Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1365: Master's degree (4)

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(Bo Yao completed his own renewal commitment, today has 24 more, more than the last chapter of the power list 4, anyway, thank you for your help)

"Broken is broken, built is built, five lines of rotation; broken non-broken, built non-construction; broken like yin, built like yang, combined with yin and yang..."

Even if the whole body is riddled with holes, even if it is seriously damaged within five, even if the sea is beginning to oscillate.

However, Sun Hao has never put it under the support of Qingxin. Sun Hao has forgotten the big fear and forgot the great pain. The only thing he remembers is the responsibility and responsibility of the immortal.

On the monk, there may be miracles happening frequently.

The occurrence of miracles is actually based on two conditions, accumulation and persistence, and can also be regarded as the belief of hard work.

Although Sun Haoxiu liàn's time is not long, but the five attributes of the real yuan accumulation is extremely strong, the foundation is very incomparable, Dan Tian or the sea, also have a strong ability to fight.

The body of Yuan Ying is also very strong.

Under the huge real energy attack of Lancome, Sun Hao’s Dan Tian knew the sea and the wind and the wind, but the body of Yuan Ying was in the sea of ​​understanding, firmly and persistently driving the Five Elements of the Ling and the Yin and Yang.

Difficult and determined, Yuan Ying’s body finally used the power of rotation and combination to transform the destructive energy that has been broken into the body into its own available energy.

If it weren't for the accumulation of Sun Hao, it would not be the strength and stability of Yuan Ying, or the insistence of Sun Hao.

Miracles can't happen.

However, in the desperate situation, Sun Hao finally made it impossible to temporarily stabilize the position. Although he suffered from a heavy injury, he finally did not completely collapse.

Fortunately, at this time, Xiao Yan broke out and forced Lancome. Otherwise, Sun Hao could not get the most needed rotation and combination time.

When Sun Hao struggled a little bit to transform the body's heterogeneous destruction energy, it was still in its infancy, and finally it was quantitatively changed from qualitative change.

Sun Hao's five-element true Yuan originally reached the peak of Yuan Ying's mid-term, and only one of them could advance to the late Yuan Ying. Finally, after digging hard to absorb the huge real yuan of Lancome, he realized the responsibility and responsibility of the immortal. After that, at the moment of jiàn, Sun Hao ushered in the opportunity to repair it.

The body of Yuan Ying, who knows the sea, blinks violently. The mouth is like a long whale. It is a large-mouthed devour of the heterogeneous energy in the body. The body is growing up in a few laps.

The heterogeneous energy that Lancome rushed into the body was quickly swallowed up.

In the air, a huge air mass was formed. Like the funnel, the aura was poured down. Sun Hao also took out two long-lived breast milk that he had not used for a long time.

With a bang, Sun Hao felt a violent shock.

Suddenly and cheerful feelings poured into my heart, limbs and limbs, and the meridians, the five attributes of the real yuan in accordance with the established acupuncture points.

The huge real yuan passed by, and the sacred spirits beat again and again, and the heavy water re-converges again. The broken gold gas is also reassembling its right lung...

Mudan dripped and slid, and the milky white brilliance not only completely recovered the liver, but also continued to follow Sun Hao's meridians and infiltrated into various parts of the body.

The proud of the gods, the martial arts, and the resurgence of the sacred spirits, the severely damaged flesh, began to contain golden light.

The area of ​​the sea has once again expanded outward, and the wall of knowledge after the expansion has once again stabilized.

Dantian expansion, island expansion.

Sun Hao has cultivated strength and made comprehensive progress.

Yuan Ying mid-term sudden pò.

After repairing liàn, after the hardship, Sun Hao successfully entered the late Yuan Ying.

In the late Yuan Ying, the peak state of this monk, the peak of the monk in this world.

The monk community called it the "big monk."

In other words, Sun Hao successfully entered the top ranks in this world, made the great monk, and began to point to the sky.

The great monk, the symbol of the top state of this world, naturally has many magical ideas that Sun Hao can't think of. In the past, Sun Hao was not experienced when he was not promoted.

But now, when it comes to promotion, the huge recovery changes will make Sun Hao’s spirit alive.

At the same time as the promotion, the huge damage caused by the Lancang Devil's shot quickly recovered under the brilliance of Mudan and the five attributes.

The real yuan is full and the state is full.

Moreover, not only that, but Sun Hao also felt a very different atmosphere from the picture that was finally fixed in his consciousness.

The last picture that Sun Hao insisted on was when his friend Wang Yuan became the dragon in the East. At that time, Wang Yuan spoke to Sun Hao about the power of air transport, and blessed Sun Hao’s ability to let Sun Hao break out. Jianhua Yu, a sword swayed the army of the Mozu outside Anyang City.

