Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1395: Thorough hill

Intensive study, in the process of cultivation, two years passed by.

In the days of Tianling, after practicing in the Yuan Ying period, Sun Hao sometimes sat for a few years and ten years.

However, when he first entered the virtual world, Sun Hao felt that the two years had been full of tension and busyness. Although the time passed quickly, there was a lot of learning.

Of course, Sun Hao’s progress is also huge.

In two years, Sun Hao’s strength reached the strength of the virtual world, and then he was stuck here.

Sun Hao’s body, after two years of exercise, has recovered a lot, especially Sun Hao’s body muscles, which have basically restored their functions.

But after this step, Sun Hao still met the bottleneck.

The recovery of muscles in the rising sun and the moon in the sun is good, but the cultivation of boxing is limited to the recovery ability of Sun Hao's body meridians and the recovery of the bones.

Although it can form a certain recovery effect subtly, it is not symptomatic and has limited effect.

If Sun Hao wants to fully recover his damaged meridians and skeletons with broken lines, he needs to set up another method.

Only when the meridians and bones are restored, it is possible for Sun Hao to truly restore his golden battle body, reshape the flesh and re-enter the path of refining.

To achieve this goal, Ji’s annual warrior exam is the hope of Sun Hao.

Once again, the back door was taken, and Xiaoqing took it. Sun Hao went to the inner court and signed up for the warrior exam.

The internal deacons knew Xiaoqing and were very polite to Sun Hao. After a formal review, Sun Hao officially obtained the qualification of the Warrior Examination.

Name: Ji Xiaoshan.

Service: Two years in total (in fact, it is still half a month).

Contribution: reached.

Personal status: pending test, test number, thirty-two.

Now Sun Hao, as long as the personal status has passed the test of Ji family and reached the corresponding requirements, it can officially become a Ji family warrior.

What Sun Hao did not know was that on the night of his registration, a more detailed information about himself appeared in the hands of an old woman with a white hair but a spirited heart.

In front of the old lady, she stood respectfully and stood by Ji Ruxue and Man Qing.

After listening to the detailed introduction of Xiaoqing and Ji Ruxue, Jijia Laotaijun slowly said: "So, his origin is quite suspicious, appearing in my Jijia inner court out of thin air, saved by Xiaoqing, the pseudonym of today's Ji Hill, is this the case? Ji Manqing"

Xiaoqing lowered his head and did not dare to argue: "Yes, Taijun, but..."

Lao Taijun raised his hand: "Don't, I know what you want to say. Over the past year, I have seen the performance of the hill. I don't need you, now I just want to know his true origin. The two of you are completely confused, as if you were going out, you will be alone. What should I say about you? He is going to be a Jijia warrior now, how should we treat him..."

Ji Ruxue was silent for half a moment, and his hand stretched out to the back, took out the sword and handed it to the old lady: "Grandma, in the middle of the wilderness, the snow really caught, this is the strange thing that can not be put into the storage bag. sword……"

Ji Lao Taijun’s eyes lit up, and he reached for the sword and opened it.

Looking at it, I couldn’t help but come up with a mistake. I blurted out a word: "A ugly sword!"

I took the sword and put it in front of me. I couldn’t see the slightest abnormality. It didn’t seem to have the slightest spirituality. I waved a few times, and there was no abnormality. Except for a little heavier, it was especially ugly, and there were no other features.

Slowly put the sword back to the sword, Ji Laotai Jun closed his eyes and meditated: "The edge was turned into the core of the flat, and the sword was found. You brought it back. Then, Xiaoqing took it back from the hill. This sword, is the whole situation such a process?"

Xiaoqing said: "The hill may have nothing to do with this sword."

However, Ji Ruxue seems to have returned to the past, and returned to his strange feelings when he first saw Sun Hao, and his own strange feelings about the sword. His eyes were bright and his mouth firmly said: "Grandma, Xiaoxue thinks things are This process, and, Cher, has a very clear feeling..."

Ji Laotai’s body was slightly shocked, and his eyes flashed a glimmer of light: “Talk about it, what does it feel?”

