Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1350: Desert Association (blue rewards plus)

Once white, it was already dark, like ink, and the dark light with the metallic luster, under the sun, blooming, shrouded the entire Yixian Mountain.

In the middle of the dome, within the huge hall of the deliberation, the devils will gather together to discuss the countermeasures.

The information of Qingyunmen is very clear.

The movement of Qingyunmen is very clear.

It is clear that the car and horse are going to pull out the magic around the desert.

If Sun Hao is present, he will be quite surprised by the ranking of the magical deeds at this time.

The initiator of the South China's catastrophe, after the demonization, did not sit in the first place.

On the contrary, the nickname of Lanhua, who is a pseudonym, is now sitting on it and making decisions on the general trend. If Sun Hao sees this scene, he will know that Xiao Yan’s body is not right.

The host of the proceedings was returned to the dust. The dust was introduced in detail to the movement of Qingyunmen. The basic trends of the mainland parties were introduced, and the expressions were not good and the mood was heavy.

In general, the current situation of the Mozu camp is awful.

The mainland has only maintained a good strength and a formed army of the Mozu army. The other parties, including the Central China, are clearing the catastrophe with the assistance of the Tiangong.

Although the southern continent has a weak strength at present, with the return of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang, Qingyunmen has demonstrated the responsibility and strength of a new generation of large-scale gates, with the situation of "swearing ceremony and the alliance of the desert". Call the board.

Now, what everyone is discussing is how to deal with it, and really complete the great task that the devils delivered to the South.

The four-pole and four-column catastrophe has only spread in a small area. In the South, only the top level knows it. Therefore, the focus of the discussion is naturally biased towards how to deal with the imposing Qingyunmen.

After some discussion, most of the magic repairs felt that they should come to a big battle near the desert and give Qingyunmen a headache. They didn't feel that they would suffer more from Qingyunmen.

Indeed, judging from the situation in the southern continent, the magic repair now occupies most of the territory, and the comprehensive strength is more than the number of times in Qingyun, Qitian and the five elements of the Mozong. Even if the three associations are not, it should not be a magic repair. The opponent.

Although it is not stable within the area under the rule of Mo Xiu, it is not the current Qingyunmen that can compete.

After summing up the opinions of everyone, I went back to the dust and said slowly: "Now it seems that the morale of the friends is commendable, and we are not afraid at all. It is necessary to fight against the clouds. It is not unreasonable. We must fully consider..."

After that, I went back to the dust and said slowly: "The first one is Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang. Maybe you think that a monk has little influence on the overall situation, but what I want to say is that his grandson Sun Shenxiang can When I came back from the funeral sky, I could stand out from the mainland's arrogance. Who would dare to underestimate his wisdom and strength? More importantly, the island of the Souls and the demons of the mainland, without exception, were defeated by Sun Haosun. In the hands of Shen Xiang, are they lucky? I would like to ask you, who can we say that we can restrain Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang?"

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang!

The hall was quiet inside.

Yes, when we discussed, everyone talked about it, but it seems that everyone deliberately avoided a person, Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang, all deliberately neglected a person, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang.

Now, the dust has been brought back.

Everyone discovered that in fact, in any case, Sun Hao Sun Aquille could not be avoided.

So, what is the most terrible thing about Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang?

After returning to the dust, he said: "The second is still Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang. Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that I have to go back to the dust. Today, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang may have grown to the height of my opponent, unless It’s Lantern’s personally, but who can stop him?”

Yes, let's have Lancome adults!

The demons looked at the little ones who looked up.

If you look at the eyes of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang, Lan Lan’s adults will be able to see Sun Hao’s cultivation skills, and they will certainly be better than Sun Hao’s Sun Xiangxiang!

The eyes of the magic repair are all looking at Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan slowly blinked, and the cold voice spread throughout the audience: "Don't expect too much from me alone. You are also slightly aware of the status of this seat. Anything involving the action of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang, this book It’s not very suitable for participation, but I myself, unless it is risking full maturity, otherwise it is difficult to shoot Sun Haosun Shen Xiang, so what should I do, you should discuss it yourself, and don’t expect me to take it. I am finished, you continue..."

The body shook a little, and the body of Xiao Yan turned into a black smoke and disappeared.

Lancome adults actually left halfway.

When I was full of magic, I felt that I had lost my heart and face.

