Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1415: Real strength (1)

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The disciples and the barbarian warriors held the core area and intercepted the candidate seeds that might have rushed in.

In the periphery of the core area, there is a monk defense in any direction. In the core, the Barbarian Cave Department and the Lingtianjian School are less than ten feet apart. They set up a banner and built a temporary high platform. Both sides showed up. Wait for the candidate seed to rush over.

Ling Tianjian faction, barbarian cave department is also good, the implementation of the "balance swap" system, not allowed by the disciples under the door.

For example, this group of Ling Tianjian disciples who participated in the border hunting has a total of 30 disciples. These disciples are actually only selected by Ling Tianjian from the border fringe. The individual qualities are relatively strong, and the disciples who have been trained since childhood are required. If you want to truly become a sword, the inner door, the inner door or even the core true biography, you must withstand the test of the wilderness hunting.

The standard of the test is also very simple. Can you keep it, and let the family fighters break through the core area and enter the Lingtian Battle Flag High Platform.

This time the wilderness hunting, Ling Tianjian plans to recruit forty disciples.

If the wilderness rushed into the fourteen candidate seeds, the difference would be the ban on the four disciples' disciples.

Although it is a bit cruel, there is no doubt that such a system can stimulate the disciples to practice hard and make progress.

Ling Tianjian can not collect waste.

It is said that in history there have been a history of 30 disciples being completely defeated, only the points limit, only to retain the part.

Judging from this situation, the Jianpai disciples occupy the absolute upper hand, and the overall strength is strong, but the situation is not optimistic.

The main problem lies in the smashing wolf on the side of the crowbar.

In the process of the previous resource war, the savage and solitary wolves were repeatedly spoiled. As a result, the barbarian and the Jianpai disciples failed to reach an absolute monopoly on resources.

Perhaps the number of family disciples who meet the basic resource requirements may be quite large.

Because of the involvement of their own cultivation avenues, and at a critical moment, outside the core area, the atmosphere is increasingly tense.

The peripheral family disciples, the barbarian small tribe warriors once again experienced several large-scale conflicts and battles, realizing the basic resource concentration and redistribution. The big fish eat small fish, eliminated most of the smaller families and tribes, and gradually began to Inside the gaze.

Although the strength of the disciples is strong, the core area is not small, and the defense is not possible. Therefore, the disciples and the barbarian disciples have a tacit understanding of each other and form a ladder defense system.

If any candidate seed wants to rush in, at least it will encounter the interception of more than two swordsmen.

Of course, you can also organize family warriors, form a group of sheep and tigers, send a few candidate seeds into, but the cost may be quite a lot, the family fighters will inevitably cause huge casualties.

Throughout the past few years of hunting, Ji Jia will organize one or two impact activities at any cost, and send out the most representative and most potential disciples of his family, for the future growth of the family.

This time, the Ji family's harvest is good, enough to send more than five candidate seeds, how to operate, it is worth discussing.

In the very clever temporary camp chosen by Ji Shan, Ji Ruxue presided over the discussion of who to send in and how to send it.

The main members of the Jijia Warriors all attended the meeting, Ji Jin presided over, everyone discussed, of course, the final opinion of Ji Ruxue shall prevail.

Among the warriors, the oldest qualifications and the highest level of cultivation, Ji Jin and Ji Wei have received a lot of recommendations. At the same time, the new generation Ji Ji, Ji Yuliu and Ji Yun have also been recommended, plus Ji Ruxue and Xiao Qing, There are six candidate seeds in the Ji family.

In the end, Ji Jin said a little hard: "Integrated with everyone's opinions, six people have received a high support rate. I think that from the perspective of potential and development, I should be a lot worse. If the points are not enough, I suggest Miss. Remove one of our two."

Ji Yun did not make a sound, the sword sent a disciple, the need to assess, the focus of the assessment, but the potential, if the potential is not enough, can not pass, Ji Jisan three weaker, but they are extremely rare specific fighters, in In terms of potential, it is indeed stronger than him and Ji.

Just look at how Ji Ruxue made a decision.

