Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1363: Master's degree (2)

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When he truly faced the power of the gods, Sun Hao discovered that he had stunned the heroes of the day, and in the face of absolute strength, his own means were greatly reduced.

The mighty battles and the magical powers of the Fa, can only make their escapes smoother. Sun Hao even knows that even if his two secret techniques are on the same level, he can't stop Lancome.

During the gap between the two secrets that can't be performed, no question is the most test for yourself.

In the process of escape, Sun Hao had a long-term plan for this, and he had a rough idea of ​​a coping method that might be somewhat effective.

That is to use the technique of bandits, such as the earth, to use the thick soil layer of the earth to find a natural protective layer for yourself, so that the earth becomes its own barrier to resist the power of the gods.

However, although the idea is good, but the power of the **** is still far beyond the thought of xiàng.

Lancome's painting site is to trap himself in the soil layer, so that it is difficult for him to escape. The force of hundreds of millions of people is pressed down, and it is necessary to crush himself into soil.

The golden warfare was fully opened and the sticks were guarded. Sun Hao finally resisted the paintings of Lancome.

However, Lancome in the sky once again waved the palm of his hand.

A small palm print, penetrated the hard rock formation that he deliberately selected, and attacked himself.

The ability of the rock formation to weaken the palm print is far less than what it expected. Sun Hao can still quickly feel the enormous energy contained in the palm print.

Do not dare to neglect, proud of the gods, the law of the law, the spirit of the whole body to drive, steady sitting on the knees, nowhere to escape, Sun Hao who was imprisoned on the spot can only choose zé hard resistance.

With a bang, the palm print hit the back, and tremendous power came from it. The tremendous destructive power began to wreak havoc in the body.

Sun Hao couldn't help but open his mouth and spit out a golden blood.

At the same time as the body was slightly shocked, the enormous pressure in all directions flocked at the same time, and wanted to completely overwhelm Sun Hao.

With a handprint on both hands, Sun Hao’s mouth was violent: “Pro/...”, it’s not moving, it’s not moving.

The three-in-one combination of the three-in-one fire was unveiled, and the whole body was golden and light, and the knees were sitting on the mountain, resisting the tremendous pressure of the outside world, digesting the Lancome palm that rushed into the body.

Physical and mental stability.

The incident is not moving, it is not moving, and the will is strong.

No matter the pressure inside and outside the body, I am not moving.

Sun Hao has no sorrow and no joy, and he does not move.

Above the golden body, there was a faint hoarfrost, and it was not crushed by the expectation of the Lancome Devil.

Lancome snorted on the ground.

As soon as the eyeballs turned, I quickly understood why Sun Hao could catch himself.

At the bottom of the earth, he swallowed a physical stamina and urged Mudan to quickly treat the wounds in the body.

Hard rock, some of the offsetting effect of Lancome has some effect, the golden battle body is perfect, does not move the king of India, the proud of the gods plus Mudan plus physical strength original cream, Sun Hao means to do it.

Finally, I barely took the Lancome and stabilized my position.

To be honest, there was a moment when Sun Hao almost smashed on the spot and almost failed to block the invasion of both internal and external forces and was squeezed into slag.

Many conditions are indispensable.

Blocked, and passed the first most difficult, Sun Hao sinks his heart, continue to hold his own inactive position in the ground, waiting for Lancome's next move.

On the ground, Lancome stunned yà, and muttered in his mouth: "It's not bad. In the middle of the real king, you can block a spell in this seat, but also catch the cold palm, this world, It is estimated that your Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang can do it, but Xiaohao, now that you have become a shackle, you can't escape, I want to see, you can catch me a few palms..."

Between the words, the left hand is a void two buttons, two white jade-like small palm prints, quickly penetrated the rock formations, one after the other, and attacked Sun Hao.

The palm prints quickly attacked.

Without waiting for the palm print to fall on his body, Sun Hao’s hands were printed, and a “pro” word was spit out in his mouth, which drove the immortal king’s seal in advance, and swallowed a piece of physical original cream quickly, and the sacred fire was quietly driven. Go out and lay in the front chest.

