Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1353: Lancome Devil

(Blue rewards added 6 more, I updated 6 more, and I want to support all kinds of support)

Under the thick magic cloud, the darkness is at the top of the field, and the little one sits on the knees.

Since the reinforcements were dispatched, Xiao Xiao personally took a seat in the field and waited for Xiao Hao’s possible backhand.

A month passed quietly.

Two months have passed without incident.

On this day, the violent sun was shining, shining above the magic cloud, letting the magic cloud emerge a thick layer of gold.

There is no abnormality in the field. Some of them are only some magic corrections. They are practicing hard, and the magic repair of the refining body also bursts out of the screams.

At this point, Xiao Yan felt that if there was nothing, it seemed that there was a slight feeling of wrongness.

Xiaoyan’s body was slightly shocked, and the gods spread like a tide.

In general, the gods quickly swept through the field, but there was no discovery. It seemed that the slightest feeling was just the illusion of oneself.

Unwillingly, the gods rushed out to the outside of Xianshan.

Covered a large area, the gods reflected, carefully observed, but unfortunately, still no discovery.

Xiao Yan’s eyes blinked and whispered: “Weird.”

After talking about the knowledge, I swept the latest battle report from the front.

In the battle report, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang continued to lead the three to suppress the Mozu warriors, the situation in the desert is still not good, and the reinforcements sent by him have already reached the halfway, everything is well on the way, without any interception.

Everything is normal, is it really just my own illusion?

Or, on this continent, in addition to Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, and the monks' knowledge can escape their own perceptions?

Among the hills of a giant mountain, temporarily opened up, filled with various methods of the cave, Sun Hao also slowly opened his eyes, a long breath in his mouth, said softly: "Great, I almost got it."

Zhu Ling's brow gently wrinkles: "Is there a sect of the Devils?"

Shantou nodded: "Well, the one should be the key to the Antarctic Tianzhu. It is normal to have the Devils guarding the guards. I don't know if this person's strength will be more powerful than Xiaohao."

Sun Hao said softly: "As far as strength is concerned, from the reaction of the gods, she may have to go beyond the agarwood."

Zhu Ling gave a slight glimpse: "What do we do now? There are many Mozu monks left in the remnants of Xianshan. If there are more powerful monks who can win you, we are afraid that it is difficult to sneak in, and it is hard to think of other methods. If you attack, the strength is not enough."

Sun Hao pondered for a moment and said slowly: "If it is other Mozu monks, I really have no way to think about it. However, this magic repair happens to know that she has a vital weakness, maybe I can use it. One or two..."

After several months of careful exploration, Sun Hao basically clarified some of the laws of the Jinshan Mountain, and successfully explored his own knowledge.

However, at the moment of exploration, Sun Hao instantly perceives Xiaoyan’s knowledge and quickly visits himself.

Fortunately, Sun Haoshen’s experience after the training of the sticks was surprisingly fine, and the evacuation was timely. The Dongfu, which was temporarily built, was fully prepared. Otherwise, it might be really caught by Xiaoyan.

Sun Hao did not expect that it would be Xiaoyan to sit in the town and return to Xianshan.

Of course, Sun Hao was in the midst of this moment of confrontation, and felt that the state of Xiaoyan was not right.

A familiar and unfamiliar feeling, it is very clear to the heart of Sun Hao.

Inadvertently, Sun Hao remembered the scene when he was separated from Xiaoxuan. There is no doubt that Xiaoxuan has some flaws in his body. Although the will of Xiaoyan’s body has not disappeared, at the same time, Lancome’s consciousness is also quite considerable. And not light.

Sun Hao is also very curious about the state of Xiao Xiao in the end, how is she and Lancome a state, Sun Hao now, really a little worried about Xiaoyan.

However, in any case, Sun Hao feels that Xiao Yan will not tell lies to himself, and his own heart and soul will not deceive himself. Then, during the day, Lancome’s will should prevail, and the moon will be empty. At the time, it should be that the will of Xiao Xiao is recovering.

And Xiao Yan and Lancome should have reached some tacit understanding or compromise, and everything about themselves should be the bottom line of Xiao Yan.

