Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1374: 沧海桑田(5)

The old days are not old.

The situation of the sea is unchanged.

Sun Hao did not expect that Wang Qiong would come.

Sun Hao did not expect that Wang Qiong could come.

A foundation-based monk, from the sea, tens of thousands of miles, lasted for more than a hundred years, the meal and drink, all the way from the wandering, which is hard, which is bitter, and several people know.

At the moment I saw Sun Hao, Wang Qiong was strong and shouted: "Brother, I finally found you..."

After that, he fainted in Sun Hao’s arms.

Sun Hao took her pulse, but found that she should be hungry and faint.

The original fat figure is now a lot thinner, and the body is even weaker. Sun Hao doesn't know, if she is late, she can't go to the one.

In the heart, Sun Hao called out: "Qiong", tears rain.

Within the courtyard of Sun Haoshan, there is a very ordinary household.

She is very heart-felt, very kind and kind to people.

Seeing the cloud purple smoke, she envied her face and sincerely said: "You are beautiful, you are beautiful."

When people around Sun Hao appear in the mountains, she always makes a table of food with great enthusiasm and warm hospitality.

When you leave, you will also sigh with enthusiasm: "Slow down, come back next time!"

Her name is Qiong Po, according to the sister of Shen Xiang's ancestors.

A true mortal, who added the mortal of Shouyuan because of his ancestors.

A mortal who truly understands the foot, is happy, and lives on the mountain.

You can see from her increasingly chubby face, her unconcealed happiness.

It seems that under the sun, she is the happiest person.

Carefree, hardworking, smiling, and contented to live in the mountains.

Fire is her best friend, the fire is the most familiar with Wang Qiong, the most character is the same, Wang Qiong's mood is her current mood, Wang Qiong's status quo is her current status.

One person, one mouse, happy, accompanied by Sun Hao.

Time seems to be with the arrival of Wang Qiong, ordinary down, Sun Hao's life ≦≦≦≦, m. ←::, completely attributed to the ordinary.

In addition to the once-in-a-century sermons, there is a lot of peace in the mountains.

A hundred years of vicissitudes of life, in fact, is only the beginning.

When one hundred years passed by, Sun Hao finally used his heart, finally with tears, and finally realized what is called 沧海桑田 with his true feelings.

In the second century, when the sermon was over, there was a lot of excitement. More monks who were not Sun Hao’s disciples, not monks of Sun Hao’s nine veins, also came to listen, and more monks stood in the air. Outside, sit cross-legged and listen carefully.

In the middle of the biography, the ancestors preached, and the people benefited.

In the middle of the biography, the ancestors preached, and the stone was open.

In a hundred years, the tongue is lotus, and the sound is loud.

In the second hundred years, Sun Hao’s mood was still calm, his voice was still soft, and he did not see much vicissitudes.

After the second hundred years, Xuanyuan Red lived in the same place, and was commensurate with the sisters of Yunziyan.

Wang Qiong once again lamented: "You are so beautiful."

In the third century, a monk with a big scar on his face came to visit him. He stood alone with Sun Hao in the back of the mountain for a whole night. When he left, he was covered with tears.

On the second day, Sun Hao unintentionally stepped on a crop.

Soon after, Xia Jing asked to see Sun Hao, quietly for a while, Wen Wen quietly left.

Soon after, Sun Hao learned that the funeral flower valley had experienced another huge disaster and was once again turned into ashes.

Sun Hao’s heart is sad, breaking the beloved teacup.

In front of me, I seem to see the two princesses who disguised as the heroes of the Mountain Hunting King.

What is the bright tooth now, no regrets and no regrets for hundreds of years, Xiang Xiao Yu Yu went to heaven, no name has ever existed.

Sun Hao, who has been sad for a few months, has ushered in the fourth hundred years of greater sorrow.

Sun Hao watched as the cloud purple smoke slowly grew old in his arms.

I feel distressed and listen to the story of the cloud purple smoke vaguely.

The first time I saw the purple smoke, it was like a fairy, cold and noble, and I was a purple smoker. I was willing to live my life.

Many times, Sun Hao listened to the purple smoke with tears in his face: "My happiest thing is to grow old in your arms, and you are still so petting me."

Clouds and purple smoke are old, still old and elegant and noble.

Sun Hao is still holding the palm of his hand.

But time, but do not continue to advance with the will of Sun Hao.

It was a bright night in the moon. On top of a mountain, Yun Ziyan leaned on Sun Hao’s shoulder and murmured: “Hao, the next life, I am still married to you.”

