Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1362: Master's degree

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Fighting for thousands of miles, fighting thousands of miles.

Sun Hao and Lan Lan chased one and escaped, and the land of thousands of miles swayed behind him.

After becoming a grandson of Sun Hao, the stick is usually held in the hands of Yuan Ying. It is used less and consumes a lot. The state support time is greatly extended.

Sun Hao ran for four or five days, and took Lancome away from the mountains.

However, the state of fighting thousands of miles is almost at its peak.

After four or five days of chasing down, Sun Hao felt the insurmountable gap between himself and the gods and the huge power gap.

On the fifth day, Lancome's exhibitions are all ignorant, so that if you relax a little, you will give yourself a light hand, so that you have to do your best to deal with it. If you are slightly careless, you will be injured.

Sun Hao knows that he can't be defeated. Once he fails, it means that the former has been abandoned, which means that the mainland is really in danger.

Therefore, Sun Hao can only bite his teeth.

In order to deal with today's game, or to say that the Antarctic Tianzhu repair can not be a big battle, Sun Hao actually has some arrangements.

For example, the Aquila Corps led by the Easy Road Lights is on standby in Qingyun Port. Once you arrive at Qingyun Port, you can immediately use the power of the ship to defend the enemy.

For example, the Battle of Heaven Palace is also open to the war. As long as you can reach the Qingyun Gate, you can also use the power of the Heavenly Palace to fight Lancome.

However, after the five-day pursuit, Sun Hao’s heart gradually became heavy.

The strength of the monk is not measured by Yuan Yingzhenjun. These alternatives of Sun Hao may have some effect on dealing with the demon lord, but if it is a projection of the devil, such as Shang Lan, it is not at all Lethality.

Sun Hao can be sure that as long as Lancome intends to fight down, it is estimated that Fengyun will be sunk by students, but there is no ability to form much damage to her.

Fighting against the Heavenly Palace may have some effect, but Sun Hao does not dare to lead Lancome easily.

Once the fighting in the Tiangong failed to stop Lancome, the Qingyun threshold would not be so badly hurt, and it would be a land of annihilation.

The pre-set backup means seems to have no effect.

The only thing Sun Hao can do is to rely on his own strength to block Lancome from killing.

Now, Sun Hao hopes that Lancome's projection status will also have time constraints.

Or, Zhu Ling can repair the Antarctic fire pillar in time, and force the projection state of Lancome to return to the Devil.

In the process of chasing and killing, after the intelligence analysis quickly, he concluded that the reason why Lancome can descend to the South China in the state of projection is that the South Pole of the South China is damaged too much, which has led to the projection of the Devil. Coming.

As long as Zhu Ling's repair of the Antarctic fire pillar reaches a certain level, then Lancome will be forcibly deported.

At the same time, the analysis of Zhizai also shows that the Antarctic fire column damage is so powerful, it is estimated that Zhu Ling needs a lot of time, this time, is the time when Sun Hao really faces life and death.

Fighting for thousands of miles, fighting thousands of miles.

After five days, Sun Hao fell from a thousand miles.

The Lancome, which followed closely, quickly grasped the status of Sun Hao. Just when Sun Hao had just fallen out of the state and his strength dropped slightly, he suddenly discovered that Lancome was standing in front of himself.

Like a huge, unrecognized Lancome demon, look at yourself like a small ant.

Dou Tian sticks to refresh the spirit, Sun Hao put his head on his head, forcibly recovered from the shocked state, Shen Xiangjian floated and fled to the distance.

Lancome sighed crisply and coldly: "Can you still escape? Draw the sky for prison and give me sleep."

Among the left and right spaces, there was a burst of shackles. The speed of Sun Hao could not help but fall, and lost a thousand miles. Sun Hao felt a little bit rushed. That is to say, he is likely to be born on the spot by Lancome. In the heart, Sun Hao once again used his own means of pressing the bottom of the box.

Behind the three heads and six arms, the strength of Sun Hao suddenly increased, and the stick of the day was golden, and Sun Hao once again held the stick and rushed out of the heaven and earth cage..."

There is actually a second way to temporarily improve the combat power.

