Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1357: 1 confidant

Sun Hao’s heart was moving.

Going to Muzhenjun, I am reminding myself that the Antarctic Tianzhu can’t be put into the storage bag. If you want to steal the Tianzhu, you may have to face a real war. At that time, even if you can kill it in one fell swoop, it is estimated. It will also expose the line, and it will inevitably be chased by Lancome.

However, if you find the Antarctic Tianzhu, as long as you think of the right way, as long as you can steal the Antarctic fire pillar, even if it is being chased, you have to implement it. Because the state of the Antarctic fire pillar is already very bad, it will not be long before it will be true. Ground damage source.

Before leaving the third floor, Sun Hao still passed the voice to Mu Zhenjun: "After January, I came to get the fire."

The sound is dull and firm.

Going to Muzhenjun slowly nodded in the ice prison.

In the ice prison, the calm gradually recovered, as if nothing had happened.

When the bright moon in the night sky disappears, the darkness shrouds, the sky will be the moment before the moment, and the voice of Xiaoyan is introduced into the ice prison: "Go to the tyrant, how is the situation."

The ancient demon went to the tyrant and slammed into the air. He slammed his head in the air, stretched out his arms, and swayed his hand: "Lan Lan adults, everything is normal."

Xiao Yan’s knowledge is still carefully scanned in the ice prison. This is said with satisfaction: “Normally, be careful, I’ve always felt that there is something wrong with it, but I’m seriously thinking about it, but there’s nothing wrong with it. It feels very bad. You should pay attention to it. Don't make mistakes. If the pillar of fire in your hand is flawed, it is the sinner of my devil."

Going to the body and shaking slightly, he said: "Go to the hegemony, the adults are relieved, I swear by my life, never miss a mistake."

Xiao Yan said leisurely: "Is it really going to happen? Your life is worthless. My demon world will be destroyed in a hundred million years, and it will be a loss."

Going to the tyrant and saying: "I understand."

Xiao Yan’s knowledge slowly receded back.

After he stayed for a long time, he slowly said: "Go to the wood, to the shell, you have been restless. Because of the friendship of many years, this seat has not added to your situation. If you don't know what to do next month, When the adults check, I will let the adults give you a good look..."

Go to the wood and laugh: "The road is different, you report it now, look at the old bird, not the bird, the shell, the three friends, come and come, let us work hard and give him some fun..."

Going to the screaming blame: "Rely, you are coming again. You can now make this strength more powerful, and at the very least, the magical temper will be more intense. Let the fire column recover a little bit of life, may it change the reality?"

In the ice, the voice gradually calmed down.

Among the magical channels, the magical tumbling, the ancient demon went to the hegemony and began to cope with the dying struggle of the five true kings.

Sun Hao and Luo Mei returned to the yard safely as scheduled, after exchange of some information, Sun Hao said that he had found the Antarctic fire pillar, and praised the Luo charm a few words, and the Luo charm suddenly smiled.

From various intelligence analysis, there is no doubt that the Antarctic fire pillar in the hands of the ancient demon is the Antarctic Tianzhu.

Think about it, it is also very logical. The South is a fire, and the pillar of fire is well understood, or the southern fire is the heart of the mainland.

The original secret technique used the special secret technique to get the southern fire column over, and forcibly opened the magical demon, and introduced a special cold source from the magical source. With the force of freezing, it washed the southern fire column and suppressed the southern fire column. Actually, it was Gradually destroy the southern Tianzhu.

It is quite possible that the southern pillar of fire was brought back by a long time ago, and the cold current of the demon world has been scouring the southern pillar of fire a long time ago. If Sun Hao did not guess wrong, Li Min’s cultivation was a cold snap. It may be that the source of the devil is taken from the cold, and it is cultivated by the power of the southern pillar of fire.

And Li Min should have found out that it is not right, leaving a clue to himself.

If it wasn't for Li Min's reminder, Sun Hao might eventually find the Antarctic Fire Pillar, but it is definitely not as fast as it is now, and definitely not so sure now.

Now, the location of the southern pillar of fire has been found. The key to the next step is how to recapture the pillar of fire and successfully escape and find time to repair it.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao’s body squirmed and disappeared into the room.

Once again, Sun Hao has appeared in the Sumiyag tower, called Zhichi, and they have been negotiating for a long time. After some disputes, Zhizai slammed back, and Sun Hao sat down in the chamber. Among them, in front of him, it is the spirit list.

On top of the spirit list, the dragons will be faint and dull with Wang Yuan, Dang Kang Zhu Pang and Tian Wen Zhang Wenmin. I don't know when to restore a little luster.

