Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1371: 沧海桑田(3)

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The rising sun and the moon are still flowering and falling.

When the sea is changed to mulberry, this situation will never change.

Now pity in the arms, like the moon palace lady.

It’s shy and irritating, and there’s a faint blush in the cold.

Sun Hao’s heart has deep pity, deep apology, and deep cherish.

Under the moonlight, I looked at the Iraqi people and looked at the moon palace together. Standing beside the side of the grazing, the arms of the purple smoke, holding a small fire, sometimes, Sun Hao would still hold dark blue.

Returning to the mountains, in the night wind, standing and standing, the hair is flying, the shadow of the moon is sparse, like the old days.

In the small courtyard, the male peasants and women weaved together, together with the rough tea.

The mood of the cloud purple smoke, like her personality, is light and elegant, with fragrance and not gloom, faint, refreshing, like the breeze, soothing the soul of Sun Hao.

Embracing the purple smoke, Sun Hao’s heart slowly calmed down.

The aftermath of the war has gradually subsided.

The excitement after the promotion gradually subsided.

The slightest uneasiness and embarrassment of the town of Yinuo in the millennium has turned into a natural and calm.

Deep affection and deep introversion, apology is also deeply introverted, and the memory of the comrades in the past is also deeply restrained.

In the arms of Ziyan, Sun Hao really became a mortal, diligent and family-oriented, hardworking, ordinary mortal with a wife and a wife.

The small fire naturally accepted the cloud purple smoke of the broken Dan Tianshou.

Bianmu sighs how many stupid big sisters in the world, and admits that he is not as good as himself.

The cloud purple smoke is natural, and it has been recognized by the monks around Sun Hao or the younger brother, and has become the owner of the small farmhouse of the Yishan Mountain.

As for the Xiaoyu Chemical Library, Sun Hao was rushed back to Daewoo.

Of course, although it is difficult to see progress, it is essential to repair liàn, even if it is the cloud purple smoke of the broken Dan Tianshou, at the request of Sun Hao, take a little time every day, under the golden light, play boxing, health fitness .

And Sun Hao himself, in addition to accompanying the cloud purple smoke and the necessary labor, at other times, is still in the hard work of repairing liàn.

Perhaps I can't see the effect of repairing liàn now, but Sun Haojian xìn, hard work, will not be wasted.

Still working hard.

However, in Sun Hao's heart, accompanying Ziyan is the most important task at present. Therefore, most of the repairs are done, and Sun Hao is in the air-condensing tower, the function of starting time acceleration is completed.

The nine major repairs liàn system, Sun Hao is also going hand in hand, never falling, can not do it, learn the theory, do everything possible to create the conditions for hands-on practice.

For example, the refining character, in theory, the loss of the true yuan support, the refining has become impossible, but Sun Hao remembers that in the funeral market, Yi Lu lights said that the power of the monk's body can be transformed into a monk's penpower, and finally completed. The character of the system.

This is one of the directions that Sun Hao is trying to repair liàn.

For example, alchemy, in theory, the loss of true yuan support, alchemy has become impossible, but Sun Hao remembers that he will refine alchemy, and, some Ling Dan may try pure technology.

The refiner is better to say, how big the power is to hammer a large hammer, and it is always possible to refine something.

There are nine exercises to repair the liàn system.

Accompanied by purple smoke.

Sun Hao did not feel lonely when he guarded the first hundred years of returning to Xianshan.

The mood is calm and the mood is getting better.

Every ten years, Sun Hao will also open a mooring tower to allow some of the motives to reach the tower.

However, for decades, there have been more and more monks on the periphery of the pagoda.

The inheritance of the genus has gradually grown, and these monks are mainly based on the ancestor of Sun Hao, who automatically guards the sacred mountain and guards the sacred air tower.

The name of the original one was changed to "Guiyi Xianzong", and an additional fairy character was added to indicate that a new student was returned. It also indicated that the position of returning to one is a fairy rather than a demon.

Sun Hao Nian and Li Min, who read and went to Muzhenjun, acquiesced to the existence of the Confucius, and acquiesced to the Confucius.

In fact, it was the first time that the big emperor was named by the side animal, but hòu gradually spread.

A hundred years of vicissitudes of life, sang the sea.

In the past 100 years, the mainland has changed a lot.

From the northernmost land, Xia Qingyu came to visit Sun Hao and talked about the changes of the Ice Palace. She has now been regarded as the Lord of the Palace, the land of ice and snow that was originally lacking in resources. A variety of quirky repair liàn resources.

The Holy Palace is booming.

Xia Qingyu is very envious of Yun Ziyan, but she can't talk to Yun Ziyan, she doesn't care about anything. Besides, she has already achieved Yuan Yingzheng Jun, Shouyuan for more than a thousand years, but she has not competed with the cloud purple smoke that she admires. These are hundreds of years.

