Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1354: Return to the ice

The change of the South has had a certain impact on the front battle. The most direct impact is that the support of the reinforcements has been greatly affected. Various attacks have been encountered along the way, and various arrays have been blocked. Down.

On the outskirts of the desert, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang appeared many times personally, participating in the Hundred Regiments, and the situation of the Mozu was unfavorable.

Through analysis, Lancome found that the periphery of the desert should be Wu Xianlang's plan, with a strong trace of Wu Xianlang, but at the same time, Lancome also found that with Xiaohao sitting in the town, Wu Xianlang really let go of his hands and feet. I have planned a lot of atmosphere and it is difficult to deal with a lot.

Fortunately, the battles in the Southland are all demons, and they are also elites of the human race. The wisdom is not weak. Although there is no great wise man like Wu Xianlang, everyone has worked hard together and although they have suffered some small losses, they have barely persisted.

In a short time, it will not collapse.

After Xiaohao appeared, the biggest change was that he did not dare to go out and return to Xianshan.

There is no transmission array in the South China. According to the truth, Xiaohao cannot appear in the mountains from the desert.

Lancome once had several times and couldn’t help but rushed to the desert to participate in the battle. I believe that if I have myself, I will be able to suppress it.

But in the end, Lancome forced himself to hold back.

No matter what, no matter what the situation in the southern continent will be, even if the magical army of the Southland is completely annihilated by the other side, as long as they hold the one-sense mountain, they will hold the fundamental.

As long as you stick to it for more than a year and achieve your goals, that is more important than anything else.

No matter what strategy Xiaohao has, no matter how Xiaohao is, no matter what the situation will be, the battle report will be so bad, and the change will not leave his ancestry. Xiaoxuan made up his mind and insisted on returning to Xianshan.

In the middle of the fairy mountain, Sun Hao is also served.

Xiao Yan, Lan Lan, really grasped the core of the problem very hard, and could not keep it, so that Sun Hao’s thousands of plans were punched out and never achieved the ultimate goal.

According to the report, Lancome couldn't help but sent some of the magical troops to go to the jurisdiction of the district to suppress the smoke and the resistance.

The defensive power of a single corps can be said to have been reduced by more than half.

But unfortunately, Lancome has always been as stable as Taishan, and can't keep it. With her guardianship, in fact, the original will maintain the strongest strength. If Sun Hao wants to launch the next step, he will not be able to circumvent Lan. Hey.

Sneak into the Xianshan for nearly a month, and as expected by Sun Hao, the magical enchantment of the charm of the enchantment is rich, there is no flaws, with the ability of Lancome, still can not find the sneak of Luo charm.

As for Sun Hao, naturally, they are carefully lurking in the array of law in the hall of Luo, and Lancome’s gods are always shrouded in a field. After Sun Hao sneaked in, he never dared to move, but it was a fascinating I ran some places and probed some information.

A month later, Luo charm slightly received the goods, found a few suspicious places, but in the end how the situation, you still need Sun Hao to judge.

It is also a full moon night, which should be the time when Lancôme will be the weakest.

The bright moon sheds silver, and it shines on the dark magic cloud, making the magic cloud look a little crystal clear.

Among the yards, Sun Hao said softly to Luo Mei: "Charming children, you are responsible for three suspicious locations in the east, I am responsible for two west, be careful, come back in time before dawn."

Luo charm whispered: "Know, Master, I promise to complete the task better than you, but the charm to explore, can only distinguish something wrong, it is likely that you can not find what you need."

Sun Hao said in his heart: "Well, I know, after you find out something, come back and tell me that I am leaving."

While talking, Sun Hao's body turned into a sneaky, quietly into the wall.

The body of Luo Mei was turned into a stream of water, flowing out of the yard.

In the past month, Luo Mei has marked two suspected points in the direction of Sun Hao's exploration. In these two places, the defensive power of one of them is relatively strong, which is in line with some suspected standards that Sun Hao gave her.

However, when Sun Hao followed the mark of Luo Mei and arrived at the first point, he felt that the possibility of discovering the Antarctic Tianzhu was quite small.

