Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1381: I want to fly

There are days of arrogance in the world, and a generation of heroes. ※%,

Undoubtedly, for more than a thousand years, the most outstanding Tianjiao in the mainland, the most awkward sun, and the brightest star are Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang.

But at the same time, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang's side, there are also many outstanding figures.

Today, Sun Hao Sun Aquila incarnates the giant, announces the world, seals the "four spirits of the mainland", but it is also the leader among this generation of monks.

It should be surrounded by Sun Hao, those bright stars of the next level.

Almost instantaneously, all monks, all mortals, have firmly remembered such a sentence: "Dongjinlong, Xitianxiang, South Suzaku, Beidangkang..."

"Zhuang Yi", after Sun Hao sealed the four spirits, he said to the Zhuang Da Dianzhu: "Xianban can immediately organize the power, sort out the deeds of the four spirits, and announce the mainland, so that the mainland monks can pass on for generations."

Zhuang Yi said: "Zhuang Yi obeys, the adults are relieved, and within a month, the four spirits will be spread all over the world."

Sun Hao nodded slightly, and the voice of the people once again rang across the sky: "There are only one mainland immortal order, then there is only one mainland fairy class. Do you have any objections?"

Zhao Wei's devils have been suppressed, and several key elites in the Zhao Yu Mo Xian class have also been smashed by Sun Hao. Who dares to disagree?

The owner of Zhuang Dadao took the lead and said: "The adults are wise."

The monk who is qualified to fly in the air said: "The adults are wise."

Sun Hao said "Well": "There is no objection. Today, I will be the monk in the same day, and I will grant the mainland immortal order to Qingyun Xiaolonger. Can you disagree?"

On the battle of the Heavenly Palace, Xuanyuan Xiaolong looked strange.

His mother slammed his elbows on his back from behind him: "Call you, don't go up."

Xuanyuan Xiaolong said a little wrongly: "He should call me Xuanyuan Longwang, at least it should be called Xuanyuan Xiaolongwang, not Xuanyuan Xiaolonger..."

The mother flew up and kicked him out of the battle.

In the air, a backflip, Xuanyuan Xiaolong stood in front of the huge Sun Hao, and bowed and said: "Qingyunmen, Xuanyuan Longwang, I have seen Shenxiang adults."

Sun Hao heard it, this little son of Xuanyuan Longwang, biting very heavy and heavy, as if he was afraid that he could not understand clearly.

The original Xianban monk Zhuang Yi and others in the mainland hesitated a little. Finally, Zhuang Yi said softly: "The adults guarded the magic field for thousands of years. Now it is the spring and autumn. This immortal order can be temporarily passed, of course, Xuanyuan Longwang is strong, but I am not dissatisfied..."

When I heard Zhuang Yi call myself Xuanyuan Longwang, Xuanyuan Xiaolong’s face showed a bright smile.

Sun Hao smiled slightly and said faintly: "Zhuang Dianzhu has some ignorance. After a thousand years of Shenxiang Yinuo Town, he got the martial arts in the heaven and earth air transport station. Now he has become a god, and this heaven and earth is not tolerant. In ten years, Aquilaria had to fly up..."

Zhuang Yi and other immortal monks heard the sudden shaking of their bodies and involuntarily fell into the air: "Congratulations to adults, He Xi adults, I have no objection..."

At the same time, they finally understood that the adults were so powerful that they had already become acquainted and ready to fly.

It’s no wonder that it’s so powerful, pinching Zhao’s magic is like pinching ants!

Sun Hao’s wrist was thrown away, and Xian Xian flew over to Xuanyuan Xiaolong. His face showed a sly smile. Sun Hao said softly: “Little Dragon, this fairy order will be handed over to you. Remember, Xianling is not only a right. And the symbol of status, and more importantly, he is the embodiment of responsibility and responsibility."

Xuanyuan Xiaolong caught the body of Xianling, and it seemed to be a heavy burden on his shoulders. He said in his mouth that he was not angry. "Agarwood, you are the same as your mother. If you have nothing, give me a burden." In other words, in fact, I only want to be a second generation, but I have no idea to manage the world. Right, adults, can you not call me Xiaolonger, I am a few hundred years old..."

Sun Hao smiled slightly and didn't take care of him. He said to Zhuang Yi: "Zhuang Dianzhu, Xiaolonger is not deeply involved in the world. You will have to do your best to help you in the future. If you really can't make it, you can choose another talent..."

