Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1373: 沧海桑田(4)

Road, not as wide as possible.

Road, not as long as possible.

Even the road is not as flat as possible.

Road, there is only one best, that is the best for you.

Sun Hao said: "Even if it is a rugged road, as long as it suits you, you can climb the mountain and reach the avenue. But if it is not suitable, even if there is a road, you will be blinded by the roadside scenery. The mind, forgetting the original intention of embarking on the road..."

The agarwood has nine veins, which are intertwined and interspersed with each other.

Sun Hao: "Agarwood believes that while the nine-pulse disciples, while cooperating with each other, each legislature inherits, is self-contained, and develops freely. After a hundred years, come back to me, review the past, sum up success, and preach the passage..."

When Sun Hao finished the last sentence: "The evangelism", the sun sets and the red light shines on his face, making his whole body look tall and solemn, and leisurely, Sun Hao whispered. : "A hundred years in a blink of an eye, you will not realize it in a blink of an eye? People are good, the devil is good, the road is one, the road is different, the dead and the magic, but why?"

On the top of the Xianshan, those monks who had not been freed from the state of enlightenment in the three or four centuries suddenly sounded like a gong and drum in the morning.

One or more of them couldn't help but fall to the ground and piously said: "The disciple is willing to return to the Confucius, and listen to the adults to become a fragrance."

Sun Hao bathed in the sunset, sitting cross-legged, with a faint smile on his face: "A hundred years have passed, Aquilaria is screaming today, you, go!"

In the voice, the monk who was originally imprisoned in Xianshan suddenly felt that the body was loose.

Regardless of whether there is a magical thought in the heart, the monks looked at the fairy hills outside the envelope of the condensed tower.

The incense is awkward, that is, they are now free, and they can fly birds into the forest and return to the sea.

However, at this moment, many of the monks who are still devilish, but they all found out, what should they do after a hundred years?

While the incense is banned by the adults, it is not a protection for himself.

Now, I am out of [°C [°C [°C [°C, m..c⊙om to a fairy mountain, waiting for my own, what will be?

The confusion rushed into my heart.

After the sudden happiness, he was at a loss.

Sun Hao has already ignored them.

In the setting sun, Sun Hao’s eyes looked under the smudged empty tower and looked at the magical demon that was returned to the field. The mouth whispered: “A hundred years, under the ice, it has become Eternity, return to a friend, today's new life, a layer of ice, not fast frozen?"

The condensate tower is gently rotated.

The golden light shines on the darkness of the field. The black light seems to have a metallic luster. Under the golden light, it quickly fades. In the dark and black dojo, there is a white pattern, and the whole black is more It is a lot lighter.

Under the dojo, the first layer of the frozen former ice-gut began to recover. The prisoners who had been detained among them were mainly a monk, and gradually awakened after a hundred years of freezing.

The condensed air tower layer of gold light brush in the past, firm ice, softly melted.

The monks of various demeanor seem to have just passed through the ice and wake up from the ice.

However, after all, time has passed for a hundred years, even if it is frozen, their various physiology is almost terminated, but a hundred years of vicissitudes of life, a large number of monks rushed to the ground and slumbered.

Among the first layer of ice prisons, the imprisoned monks did not make a thousand, and they were all highly advanced in the late stage of building the foundation. Even so, after the freezing was completely lifted, there were still nearly 20% of the monks silent. The land has fallen into a hundred years of freezing.

The strength is better preserved, and the monks who can barely stand can stand less than 10%.

In the air, Sun Hao whispered: "You don't have to panic, don't panic, wait for treatment in the same place, Zhizai, Luomei organize rescue, Guangjia, Hezhen fully cooperate."

Today, Sun Hao had arranged for the monks who had been ordered to act quickly.

Xuanyuanhong and Yunzhishan looked at each other, and the body was slightly squatting forward. The mouth screamed: "Shoud the mainland, rescued one, and the whole life, the incense and compassion..."

After the Xuanyuan red body, the agarwood of the agarwood, a monk of the immortal monk, Qi Qi squatting, loudly said: "The ancestors compassion, ancestors compassion."

Even those monks who have just been yelled at by Sun Hao and are somewhat confused are no exception. They are kneeling down to the ground and shouting: "Agarwood and compassion."

