Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1394: First met the virtual world

Xiaoqing said with a smile, did not find the abnormality of Sun Hao, took away the custom flying sword.

Sun Hao is busy again.

I found the cultivation method of Rising Sun Dongsheng and tasted the sweetness. On the evening, Sun Hao made persistent efforts to cultivate the sun and the mountains. However, standing in the sunset, Sun Hao could not realize the artistic conception of the sun. Stayed for a while, and the fists that were shot were vain and powerless, and did not produce a cultivation effect.

After a little analysis, Sun Hao has already understood that this situation is not a problem of the Eight Diagrams of the Sea, but it is precisely that his level of cultivation is not enough.

I am not discouraged, and continue to practice "the moon and the moon" in the evening. This is also a method of Sun Hao's deep understanding. When the battle against the intellectual body was Shen Changfu, Sun Hao was only in the Jindan period, which was to block the intellectuals of Tai Chi. God counts, and finally lays the foundation for himself to defeat Zhizhi.

Later, when the town was in the Millennium for a thousand years, Yun Ziyan liked the night when the moon was empty. Sun Hao could accompany her more than once to look at the moon, and embraced each other. The sentiment to the moon naturally deepened.

Sure enough, when Sun Hao slowly opened, the whole person became empty, and the whole body gradually became distant and integrated into the moonlight.

You can also practice when you are in the sky.

Sun Hao’s heart suddenly settled, so that he can practice at least twice a day, one hour at a time.

Undoubtedly, the speed of recovery of one's own cultivation will be greatly accelerated.

Sun Hao's current physical strength, even if he can understand the mood of the moon, but he can only practice one hour, and he has reached the peak of his own load.

The whole body is sweaty, and Sun Hao is excited with the silk, and meditating in situ to restore his strength.

After an hour, Sun Hao began to practice another law, the advanced method of the moon, the sea and the bright moon.

Regrettably, there is a bright moon here, but there is no sea, and it is a long time to understand. It is impossible to get into the state of cultivation. Sun Haozhen, who is already a little tired, no longer insists on washing, taking a good mood and falling asleep.

After the cold forging 36 hammer, the rising sun and the moon, the three bodies of cultivation, Sun Hao's flesh entered the fast lane.

In the body, the muscles gradually began to regain their vitality, and the strength of Sun Hao was also in this recovery, and began to grow rapidly.

However, at this moment, Sun Hao, who has settled down in his heart, rediscovered a thing he must learn, and must study something well.


Yes, Sun Hao, who is flying up, is still an illiterate.

Will not write imaginary text.

Still need to study seriously.

Strictly speaking, Sun Hao is now a semi-literate person.

Because Sun Hao discovered that the text of the imaginary is actually that Sun Hao had contact in the lower bounds. If he comes with the law, he must condense the silvery plaques in the golden pages of the jade.

The condensed empty tower itself is of extraordinary origin, and the appearance of the virtual boundary text is normal.

At that time, when Sun Haozheng was in charge of a fairy mountain, within a thousand years, there was a lot of time to cultivate various systems. Among them, the system of refining is to learn and practice together with the light of the road.

The reason why the easy-light lamp fire automatically falls under Sun Haomen, the reason for the self-learning of a large disciple is mainly because Sun Hao’s gold text on the golden pages of the book gave him great inspiration.

Moreover, Sun Hao can recognize and pass on many of the silver essays that he has given him, so that his level of refining will advance again, which makes him willing to take the son of Sun Hao's nine veins.

Otherwise, he will only be a good friend of Sun Hao.

In other words, Sun Hao is actually learning the words of the virtual world in the lower bounds.

However, when the text of the virtual world is in the lower bound, it is difficult to learn. Moreover, after learning, it is difficult to carry things in the lower bound. Therefore, the progress of Sun Hao has been limited.

Now, Sun Hao finds that it is much harder to learn the characters in the virtual world. Of course, Sun Hao also found that the virtual texts he learned are only partially compared to the really vast text library.

Learning the text is an indispensable course for the monk. An illiterate cultivator is simply unimaginable. Moreover, Sun Hao has always been eager to learn.

Therefore, Sun Hao is busy again.

Ironing earned a contribution, and cultivated the rising sun and the moon to restore the flesh. At other times, they plunged into the literacy.