Two sounds, Sun Hao's chest and back were hit at the same time.

The huge impact force made Sun Hao, who was still in the mountains, still swaying, and the enormous pressure around him followed.

Jinguang masterpiece, Aoyu God is full of handling, Mudan quickly repaired the body that was damaged by the strong.

At this moment, Sun Hao concentrates on welcoming the powerful impact of the vast waves of the sky, the concentration of the spirit is high, and the regulation of various parts of the body has reached a very fine level.

The resistance to external pressure is just right, not a wave of fèi.

It is just right to resist the tremendous force in the impact body, avoid the key, properly offset, and carry it strong.

Two cold ice palms, the back of the palm is completely hard, and the front of the palm, but by the sacred gods offset a large part of the impact force.

Sun Hao once again tenaciously contends Lancome's two palms and sits firmly on the ground, still not rushing.

Sun Hao’s state seems to be hanging over and over. Lan Lan thought that he should be able to stop the two palms. However, Sun Hao still sat firmly in the ground.

However, Lancome is not in a hurry.

At this time, Sun Hao, trapped in the ground, trapped in the dungeon, became a living target, Lancome does not think how long Sun Hao can hold himself.

No worries, Lancome's face showed a playful smile, the left hand pressed forward two, the two palm prints flew down, the right hand sword pointed to the front point, a sword light also flew from the fingertips.

Two palm prints, a sword light, see how your Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang resists.

If you can block it, then I will have more attacks to patronize. Lancome is standing on the ground, and I don't think Sun Hao can finally resist the tide-like attack.

It is useless to blame others, and it is useless to look forward to the savior.

What Sun Hao can do is to do everything he can to defend the Lancome Devil.

Although the gods know a few points, but Sun Hao still has a highly concentrated state of mind, wholeheartedly, greet a series of successive attacks, the brain is spinning fast, all the powers that can be called within the body are called up, Sun Hao is like Accurate and incomparable machines, quickly and naturally call the power of the whole body, coping with the predicament, and gaining a chance for yourself.

燚神炎 once again blocked most of the power of a palm print.

A drop of dark water blocked the sword and the sword of the sword. Sun Hao’s body was flashing in the ground, seemingly crumbling, but finally tenaciously, and passed a difficult time.

Lancome's face once again showed a strange look, this kid, really again and again, and then let yourself look at each other, the means are many, the response is effective, trapped by himself, actually can play so Being tenacious is really an accident.

Lancome also wants to see where Sun Hao’s limits are.

Regardless of the three seven twenty-one, the left and right hands quickly moved up, the string of flowers and butterflies in general, shot down a shoulder print, at the same time, also shot a sword.

When I’m done, I’m still trying to squat on the ground.

Ten seals that only penetrated the ground, after five or six swords, the underground rock also appeared a spider-like crack, spreading in the direction of Sun Hao.

The spirit is highly concentrated, and the gods are closely watching the Sun Hao of the battlefield. Seeing the eruption of the tide like this, the cold, calm and calm Sun Hao has quickly judged that the attack of such a scale has exceeded himself. The limit is beyond your ability.

Perhaps the next moment, they will be instantly annihilated by these successive blows, and they may instantly become the soil of the earth.

There is no big fear between life and death, but more is the last insistence of Sun Hao.

At this moment, time seems to be slowing down in an instant. Sun Hao seems to have seen the scene in which he has been unforgettable and unforgettable.

Five minor monks for the Terran sink into the Wanzhang Magic Yuan to suppress the Mozu.

Wen Min did not know that he had a chance to live in the sky, incarnation of the sky, and he did not hesitate to guard the Western Tianzhu.

Most of them are thieves who are sneaky and slippery. They can also choose zé Dayi, incarnate as Kang, and guard the north.

The best brother, who has not seen his son's birth, turned into an oriental dragon.


A scene of a scene.

Sun Hao remembers that he once had a common commitment to them: "As long as you are still alive, you will be determined to live your life and protect the mainland..."

Now that the crisis is coming, it is time for us to fulfill our promises.

Behind the promise is the responsibility on his shoulders, that can't be undone, and I will never let go of it. (To be continued.)

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