Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1364: Master's degree (3)

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(More three chapters, roll for various support)

It seems to have returned to the battlefield.

It seems to be facing the comrades who are going to be generous.

In Sun Hao’s mouth, he murmured: “Agarwood is here, there is a promise, Aquilaria promises, but teaches that Aquilaria is alive, will do my best, pass on the will of the friends, protect the mainland, protect the human race, the sun and the moon as evidence, heaven can Jian."

The eyes are shining, sitting cross-legged, and finally added: "This is the end of life, the battle to the last breath."

Yan Shenyan flew out and turned into a faint fire net over Sun Hao’s sky.

The heavy water bounced out and circled at the top of Sun Hao’s head.

The soil flew out silently, and quickly spread a large piece of rock formation on the top of Sun Hao.

The waste gas flew out and tried to corrode the dungeons around.


The five elements of the spirits are running, the five attributes of the real elements are fully driven, and the golden warfare is fully driven. The agarwood sword also appears on the top of Sun Hao’s head. On the fighting stick, it is even more invincible.


Before the huge crisis, Sun Hao’s spirit was highly tense, and all the means were all smashed out.

Not the last breath of life, the battle is not limited, this is Sun Hao's insistence, but also Sun Hao's commitment to those same people.

Sun Hao knows what he is responsible for.

With the persistence of Sun Hao, with the efforts and hard work of Sun Hao.

With an unyielding spirit.

Among the earth, the palm prints came like flying, and they fully engaged in various methods with Sun Hao.

No matter how determined the will of Sun Hao, no matter how persistent Sun Hao is, the facts are zhōng is the fact that strength is the strength.

燚神炎 could not stop the palm print, after being beaten, it flew back.

Heavy water can not withstand the impact of Jianqi, was broken up by life.

The soil layer of the soil can't stop the fingerprints and the sword, and the dust automatically returns to the body.

The waste gold gas made the dungeons loose a little, and Sun Hao sneaked a few feet, but he ran away from the palm prints and swords.

In the golden light.

The snoring is endless.

The palm print and the sword gas rushed into the body of Sun Hao.

On the ground, Lancome with a slight xiào suddenly changed his face, and the handcuffs towered, and he fell into the ground involuntarily, tears involuntarily rushed out, and a fierce and screaming shouting: "Xiaohao..."

At this moment, the grandson of the underground, has been completely submerged in the palm print and Jianqi.

The power of huge friends has instantly smashed the body of Sun Hao into riddled holes.

Sun Hao’s body is like a leaking bucket. Hey, he kept out the golden blood.

The blow exceeded the limits of the golden perfection of the Golden War.

The attack exceeded the carrying capacity of the proud and arrogant body.

The blow also surpassed the defense ability of Sun Hao's five attributes.

The destruction of the body also exceeded the repairing ability of Mudan.

Even the vital parts of Mudan's tightly guarded body are also rapidly falling.

In an instant, Sun Hao seems to have seen a lot.

Sun Hao seems to see that with his own fall, the magical demon of Wanshen Mountain has lost its meaning, and the five minor monks have hatred.

Sun Hao seems to see that with his own degeneration, the brothers who survived the top of the list, completely lost their vitality.

Sun Hao seems to see that with his own fall, Suzaku eventually failed to repair the Antarctic fire pillar, and he was defeated on the spot.

Sun Hao seems to see that the scenes of the ten thousand villages in the eastern continent reappeared in the mainland, as if they saw a village, there were many bones.

The heroes who died in battle will be hard to notice.

The living human race will paint the soul.

At this moment, Sun Hao not only has to fight for himself, but also needs to fight for his own promises, but also fight for his own friends, fighting for the heroes who are still dying and still persisting, for the safety of the entire continent. war.

The sky is falling.

His grandson Sun Xiangxiang is the tallest son.

Once he can't stand the sky that has fallen, then the one that will fall will be the entire race.

Perhaps the Terran will not eventually die, but the Terran will definitely be alive.

My responsibilities have not been fulfilled, and my burden has not been able to provoke.

I lived up to the expectations of the five minor monks and lived up to the sacrifice of my friends.

Uncontrollable, Sun Hao Yang Tian shouted: "No..."

Just before the body was completely collapsed, Sun Hao still had great perseverance, his eyes were clear and incomparably, and he madly spurred the five elements of the body, the yin and yang, and the five attributes, and the mouth quickly Said: "Broken is broken, built is built; five lines of rotation, broken non-breaking, built non-construction; broken like Yin, built like Yang, yin and yang rotation, yin and yang..."

