Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1370: 沧海桑田(2)

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Calm and quiet for twenty years.

Sunrise and sunset, Sun Hao is like a mortal.

On the top of the mountain, Sun Hao’s small yard was gradually buzzing.

I always like to mix the mouth of the Xiaoyuhuaku and Xiaozhang, become Sun Hao's hip-hop two, three pets, has become a beautiful scene in the small yard.

Xiaohuo always likes to stand on the shoulders of Sun Hao, and he never forgets. The state of Sun Hao makes the fire very worried. Even if Sun Hao says that he must condense the empty tower, no one can hurt himself. Defend Sun Hao.

The kitten is dark and blue, and most like to go out and secretly find some strange things.

There is also a local dog who spits out words. If you have nothing to do, you like to bully the kittens. You often go out to peek, but every day, when you don’t move, it will quietly stay on the top of the condensate tower for a while. Sitting on the knees and sitting, it seems to have become a stone sculpture, Zhu Ling with a pillar of fire at the eyebrows.

And it often swears a sentence: "I am just taking a nap, stupid big sister actually out of such a big situation, do, can not be violated! Silly big sister, you are really embarrassing!"

Although the tone is not full, but in the eyes, there is a strong disappointment.

Whoever provokes it at this time, there must be no good fruit to eat.

By the way, it is the second one that can preserve the strength of strength under the golden light of the condensate tower.

Seeing that the singer was not effective in the grazing, Sun Hao was still thinking that "it was Satsuma’s son, there are many magics." After that, Sun Hao completely forgot that he once thought so, the only thing It is understood that the preservation of the edge of animal husbandry should be taken for granted.

It is so amazing.

However, Sun Hao knows with a sense of heart that even if he has made a great monk, he stands on the apex of this world, but there are still things that he can understand.

Some exist and still not for their own measure.

The road to repairing the road is still a mandala and a long way to go.

Twenty years have passed, and under the empty tower, many of the magical repairs have come to the end, and they have fallen into the mountains. However, some of the magical repairs that have not been deeply enshrined have been fully recovered, and they have also been recognized by the Shougel Tower.

Sun Hao kept his promise and opened the golden light in the twentieth year, releasing the first magical repairs to bring order out of chaos.

At the same time, he also released his own gossip to guard the return of a fairy mountain.

The first batch of magical repairs was about 3,000. What surprised Sun Hao was that after the monks walked out of the scope of the condensed towers, they did not disperse. About one-third of the monks were in the golden tower. In addition, there are five Jindan monks.

Bianmu was ordered to negotiate and did not know how to deal with it.

The conclusion is that these monks finally declared that they were attached to the name of Shen Xiang, guarding the mountains and inheriting them.

I read my own commitment to Li Min, and I went to Muzhenjun, who was still frozen in the ice, and Sun Hao acquiesced in the pastoral work.

Outside the golden mountains shrouded in the mountains, the monks, after receiving a reply from the pastoral, broke out with amazement.

Soon after, Sun Hao learned from the side of the wilderness that this guy was sent to a monk as: "Zhenzong God Dog!"

Known as: to the great emperor to sit down alone, the top of the heavens and the dominating xià Wei Zhen Sihai Town Zongshen!

Sun Hao said that the title of Bianmu was fainted.

In the fifth month after Sun Hao released the first batch of monks, he came to the first group of guests, and the first group of guests, Xuanyuan Red Belt, Yun Zixi sisters, Sun Hao’s several disciples and Yi Lu Denghuo and other monks Coming together, the monks who had just re-established a banner were blocked from the golden light.

Bianmu flew like a fly, and Xuanyuanhong squeezed his eyebrows and said in a loud voice: "Going to the Great Emperor and sitting alone is the only place in the sky." What the hell, the **** dog can work hard."

Deeply aware of the death dog's virtue Xuanyuan red complimented the side of the animal husbandry, Bianmu suddenly forgot to hold, the fart and the bottom with a group of monks stepped into the golden light, walked up to the side of the field, saw in the farmhouse Waiting for Sun Hao.

Xiaoyu Chemical Library saw Da Yun, suddenly burst into tears and hugged and cried: "Sister, you are finally here, Xiaoku can finally get rid of the bitter sea..."

Although there was a smashing of the Xiaoyu Chemical Library, but I felt the need to condense the empty tower of Jinguang, and heard the simple situation of Sun Hao, after the shào, the mood of Qingyun monk was very heavy.

Although Shen Xiang adults are not completely repaired, they need to be kept in the town of Xianshan for hundreds of thousands of years.