After Sun Hao’s enthusiasm for more than a month, Xia Qingyu drifted away, and far away, passed on to Sun Hao’s sentence: “Little Hao, the moment I unloaded the burden of the Holy Palace, is the moment to come to you... ..."

Sun Hao’s shadow on the distant side, a slight smile, did not say anything.

Linger and Yan also made a special trip to visit Sun Hao. It was just a huge change in the ghost field. The foundation of Linger was unstable, and she could not allow her to stay. When she left, Linger pear blossomed with rain and said softly: "The son, in fact, I don't want to." I provoked the Temple of Pluto, but I didn’t die before my seniors. I don’t want to pick it up. Son, how I wish you could help me...”

Sun Hao still said nothing, micro xiào hugged her, but his eyes looked at the cloud purple smoke that was not far away.

The Eastern King Wang Tingguo personally came to thank Sun Hao.

涫涫 and Xiao Hong will come once every five to ten years.

A ugly, that is, Gong Xiaolu has never been here, but the master Zhao Zhaomo came once and brought him good news with Gong Xiao.

Sun Hao is only slightly xiào laugh, said nothing.

Bianmu rushed out Zhao’s demon. If it wasn’t for Zhao’s magical martial arts, he couldn’t guarantee that Bianmu would not directly bite his neck.

A hundred years of vicissitudes of life, sang the sea.

The world has been stunned for a hundred years, and there have been many changes, and there have been many changes. Sun Hao is like a bystander, screaming at the purple smoke and reading it one by one.

Many people who have come to visit have not come.

But there are also many, many people who insist on coming.

There are a lot of faint concerns, but also a lot of faint sorrow, there are many faint warmth.

When the century was near, Sun Hao finally realized the true meaning of the sacred field.

Xia Wei, who has worked hard for many years in the Sun Hao Shou Ning Air Tower, never admits his life, rarely walks out of the air chamber, Xia Wei, walked out, and arbitrarily pulled away Sun Hao from the cloud purple smoke.

On that night, Xia Wei held Sun Hao and cried and screamed, biting Sun Hao’s shoulder and **** Sun Hao’s loin.

Sun Hao frowned and said: "Small, you are in such a state, it is best not to break the baby, I feel very wrong."

Xia Wei shook his head silently, and eventually brought Sun Hao to the valley of the flowering valley.

The flowers in the mountains and plains made the whole valley a fragrant, bursting roar, and it came out from the flowers.

Standing in the middle of the flowers, on a simple grassy building, Xia Wei finally calmed down, fingers and flowers, said to Sun Hao: "Agarwood, this is a bee valley, in the valley, is the sea of ​​flowers, there are flowers above the sea The seven land bees, these seven land bees, are all developed by the queen bee you gave me. This valley was built by me personally. The seven land bees were developed by me a little bit..."

Beautiful as a flower sea in Wonderland, a bee that dances.

Sun Hao seems to have seen the hidden, Xia Wei's embarrassment for a better life, the desire for the future.

And the deep, deep affection that hangs on oneself.

Holding Sun Hao’s waist, his head squatted on Sun Hao’s chest, Xia Wei murmured: “Junshan will hunt, the big bad guys will exceed the moment when I show a bad smile, I know, maybe, I will be in my life. In chasing you, sure enough, I am chasing for hundreds of years."

Sun Hao touched her little head silently.

She said leisurely: "I know that many people around you don't like me very much, saying that I am not high, too strong, but you know? I just want to seize my heart, seize my happiness, I Try hard to work hard, bite your teeth and stick to it, I just want to catch it, but maybe I can't catch anything."

Sun Hao gently embraced her petite but plump body, and said softly in her mouth: "Small, you are tired, take a rest, tomorrow will be good..."

That night, Xia Wei finally fell asleep under the comfort of Sun Hao’s dream of Dafa.

However, after only three days, it was necessary to condense the empty tower, and Xia Wei attracted the robbery of the baby.

Within the bee valley, among the grassy buildings, Xia Wei ushered in three disasters and nine difficulties.

Her accumulation is not deep Sun Hao gave her the preparation of the baby, the magic weapon for her refining is not too strong, but the Yuan Ying robbery, can not be said before.

Among the red lotuses in the sky, the flowers bloom, and the seven land bees automatically connect and fight for her.

Sun Hao was in tears, and saw her with a fearless micro-xiào finally saw Sun Hao, accompanied her flower sea, along with her bee, turned into ashes.

A hundred years of vicissitudes of life, sang the sea.

Like a mortal, watching and being powerless, Sun Hao fell to sit on the ground. After a long time, his face was tearful, and he laughed in the sky. He waved with a pen in his hand. On the cliff behind the fire, there were three big characters: "buried flower valley."

After the pen was thrown, it stumbled and ran out of the whisky tower, swaying, tears throwing away, a faint smile on his face, and said loudly: "The lady, let you wait..."

The body of Yun Ziyan was slightly stiff, and his face showed mercy. When he turned around, he smiled: "Xiao Hao, time out, no drink, three cups..." (To be continued.)

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