Ji Ruxue said sincerely: "I intuitively feel that this sword is very important to me. It is one of the most important things in my life. I also intuitively feel it. Hill, hill does not have any for my family. Malicious, and, too, important..."

Xiaoqing rolled his eyes and said that he is the boss of Xue. Do you want to take this old lady who is so savvy and savvy? Is it useful?

Who knows, she hasn't finished thinking about it yet, she saw Laotaijun said with a sly look: "Since Xiaoxue, you have such a feeling, then it is easy to handle, um, Xiaoqing, you must continue, serious and serious. To make the identity of the cousin of the hill come true, you must really do that. Jishan’s is indeed the child of Ji’s family who was born in the wild. Can you do it?”

Xiaoqing was shocked: "Grandma, I am a temporary material and identity. I have no roots and can't afford to check."

Ji Laotai smiled and said: "Well, then I will help you get it, nothing, you go out..."

On the day of the Warrior's exam, Sun Hao suddenly found himself thinking too simple.

The Xia family has been inherited for a long time. As one of the ancient surnames of the human race, the Ji family has passed on many rules. The strict examination of the soldiers has made Sun Hao feel that he may not pass the initial review.

For example, the first registered Ji family, this is the time when the information was announced. Ji Zhong, Yu Jijia, Wang Chaogong, the eighth party, the twenty-seventh generation...

The origins of the origins were clear and clear, and the ancestors of the Orthodox Classics were dug up.

This kind of prudence, let Sun Hao unexpectedly, his own affairs know that his identity is only Xiaoqing casually fabricated, can not stand any scrutiny.

When Sun Hao has a dim sum, it is more regrettable. It seems that he may have to find another way to find a way to repair his own meridians and bones. Ji’s not taking his own questions is already benevolent, but Why didn't you give yourself the chance to become a Jijia warrior?

Standing next to Xiaoqing, Sun Hao was sweating a little on his forehead.

After reading the big names, the children of Ji family went to the stage and waited for the big test.

Soon, it was the thirty-second.

Sun Hao heard the above-mentioned Jijia monk read aloud: Ji Xiaoshan, the eleventh generation grandson of the 7th generation of the ancient Shuji family, the age of eighteen, three years old, ranked hill, five The old father died, the mother Lang, suffering from hardships...

Sun Hao is a bit dumbfounded.

The details of my own information are far beyond my own imagination, and I have not recorded all the things I have to wet the bed.

The top is reading, and Sun Hao is a little dazed underneath.

By the side, Xiaoqing kicked him a foot: "The hill, what to do, not to go up."

Sun Hao wakes up, his feet are on the ground, and his body is a backflip. He falls on a high platform with a height of one foot. Like the soldiers in front, he bends his knees and says: "The hill has seen you adults."

The above monk Ji Jia smiled and nodded to Sun Hao: "Well, hill, enter it."

Sun Hao stood up straight, and said to the delegation of the family of Ji family members who had thousands of people below: "The hill has seen the parents of Ji."

There was a round of applause from the bottom, and Sun Hao was a little dizzy, standing with a smile on the side of the Ji family who were preparing for the exam.

In my heart Sun Hao somewhat understands.

Perhaps Xiaoqing has enriched his information in advance, otherwise it will not be so detailed, just like it.

After a while, forty children who were waiting for the Kazak family came up, and the monk Ji Jia began to declare the rules of the exam. Sun Hao, like all the soldiers, listened with great care.

Perhaps for Sun Hao, this exam is more important than the ordinary Ji family.

Sun Hao’s current state is that there is a Baoshan Mountain, which needs a key to open, and stepping into the path of martial arts to find the way to repair the flesh is the key to opening the treasure house.

The Ji family is the ancient surname of the Terran. Even if it is only a branch, it still has a complete assessment system. To become a Jijia warrior, the strength must meet the standard.

It is not easy for mortals to embark on the path of cultivation.

When I first introduced the information, Sun Hao heard it. Some Ji family, this time, has participated in the college entrance examination for the fifth time in a row. Like himself, just the first time he took the college entrance exam, he even joined himself. Only three people. (To be continued.):

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