Returning to the dust and sighing, whispered: "Dear friends, will you be out?"

The magic repair was quiet for a while, and some people whispered: "Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang is not three-headed and six-armed, afraid of him doing it? My southern continent is not a soft persimmon, not even those thick-lined devils. I think we can Plan a fight, fight with him, the world's intellectuals, stop him Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang one?"

Within the hall, a little bit of anger was restored.

Although Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is terrible, but everyone is not afraid of things, I always like to challenge, against Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang should be more challenging and fulfilling!

The discussion gradually led to the depths, and the various singular strategies of the Moss were brought out one after another. Many of them were even mentioned. Many of them even said that they can "discard the cards according to common sense" and "kill the masters by chaos". Sun Hao can't figure it out..."

Returning to the dust while continuing to preside over the deliberation, while shaking his head, the so-called under the name of the no-fashion, Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang is so good to deal with?

Think of the heroic record of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang, and return to the dust to feel the scalp numb.

There are too many opinions of the demons, but they are not discussed, but the Qingyunmen monks are moving forward in three directions.

The magic repair decision layer did not issue an interception instruction.

The magic army that gathered at the edge of the desert took a wait-and-see attitude. Soon, the Qingyunmen monk confronted the Mo Xiu army at the Qitianzong border.

That is to say, because of the slow response or the deliberate admissibility, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang’s desert association has become irresistible.

Now, only Qi Tianzong and the five elements of the Mozong sent representatives to gather on the edge of the desert. Even if the alliance will become, the strategy after the alliance will be, and it is not known.

The Qingyunmen army was on the edge of the desert, forming a confrontation with the magic, and set aside the decisive battle. This will be a grand battle that will inevitably affect the situation on the southern continent.

Zhenjun has a lot of power, and Jin Dan is the main force.

Qi Tianzong and the five elements of the Mozong have long received intelligence and know Sun Hao’s intentions.

Qi Tian Laozu Xiaoyu Feitian personally led the team, the five elements of the Mozong two rookies to kill the magic Lushan, Wei Xinbing also personally came, a total of grand celebrations, in response to the call of Shen Xiang, the league will be desert.

Lu Shan and Wei Xinbing flew side by side. Wei Xinbing had a smile on his face: "Lu acne, you believe it or not, and Shen Xiang sees this lord, and he will be eclipsed and shocked..."

Another is the mouth that did not cover, dare to call Lushan Lu acne.

Lushan slammed his eyes and said with a sigh of relief: "If we are not fighting against the catastrophe now, with your streaks, be careful to be cool by the incense and a sword..."

Wei Xinbing glanced at the masked female repairer fluttering around the white, proudly laughing: "Wrong, big mistakes, my Wei Xinbing will definitely let Shenxiang look at each other, don't believe we bet..."

After saying Wei Xinbing shouted, he said aloud: "Agarwood, Shenxiang, old friends come to see you, come out to pick up guests..."

In the big cloud gate of Qingyunmen, a monk flew out and asked aloud: "Who is here?"

Lu Shan and Wei Xinbing said with aloud: "The Five Elements of the Demon, killing the Lu Lushan, Wei Xinbing, and coming to the League."

At this time, Sun Hao also slowly rose from the big array, looking at Lushan: "Lu brother does not come innocent..."

After that, the brows were slightly wrinkled, and Wei Xinbing, who was yelling at the wow, asked softly: "Are we familiar?"

Wei Xinbing stayed, but he did not change his style. How did Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang not recognize himself? I couldn’t help but point my nose: "Look carefully at I am a soldier..."

Finished talking to the masked woman around me: "And, don't you think she is familiar?"

Sun Hao naturally asked: "Who is she, please forgive me, I can't recognize it..."

Lu Shan laughed and patted the stunned Wei Xinbing and said, "You don't feel good about yourself."

With both hands on Sun Hao, Lushan said: "The five elements of the Mozong came to the League, responded to the agarwood feats, collectively smashed the disaster, and also my Southland Lang Lang..."

Wei Xinbing was disappointed: "How could this be? How could this be? How can you turn your face and not recognize people?"

Hao Anyi’s voice rang from his heart: “Stupid.”

Wei Xinbing immediately asked: "Where is it stupid? How am I stupid..."

Hao Anyi: "You will know what is going on with your brains. I am too lazy to say you." (To be continued.)

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