Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1416: Real strength (2)

From the mountain forest, the face burst into a masked face, and the body began to bloom golden light, rushing past the dress of his own Ji Yuliu and Ji Yun.

Sun Hao’s head shouted, and his right palm was stunned. He rushed out of the dragon and rushed to the sky, and his left leg smashed his legs and shrouded Jiang Fu.

Very violent and violent: "The little thief, where to escape", the tall body, directly and arbitrarily slammed into the palm of the dragon, a loud noise, the body suddenly slammed, the dragon was hit by his life.

Ginger’s sword trembled in his hand, and a huge sword flower emerged from the tip of the sword, bursting open and defeating the airborne leg.

After the bang of the bang, the three people stood on the open space, and they began to oppose each other.

The purpose of Sun Hao is to join the Lingtian Swords, and join as Ji Xiaoshan. Then, how can we ensure that we are not too much aware, and become a disciple of Ling Tianjian?

Sun Hao thought for a long time, and planning for a long time.

Since becoming a Jijia warrior and being exposed to the information of Lingtianjian, Sun Hao has been deducting many times in his mind, step by step planning. For this reason, Sun Hao has repeatedly ventured into the past few years, when the strength is not very strong. With his own eye-catching eyesight, the superior ability to explore the treasure, to find out a lot of cultivation resources.

After nearly a decade of planning, Sun Hao’s adventure attracted the wilderness beasts and threw out the resource gathering points that he discovered. In a short period of time, he formed a resource shortage of borders. Finally, under the influence of other forces, Sun Hao successfully triggered a wilderness hunting.

Sun Hao also completed the first step of his own plan.

When the Ling Tianjian faction really came to announce the disciples' selection, there was a moment when Sun Hao was grateful to his disciple Wu Yulang in the lower bounds.

Wu Xianlang may not be the best in terms of cultivation qualifications, but when it comes to forbearance and long-term planning, it is indeed that Sun Hao’s memory is very profound and he has learned a lot from him.

According to Sun Hao’s own plan, it is enough to start a few years in the past few years, but when I think of Wu Youlang, Sun Hao has been so sad, and even if it is so forbearing, I almost failed to spur Ling Tianjian. A shortfall.

This made Sun Hao feel scared, but also deeply felt that it is not easy to join the upper sect.

So now, Sun Hao’s plan is implemented in the penultimate step, and it is the last step that Sun Hao can control. In the end, after boarding the assessment desk, it’s good or bad, but it’s really not Sun Hao’s.

Therefore, in this last step, Sun Hao must do his utmost to sweep the road for himself, that is, Jishan.

How to level, simple!

One word, hit.

Destroy the disciples and disciples, and at the same time, in order to cover the eyes and ears, they also knocked out the savage disciples and formed more places to create the greatest opportunities for themselves.

Sun Hao let Ji Wei and Ji Yuliu dress up as themselves, attracting the strong barbarian first warriors and swordsmen masters. At the same time, they also created the conditions for the Jijia warriors to sneak into.

The three men briefly played, and Sun Hao took an enemy two, but did not fall into the wind.

The three of them stood up and their momentum continued to climb.

Pretty awkward hands in the hand axe on the shoulder: "Lonely wolf, you not only took my palms, but also in the short time, the strength of the advance, it is also a personal thing, but today, you are thinking about coming from me breakthrough."

Ginger’s long sword shook, and the blossoming sword flower came out. The mouth said coldly: “Lonely wolf, you can take over and resolve my Lingtian Jianqi, and it is indeed a condition to enter the core area, but you I should not take my way."

Sun Hao Yang Tian laughed: "The two former joint forces, ambushing the Moon Valley, gave me a joint blow. Today, I am not talented, but I want to try the power of the two teams again. Come, see you. Can stop me, or can I defeat you..."

In the voice of the voice, Sun Hao’s body was slightly twisted and turned into a golden light, as if the sun was rising from the ground.

At this time, no matter what angle you look at, anyone, any monk, even if you can't distinguish the specific face shape of Sun Hao, but in the heart, there is no difference when there is a feeling, masculine monk.

