Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1355: Li Min's widow

The center of plum blossoms is the battle point and core of the ice hockey. If there is any abnormality in the ice hockey, you should be able to see the clues here.

However, Sun Hao feels that the relationship between the ice prison and the mainland Antarctic Tianzhu may not be great.

There is no smell of fire here, but it is very cold.

There is no relationship with the southern fire, and the ice is deep into the ground, not like the sky, not like the Antarctic Tianzhu.

Of course, after seeing the Oriental Dragon Column, Sun Hao knows that the existence of the Antarctic Tianzhu is also very strange, and the necessary careful examination is still necessary.

Quietly sneaked in, for more than a few hours, Sun Hao passed through a block of ice, arrived at the plum blossoms.

After arriving here, Sun Hao’s brow could not be slightly wrinkled.

The original point of the game actually turned into a spiral spiraling into the channel, that is, the ice has a second layer.

At the entrance, there are still Mozu warriors wearing leather armor holding swords.

Without disturbing the two Mozu warriors, Sun Hao slowly sank into the ice wall and infiltrated downward.

The ice wall is extremely cold. If it is not Sun Hao, if you change to a monk, even if it is an incarnation, it is hard to reach such a depth.

Moreover, the ice wall is not an ordinary wall. If Sun Hao has a 10,000-year-old ice silkworm incarnation, the most is the master of the ice layer. It is really difficult to say whether it can penetrate into the second layer of the ice.

The second layer of ice is smaller than the first layer, but the single room is slightly larger, that is, the cell in the second floor is much smaller than the first floor.

After careful observation, Sun Hao discovered that the second layer of ice is a shape of an ice flower, extending in all directions, and a walkway leads to the core of the ice flower.

On the second floor, there are still martial arts warriors patrolling, and the strength is also more powerful. The patrol monks who led the team have been successfully completed by Jin Dan. Among them, most of them have become Jindan monks.

Moreover, Sun Hao also found that in the second layer, there was a Yuan Ying Da De who was sitting in the town.

The defense of the ice prison is indeed extraordinary.

After Sun Hao entered one of the cells, he suddenly found out that there was a Jindan monk sitting cross-legged.

The monks of Jindan are also meditation against the cold, pale and real black, palms, hands and neck, wearing a pair of dark ice, built on the ice wall above the ice wall.

Although the cell on the second floor of the Ice Prison is far less than the first floor, it is definitely quite a lot.

If these prisons are imprisoned by the mainland Jindan monks, once they are all demonized, the strength of the Mozu will inevitably rise a lot.

After several consecutive investigations into several cells, Sun Hao discovered that there were Jin Dan monks who were struggling to resist.

Exploring progress, right at the core of the second layer of ice, Sun Hao once again saw a spiral staircase that spiraled down and broke into it.

There is also a third floor in the one-on-one.

The Mozu Warrior who guarded the third floor entrance suddenly became the Yuan Ying Da De.

A strong defensive force, a strong chill.

Sun Hao is invisible in the wall, while observing his own plan of action.

From the normal thinking to analyze, the third layer of the homing ice-cream should be similar to the two layers above, but the imprisoned monks should have reached the level of the baby.

According to normal thinking, then, the one-on-one ice prison should have little to do with the Antarctic Tianzhu.

Therefore, whether Sun Hao explores or not, the relationship should be small.

However, when I saw the third floor entrance, Sun Hao finally remembered a past event that he was about to forget.

In the past, I squandered the Tianxu, and Li Min went to fight with him. He had been killed at the last level of the burial of the ruins, and met the strangeness of Luo.

I remember that at that time, Li Min chose Li Ning to be a jade, and voluntarily defended his dignity and arrogance.

At that time, Sun Hao’s heart, while admiring, also had a touch of pity.

Li Min is the first Jin Dan in the South China. He is not weak in strength. Although he is arrogant, the overall situation is not weak. It is also a character of heavy feelings and righteousness. He did not expect to fall to the last level.

Now recalling Li Min, actually, because Li Min blew himself on the same day, he left behind two secrets, one and one dark. At this time, it seems that they may all point to the one-on-one ice prison.

So, was Li Min at that time reminding himself that he should focus on exploring the one-on-one ice prison?

On the same day, Li Min had said something in his words before he blew himself: "Agarwood, I hope that one day, you can take one or two for one."

