Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1369: 沧海桑田(1)

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The repair is lost, but Sun Hao’s golden body is still full of flesh.

From the top of the pagoda, flying down the air, a bang, fell on the top of the mountain.

Moving his legs and feet, Sun Hao regretted to find that under the Shougu Ningkong Tower, the strength of his own body was actually sealed, and he punched out his fists, and there was no such thing as a real dragon.

In other words, the only thing that can be effective is the defensive power of its golden warfare.

Trying your own knowledge, it is also firmly suppressed within the scope of the Sumiyaku Tower, and it is quite powerless. The control of the condensate tower can only be put into the air, and no other display can be performed. Means.

The agarwood sword can't be made, and the stick can't move.

The avatar is completely bleak, and the real element does not exist.

No different from mortal.

According to Master's statement, this state must wait for the Antarctic fire pillar to be completely restored, and the cold source magic dragonm can be lifted after it is completely blocked.

Slightly smiled, Sun Hao slowly walked into the tower of the Sumi, and stood in the tower, screaming: "Hey, come over."

In the condensate empty tower, Sun Hao still has no signs of recovery. However, because the condensate tower itself is the reason of Sun Hao’s life-saving magic weapon, Sun Hao’s voice has spread far and wide inside the tower.

With his hands on his back, Sun Hao stood in the tower and waited for about the tea kungfu. He was flying like a fly, floating on the ground, standing next to Sun Hao, and said crisply: "Xiaohao, are you okay?"

It is very difficult to repair the Antarctic fire pillar. It is very dangerous to be prepared by Sun Hao and Zhi Zi in the tower. I don’t know that these days Sun Hao has experienced hardships and has expelled the devil and suppressed the magic.

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "Well, fortunately, I have not lost my life. I have successfully regained the Antarctic fire pillar. Well, now I need to take a town to return to the Xianshan Mountain and suppress the cold source, but there is nothing in the Wanshou Temple. You still need to go back and host the big picture right away."

I stayed alone: ​​"Xiaohao, can't you leave the Xianshan?"

Sun Hao smiled and said: "In a short time, I can't leave, hey, you listen to me, my deterrence is still there, you will go back immediately, take the token that I gave to you, the main token, to host the overall situation, have your mother help It should be able to stabilize the battle, and the Wanshen Mountain is not chaotic, then the mainland is stable, remember to remember, never to be careless."

The single singer took over the soul of the soul, and said something in his mouth: "But, Xiaohao, I want to accompany you here..."

Sun Hao's look changed: "Hey, I have tried hard to repair the four pillars of the mainland. How can you use it? Go, after you stabilize the Hall of Every Spirit, you can come to see me at any time..."

I curled up my mouth, but finally said with a deflation: "Okay."

When Sun Hao knew the move, he appeared in the outer tower of the Sumi, and returned to the top of the Xianshan. He threw a slam and fell to the ground.

Sun Hao’s voice came over: “Under the air tower, the power of the town is sealed and the town is repaired. You can walk out of Xianshan and I will let you go out.”

I didn’t want to be alone, but I still gently “oh” and stepped forward and walked down the hill.

Step by step, my heart has thousands of knots. When the spirits are set, the four spirits are still there, and the atmosphere is good. But when I go back, the four spirits are dereliction of duty, and Xiaohao is kept in the same place, only oneself, with Xiaohao’s mission is to stabilize the overall situation of the Wanshen Temple.

Among the big eyes, there is a slight mist, and there is a strong disappointment. There is a worry and worry in my heart. She knows that since Xiaohao is so cautious in explaining things, then there is no yí question, and the town is guarded by a fairy mountain. It’s not a short time, it’s probably hundreds of thousands of years.

Walking out of Xianshan, I stared deeply at the towering pagoda, and it was just like flying away.

Looking away, Sun Hao sighed and sighed, and strode at the door of the pagoda. He said: "You are the same as the Mozu, and Aquilaria is holding you, not to imprison you forever, as long as you can be in my pagoda. Under the cleansing of the magic, get the approval of the pagoda, I will naturally let you go and re-live under the sun in the mainland..."

On top of the Xianshan Mountain, more than one million monks were silent, and there was noisy discussion.

Sun Hao once again said: "Now, you divide the east, west, and north directions. Each direction is divided into three levels. Each floor is elected by two representatives. Come to the pagoda. After the dojo, discuss with me how to divide the Xianshan site. How to organize production to ensure your production and life needs, do not attempt to escape, without my permission, any monk can not be separated from the scope of my pagoda golden light, unless you can repair liàn to the realm of the gods ..."

