Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1380: Break into hell

Seeing that the Heavenly Palace is about to sink completely into the sea.

A palace dressed beauty holding a child, standing next to Zhao Yumo.

Zhao Wei’s demon glimpsed and shouted: “When you come out, go back and go, the Temple of Heaven will sink into the sea and there will be nothing.”

Gong Xiaozu did not take care of Zhao Yumo, holding the child, and said to the sky slightly: "Agarwood adults, Tiangong is not guilty, can not enter the sea, Tiangong into the sea, the spirit of the right way collapsed, the little raccoon will become a sinner of the ages."

Sun Hao’s palm was a palm, Tiangong slightly rose from the sea, and his mouth said in a deep voice: “The spirit of the right way, when the mind of the monk is forever, not a temple, can be said, today’s Tiangong, already dusty, the sea Wash and wash in a bubble, it is more suitable for your Tiangong monk to wake up and clear mind."

Gong Xiaoshou holds the child Ying Ying down: "Agarwood adults, Heaven Palace is not guilty, the spirit of Tiangong is never biased, the only ones are wrong, adults are only the masters of evil, not the shackles and the Heavenly Palace..."

Zhao Wei’s body was shocked, and his mouth shouted: “Little raccoon, what are you talking about?”

Gong Xiaohu embraced the child, turned around, and said calmly: "The little raccoon can bear the burden of humiliation for the Tiangong, and marry the master brother. No matter how unwilling the heart is, the little raccoon can also do his best and take care of the things in the heavenly palace. The only spiritual sustenance that I ask for is to prevent the grandfather from passing to me, but now, Master, you make me very disappointed..."

On the face of Zhao Yumo, there was a fascination in his face, and his mouth whispered: "Little raccoon, you?"

Gong Xiaolu shed two lines of tears: "I thought that you can lead the Heaven Palace to go better with my help. You can rebuild the Xianban. I am very pleased, but look, these years, you What have you done?"

Sun Hao looked at the Heavenly Palace calmly, and his heart was in vain.

Gong Xiaolu looked at Sun Hao above the sky again, and said softly in his mouth: "Little Hao, I know that it is too late to say anything, but I still have to say, if you can, you can arrive at the first time. In the central part of the mainland, help the little raccoon, help the little raccoon to suppress the central catastrophe, so that the little raccoon will not be so helpless, now it will not be like this, even if you can't do this..."

After a pause, Gong Xiaolu said again: "As long as you can guard the magic circle thousands of years ago, you can take a time to help the little raccoon to smooth out some obstacles, things will still not be so, I do not blame you, you are a hero, The savior, but I am tempted to make people, and the current situation is vicissitudes. Now, I also ask you to look at the children’s share and let go of the Heavenly Palace..."

Finished, kneeling on the ground, holding up the child with both hands.

Sun Hao’s knowledge swept away from the child and his heart shook.

The giant looked up and shouted for a long time, and screamed: "Zhao Yumo, you open the battle of the mainland road with your own self, and you will be self-respecting and self-reliant. You can’t be guilty of sin, but you can avoid death. Live sin can't escape..."

The other giant hand jerked forward and shook forward into the Heavenly Palace.

Zhao Tianmao is proud of the Tiangong, thinking that the barriers and protective film of the Tiangong, simply can not stop Sun Hao's giant hand.

The whole body was really stunned, and the screaming screams, but Zhao Weimo was shocked to find that he couldn’t move at all. He had been smashed into the palm of his hand by the giant hand.

The world's monks, especially the new and old Xianban monks, all found close to each other, Zhao Hao devil has been caught in the hands of Sun Hao, like pinching ants in the hands of the general, seems to be unable to move.

It is not a grade at all.

It is simply unimaginable.

There is no doubt that Sun Hao’s way of existence and Sun Hao’s means of attack have completely surpassed their cognition. Sun Hao’s world has not been measured by them.

On the battle of the Heavenly Palace, Xuanyuan Xiaolong said with amazement: "Great, powerful, how did he do it?"

The mother around him, his face filled with an unspeakable smile: "That is nature, don't you see who he is?"

Xuanyuan Xiaolong quickly asked: "Who is he?"

Niangba quickly transferred the topic: "Don't talk, don't talk, see what Master Zhao is going to end."

The giant's hand flew quickly, and under the sky, many people still didn't understand what was going on. Zhao Xiaomo was dizzy when he was dizzy. When he fixed his mind again, he found that he had appeared on the white dome. In the middle of the night, Sun Haosun Shen Xiang is looking at himself calmly.

The face is white, Zhao Wei magic strong spirit: "Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, Laozi people an egg, to fight to kill you, skill is not as good as people, Laozi admits that you are more powerful, just, hahaha, History will prove that the devil's path of Laozi Zhao's devil is the only correct way..."