At this time, the ridiculous wolf temperament is unique, which makes people feel positive and self-improvement, justice and courage, strong and decisive, facing the first warrior of the barbarian, facing the swordsman master, showing that they dare to be first and never give up.魄力.

The performance of the ridiculous wolf can give people a feeling of security and show the great charm unique to the man.

Ji Yuliu, who was lurking far away, had a small star in his eyes and spit out two words in his mouth: "Good handsome."

However, Ji Wei, who was around her, muttered to herself: "I feel so familiar, I feel familiar, how I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Xiaoqing 眨巴眨巴 eyes, look around, whispered: "What about the hill?"

Someone said: "I haven't come back yet, and I estimate that I am lurking in the vicinity of the battlefield to inquire about intelligence."

Xiaoqing suddenly said: "The hill, shouldn't it be a lonely wolf?"

Ji Ruxue stunned and looked at the lonely wolf. When I thought about Ji Shan, I felt a bit like it.

Ji Jin said calmly: "Should not, many times, shortly after the wild wolf is far away from the place, the hill appears near us, even if it is the speed of the wild wolf, it should not be so fast."

Xiaoqing sighed: "It is also oh, but the state of the ridiculous wolf is really similar to the masculinity of the hill. Also, is the lone wolf a big point, actually an enemy? Second, not long ago, I was not just hit hard? I don’t know if it will be even worse."

Ji Ruxue shook his head and said: "Everyone pays attention, move forward carefully, we will pass as soon as possible, maybe the lone wolf can be lighter and can retreat in time..."

While walking and watching the war, I was surprised to find that the situation was a little different from what I imagined.

At the same time, the more casual swordsmen and the savage warriors, who were originally on the sidelines, gradually found that the situation was a bit wrong.

In anticipation, the phenomenon of the master's brother destroying Gula's ruined beggars did not happen.

Between the body shape and the movement, the golden light is interlaced.

The wilderness wolf is an enemy and two, but it does not fall into the wind, playing well.

In fact, in the real battlefield, the feelings of the savage and the sorrowful grievances are even more uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

There is boundless surprise and unbelief in my heart.

How could this be?

The two of them joined forces, and they were completely suppressed by the ridiculous wolves.

From the side of the lonely wolf, there was tremendous pressure, not only a masculine breath, but also a kind of murder in the blood of the corpse, bursting into the momentum of killing.

The captivating killing momentum, let them both in the sun-lit environment, still can not help but chill, and the feeling at this time, just like the two of them facing, is a real beast, killing God.

Before the war, Sun Hao swallowed a piece of lotus petals for a month. In a short period of time, the bones gained support, and the power of the golden battle body really broke out.

The suicide technique of suicide in the magic palace was effective in the virtual world. Sun Hao’s face showed a smile on his face, and his mouth screamed: “The two masters are just like this. If you don’t call the reinforcements, then it’s a pity, I’m sorry. Will step on your head and rush into the core area... hahaha..."

In the voice, the body is rushing out of the real dragon, hovering over the palms.

A big step, a ride over the two people, the two palms to the next pressure.

The real dragon wandered, as if the screaming of the guards was heard, and the hovering fell.

Quite a slap in the air: "come well," and fought all the strength, the huge axe blade of the axe was cut upwards, and the dragon was smashed.

Jiang Fu's sword pointed out a lotus-like sword flower, and his mouth was also a scorn, rushing to the golden dragon that was pressed down.

In the air Sun Hao laughed, hands crossed in front of the chest, as if holding a ball, not flustered, gently turn.

The awkward axe, Jiang Fu's sword flower, at the same time, without any effort, was entangled in the golden dragon, struggling to open, involuntarily being dragged by huge forces.

Pretty Tian Tian and Jiang Fu’s heart were shocked.

Philip urges the whole body and the real element to try to maintain their body position.

At this time, Sun Hao really stood on top of their heads, slowly pushing their hands, laughing in their mouths: "I can really step on your head."

The two masters looked up at Sun Hao, who stood above their heads, and they were red-faced.

And more of the spectator monks, the heart is even more shocked: "Is this the real power of the wilderness wolf? You can step on the two masters."

The Ji family soldiers are also stunned.

I didn't expect the wild wolf to be so fierce. (To be continued.)()

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