Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1417: Real strength (3)

Among the Jijia warriors, Ji Jin, the oldest senior, saw a half-sound. When he saw the two old masters, he couldn’t help but say: "Weird, the lone wolf is like a The family’s gossip dragon, shouldn’t he really be Jishan?”

Xiaoqing stayed for a while.

Ji Ruxue brows slightly wrinkled: "This is not a gossip dragon, but a higher level, non-family special soldiers can not learn, the dragon is pressing the palm of the hand, Grandma once said that this palm must be the power of the dragon Only after cultivation, after training, the power can be pressed against the sky, and the power is enormous."

The power of true dragon?

I remember that when Ji Xiaoshan participated in the Jijia Warrior exam, although he could not express the power of the real dragon, it was a force of truth.

Later, it was advanced to become a real dragon, coupled with the identity of the special soldier of Ji Xiaoshan, he really could learn to play the dragon.

Xiaoqing stayed and stayed.

Ji Yuliu frowned, and whispered: "But rolling uncle, aren't you talking about it? Jishan sometimes appears in front of the team, very quickly, can't you do the wild wolves? They two It’s impossible to be the same person. Besides, there are so many martial arts in the world. The trick of a lone wolf may be just like a family martial art.”

Ji Ruxue thought about it: "This is also true. It is very likely that the ridiculous wolf is a secret disciple of the family. It is not right. Right, we just said these words. It is best not to just pass it on, understand that there is no ""

The soldiers around said Qi Qi said: "Understood."

The sound is neat, but not high, after all, everyone is still secretly on the road.

In the air, Sun Hao still firmly suppressed the two masters, and, unceremoniously, on the palm of the dragon, gradually fell down, and the single foot was really in the forehead of the tall and pretty.

The savage sky that was suppressed by the dragon's power was not allowed, and the axe was fixed. Although he wanted to struggle, he could not escape the foot of Sun Hao.

With a bang, I felt a huge force hitting my forehead, my head slammed, the axe couldn’t hold it, and the cry was soared by the real dragon, and he was tall. The body was thrown to the ground by Sun Hao.

Sun Hao laughed happily, his toes were a little bit, his body was spinning, and his foot was stepped on the forehead of Jiang Fu, who was a little shorter.

Jiang Fu's face turned red.

Just being trampled on the sky, he was frightened.

What is different from the ridiculous day is that his head is not as strong as the shovel head of the barbarian warrior, but if he is stepped on by the **** side, he will be trampled directly. Head, it’s really hard to say.

The flying sword was suppressed by the power of the real dragon and could not be lifted at all.

The power of the ridiculous wolf is surprisingly powerful, and the real elements that are suppressed are not allowed to move. Seeing that they will be stepped on by the students, Jiang Fu’s heart is stunned, the sword in his hand is loose, and the whole person does not rise and fall. A glimpse, drilled into the ground, rolling from the ground lazy, and brought a huge rolling groove on the ground, the image is very embarrassing, gray face, but people finally escaped.

When the gods were set, when they looked again, they found that the frontal and lonely wolves had already taken away their proud flying swords.

There was a burst of white on his face, and Jiang Fu screamed in his mouth.

It’s also a big noise.

Whether they admit it or not, the most basic fact is that even if they are united, they are not the opponents of the wild and lonely wolves.

If you continue to fight, you might lose your ugliness.

In this case, then you can't take care of it. If you don't believe in how bad the wild wolves are, you can do our group.

Whistling and screaming are signals.

In the laughter of Sun Hao, he found that the savage barbarian warriors and swordsmen disciples came to attack themselves.

The purpose of Sun Hao is to attract barbarian warriors and disciples to create conditions for the Jijia monks to enter the core area.

At this time, naturally, it will not escape, and the body will rise up, like a bomb, with layers of golden light, not hiding or flashing, and slamming into the direction of the barbarian warrior.

Pretty arrogantly posing a little dizzy head, seeing Sun Hao rushed to his own team, could not help but violently: "立,转,撞......"

The barbarian is tall, and the power itself is particularly powerful. Compared with the human race, each is a natural power. Today’s battle is a small point. It’s actually being stepped on by the heads of life, and it’s quite awkward in the heart of the sky, and it’s determined to make the lonely wolf Sun Hao looks good.