Looking at the broken Sun Hao, the Lancang devil can not help but stay in the mirror, this kid is endless means.

There is also the three-headed six-armed shadow behind Sun Hao, which makes her open her eyes. If he is not mistaken, the gadget should be a peerless evolutionary body that has been completely confined and condensed. Law.

However, Lancome is extremely puzzled that more than one demon god, but no one has cultivated a magical law. Originally thought this was just a legend, but now it is actually seen in a human monk.

Lancome really feels hard to believe.

When the magical law came out, Sun Hao’s strength was lifted in vain, and it was impossible to say that it was once again broken.

Lancome brows slightly wrinkled, followed by Sun Hao to catch up.

The chase battle followed.

The more chasing, the more Lanxi is lamenting, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is only the Yuanjun in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty. According to the truth, the lamp has been exhausted, and the real yuan is not going on, but after chasing for a long time, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is still alive and kicking.

This accumulation is too strong.

The longer I fight with Sun Hao, even if it is affected by Xiao Yan, Lan Lan’s thoughts on killing Sun Hao are more and more determined. Such a human race monk will have a great influence on the Mozu. Therefore, he cannot be merciless. .

The state of the three-headed and six-armed phase is more expensive than the battle of a thousand miles. It only supports less than one day, and the shadow of Sun Hao is gradually faded.

At this time, the battle is still unsuccessful.

Just as the law disappeared completely, Sun Hao knew that the real life and death war is coming.

With a bang, the law disappeared into the air as the light spot disappeared.

Sun Hao’s body is like losing support. The air crashes and falls to the ground. When Lancome flies to the place where Sun Hao falls, Sun Hao seems to have disappeared from the air and disappeared.

Bandit surgery? Lancome is slightly sun-dried.

Although it will be faster, although it will make it difficult for ordinary monks to catch up, there will be no trace, but after the Yuan Ying period, in addition to the wind-smashing technique that relies on speed to win, other techniques are only specific. The occasion is so good.

This kind of topography can not stop Lancome's exploration, and the knowledge of the gods is swept away. Lancome has quickly found Sun Hao, who is more than 100 feet deep underground. At this time, Sun Hao is shining in the golden hand. The stick of the sky flies away obliquely downwards.

On the face, there was a smile, and Lancome extended his right **** and index finger, and pointed it into the ground with a sword. The mouth whispered: "The painting is a prison, Xiaohao, you can really become The little mouse that can't run out."

The sword pointed to the place, and the rushing rushed down.

Sun Hao, who is rushing through the ground, is suddenly feeling heavy, in all directions, and the force of hundreds of millions of people is madly squeezed into himself, as if he wants to squeeze his own life into a pastry.

The state is a bit like the failure of the bandit, but Sun Hao knows that it is not, no yí ask, it should be Lancome shot.

After forcing a few more shots, the body was golden, the knees were on the plate, the sticks were crossed, and they were placed on the knees. The treasure was solemn, and Sun Hao sat in the earth.

The earth seems to be alive. Under the command of Lancôme's sword, the layers are layered, forming boundless pressure and pressing over to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s body has a golden light in the introverted golden color. He has the fighting spirit of fighting and fighting, and sits stubbornly in the deep rocky ground and sticks to himself.

Although the pressure on the earth is very strong, Sun Hao’s body is slightly It is a bit squashed and a little bit bent.

However, Lancome has been practicing for a long time, but finally shook his head helplessly. The painting of the prison may have trapped Sun Hao, but it is a little worse than completely destroying Sun Hao’s body defense.

Sun Hao’s refining practice has really been achieved, and he has reached the level of perfection of the golden warfare, and the stick in his hand can also resist his own temperament. In a short time, it is difficult to defeat the painting alone. He is.

On the ground, Lancome thought about it, his left hand extended, and the palm of his hand showed a crystal clear snow white highlight, and the virtual air gently pressed, and took a shot to Sun Hao.

Now that Sun Hao can't move under the ground, it has become a living target. Since the painting is a bad luck, then add a fire.

The white little palm print penetrated the rock formation and quickly shot to the back of Sun Hao.

With a bang, the small palm print hit Sun Hao.

Sun Hao couldn't help but scream. (To be continued.)

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