Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1421: Disappeared


The second volume of Jinghua Aquilaria, the first forty-two chapters disappeared without a trace

No one expected that the solitary wolf would be so fierce.

The barbarian can't help but shoot, and he is still shooting a barbarian warrior without hesitation. This is not simply a fear of death.

It’s just that I don’t know how to live and die, and I’m so speechless.

Moreover, quite awkwardly, I never imagined that the Lone Wolf would launch an attack on itself at this time. When it was a little bit of a big deal, the arrow rain had already poured.

Fortunately, his strength is strong enough. At the crucial moment, his mouth is violent, and the huge axe stands in front of him, turning into a shield, slamming and blocking a lot of arrows.

The power of the arrow is huge, and each hit will knock him back a little later. Fortunately, the axe is also specially made and cannot be penetrated. Therefore, although the incident is sudden, it is quite sturdy and does not feel like a figure. What will happen.

After the barbarian was able to be blocked by the swordsman, he did not shoot again.

He is quite confident about the ridiculous day, and he can see that the Terran kid is powerful, but he should be very ugly.

Quarry Tian violently retired five or six feet.

Stabilized the figure, if nothing happened, and the arrow rain finally came to an end.

Pretty awkwardly relieved.

Most of the barbarian warriors have already withdrawn, although they have been shot by Sun Hao here, but as the swordsman can say, this is originally the rule, and it is very inappropriate for him to force himself to interfere.

The barbarian can suffocate and resist, not bullying.

But in front, the ridiculous day that I thought it was okay was in vain, and I was caught off guard by the power of the power. I couldn’t help but scream: "Damn..."

A slap in the sky before the axe, sprinkle an arrow feather.

The other arrow just flew over, and slammed it, and it shot high, and the arrow accelerated in vain, but it still couldn’t catch up with the speed of an uninterrupted arrow.

The silent and uninterrupted arrow is originally like a flow vector with a partial deviation.

But at this time it appeared here, forming a sudden impact, and the two arrows were too fast to hit.

The silent and uninterrupted arrow seemed to be bumped up, throwing a plate axe that was erected in the sky, from top to bottom, down to the sky.

It’s pretty violent.

Barbarians have failed to respond.

The little arrow has been like a tofu, and it has always been infused from the sacred heavenly spirit, and quickly ran through his huge body and rushed out of it.

Holding the axe tightly in the hand, the eyes of the savage sky looked at Sun Hao without any god.

Sun Hao said softly: "The barbaric brother walks all the way."

The small arrow passed, and the body was completely collapsed into a pot of porridge. The brain was full of blood, and the body of the sky was leaning against the axe. It crashed over the axe and slammed on the ground, splashing the sky. dust.

The barbarian is finally completely angry.

The huge body leaped away and flew into the air, and took a shot to Sun Hao.

The swordsman is not to be outdone.

The green shirt flew up and flew up. The flying sword spurred and once again penetrated the barbarian giant palm.

Huge energy shocks, screaming in the wind.

Quite cold and cold said: "Ling Fang, let go, today I will not kill this kid, not to be a man."

Ling Fangxiao said with a chuckle: "There is a wilderness hunting, life and death, and the kid said it is not good, but the fact is that he said that your disciples have destroyed many other fighters, and they must not reason. ?"

Quite cold and cold said: "Roll", the point pointed to Sun Hao point, the momentum is even shrouded in Sun Hao, trying to make Sun Hao unable to move.

But what he never imagined was that Sun Hao’s body swayed slightly, and he got rid of his imposing manner. He quickly ran a few steps on the ground and once again opened the longbow in his hand.

The one that the barbarian can lift up is not pointed out. I thought in amazement, how is it possible?

Can a soldier actually escape from his own power?

At this point, let the accidents of the savage and the squad are happening again.

In the golden light, the boy in the running actually pointed the bow in his hand to the disciple of Ling Tianjian.

There is no concept of enemies at all?

Both families must shoot? This is a kind of mixed kid.

Ling Fang screamed: "Mixed boy, you dare."

Sun Hao said: "There is nothing to dare. The disciples are not much better than the barbarian warriors. The hands are also full of blood. You also show me arrows..."

Throughout the border, the spectators are all shocked.

This lone wolf is really incomparable.

The two powerful face-to-face, actually dared to attack their disciples.

Ling Fang’s sword in his hand spurred, and a sword curtain stopped in front of the disciples’ disciples, blocking the shooting route of the arrow.

At this time, it was quite unexpected that Sun Hao unexpectedly appeared, promptly appeared, and shouted in his mouth: "Ling Fangzhen, you have not just said it, he is within the rules..."

