Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1356: Antarctic fire pillar

Yes, go to Muzhenjun’s insistence, go to Muzhenjun’s confrontation with the magic, let Sun Hao instantly understand the fact that it is not a complete demonization, it is very likely to return. Among the ice prisoners, these monks who are still insisting on confrontation are also the ones who belong to this sect.

After the decade of the devastating disaster, there are still a large number of comrades who have persisted in their hard work, persisted in their own beliefs, insisted on their own positions, and waited for the rescue of the great monks of the Terran.

Although the return to the dust is a spiritual pillar, but his demonization, but can not let the original collapse completely.

Li Min may have thought of this point on the same day, and this is an extra pleading for his own mercy and cherish one or two.

Sun Hao did not disturb to go to Muzhenjun, quickly sneaked into the core of the third floor, saw the downward entrance, the magic repair stationed here is already the mid-term real monarch.

There is no doubt that the fourth layer is stationed, it is likely to be the big demon level of the big devil.

It seems that although the original one sent a large number of Mozu warriors to help the parties, but the real core, the real defense core strength is not reduced.

Once you meet the big monk-level demon, even if it is the sneaky body of Sun Hao, I am afraid that it may be exposed on the spot.

In the mid-term, Zhenjun’s Sun Hao is very strong and has surpassed most ordinary monks, but at the level of the monks, many monks’ methods make it difficult for Sun Hao to shape.

Sun Hao can only be careful and careful.

In any case, the fourth layer must be taken in.

Sun Hao quietly entered the ice wall and gradually infiltrated downward.

This time, Sun Hao infiltrated a lot slower, more than half an hour, if it appeared in the third layer of ice wall, vaguely can perceive the basic situation of the third layer.

Did not rush into the ice wall, Sun Hao's knowledge went down and explored.

The last layer of ice is not a lot, only about two acres, the temperature in the ice is also much warmer than the upper layers, Sun Hao's feeling in the ice wall, the bones of the ice is also much less.

The entire space of the ice is blocked by the dark wall of ice that emits metallic luster. Even the ground is full of ice.

When Sun Hao carefully approached the gods to the center, his heart jerked, and quickly, God condensed back.

In the middle of the fourth floor, a black and purple cicada, the tall and mighty six-armed ancient demon is sitting on his knees. Under his body, it is a sacred circle, and the magical gas is constantly flowing upwards.

The ancient devil's huge palms are bursting out of the magical elements, firmly suppressing a red-hot pillar of fire.

A pillar-like flame was suppressed by the ancient demon's palms, and it was subjected to the cold current that continually spewed from the source of the demon.

Sun Hao’s knowledge of the past suddenly caused a reaction from the magic.

The magical tumbling, the cold spell.

The spirit of the pillar of fire seems to be a little more prosperous.

The ancient devil squinted and screamed: "Go to the wood, to the shell... Are you still trying to resist?"

The sound is like Hong Zhong, and it doesn't stop reverberating in a lot of space.

Sun Hao among the ice walls could not help but move.

Going to Mu Zhenjun and others, isn’t it completely imprisoned?

At this time, the faint voice of going to Muzhenjun came out: "If you don't die on the wood, you don't want to put out my southern heart."

There was a strange smile on the face of the ancient demon, and the voice softly said: "Go to the wood, to the shell, you really disappointed the good brothers, and the masters gave you a chance to escape from the one, you actually did not appreciate, big The brothers let you refine the essence of the magical source, help you to cultivate as a big move, you still do not appreciate, go to the wood, stick to the five lotus houses, what good?"

Going to Muzhenjun said: "There are five of our true guardians, you will not be so easy to succeed, I will inherit one million years, so you can easily count these magical scorpions?"

The ancient demon seems to be smiling and advocating: "What is the use of your hard work? After more than ten years, your persistence can have a little effect. Can you wait for half of the reinforcements? Listen to me, you just let go. In my heart, your shackles will be solved naturally, and you will be able to make great progress in the moment. At that time, you will become the greatest hero of my demon..."

Another voice came out coldly and coldly: "Go to the tyrants, let you say that the sky is full of sorrows, and you can be fascinated by the technique of enchanting the demon. You will never be able to influence our determination to adhere to the hopes of the South."