As they stumbled, their hearts gradually settled down.

Perhaps, you can still stick to your own path, but you can stay in the same place.

The incense ancestors were generous, and the primordial ancestors were their own way of life.

Perhaps, you can have a magical thought, but as long as you do not hurt the mainland, Shen Xiang adults will be compassionate and open to oneself.

A hundred years of sermons, the net opened one side, the big devil repair.

The golden light shines, the ice breaks and saves people, and the world is compassionate.

The long-lost Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang once again voiced on the mainland and showed his side that he could not measure.

The golden light shines and the feat of saving thousands of monks is even more shocking to the mainland.

Above the mainland, the wind is rising again.

When many sects sent a monk to visit the Xianshan Mountain again, they found that the Yixian Mountain was slowly recovering its own whiteness.

The reign of Emperor Shengzong, who is mainly based on Sun Sunhao, has basically digested the magical repair that was once handed down by Sun Hao. It has already changed into a giant door with strong comprehensive strength.

Although the Emperor Xianzong has not yet recruited disciples, although it is still stuck in the Yixian Mountain, but the strength is strong, it has only been under the three major sects of the South China.

Relying on Sun Hao, Master Xianzong walked the South China continent with a redemptive attitude and gradually became a very powerful force outside Qingyunmen.

Within Qingyun Port, the Shenxiang Bingtuan was officially placed under the management of Xianzong, and the Xianzong monks went into the sea for trials and led the fleet to obtain cultivation resources.

The original leader of the fleet, Yi Lu, was ignorant.

It is said that the Yilu Lantern fire stayed in the Yixian Mountain and is following the practice of Shenxiang adults.

In addition, there is also news that although the Shuijingshan, which is guarded by Shenxiang adults, will imprison the monks, the monks will be like mortals, but if the monks can withstand the time to spend some time in it, they will be very surprised. The discovery.

In the primordial immortality, the suppression of the ice above the ice, the cold source of the magic, bathed in the golden scent of the scent of the field, has a great role in breaking the bottleneck of cultivation, becoming the true holy land of Xianzong.

A hundred years of vicissitudes of life, sang the sea.

A hundred years later, the first fairy mountain was thawed like the first layer of the ice, and began to resurrect.

Xianshan is gradually developing, and its strength is gradually strengthening. Once upon a time, the mainland has become a sacred place in the South China.

Today's southern continent, the first place of the Holy Land, is the fighting war palace created by the family of Shen Xiang, all kinds of magical magical use, has created a generation of outstanding talents in the Southland.

Then there is Sun Hao personally suppressing the magic Yuan, and personally sitting in the town of Xianshan.

History has gradually been restored in the passage of time, and at the same time it is also unrecognizable. Why does the Agarwood adults seem to be repaired as a lost place to return to a fairy mountain, and the law is different.

However, it is generally accepted that the official version of Qingyunmen is the commitment of Shenxiang adults to the five minor monks, in order to promise to friends, one countless town for thousands of years, guarding the safety of the mainland.

In addition, there are more and more versions, more and more, spread in the mainland.

Above the mainland, a monk with strength and identity usually takes time to visit the Yixian Mountain and meet with Shen Xiang.

Those who are not strong enough are often only able to shake down and worship at the foot of the mountain.

However, there are always exceptions to the mainland. On this day, when a woman who was repaired to build a base period came to the Yixian Mountain, when she was worshipping the ancestors of Shenxiang, the ancestors actually walked down the mountain. I took it into my yard.

According to legend, for the first time in more than 100 years, the monk of Emperor Xianzong saw the tears of Shen Xiang’s ancestors.

She burst into tears and held the building of a woman.

The condensate towers are affected by the mood of the ancestors, and the golden light that shines is full of sour taste.

The monks on the whole of the sacred mountains were filled with bitterness and bitterness. All of them felt a sad mood. A large number of monks remembered their lost relatives and could not help but cry.

The monks remembered the name of the female repair: "Joan."

Yes, Wang Qiong.

The strength is not strong, she got the news of Sun Hao, from the island of the soul of the soul, drifting across the sea, after hundreds of years of hardship, finally came to Guiyi Xianshan, found his only relatives in this world, guarded in the whiskey Sun Hao under the empty tower. (To be continued.)

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