In an instant, Sun Hao saw the power of destruction into the body as a kind of ruin.

Forced to drive their own yin and yang combination law, regardless of success or failure, Sun Hao must save themselves, even if the next moment is about to annihilate, but also to save themselves.

The powerful destructive force poured into the heart, and there was a colic in the heart. The site of the sacred spurt rushed and crashed. Sun Hao had a feeling of wanting to put it, but it seemed that he saw five minor monks and ancestors who did not turn back to the ground. At the moment of the abyss, 燚神炎 retained a little bit of fire, and the yin and yang turned out a trace of Mars, in the heart, and zhōng retained a line of vitality.

The power of powerful destruction has poured into the spleen, and the power of reconstruction of the dusty soil can't resist the power of destruction. Sun Hao seems to have seen the moment of Wenmin's incarnation, simple and unpretentious, ordinary and calm, facing life and death, big waves In front of the destructive power, the dust emitted a faint yellow glow, clinging to the invisible sporadic ground.

The power of powerful destruction rushed into the kidneys, heavy water could not stand the attack, and the bangs scattered, Sun Hao thought of Zhu Pang, the water cube, the water ripples, weak but not dead, weak and not destroyed.

The power of destruction is raging in the body of Sun Hao.

In the liver, Mudan is holding on to maintaining his most innate therapeutic power.

The waste gold gas could not stop the impact, and the right lung was destroyed. However, the innate magnetic element firmly adhered to its own site, and the strong attraction force kept the basic shape of the left lung.

The powerful destructive power rushed into Sun Hao's weakest head, and Sun Hao's knowledge of the sea shook violently, and the wall of the sea seemed to be rapidly rushing.

Legend has it that the sea of ​​knowledge is built by the brains of monks. Once the brains of monks suffer irresistible attacks, the sea of ​​knowledge will collapse.

The conversion of yin and yang is driven to the most dà, and the five elements are driven to the most dà.

The focus of the two secret defenses is the weakest brain and the sea.

In front of Sun Hao’s eyes, I finally saw the brother Wang Yuan, who saw the second hair. The picture was fixed at the moment when Wang Yuan finally incarnate the dragon column.

adhere to!

For the sake of the brothers, for the mainland, if you don't completely collapse, you need to persist.

Persevere to the last moment, in order to promise, more responsibility, but also for the real hope of the mainland people, they need, persist, and persist.

At this moment, everything is silent, and Sun Hao’s heart is only persisting.

In the process of persistence, Sun Hao deeply realized two words: "responsibility" or "responsibility."

Perhaps, the immortal should not be so tall, but when Sun Hao really stood in this position, what he realized was the responsibility and responsibility that the immortal must face in all kinds of hardships and difficulties.

Because on your shoulders, you are holding a huge and glorious burden, a burden that you need to stand up, die, and never die.

The body has been riddled with holes.

Five insiders have been seriously injured, and the damage to the brain and the sea is greater. However, Sun Hao is still very reluctant, a little bit, perseveringly driving his own five elements of the spirit and yin and yang.

The broken body gradually lost its light on the ground.

On the ground, Lancome was also subjected to a huge rebellion that was unparalleled by Xiao Xiao, and there was no attack on the temporary shí, and the battlefield briefly calmed down.

After half a ring, Lancome handcuffed her chest and slowly stood up. There was a bitter smile on her face, and her mouth whispered, "Why don’t you feel bad, I don’t want to be self-inflicted, I can’t be too good, it’s like this body is not you. Like..."

After that, the gods swept down and shouted in the mouth: "Hey? Can you still survive? Give me out, I want to see, how can you stop me from finding the Antarctic fire pillar?"

Yuzhang the air, he grabbed his body and grabbed his body. He was stubborn and stubborn, and he was not completely collapsed.

At this time, Sun Hao should have no resistance at all, and he should be able to catch it if he does not waste any effort.

Only when the jade palm is still advancing rapidly in the soil.

Lancome saw that Sun Hao, the bottom of the earth, suddenly saw a pair of eyes.

A sudden heart, Lancome thought, are dying, and a pair of eyes are still so sultry?

However, hòu, she was shocked to see that Sun Hao opened his mouth and screamed, and with his long screams, the golden light was shot from inside his body, and huge power rushed out from the ground.

how is this possible?

Lancome's eyes widened.

This guy is actually awkward! (To be continued.)

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