Sun Hao stared at the spirit list for a long time.

After half a ring, Zhichi stood at the door of the spirit room and said softly: "Adult, she is coming."

Finished, slightly sideways, Zhizai made a gesture of asking, said to the back: "Suzaku war, please."

Zhu Ling was a heroic and graceful person, and she walked into the spiritual room.

Idiot did not come in, outside the door, gently pulled up the door, although the spiritual room is the heavy ground of the condensed empty tower, without Sun Hao allowed other people to enter, but the intellectual is still sitting cross-legged In front of the door of the spirit room.

"Xiaohao", Zhu Ling strode to Sun Hao's side: "What do you call me?"

While speaking, she saw the spirit list opposite Sun Hao and saw the three bleak names on the top of the spirit list. At the same time, she also saw the names of Luo Mei and Zhi Zi.

The body was slightly shocked, and Zhu Ling said: "Is this the first life of Xiao Pang and Er Mao?"

Sun Hao nodded: "Well, if you find the chance later, maybe their name can also light up, and then like a wise man, become a tower, can be active within the scope of my knowledge."

Zhu Ling grinned: "Is it not like your home will be, or is it that you can decide their life and death in one word?"

Sun Hao nodded and shook his head again: "Long legs Ling, you are too small to look at this seat, do you think I will treat them as home? Do you think I will decide the fate of people around me? Didn't you see the situation, I regard him as my right arm..."

Zhu Ling smiled, lifted the palm of the hand, and took a palm on the shoulder of Sun Hao. The mouth giggled: "That is almost the same, or else I should be careful."

Huge power made the unprepared Sun Hao slightly pouting, could not help but think of the scene when she first saw Zhu Ling, when she was seriously injured, this violent girl is still out of the palm, and she gave herself a stunned scene. The heart was filled with faint warmth and bitterness at the same time. Sun Hao said with a bit of dryness: "Sister Rui, I have found the Antarctic Tianzhu."

Zhu Ling’s body trembled a little, and a bright smile appeared on her face: “Xiao Hao, you guy, still dead, not old, what age, and a virtue when he was a child.”

Sun Hao pointed to his nose and curiously said: "What virtue?"

Zhu Ling chuckled and said: "When you have something to ask for me, or when you are ready to hang me, you will call me Reiko. Usually, you are not so polite, always like to call my longest leg." ..."

Sun Hao stayed for a while, recalling that it seems that Zhong Xiaohao is such a party, and he can't help but smile at the nose: "I didn't expect it to be so obvious, hahaha."

Zhu Ling was greatly embarrassed, and it was a slap on the shoulder of Sun Hao. He said in his mouth: "Hey, when they missed a few onlookers, they seem to bully you, they have a lot of taste, and people can’t afford it. Ok, let's talk about it. Are you going to ask Reiko to help you this time? Or are you ready to hang your Reiko sister?"

Sun Hao exaggeratedly grinned and made a painful expression: "I said long legs, can you still have more strength? I have a lot of pain in the golden perfection. It is estimated that you have at least brought out milk. Strength..."

Zhu Ling giggled: "No more nonsense, it is killing, giving a quick speech."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "The time is long, we are not in a hurry, right, long legs, remember that Xiao Pang is very concerned about one thing, in fact, I am also very curious, how old are you? Old woman has it, how do you still Not married?"

Zhu Ling smashed A touch of blush flew up to the face.

A little anxious, vertical, in the spirit room, picked up a series of leg shadows and slashed down to the face of Sun Hao's head, and his mouth was a bit irritated and said: "The old lady is not married, it is not your turn to do nothing." The aging mother knows, you must have a thought with Xiao Pang, thinking that someone in the heart of the old lady is not? Tell you, Zhong Xiaohao, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, old mother heart and jade Jie Qing, there is no time to think about those things that are so bad..."

Hey, Sun Hao has a hand, and he has framed Zhu Ling’s mad attack, and his face is a bitter smile.

Zhu Ling was a backflip and fell lightly on the ground. Yu pointed to Sun Hao and giggled: "You don't want to be passionate. Xiaopang's misunderstanding, I don't bother to explain, let him go before, there is also a Self-righteous gratification, I told you that Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, the old lady did not feel to you, you are in my heart, just a lifetime confidant, yours, understand?"

Sun Hao heard the words and laughed: "Understood, Reiko's sister is wise."

Zhu Ling’s slap in the palm of his hand was on Sun Hao’s shoulder: “However, to say the influence, there is also it. You have a higher benchmark in my heart, so that I can’t see the idle monk, so I said The old lady has never married, and you have to be responsible for it..." (To be continued.)

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