This point is actually a tribute to the ancestral classics, inheriting the heavy land, although the defense is strong, and there is a high level of large-scale protection, but the role is clear at a glance, it should have little relationship with the Antarctic Tianzhu.

Sun Haofei quickly ate the bottom of the big array, sneaked in, observed for a while, did not find any clues related to the Antarctic Tianzhu, and, because of the relationship of a demonized, the inheritance of the Tibetan Classical Court is not necessarily suitable for the magic repair For the sake of sake, the Tibetan Classical Pavilion is actually a tight-fitting inner pine. In addition to the really important high-level inheritance, there are still large arrays and monk protection. The underlying books are basically open.

Sun Hao turned around and did not force a breakthrough to the upper level of the Tibetan Classics. He quietly sneaked out and explored the second point marked by Luo Mei.

Going to the second point, Sun Hao roughly swept away. The first feeling is that this point may be difficult to find.

The defensive power of this point is stronger than that of the Tibetan Classical Court, but its role is also very simple. This is a place where the disciples are punished and the prisoners are held. The name is “Guiyi Ice Prison”.

However, since it is here, there is still some time, it is better to go in and have a look.

Quietly integrated into the wall, Sun Hao's heart can not help but slightly stunned, strong cold, this wall makes Sun Hao have a feeling of freezing heart and lungs.

While diving into the ice prison, Sun Hao judged.

In the burial of the sky, Sun Hao was blown by the hurricane of the year, and he was blessed by the snow-capped mountains; in the northern part of the land, Sun Hao condensed the frost and heavy water, and it was the soul of the ice silkworm.

Although it is now a ghost state, but with its own ability, ordinary cold is really difficult to make yourself feel cold and frozen.

How many monks can bear this kind of ice prison?

In thinking, Sun Hao has quickly sneaked into the ground.

After a while, Sun Hao felt a bright spot and appeared in a huge ice prison.

The ice here is dark and blue, shining like the metallic luster at the top of the field.

The coldness in the ice prison is much softer than in the wall, but it also makes Sun Hao feel the coolness.

Of course, if the ice is the strength of the wall, then it is estimated that not many monks can stand up in this ice prison.

Sun Hao quietly stuck in the air above the ice, the bottom, neatly, the Mozu warrior wearing the imperial leather armor who was patrolling the ice prison did not find an uninvited guest on his head, still loyal to the patrol.

The ice prison is like a huge underground palace, a black ice wall, which divides the huge underground palace into a small house.

At first glance, the distribution of these cells is very irregular, and it is not a mess.

However, as a great master of the martial arts, Sun Hao still quickly sees the clues. These cells are actually hidden in a large array, and the arrangement is very particular. It is arranged in the ice prison, like a huge blooming plum.

Quietly sneaked into a cell, Sun Hao found that this is not a large cell, actually detained eight Zhuji monks.

These monks, with their hands and feet covered in frost, are meditating on the knees, and the face has an abnormal color with a blackish scent.

Continuous drilling into several cells, without exception, is almost the same situation.

Every cell is overcrowded and more than one Terran monk is imprisoned.

About half an hour later When Sun Hao was exploring, he heard a monk in the ice hug, and the patrolling Mozu warrior quickly ran over and opened the shout Cell.

A monk was swayed in blackness and walked out of the ice prison. The leader patrolled the monk and said: "Congratulations to the success of the Taoist friends, the Magic Field Lancome Department welcomes you to join..."

Sun Hao instantly understood that the ice hug in front of him was actually an important place to demonize the monks. It is no wonder that the defense would be so strict, and the patrolling monks were led by Jin Dan.

Among the huge ice prisons, a large number of Terran monks were arrested, and the prisoners were forcibly demonized here. If it is possible, Sun Hao really wants to defeat the ice prison and rescue these monks.

With the ability of Sun Hao, in the case that the Lancôme's great devil is not perfect, it is difficult for a monk to find Sun Hao's sneak into the squad, but if he wants to save people, he can only consider it.

Sun Hao knows that if he is rashly moving, it is very likely that he will be disturbed to Lancome in an instant. When it is time, the situation is hard to say.

The urge to take out the hand, along the ice prison, Sun Hao gradually sneaked into the center of plum blossom. (To be continued.)

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