In Jijiabao, it is necessary to wait for the qualifications of all talents to have a character, and Sun Hao has reached the basic requirements. Coupled with the identity of Sun Hao as a swordsman, it is easy to invite a lesson.

Teaching is a sour and sinister, mortal superior, vowed to say that he can teach Sun Hao to literate in two years, and said that this is the fastest learning speed of ordinary soldiers.

It is true that many people in Ji family began to learn words after becoming warriors, and they often take four to five years to have better learning results.

The sorcerer named Ji Wei said that Sun Hao only needs two years. In fact, he is also the final conclusion when he sees Sun Hao learning to play iron, making rapid progress and showing amazing learning ability.

However, what I have never imagined is that in just less than three months, Sun Hao graduated from him, not only learned all the words, but also learned a lot of classical, but also made a good article and wrote I have a good hand, especially the one-handed word, to help the iron power of the iron, write it is a three-pointer, force the paper back, he is also self-satisfied.

There is nothing to teach, and I sigh a few words about the metamorphosis of Ji Xiaoshan. Ji Yun had to resign. Of course, Sun Hao did not treat him badly. He still gave him a full two-year salary, which made him unable to resign. Suddenly smiled and smiled, everyone praised the hills to understand the character, noble and noble.

In addition, Sun Hao is born with a natural sunshine temperament. In less than two years, Sun Hao, a sunny boy, has already caught up with a reputation among the middle and lower classes of Jijiabao in Nuo Da.

The vast majority of soldiers, the vast majority of mortals are very impressed with Sun Hao.

Even the high-ranking monk class, those who are weaker refining monks, also mixed with Sun Hao, and have a good impression of Sun Hao.

Of course, Ji’s true managerial decision-makers, those who built the foundation, Yuan Ying, Jin Dan’s ancestors paid little attention to it and still only a mortal Sun Hao.

Sun Hao's treatment is getting better and better, but he rarely touches the high-level Ji family. The monks who are often seen are only Xiaoqing, such as Xue.

The reason why Ji Ruxue is very high in the family is not only because she is a family ancestor, but also because she is young, she has already succeeded in building a foundation, and she is likely to become a family phoenix. Fly on the sect, earning glory and resources for the family.

To put it simply, Ji Ruxue is very likely to become Jin Dan or even Yuan Ying.

In the illusion, a Yuan Ying ancestor has already counted as a larger family, and Ji Jia is naturally a special baby Ji Ruxue.

Sun Hao now has forgotten that he first woke up to see Ji Ruxue’s instinctive feeling and forgot the strange familiarity he once had. Now Sun Hao is not too touched with a little cold Ji Ruxue. More, but this way of getting along, faintly familiar taste.

Sun Hao did not think much about it. His main energy is still above his own strength.

After learning the imaginary texts, Sun Hao spent a lot of contribution, plunged into the library of the Ji family, went into the area where the mortal can enter, tried to absorb some knowledge of the virtual world, and began to himself to the virtual world. Cognition.

Sun Hao has already established a firm foothold in the sin. It is time to start to understand the world, to gradually understand the world, and to think more deeply about the road to cultivation. Because of the relationship between grades, Sun Hao has access to the information. There are not many monks who have recorded the records. The only thing is the basic level of the monks, but it is this information that still makes Sun Hao, who first came into contact with the virtual world, sigh.

Compared with the Tianling continent, the imaginary is extremely vast.

There are four seas within the imaginary zone, Jiuzhou within the four seas, tenant farmers in the southeastern Shenzhou, 曰wo in the south of the sub-state, and the southwestern 戎州曰滔...

The location of Jijiabao, where Sun Hao is currently located, is the land of Zhangzhou, which is close to the land of Ba Di.

Ba Di is one of the four seas and four seas that are tied together with Ba Di. They are Jiuyi, Qiyi and Liuman.

What surprised Sun Hao is that among the Kyushu, the classics record that only the Cangzhou is a land of great people, and that Cangzhou is not only a race of the Terran, in addition to the Terran, there are also demons and demons. The family has grown together in Zhangzhou.

What is outside of Ganzhou, Sun Hao thinks, that is one sentence: "There are hundreds of people, all kinds of things, it is hard to imagine..." (to be continued):

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