As a result, after a quick analysis, Sun Hao found the most suitable time to sneak into the field.

In the middle of the month, when the moon was overhanging, Sun Hao also included Zhu Ling and Shan Yu in the sacred air tower, incarnate and sneaky, quietly, by moonlight, slowly merged into the In the middle of the mountain.

The big array flashed a little, and no magic repair found Sun Hao's sneak.

There was no movement at all at the top of the field.

Under the magic cloud, Lancome’s will occupies an absolute upper hand and can dominate the body. But at the time of the full moon, Xiao’s will is still looking up. At this time, as Sun Hao expected, it is Lancome’s perception. When the ability is the weakest.

"Returning to the blame", the two ancient characters, no longer bloom golden light, but the black light lingering, the mountains and the arches, the five dragons and dragons, from the lifelike golden dragon to the black dragon, the leading place, the white and snowy, smooth The mellow bloom of golden light illuminating the mountains and rivers has also turned into a black ink.

Recalling that when I first came here, I was shocked by the whole body of the crystal rock, the atmosphere and the holy dojo, but now, the holy is defiled, the snow is demonized, here from the holy land of the Terran to the base camp of the Mozu Sun Hao’s heart sighed slightly, but his body quickly sneaked in and out, and soon he became familiar with the first time he came to the yard after returning to the original.

In the past, when the southern platoon was in wartime, it used to be a VIP area. Now it has been occupied by the Mozu monks, and a Jindan Mo Xiu is closing the temple within this yard.

Silently, Sun Hao's feet are full of layers of blood, like running water, blood light covered the Golden Dan magic repair, Jin Dan magic repair body gently shakes.

After half a ring, the vibration stopped, the magic repair opened his eyes, and his mouth groaned: "The master is really bad, actually let me occupy such a shell, big man, disgusting old lady..."

While talking, while standing up straight, walked into his yard and began to deploy the array.

The Mozu monks know a lot of the tactics. Many of the big devils above Jin Dan will set up a large array in their place of residence. This is nothing unusual.

Before dawn, Mingyue was about to disappear. Jindan Moxiu left the last Lingshi and spit a long breath, finally fulfilling the task assigned by the master.

As the day came, the will of Xiaoyan was once again unwilling to sleep, Lancome Devil slowly blinked, his eyes swept around, and the gods extended like a tide.

Everything is normal, there is no abnormality.

After thinking about it, Lancome Devil whispered: "Is the latest battle report coming?"

I don't know why, when I woke up today, Lancome felt vaguely in the heart.

Mainly Xiaohao is too quiet, it is almost three months, and there is no movement at all.

It’s too quiet, quiet, and I feel that something is wrong.

The latest battle report was sent quickly.

There is no interception in front of the reinforcements.

There is no abnormality in the relegation of Xianshan, which is guarded by oneself.

On the other side of the desert, Xiaohao often appeared, still firmly suppressing the Mozu, but it is not killed, of course, it is difficult to kill directly.

So, does Xiaohao have any backhand?

If so, why not start?

I can't understand Lancome finally decided to change the situation. In any case, as long as the destruction progress of Antarctic Tianzhu is not affected, other problems are not big problems.

Soon, half a month passed by. In this battle report, the situation ahead has finally changed, but this change is the beginning and end of Wu Xianlang, and Lancome still can’t guess this. The fundamental purpose of the change.

Almost at the same time, the strength of the southern sect of Zongmen, which was originally repressed by a strong repression, seems to have received an order, and Qi Qi began to resist, even if it is within the scope of a single sect of power that has been in business for many years. The monk against the Mozu appeared.

The whole country suddenly filled with smoke and smoke.

But Lancome can't understand it. Xiaohao, what is he doing, let the South China riots, and force him to send power to suppress and involve his own energy?

But what is the use?

Xiaohao is still in the desert, and it will not affect the big game. Besides, even if the South is completely framed, as long as you keep it for more than a year, you will naturally achieve your goal, but in a year, Xiaohao should be difficult. Really sweep the army of the Devils in the South China? (To be continued.)

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