Xuanyuan Xiaolong quickly picked up the Xianling and said loudly: "How come? Qingyunmen is carried forward in the hands of my dragon king. It is famous for the mainland. How can I be unreliable? Zhuang Dianzhu is, tell you, after that, Xianban is in me. In the hands, you can definitely eat spicy and spicy, and the little days are so moist..."

Sun Hao shook his head silently, deeply felt that family education failed, and his aging mother was not reliable, so he came up with such a rare variety.

Despite the fact that Xuanyuan Xiaolong, Sun Hao’s huge three-headed six-armed method opened his eyes and slammed his hand down.

A large tree covering the sky, together with the thick soil under the big tree, fell into the big hand of Sun Hao.

There was a smile on his face, and he said to Xuanyuanhong: "In the past, Xiaohong said that he would take this big tree to look at the nursing home. Now, I am going to fly up, I will round up your wish and accept it. Let's go."

Xuanyuan red with small eyes, his face is very bright.

This is the old demon tree in Montenegro, which symbolizes the most memorable memory of her and Sun Hao. It is the beginning of her mutual understanding with Sun Hao. I did not expect Sun Hao to remember this big tree and round her wish and accept it. It’s a surprise!

The giant hand gently shocked, and the old demon tree in Montenegro disappeared.

Inside the tower, in front of the tower tower, in the middle of the tower, a giant tree fell next to the grasshopper built by Sun Hao.

The giant's head looked at the direction of the South Continent again and muttered to himself: "In the past, Agarwood once promised the frog brother to continue the fire frog for you, today, and fulfill the promises of the past..."

As soon as the fingers stretched out, a drop of red blood flew out and flew down.

Among the fire frog swamps that have been silenced, a huge fire frog slams into the body and screams in the sky.

Among the fire frog swamps, the number of fire frogs, which are already few in number, were inductively screamed.

The frog sounded a piece.

Completing the promise of the frog king, the huge giant said softly: "You friends, let it go..."

At the same time, those floating monks and monks, those who have cultivated the mainland's great monks and above, are clearly heard from Sun Hao's voice: "After ten years, the top of the top, I want to fly, everyone. Daoyou may wish to come to the ceremony..."

I want to fly!

The monk who received the sound of the sound of Qi Qi’s heart suddenly shook his head and said: “Congratulations to adults, thank you adults...”

For them, it is a great benefit to be able to observe the monks at close quarters, but it is necessary to say thank you.

In the sky, Sun Hao's three-headed six-armed virtual shadow quickly shrank down, and the Tianling cover that did not enter Sun Hao disappeared.

At the same time as the magical powers disappeared, the northern summer rains, the ghosts of the princes disappeared and the meditation disappeared. When they reappeared, they found themselves in a strange tower that grew a towering tower. before.

On the mainland, many monks and mortals are still worshipping for a long time.

Sun Hao disappeared out of thin air, with Xuanyuanhong and Shanyu appearing in the Sumiyag tower, standing before several beautiful women who were photographed.

There was a faint smile on his face. Sun Hao looked at a few people and said softly: "I want to fly, let you come over, I want to ask for your opinions."

I want to fly?

On the spot, the monks rushed to the heart and the heart could not help but sink.

Although I have long known that Sun Hao’s cultivation will open up a lot of people, I did not expect this day to come.

A few people looked at each other and couldn’t help but think of the words that Xuanyuanhong once said: “Looking at the stars.”

Maybe in the future I can only look at the stars in general, look at Sun Hao?

Sun Hao smiled and said: "I have the means to take you up to the upper bound, but it is dangerous, but you need to explain first, flying is dangerous, I am not sure what will happen to you, Yu Xi has an accident, soaring, Maybe it’s a life of nine deaths. Once you decide to fly with me, it means that you will face the same as me.

Without waiting for a few people to talk, Sun Hao continued: "And, even if I succeeded in flying up the upper bound, it is estimated that the monks who are flying with me will be completely banned in my life, and what conditions will be met. Tower, when can I get out of the tower, and there is danger in it, I still don’t know it..."

In detail, Sun Hao clearly put out some of the key points of the ascent, and finally whispered: "Actually, with your cultivation and qualifications, and your cultivation resources, perhaps, it is not impossible to fly, so I hope you After seriously considering it, come back and give me the answer."

After that, Sun Hao’s body disappeared and disappeared in front of everyone. He appeared in the spiritual room of the Sumiyakuta. He sat down on his knees. After half a ring, he talked to himself. Sun Hao said softly: “I Want to fly, but shouldn't you bring them?":

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