Bold the scalp and flew to Daewoo.

After seeing the ancestors of Zongmen and giving a gift to the Qingyun monk, he said to Daewoo: "You, friends, we must leave behind the tension, pessimism, disappointment and uneasiness. We must be led by the incense, Sincere unity, the same boat, the hardships and the common, throwing heads and blood, heroic advances, smashing demons..."

There were not many words to Daewoo, but the voice of Qingyun’s monk was spoken, and his statement was even more determined. He also got a loud match from 100,000 monks.

After speaking to Daewoo, Xuanyuan Hongjun said with aloud: "So now, please ask my Qingyun monk, take the oath with me..."

The last item of the swearing ceremony is an oath.

One hundred thousand monks, Qi Qi raised his right arm, under the leadership of Xuanyuan Hongjun, solemnly sworn.

For the mainland, for the human race, we swear in the name of life and blood:

Strong and fierce, thorns and thorns, dare to call the sun and the moon for a new day.

The spirit of the wind, the waves, the clouds and sails.

A cavity of blood, a thousand pride, my generation is struggling to fight the world.

A hundred steels into a steel, a sword for ten years, the sword is now a test.

In the end, 100,000 monks were neatly tidy, and they shouted in the sky: "There is no change in this heart. There is no regret in this trip. This is a combination of heaven and earth."

This heart does not change, this trip has no regrets, this move is a common understanding.

This heart does not change, this trip has no regrets, this move is a common understanding.


The majestic voice, the high oath, echoed on the Qingyun Xianshan for a long time.

The morale of the Qingyun monk reached its peak.

Xuanyuan Hongjun hot iron, issued a series of orders, the deacon's various tasks were promulgated.

The 100,000 Qingyun elite monks are divided into three parts. Under the leadership of Shuguang Zhenjun, Rakshagenjun and true women, they have been attacked from the desert in three directions. According to the deployment of Shenxiang adults, The first battle of the South Chinadom was to smash the army of demons around the desert, and to meet with Qi Tianzong and the five elements of the Mozong in the desert, and then gathered into a torrent of floods to completely smash the southern continent.

Sun Hao is very different from the absence.

When Sun Hao did not return, the Qingyunmen monks did not dare to go out on a large scale, because no one could block the return of the dust. Once they were killed, they would cause a lot of casualties.

However, after Sun Hao came back, Qingyun Xianshan came out of the nest, even if he met the dust, he could use the battlefield to resist a period of Naturally, Sun Hao came to play.

This is the great role of top fighting power.

Sun Hao is not in the sequence of three major army, but all Qingyun monks are convinced that Shen Xiang adults must be at high altitude at this time, follow their own, sweeping the desert.

Yuan Yingzhenjun went out, and Sun Hao’s great disciple took over the responsibility of defending Qingyun Benshan to Daewoo.

There is a battle in the Heavenly Palace, even if it is the return of the dust personally, do not want to easily defeat the Qingyun defense, to the Daewoo rumor is not weak, but it can support Sun Hao timely return.

In a simple sentence, Sun Hao’s return, Qingyun’s morale has risen sharply, the light is right, the Qingyun is out, the car is set, and the war is to be repaired on the desert. There is no flower rack and no loopholes. arrangement.

A grand swearing ceremony was held.

It is clear that it is going to be a desert.

According to Yizong, Qingyunmen has been upright and pressed against himself. (To be continued.)

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