The barbarian warrior got the old size, running, and Qi Qi crashed on the ground. The axe in the hand slammed into the ground and swung fast. The huge impact and the power of rotation broke out. The five barbarian warriors became a straight line, and the last one was fierce. The ground moved forward and hit a front axe standing behind him.

The axe that was hit was slammed into the master, and the master borrowed the force and slammed into the front of the Warriors.

By analogy, the five tall barbarian warriors worked hard, and Sun Hao was ahead. The last barbarian warrior who was blessed by his companions did not show weakness. He held the axe and screamed at the heroic rushing Sun Hao. Although the huge impact force has not hit Sun Hao, just the shock wave has directly destroyed the trees and rocks around the front.

Stones, wooden blocks, flying all over the sky.

The barbarian violently hit.

Still really not afraid of Sun Hao, rushed over.

The two sides are approaching at high speed.

Xiaoqing said: "Stupid, directly colliding with the barbarian, it is hard to please."

With a bang, the shock waves in front of the two figures slammed together and made a loud noise.

However, at this moment, just at the moment when the figure was about to be completely hit, the body of the ridiculous wolf fell on the ground, and the palms were put in a strange shape, like holding a ball, and holding it.

The huge barbarian warrior rushed over and rushed to the top of Sun Hao's head. Sun Hao's body was slightly on one side, and he was too quick to cover his ears.

When the barbarian warrior is expecting his own impact effect, the golden human figure that collided in front disappears instantly. Then, he feels a huge force to pull, and the body is involuntarily, and is forced by force to continue with greater power. Faster forward and hit the past.

A loud scream in his mouth: "Let it go."

In front, I saw several swordsmen monks at the head.

The sword-study monks who chased Sun Hao had not figured out the situation. The huge body slammed into it with great strength.

The six Jianpai disciples were so busy that they were flying backwards.

However, the barbarian warrior, who was not slow in speed, was stunned by Sun Hao and was faster. He was able to dodge from the nearest disciple disciple, barely set up a sword and rolled up a sword flower, trying to resist the barbarian warrior. However, the long sword was swayed before the huge impact shock wave.

Unstoppable, the barbarian warriors slammed into the swordsmen.

"Boom", the disciple disciple was knocked out and flew out, spurting blood on the head, the air, the long sword broke into three sections, and the body also burst into pieces, flesh and blood.

Xiaoqing just said: "Isn't this the skill of my family's Taiji borrowing power? It's used very well."

Then he stunned and exclaimed: "Oh, actually killed a sword-skilled disciple, made a big deal, and made a big deal..."

In the core area, the sword-swords that sit cross-legged are powerful, and the barbarians are able to frown slightly.

Next to them, the second-level monk even stood up and looked at the battlefield.

The disciples’ disciples actually fell directly on the spot, and accidents that never appeared in the wilderness hunting appeared.

Moreover, if you kill a disciple, you will be a barbarian warrior.

Although it was cited.

Destroyed the disciples!

The scene was slightly sluggish, especially the barbarian warrior who killed the Jianpai disciple, but he was a little overwhelmed.

Barbarian and Terran are not particularly friendly, but they are not easy to fight. When they are hunting, both sides have moderation. The upper level also needs to be properly adapted. But now it is good, and one of them has killed one.

Quarry Tian and Jiang Fuxi looked at each other with a gloomy face and looked at the lonely wolf in the field.

Sun Hao gently clap his hands: "Well, the great gods are violently hit, and there is no resistance, and they have been taught."

A disciple disciple finally reacted a scream in his mouth: "Five Masters..."

When I finished, I looked at the barbarian warrior with hatred.

Jiang Fu’s hand pointed to Sun Hao and screamed: “The third division, don’t make a mistake, the chief culprit is him.”

The three teachers looked at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao did not deny that he shrugged calmly.

Jiang Fu’s hands spurred, and a flying sword appeared again. The mouth screamed: “You brothers, I am going to destroy him...”

Five swordsmen and monks swayed and flew the sword, and there were swords and flowers in the air. With Jiang Fuqi as the core, the sword array was launched and surrounded by Sun Hao.

Quite the sky said quietly: "Walk up, don't let him escape."

Barbarian warriors quickly, with the battlefield as the core, formed an encirclement, waiting for the result of the sword-stricken disciples and the lone wolf, and completely intercepted the escape of the lone wolf. (~^~)()

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