Sun Hao did not understand what he meant at the time. Li Min had already said proudly: "Ning is a jade, not a tile, anything, I want to take my Li Min to blame..."

Blastly ignited Jin Dan and blew himself.

This is the will of Li Minming who left a grandson on the face.

Let Sun Hao take one or two to one.

The original one at that time was the first door of the mainland's right path. Why do you need Sun Hao to take it? Afterwards, Sun Hao’s understanding was that Li Min was afraid to take a knife after he emerged.

But now I want to come, I am afraid that Li Min does not mean this.

Moreover, more importantly, Li Min’s remains left in the storage bag made Sun Hao know clearly that Li Min knew that it should be related to the return to the ice.

The monks in the burial sky market fell a lot, and some of their storage bags were destroyed during the war, but some have been preserved.

Before Li Min blew himself, he silently ejected his storage bag and threw it to Sun Hao.

At that time, his movements were very fast, and few monks found it. Moreover, Sun Hao himself was the leader in the funeral market. Li Min delivered the storage bag to Sun Hao, and others did not ask.

After Sun Hao harvested a large number of storage bags, it was usually included in the smuggling empty tower to help the old man to organize, and the useful resources were reserved. The psionic energy was turned into the pagoda's nutrients, and the precious medicinal materials were re-transplanted in the tower.

Among Li Min’s storage bags, Sun Hao unexpectedly discovered a will left for himself.

It should be after Luo Peng’s incarnation of Luo Er, Li Sen was wrong or a whim, and he left it for Sun Hao.

It was only at that time that when Qinglong saw this will to Sun Hao, Sun Hao did not know the meaning. Now I want to come, Li Min should be aware of the wrong one, and also aware of his own fault, deliberately left some clues to himself.

Li Min’s widow wrote: “Xiao Peng’s demon, still have the incense and trust, and the heart feels awkward. The funeral sky is extremely dangerous. I don’t know how long I can persist. I hope that after Shen Xiang’s going out, I can take a look. This pattern, and I will be responsible for one or two, and I will return to the world for a thousand years, and I will be replaced by others.

At the end of the will, was a sketch of what Sun Hao did not understand at the time.

The white one is just below the field, a plum blossom, an ice flower, and five lotus flowers bloom in sequence. Below the middle of the five lotus flowers, it is a burning flame.

On the same day, Sun Hao did not understand what Li Min was referring to.

But now recalling Li Min's widow, Sun Hao is suddenly open, and he quickly produces a basic judgment. Perhaps he has found the Antarctic Tianzhu.

Or to say, a long time ago, Li Min has already marked himself with the place where the Antarctic Tianzhu is located.

The normal ice-cream should have four layers, the innermost layer, the burning flame, should represent the Antarctic icicles.

When he first saw Li Min’s widow, Sun Hao had a vague sense of familiarity. Now recall, this familiarity is brought by five lotuses.

Among the pictures left by Li Min, the position and shape of the five lotus flowers, now I want to come, almost exactly the same as the Wudalian pool of Ji Yanshan, but Li Min’s picture has shrunk many times.

These things add up, Sun Hao can judge Antarctic Tianzhu should be able to find clues in the return to the ice.

It is no wonder that the defense of the one-on-one ice-cold will be so strict. It is only the entrance to the second floor and the third floor.

The monks who hold the suppression are only one aspect. The bigger reason may be the Antarctic Tianzhu hidden in it.

Sun Hao’s heart analyzed and quietly went down, penetrated the ice wall, and sneaked in.

Under the eyes of the real monarch's eyelids, Sun Hao did not dare to carelessly, cautiously, as quietly as possible, quietly appeared in the third layer of the ice.

The third layer is exactly like Li Min's drawing. The ice is fixed into five lotuses to guard the downward entrance of the center.

Sun Hao sneaked into one of the cells, and was very surprised to find that one of his acquaintances was sitting on his knees and returning to Yuan Zhenzhen, who had participated in the battle for the Tiangong Lishi.

When I saw that Mu Zhenjun was wearing a shackle and sitting cross-legged in the ice prison, Sun Hao immediately remembered Li Min’s words, "Guiyi Xianshan passed away for thousands of years, generations of people, and inheritance is not extinguished..." (To be continued) .)

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