Xiaoqing sneered at the top: "If it is really not enough for six people's resource points, Xiaoqing withdraws. Anyway, Xiaoqing's goal is to get the big boss of Xue Boda. Hey, everyone can discuss how to rush in. ""

Ji Han and Ji Yun Qi Qi looked at Ji Ruxue.

Ji Ruxue took a look at Xiaoqing and hesitated a little.

Sun Hao smiled and said before she spoke: "The sorrowful wolf has given me a lot of resources. Missy also rewarded a lot before and after. Therefore, on my side, it is completely unnecessary to occupy the family share."

The atmosphere at the scene is one of the loose.

Everyone’s face has a resounding expression, and there is no better news than this.

Even Ji Jiliu, who has always hated Ji Xiaoshan, has seen a lot of eyes in a moment.

Sun Hao smiled and continued: "And, the lonely wolf let me tell the lady, he said that he is not joining the sword school, so he will bring a lot of resources to escape, the great possibility is that the resource points are selected on average. The reduction, therefore, if possible, the family can go in as many candidate seeds as possible."

Ji Ruxue said a little, and said in his mouth: "It may be quite difficult to rush into the six candidate seeds. It is estimated that we are also very difficult to do."

Sun Hao’s wrists rose, and a sandbox appeared in front of him. He waved his hand and painted his own terrain. He said quickly: “This place is the place where the disciples and the barbarian warriors meet. Although they have a tacit understanding, they have Naturally there is competition, so the defense is not seamless, Hill suggests, we can choose this place to break through."

Ji Jin is also one of the team scouts. He said: "Your hill is your judgment, but as far as I know, this junction is the sword-stricken disciple Jiang Fujun and the barbarian first warrior. The place, one careless, we might be brought together by people to annihilate."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "In fact, this is the suggestion of the ridiculous wolf. He asked us to swim around here, waiting for the opportunity. Hill guessed that he would provoke a big battle. We can rush in, right, lonely wolf. Let me tell the lady, he suspects that the sword-skilled master Jiang Fujun may be a Jiang family, and the lady needs to be careful."

Others have not spoken yet, and Ji Yuliu, who is confident in the ridiculous wolves, has said aloud: "I support, Miss, it is not too late, we can move closer in this direction..."

Ji Jin said: "It's no wonder that Jiang Fu's information is familiar and vague. I know that he was very good when he was hunting in the past, but because he was too young, he didn't join the swords. He was secretly taken away and became a master. This time, you must be careful."

On the second day, the Ji family soldiers quietly sneaked into the battlefield that Ji Xiaoshan said.

Ji Yuliu and Ji Yun were very surprised to find out the contact mode of the wild and lonely wolves, quietly sneak out the team and go to explore.

On the third day, on the periphery of the core area, the key parts of the defense of the Jianpai disciple and the barbarian warrior appeared at the same time. At the same time, two monks who were golden-faced, resembling the singular wolf, were hoarse and shouted in the mountains.

What is even more amazing is that the two sideless wolves have simultaneously challenged the swords and barbarian warriors: "Jiang Fuzhen, quite awkward, there is a kind of battle..."

After that, the wind rushed to the junction of the defenses on both sides.

Ji Ruxue and other Jijia warriors have not figured out the situation. Ji Xiaoshan has volunteered and said: "I will investigate the situation."

As soon as the body swayed, Ji Xiaoshan plunged into the woods.

It didn't take long for to slam into the front and screamed loudly.

The Jijia warriors face each other, and Ji Yuliu and Ji Yun appeared in front of the team with excitement at this moment, and said to Ji Ruxue: "Miss, go here."

Almost as a battlefield that wiped the war, it seems that I can see the smoke of the war. The Ji family warriors quickly sneaked into the inside.

Along the way, the disciples and warriors on both sides were flying to the battlefield, forming a huge battle group around the deserted wolf.

After the original ladder defense system was attracted by the wilderness wolf, it was completely ineffective. Under the leadership of Ji Yuliu and Ji Yun, it didn’t take long for the Ji family to pass through most of the area and sneak into the real core area. A high-flying sword battle flag.

At this point, Ji Yun suddenly remembered something, strangely asked: "What about the hill? Why did he go? How is it not in the ranks?" (~^~)

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