If it weren't for the Aquila, it would be a great power, and this time must also kill the adults.

After a long silence, Wu Xianlang began to report on the reconstruction of the Southland to Sun Hao.

Under the co-ordination of Qingyunmen, under the plan of Wu Xianlang and others, there was Xuanyuanhong sitting in the town, everything in the South China was on the formal, Qingyunmen became the first major gate of the South China, and the site expanded. More than three times, the territory spans the South China, occupying about one-tenth of the entire continent and becoming a real giant.

In the past 20 years, the late Qingmenmen monks have emerged in an endless stream, and many new generations of geniuses have emerged. The typical representative is the Xuanyuan family's rising star Xuanyuan Xiaolong.

The Xuanyuan Xiaolong, who had just arrived in the 20th, had already refining the twelve-story building.

Wu Xianlang did not know that Xuanyuanhong wanted to introduce the information of Shuào Xuanyuan Xiaolong, but he could see that after Master heard this information, he first stunned and slowly opened his smile, and finally he was full of gratification and laughed.

Qingyunmen’s family is big, and now it’s the backbone of Qingyunmen. It’s impossible to stay for a long time.

Half a month later, under the urging of Sun Hao, Xuanyuan Red led the team to leave.

Before leaving, Xuanyuan Red stood alone next to Sun Hao, holding Sun Hao’s arm tightly, and his small head leaned on Sun Hao’s body and said softly: “Hao, after a hundred years, the South China’s continent has completely stabilized, and Qingyunmen’s foundation is solid. After that, I came to accompany you and never give up."

Sun Hao’s body was slightly shocked. After half a ring, he touched her little head and said softly: “Two hundred years.”

Xuanyuan red eyes tears down the bill: "Xiaohong understands, that little red two hundred years later, come with you."

Sun Hao touched her little head and smiled a little: "I am in the middle of a hundred years, and you bring my disciples to the sacred air tower and listen to me."

Xuanyuan’s red face smiled and said softly: “Good.”

Sun Hao sent away Qingyunmen and his party.

But what I didn't expect was that on the second day alone, the cloud purple smoke appeared again outside the golden light. Under the moonlight, Tingting stood up, and the cold voice passed away from far away: "Xiaohao, let me enter." ”

Sun Hao opened the pagoda and greeted him. In the distance, his face asked inexplicably: "Ziyan Master, you?"

Among the bright moonlight, the cold and pure jade face of the cloud purple smoke looks crystal clear and translucent.

Looking at Sun Hao’s eyes is full of tenderness: “Xiaohao, I am afraid that you are alone, come to accompany you.”

Sun Haohu's body is slightly shocked: "But purple smoke, under the pagoda, can't practice, you can't do it."

Yun Ziyan whispered softly: "Xiaohao, I know you will say this, so before I came here, I showed the technique of breaking Dan Tianshou and concentrated on accompanying you..."

Broken Dan Tianshou!

Sun Hao’s heart violently shocked, and he could not help but exclaim: “Ziyan, you have a long life, how can this be?”

Purple smoke looked at the moon in the sky, and said: "Xiaohao, whenever the night is quiet, I will always look forward to the moon, look forward to your return, worry for you, often sleep all night, good, broken Dan Tianshou After that, my repairs will not be allowed in the end, and maybe I will die in front of you, but I know that I can stay with you under this sacred tower and stay with you for hundreds of years. For me, This is more important than anything else, Xiaohao, still don't hold me up? After the break of Dan Tianshou, it is worse than the mortal's physical strength!"

In the eyes of Sun Hao, has a mist.

There is even more colic in my heart.

After the break of Dan Tianshou, the Jindan monk will have more than a hundred years of life, but that is the choice of Zhe, when the Shouyuan is about to run out and the hopeless Jindan monk is helpless, but now, his master, still For hundreds of years, Shouyuan, the master of the Mood for Love, still decisively cast such a secret technique.

More importantly, Sun Hao knows that it is impossible for him to repair the abyss before the exhaustion of Yun Ziyan Shouyuan. That is to say, by then, he will only be able to watch the purple smoke in front of himself. , Xiang Xiao Yu Yu.

With his arms out, he held the cloud purple cigarette tightly and his head slammed on her chest.

After a long time, my arms were hard, and Sun Hao said with a smile: "Spring is worth a thousand dollars, Master Zizi, a hundred years is too short, just for a moment, today I will call you a Master, and later, you are Mrs. Aquilaria."

Sun Hao embraced, the cloud purple smoke on the face flew on the road red clouds, under the moonlight, delicate and dripping. (To be continued.)

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