The ancient demon went to laughter: "I really want to know, who can save you? Who are you looking forward to to save you? You must not forget, the Southland has now become the home of my own, who can be Your opponent?"

When he went to see the ceremony in front of Mu Zhenjun, Sun Hao’s heroic attitude could not help but say: “Go to the tyrant, don’t forget Sun Hao’s agarwood, maybe at this time, he has already arrived, and is preparing to come here!”

The ancient demon went to the squad, and put pressure on both hands, and pressed the pillar of fire down. He laughed in his mouth: "You think that his grandson Sun Sun can have three arms and six arms. At this time, he is still on the edge of the desert to lead the team. I am a great army of the Mozu? It’s far from here, hahaha, even if it’s one of the mountains, can he find it here or two? At that time, it’s estimated that some of you have already become a pile of ice, hahaha, ha Haha..."

"Crazy arrogance, sitting on the ground and watching the sky", went to the wood real people said: "Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, fighting in the sky, fighting the Tiangong Palace, the war is boiling, the cockroach is a small ancient demon can compete, when, hope You don't want to die too ugly."

Sun Hao’s knowledge once again explored the past silently.

Above the magical demon, the magical gas suddenly rolled up, and the cold current rushed.

The ancient demon went to the squad: "Damn, don't know what to do, if you don't stop, be careful not to read the old feelings, and you will not be merciless..."

Going to Muzhenjun, laughing and laughing: "Good job, good job, go to the tyrant, there is a kind of you coming to me!"

Going to the wood and the ancient devils, Sun Hao’s knowledge quickly contacted the Antarctic fire pillar.

The situation of the Antarctic Fire Column is very bad now, and the source of the fire source is damaged, giving Sun Hao a feeling that it may be extinguished at any time.

Sun Hao clearly perceives that if this pillar of fire is the Antarctic Tianzhu, then the situation in the Antarctic is very inappropriate.

It is no wonder that the temperature of the sea of ​​fire in the Yanyan Mountains has dropped dramatically, and the fire elves have never been born. The significance of the representative is that the southernmost Tianzhu of the southern fire faces the possibility of real collapse, and the south will probably become a demon. The ruling area.

Sun Hao found the Antarctic Tianzhu, but he was not happy at all. The recovery and repair of the Antarctic Tianzhu was urgent.

Sun Hao is eager to remove the Antarctic Tianzhu and use some means of treatment, but it is hard to do.

If you accidentally, you will be exposed and you will be scared.

Quietly disappeared, Sun Hao slowly returned to the third layer of ice prison, and sneaked into the ice prison where Mu Zhenjun was.

Very close, Sun Hao carefully said: "Go to Muzhenjun, don't be nervous, I am Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, please try to keep nature..."

Going to Muzhenjun’s body trembled and quickly restored calm.

But in my heart, it turned like a river.

Just went to the tyrant to say that he was in trouble. In fact, several of them are now very hard to protect themselves, and they really don’t have much energy to go to the tyrants.

However, since he went to the tyrant, he naturally admitted it.

However, what I never imagined was that the singularity of the ice, the core of the defense, and the real sneak.

Moreover, this monk still went to Ba Zhenjun to think that Sun Hao, Sun Shenxiang, who is far away from the desert, went to Muzhenjun to participate in the Da Shi Da Dian of the Fighting Heaven Palace. The memory of Sun Hao’s voice is still fresh, not bad. The sound is the grandson of Sun Haosun.

Shen Xiang adults actually came!

Shen Xiang adults personally came to the rescue of the South, and went to Mu Zhenjun’s heart to feel the boundless shock and comfort.

Of course, as a monk, he quickly adjusted his state to a quiet state.

Sun Hao felt that after going to Muzhenjun to calm down, this continued to convey the voice: "I also asked Zhenjun to find ways to distract the ancient demon to the attention of the tyrant, and to contain his strength. After January, I will come again. I want to find a way to capture the southern pillar of fire..."

Going to Muzhenjun nodded slightly in the ice prison, but he said in his mouth: "Go to the tyrant, if the southern pillar of fire can not be put into the storage bag, we have already taken it away, and your conspiracy of the konjac has long been Thoroughly smashed..."

"Be strange," the ancient demon went to the haha ​​and laughed and said: "If we can collect the storage bag, we have already packaged it into the magic domain, do we need such trouble? Hahaha..." (To be continued .)

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