Sun Hao thought that after his own eruption, the power of luck that his friends put on himself would be consumed.

However, on the occasion of the promotion of the great monk, Sun Hao clearly perceives his own body. He has a deep blessing from his friends, and the power of the air is fulfilling his friend's last wish.

An inexplicable breath began to sway in oneself, and you can grasp the vitality in the moment of jiàn, the five elements of the spirit, the yin and yang combination seems to be your own bold attempt, it seems to be your own insistence, but it is also possible The result of the influence of the power of your own day.

Moreover, at the time of promotion, Sun Hao had a very clear feeling with the help of the powerful and powerful sense of heaven. At this moment, he was promoted to the great monk, and he was the darling of this world, of course, shouldering the burden. It is also the responsibility of guarding this world.

When Sun Hao is carefully understanding himself and earnestly understanding the power of heaven and earth.

Lancome once again ousted the will of Xiaoyan, reaching out from the ground and grabbing it.

Sun Hao looked at Lancome and looked at Lancome. She was chased and killed by her. The old hatred of the fallen old hatred came to my heart and could not help but scream at the bottom of the earth.

Dao Jinguang rushed out from Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s arms were slightly shocked, his feet were on the ground, and his body was golden, like a fish, and the bandits rushed out of the ground, and the two turned over in the air, slowly falling, standing in Lancome’s before.

Lancome’s face was shocked yà, and his hand pointed to Sun Hao: “You actually followed my attack and took the opportunity to make a sudden p?”

Sun Hao's face is as usual, faintly said: "Lan Lan Devil let Aquilaria feel the unparalleled pressure, almost completely destroyed the body and soul of Aquilaria, and finally was forced to extinction, Lan Lan Da En, Aloes is unforgettable."

"Giggle", Lancome smiled and swayed: "Isn't Lancome's great grace don't know, but Lancome knows, if it's not jiàn, it's time for you to come out and mess up, why don't you have a sudden time?"

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile: “Agarwood fights for the mainland. When Lancome comes to this continent, he has to abide by the rules of the mainland, or does Lancome think that Xiaoyan’s eruption is accidental?”

Lancome Devil stayed for a while, his face smiled again, his hands gently patted it: "Hey, I understand, it turns out that Xiaoyan broke out, the situation is made, the air is in the air, really It’s not accidental, but Agarwood, do you think that even if you have made a great monk, can you resist this seat?"

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "Try to know."

After that, Sun Hao’s body jerked.

A bang, behind him, there is a huge, like a mountain, towering like a cloud, like a giant with a thousand feet.

The giant has three heads and six arms, and his posture is fierce, sitting cross-legged, glaring like electricity, standing between heaven and earth.

Lancome's face changed dramatically in a moment, and it was crisp and crisp in his mouth: "Impossible, how is it possible? How can you have such a powerful magical power?"

Sun Hao’s magical law, she did not know it.

Before Sun Hao was trapped underground, the last trick is the magical law.

However, she clearly remembers that Sun Hao’s magical law at that time was only five or six feet.

It’s just a promotion, and when you suddenly become a big monk, the progress of the magical law will be so fierce. How is this possible? Completely beyond her understanding of the power of the gods.

Sun Hao’s face has a faint smile: “How is it impossible? Do you think that my magical law is not parallel? Lancome, please pick me up...”

Above the sky, the gods and the law are solemn and solemn. Under the control of Sun Hao, they open their voices and say: "The devil's ambitions in the devil world, the bad order of my continent, hurting me hundreds of millions of people, bad me, good mountains and rivers, now, my grandson Sun Shenxiang Skywalk, smashing the Mozu, Lancang Devil, see the move."

The huge palms, the emptiness stretched out, and fished over to Lancome.

The Lancang demon rushed into the black metal-like mist, and the mouth slammed: "Hugh, give me a break..."

The jade palm waved, and the road palm print rushed to the huge palm of the law.

Dangdang, as if hitting the gold and iron, burst into a huge burst of zhà sound, but the giant palm did not waver, still quickly grasped it.

Lancome's body swayed want to move away.

However, the surrounding space seems to have been firmly held by the giant palm. Lancome has not escaped and has been handcuffed in the hands of the giant palm.

Lancome struggled a few times and found that she could not get out of it completely. On the body, the huge grip force passed over, and the flesh seemed to be rapidly collapsing. Don’t be a momentary, he would be a mirror of the gods, and he would be in this world. Health and pinch.

How can this be?

What is this freak in Sun Haosun Shen Xiang, how did he do it?

The Lancang Devil was completely dressed and completely messed up.

Who can think that the ending will be like this?

I am a **** of great power, and now I will be a monk in the Yuan Ying, like a pinch bug, on the spot?

The four-pole and four-column catastrophe is completely defeated! (To be continued.)

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