Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1414: Bayonet sees red

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Between the talks, Ji Xiaoshan got out of the woods and looked like a servant, but still gave the impression of sunshine.

Standing on the edge of the woods, Sun Hao said: "The Jiang family and the family team are in the direction of us. This place should not stay for a long time. Hill suggested that we quickly sneak in the northwest direction. There is a strange concave terrain that allows us to stealth. ""

Ji Yuliu said loudly: "The northwest direction? The side is very close to the barbarian position. Once it is discovered by the barbarian, it will inevitably lead to a real **** battle."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "In the midst of wealthy insurance, perhaps barbarian warriors will become our amulets."

Ji Ruxue quickly said: "Hill, you lead the way, the soldiers, let's go."

Sun Hao smiled at Ji Xiao, and said: "Snow boss Yingming", took the lead and sneaked to the northwest.

At this time, Jiang’s disciple and his disciples appeared in the camp of Ji’s family.

Careful, but found that people have gone to the ground, probe for a while, found that Ji family has escaped to the northwest.

The Jiang family led the team's monk Jiang and frowning: "The northwest is the area where the barbarian is located. Is the Ji family running to find death?"

The sub-family took the team and thought about it: "The plan of the Ji family may be to walk on the edge, let us vote for the rat, and finally fish in the water and rush into the core area."

Jiang and whispered: "The strength of Jijia is not weak. It is not easy for us to take advantage of it. There is no need to chase it."

Zizi sighed with a sigh: "There are four strongest families in the ruins of the ancients. The Ji family has the strongest strength. If it is not necessary, it is indeed unnecessary to offend him. But this time the situation is different. The points that Jiang and his family got this time may be Adding up, there is no Jijiaduo. When the face is lost, the number of family monks who are eligible to participate in the sword test is also greatly limited."

Ginger and brows are slightly wrinkled: "How can this side of the wild hunting be so strange? We don't seem to have suffered a lot of things, but how can the real harvest be so much less? If it wasn't for the big brother, I can't believe it. So, then we will continue to pursue the Ji family, at least forcing the Ji family to give some resource points."

The two monks disappeared into the forest and flew away in the direction of Ji’s escape.

The branches swayed and the forest gradually recovered.

After half a ring, a black-faced monk drilled out of the ground and said to himself in his mouth: "Is it all going to the barbarian border? Is it just a fire?"

After turning around and preparing to leave, he suddenly trembled and quickly drilled into the ground.

Did not wait to drill into the ground, has been a boxing dizzy, picked up and flew away.

In the northwest of the battlefield, above a mountain, two small heads came out, and Ji Xiao whispered: "Willow, the hill let us guard here, saying that there is intelligence and timely report, but for the past half day, the ghost shadow has not seen one. only."

Ji Yuliu said with no anger: "The kid's fox is a tiger, it's bad, seeing me not pleasing to the eye, deliberately taking us..."

"嘘", Ji Wei made a squeaking gesture, the two men's heads were more tightly hidden, staring down.

Soon after, the two figures appeared quietly below, and their current position, it is possible to clearly see the two scouts sneaking, mutual horns, and groping forward, can not help but feel very funny.

However, the number of Jiangjia and Zijia coalition forces that came out immediately followed, made them laugh a little.

The guy who Ji Jishan said is actually true.

Jiang Jiahe and his family are not only joining forces, but they are still chasing the Ji family.

Looking at it, Ji Wei quickly followed the hill's confession and quietly sent a signal to the rear.

At this time, Ji Wei and Ji Yuliu discovered that Ji Xiaoshan chose the observation position of the two of them just right, concealed, overlooked, and the distance was moderate.

Even Ji Xin and Liu Xinzhong have to admit that Ji Xiaoshan’s scouting level is really stronger than himself.

The signal agreed by Ji Xiaoshan was sent out.

Next, Ji Xiaoshan did not have any response.

The two face each other, but, very unexpectedly, the two found that Jiang Jia and his family warriors followed the direction slightly below.

The difference is a thousand miles. It was originally close to the barbarian. In less than half an hour, the two heard a loud bang in front of them and broke out.

Jiang Jiahe’s family encountered a barbarian tribe.