The head leaned gently on Sun Hao's arms and hanged weakly.

For more than two decades, the Yixian Mountain has been shrouded in faint sorrow.

In the empty tower of the tower, there is a grasshopper in the empty space of the pagoda. On the side, there is a tomb covered with faint smog. There is a big character written by Sun Hao: "Smoke."

Under the appeasement of Xuanyuanhong and Qionger, after more than 30 years, Sun Hao’s face reappeared after the vicissitudes of life.

In the fifth hundred years, Zhou Yixi did not ask for it.

Seeing Zhou Yuxi, Sun Hao could not help but have a spirit.

After hundreds of years, the vast sea of ​​mulberry fields is nothing more than that.

Zhou Yuxi, who is arrogant and talented, has become the strongest force in the whole continent after Sun Hao. She has fully inherited Sun Hao’s nine major systems of cultivation.

In just a few hundred years, now it has surpassed the five minor monks, and has entered the sacred monk who has never entered this world.

Sun Hao did not read the mistake, Zhou Yuxi really turned the gods.

The strength is stronger, even above the Lancome Devil.

Seeing this moment of Zhou Yuxi, Sun Hao’s heart is invincible.

Zhou Yuxi is coming to see Sun Hao with his father.

Xia Chuan has just entered the Yuan Ying period, far from being an opponent of Yu Xi.

It was mentioned by Zhou Xixi because he did not want to come to witness Zhou Qixi’s revenge.

Yes, after Zhou Yuxi stepped into the gods, he came to revenge, and respectfully respected Sun Hao’s tribute to Sun Hao’s respect.

Master Xi Xi, a monk, rubbed his head, loudly: "Chuanchuan Dad, you come to witness, today, I must marry my ancestors with a big foot..."

Xia Chuan smiled bitterly.

Sun Hao looked wrong.

Zhou Yixi excitedly said in one year: "Agarwood ancestors, the greatest wish of this life is to slap you a big foot, hahaha, now see where you are going to escape, eat me a foot..."

Zhou Yuxi flew up and confidently screamed at Sun Hao.

This situation could not help Sun Hao think of it. It seems that he had had similar wishes in the same year. At that time, he sweared to swear to make a big mouse with a big foot, but he couldn’t pay for it. He didn’t expect to be taken today. kick.

It’s really a sea of ​​sang, it’s hard to know!

Zhou Yixi was short-selling, buttocks hurt, wow yelling, dancing, and involuntarily being kicked by a kick, plopping, the first master of the new mainland, the great demon king, actually sat in the image with no image. Under the one of the mountains.

In the giggling voice, Zhou Yuxi said loudly: "The ancestors, Yu Xi, but afraid of people bullying you, especially to try, since the ancestors you have been so powerful, Yu Xi has peace of mind to fly up."

Soon after, Qingyunmen announced the world, and Xixi’s ancestors flew to the ceremony.

The land of ascension, fighting the Heavenly Palace.

The gods have soared, this is after the grandson Sun Sunxiang guards the magic, and another great event in the mainland.

Above the mainland, some monks of status have come to observe.

Sun Hao also sat on the knees of the Shou condensing empty tower, and looked at the direction of Qingyunmen with enthusiasm.

It’s nothing but the sea.

The sword of Qi Xi, breaking the sky, the body of Qi Xi, Tian Lidi, Sun Hao also saw the time when Zhou Yuxi was about to fly.

The heavens and the earth are discolored in vain, the huge vortex appears above the sky, Zhou Xixi avoids it, and the dance is sucked into the On the empty tower, Sun Hao’s body is straight and looks both eyes The whirlpool, through the vortex, saw a strange world with iron sheets flying on the road. I saw a "production room" and saw some weak Li Baer, ​​an anxious Sang Erjie.

And a wow, crying, Zhou Xixi, who is in the limbs.

When Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse, he heard a man saying: "Li Baer, ​​Li Baer, ​​fast, take the mobile phone to ask the master, what is the name of the child?"

Li Baer picked up the phone, and a WeChat sent a message.

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly shocked, and he picked up the bricks in his hand. If he thought thoughtfully: “The children’s five elements are short of gold, and when they are made up of gold, they can be named Zhou Yuxi...”

Li Baer said loudly: "The master wrote back, and it can be named Zhou Yuxi..."

The picture stops and the vortex disappears.

Sun Hao stands back to a fairy mountain, looking into the distance, thoughtful in his heart, what is it? (To be continued.)

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