The reunion of Xianshan once again eloquently talked about it.

As Sun Hao himself said, God has a good life, the magic disaster in the South China, its main component, or a large number of magic repairs, and many of them are even contaminated by magic, have to turn magic The monk who invested in the Mozu camp, Sun Hao is really not ready to kill.

Of course, out of the attitude of being responsible to the mainland, these monks must really cleanse their magic when they want to live freely. More importantly, they must be recognized by the condensed towers. Without magic, they can be free.

Otherwise, waiting for them is to be imprisoned for life under the condensate tower.

Zhichi, Guyun Baijuan and Luo Xiaoxiao Zhang and others all came out from the tower to help Sun Hao deal with the things on the mountain. Among them, the small fire became the only exception, the only exception. The exception to the strength of the part is preserved, which makes it impossible for the arrogant and arrogant.

However, Sun Hao vaguely understands that the small fire is a swallowing descendant with a strange space stomach, which may be the root cause of her retention of some strength.

The existence of a small fire did not increase the safety and deterrence of Sun Hao. After a small fire did not hesitate to swallow a few trial monks, Guiyi Xianshan completely went to formality and started to operate according to Sun Hao’s will. .

At the same time that the first fairyland was on the way, the entire southern continent was chaotic.

It is not a war, but a chaos of order reconstruction.

Good guy, Agarwood slaps off the Mozu army.

The South China has been completely turned over, and a large number of sites have become unmanaged sites, and a large amount of resources have been idle.

After the Aquilaria adults had destroyed the magic disaster, they did not have the following. They did not have any position on how to deal with these sites.

It’s not a mess.

Finally, the three major ancestral gates of the Great Desert Association, Qingyunmen, Qitianzong and the Five Elements of the Demon sect, after a month or so, jointly voiced, how to divide the mainland territory, how to deal with the devils, and so on, the name of the Ancestral ancestor, A series of instructions were issued.

The South China has only settled down a bit, but hòu is busy again. The war has just passed, the disaster is just flat, the mainland is rebuilding, and there are thousands of threads.

On top of the Xianshan Mountain, the magicians who bathed in the golden light of the pagoda or were sealed under the golden light of the pagoda, they also began a large-scale construction of the fields, starting to reserve food for the coming year.

Xiaoyu Chemical Library had hoped to see Sun Hao, but sadly found that he was still fully functional, and was also used by the unscrupulous Master to become a small singer. After returning to the field, he set up a small courtyard for Sun Hao. Open up the farmland.

And to help him, it is actually a child with a fine skin and tender meat.

Xiaoyu Chemical Library once said that this is child abuse.

But the child showed eight arms to teach him xùn, on the grounds that he wanted to be the boss and made a big taboo.

In the end, Xiaoyu Chemical Library regretted that in the case of the strength of the whole body, the double boxing is indeed difficult to attack the four hands, not to mention the boy has eight arms?

Time is the best healer. The winds and rains have passed by for 20 years. The mainland after the disaster has quickly recovered. The people have begun to thrive and the industry has begun to develop. A new generation of monks has entered the historical stage.

The mortal world is changing the dynasty.

The busy world of monks finally settled down.

At this point, the monks suddenly discovered that in the same year, after the outbreak of the incense, the incense disappeared. For twenty years, there was no news or rumors.

The things of the South China are jointly handled by the three major sects of the South China Sea headed by Qingyunmen.

Of course, Qingyunmen has now become the first gate of the South China.

Fighting against the Heavenly Palace has become a holy place outside the minds of the South Korean monks.

But Agarwood, but there is no news.

The monks who are looking forward to the return of Sun Hao have been waiting for twenty years and have not seen half a personal shadow.

On the peak of Caiyun, whenever the full moon night, there are always monks looking to the moon.

On the Wanshang Mountain, there are always monks, and there are no consciences.

The enthusiasm of the Beijing-China Agarwood has once again become history.

Lanlin Town is looking forward to the return of the ancestors of the monks is already old.

And Sun Hao still has no news.

Slowly, many monks know that Shen Xiang adults may be somewhat wrong.

The gossip came out, and the incense adult was for the mainland, overloaded with great powers, repaired as a loss, and now turned into an ordinary person, living in the real world of life, the center of the ice, once in the South China's top one of the best mountains. (To be continued.)

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