After being discovered, he did not do two, and joined forces to attack. Within one hour, he killed most of the barbarian warriors, snatched up the cultivation resources, and quickly retreated before the arrival of the barbarians.

Most of the barbarians were alarmed, and the barbarian warriors came to hear the news and chased after them.

Jiang Jiahe's family quickly retreated to the Terran area and took part in the battle.

In the wild hunting grounds, a huge battle group was formed, which moved quickly. The Terran and Barbarian monks quickly concentrated on the battlefield, or waited, or entered the war, and the war began.

For three consecutive days, the battle was endless.

Jiang Jiahe's family was destroyed by more than 20 family warriors, which got rid of the entanglement of the barbarian.

The barbarian did not have a good place to go. In the past three days, the Terran had killed more than a dozen soldiers. The two sides officially fired the fire, and the atmosphere in the battlefield was instantly tense.

At this time, Ji’s family, magically, seems to have disappeared from the air, and did not participate in the war.

Just when Jiang and his family wondered why they were discovered by the barbarian and caused a great war, the lonely wolf fell from the sky and threw a storage bag and said loudly: "Ginger brother, this is what you want, the transaction is completed. Continue next time."

Ginger and his face were puzzled. He swept the storage bag and there were a few small bottles in his empty space.

Look at the weird side of the lonely wolf, Jiang and said: "What do you mean?"

In front, the golden light flashed, and the lonely wolf disappeared.

Among the trees, four or five were big and round, and the tall and barbaric warriors rushed over and screamed: "Damn, the lone wolf is standing."

Ginger and a big jump, yelled: "Withdrew."

The team fled quickly, but regretted to find that the golden light flashed in front, two barbarian warriors stood in front of the team, and the big hand on Jiang and Yi Shen: "Hand over."

Ginger and hesitated for a moment, throwing a storage bag on the side of the lonely wolf.

The barbarian warrior took over, and the gods were waiting to be swept away. The bang, the storage bag exploded in front of him.

The huge explosion sounded directly to the side of this side of the wild warrior and was blown up on the spot.

Ginger and the dark screamed, yelling, "Sudden, prepare for war."

From the process of being chased and killed, the Jiang family and the family monks who have not yet recovered from the gods once again have a war with the barbarian warriors who have suffered so much.

Ginger and I can't wait to hang up the lonely wolf for three hundred times, no doubt he was framed.

It is another fierce battle.

The two have once again lost a lot of fallen soldiers, and finally repelled the barbarians who came to attack.

But immediately, the intelligence showed that the barbarian issued a joint killing order against Jiang and his family. The reason was that the two men not only sneaked into the barbarian tribe, but also snatched away the most important resources of the barbarian.

If this is the case, it will not let Jiang and depressed to vomit blood. At the same time, another news, let him and his son return to understand instantly, he was used as a bait, as a fuse and a target, but Ji family is taking the opportunity. Make a fortune.

Just as they were being chased, the monk Ji Jia appeared in the other direction, destroying a barbarian small department and quietly taking away a lot of resources.

At the same time, the ridiculous wolf also appeared and daringly robbed a squad of disciples, resulting in greater battlefield chaos.

If the disciples need to guard the core area and hinder the candidates from getting started, now they may have been mad at the side of the wild wolf.

In the wild battlefield The side of the lonely wolf is a stir-fry stick, the battle was made a mess by him, Jiang Jia and his family even hate him.

If there is a chance to catch this lonely wolf, Jiang and his family don't mind peeling and cramping them.

However, the sudden changes in the situation of the war made the Jiang family and the family's self-care, and even the ability to chase the Ji family was gone, not to mention the haystack in the haystack.

So far, who is the ridiculous wolf? What kind of image is it, but it is still little known. However, in the final core area, as long as the wild and lonely wolf dare to appear, and participate in the sword school assessment, everything will be completely clear.

The entire side of the battlefield, with the end of the wild hunting gradually approaching the end, began to see the red bayonet.

Many family warriors and barbarian warriors fell in the wilderness, and fell to the halfway of the monastic road. The faint **** suffocation enveloped the entire battlefield. (To be continued~^~)

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