Sun Hao said calmly: "It’s stupid to die, but what you really stupid is that you shouldn’t provoke Laozi, you shouldn’t let Laozi’s heart feel uncomfortable, and tell the truth, Laozi Sunsun’s Shen Xiangxu has been practicing for thousands of years, so hateful. One person, you are the first one."

Zhao Xiaomo looked at Sun Hao, and suddenly he laughed: "Shuang, can make you Sun Haosun aloes uncomfortable, Laozi is finally dead."

Sun Hao’s face is still calm: “You don’t think that death is the final ending of the monk. Don’t think that death is the most miserable thing for the monk. Master, have you been to the ghost field?”

Zhao Wei’s demon glimpsed and said with a big sigh: “I never go to the ghost place.”

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile: “Then you will think about it in the ghost field for the rest of your life. Right, in order to avoid you being in trouble again, I have to do it for Heaven...”

Speaking of here, in the sky, the voice of the giant Hong Liang spread throughout the Quartet: "Zhao Yumo, death sin can be exempted, live sin can not escape, today, my grandson Sun Shenxiang Bingtian's life, waste your cultivation, into the ghost domain, reflect on thinking Over..."

With a loud hand, the ghost hills opened, and in the sky, a few black shadows rushed out, and I was surprised to see the huge Sun Hao in the air.

The giant hand went to the next pressure, and the voice of Zhao Yu's horror shouting has been directly pressed into the Fengdu ghost town.

Sun Hao’s voice rang in the sky above the ghost town: “Three-nine brothers, Shen Xiang broke into a sinner, sank into the 18th floor of hell, and asked the ghost field to take care of it, and never enter the reincarnation...”

Among the ghost towns, the body of the dynasty was slightly shocked, and the heart said, "This is how deep the hatred is, so I started to be so embarrassed, and I will suffer from the eighteen layers of **** forever, not into the reincarnation!"

Loudly said in the mouth: "Three nine listens to life", the gods swept away, but suddenly found that being into **** is actually an old acquaintance, closed the ghost domain, almost the ghost base of the Zhao Wei Mo Zhao master, in my heart I can't help but feel very incomprehensible, shouting loudly: "Agarwood is wise, adults are assured, my ghost domain will be a good wait for the master..."

Above the sky, Sun Hao smiled at the ghosts and the sorrows: "Linger, hey, for so many years, I have worked hard."

Linger pear flower with rain, Ying Ying a blessing: "Thank you son, son, Linger finally wait until you help."

Looking at the huge three-headed six-armed Tian Hao, Sun Hao, a face of admiration: "You son, you are really powerful, admire you..."

Sun Hao nodded slightly to them, and looked at Tiangong. He said softly: "The sin of Tiangong is not sinful, but the little raccoon, you need to be seriously managed and bring it to the right path. Also, these people are not good for your heavenly palace. I will take it for you..."

After that, the hand is another exploration. In the Heavenly Palace, four true monarchs can be fished out by Sun Hao and they are constantly struggling. Some of them are saying loudly: "Agarwood, we are willing to cooperate with Shaogong to rule the Heavenly Palace." No two hearts."

Sun Hao shook his head slightly: "It's late."

The hand of the giant is gently pinched.

Above the sky, the blossoming fireworks, the four true kings were smashed.

The mainland monks are in awe.

Gong Xiaohu embraced the child and said to Sun Hao: "Thank you for your uncle Xiaolu, the little raccoon will do his best to let the Tiangong re-power the mainland."

Sun Hao nodded and said softly: "In fact, you don't have to work so hard."

On the face of Gong Xiaolu, two lines of tears flowed out: "That is the wish of my grandfather, and it is also my persistence in my heart. I will work hard."

Sun Hao sighed slightly, no longer persuaded, his eyes turned, looked at the north pole of the mainland, and looked at the snow-covered women in white, softly said: "Light rain, these years, you have worked hard."

Xia Qingyu show Yan Yixiao: "Fortunately Although Tiangong blocked the source of cultivation resources in the north, but there is no loss in the holy palace of Dangkang, or else, I may be true. The dilemma."

Sun Hao heard the words and looked at the North Tianzhu, and there was a trace of his eyes.

These friends of their own, in order to help themselves, to incarnate themselves, to guard the world, even after their life and death, still carefully guard the mainland, still provide themselves with invisible help.

Wen Min silently supported the Temple of Pluto.

Xiao Pang Fu spares the North.

Ermao is still subtly passing on his own mainland gas transport.

Long Legling quietly grows the origin of the South and makes its Qingyun Gate grow stronger.

Xiaoxia Yu smiled slightly, the voice of the giant, resounded throughout the mainland, the mainland monks and mortals, all clear ears: "four pillars and four poles, the four spirits are guarded, my continent is a generation, when the world is remembered, Dong Jinlong, West Sky, South Suzaku, North Dangkang..." (To be continued.):

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