A huge finger touched Lingfang’s Feijian light curtain.

Ling Fang screamed: "Be careful."

In the hands of Sun Hao, he has been embarrassed and released a series of arrows.

Jiang Fu screamed: "Prevention."

When the sword array was picked up, there was a layer of sword light in front of the disciple disciple.

Strictly guard against death.

It was only at this time that Jiang Fujun or the disciples were good. The taste in my heart was really uncomfortable. I didn’t expect that I would be crushed by people, and I was still in the case of Zongmen’s great ancestors. Hold it down and move it.

What makes Jiang Fu’s heart more shocked.

The strength of the lone wolf's archery is simply shocking, especially his power, which is like magical and powerful penetrating. He actually wears the Jianguang defense of the sword array.

Two other disciples were screaming and were directly pierced and shot on the spot.

Ling Fang, who was stopped by people, screamed: "Funny boy", and finished, and rushed to Jiang Fu, he said loudly: "If you don't want to die, just rush to withdraw..."

He can understand it, the bow of the boy, the next goal may be the sword disciple brother Jiang Fujun.

Jiang Fu sighed and screamed, quickly swaying the flying sword, hiding in the Jianpai disciple's sword array, wandering in the air, quickly fleeing away from the sword flag of the disciples.

Sun Hao was a little bit sorry. He knew that Jiang Fu couldn’t get rid of it. His wrists shook and he put away his longbow.

Stand up and look around, Sun Hao laughed: "Swords disciples, barbarian warriors, but this is the case, I have been taught, hahaha..."

In the laughter, Sun Hao was smashed into the golden light, rushing into the sky and rushing out to the side.

Ling Fang screamed: "Mixed kid, you should go to the record", grabbed it.

The savage is to raise his hand and shoot at Sun Hao. At the same time, he also gives a shot and sends a ray of light to Sun Hao’s back.

Ling Fangfei Feijian flew up, screaming at the savage giant palm, and said loudly in his mouth: "Fuck the kid, go to the swordsmanship to record the case quickly, or else I can't save you..."

The voice was gone, and the golden light flashed in front.

Sun Hao spurred the avatar before the various attacks.

The two great powers were very empty, very strange, under the eyes, the little warrior who was escaping disappeared out of thin air.

How can it be?

The two men rushed together and the gods quickly extended outward and quickly explored.

But what makes them horrified is.

I didn't see half of the escaping figure around me. There was no escape from the sky, the ground, or even the underground.

Yes, it’s just the stunned warriors and monks.

It disappeared, disappeared from the air, and disappeared without any trace.

Not giving up, the two great powers continue to explore, but there is no income.

Among all the monks, only the face of Ji Ruxue changed a little, because at the moment when the lone wolf disappeared, her back suddenly swelled, and the ugly sword was never shown to others. The ugly sword has been a lot more.

what does this mean? What is the connection with the lone wolf?

Didn't wait for her to completely understand the problem, and felt that the body was slightly light, and the ugly sword returned to normal, as if it was just her illusion.

Above the battlefield, the atmosphere is very strange.

Two great monks actually chased a big living person.

A warrior killed the first warrior of the barbarian, killed one-third of the disciples and then disappeared in front of the two powers.

It can be said that this is the most amazing accident in the history of the wilderness hunting.

The record of the Lone Wolf, the role of the Lone Wolf has made many warriors deeply dispelled by the warriors, but now, including the Ji family warriors, they are not afraid to breathe, fearing that the monks will be thundered and angry, give themselves this. a bit.

Surprisingly calmed down, the two powerful gods flew far and wide, still could not find the escaped lone wolf, when the heart was suspicious.

Ji Xiaoshan quietly appeared on the periphery of the Jijia Warrior and whispered: "Miss, Miss, we are still going to the battle flag, ready to check."

Ji Ruxue couldn’t help but blink, and said: "Let's go."

Xiaoqing complained: "Where is the place to go, I really don't know how to live and die. If I am killed by mistake, who is going to talk about it..."

The Jijia warrior was very close to the battle flag. At this time, the first reaction came over. When it was less than a musk time, Ji Ruxue led the team, and the team appeared neatly under the high platform.

Ji Ruxue said crisply: "You seniors, Ji Jiaji, such as Xue led the family of to come to the assessment."

The swordsman on the top looked down and couldn't help but frown. The team was too neat.

A Ji family, there are more than 30 soldiers!

This is in the history of the wilderness hunting, but it is unique.

However, they reacted in an instant.

This time the wilderness hunting, the disciples’ disciples were completely defeated. In the end, if they were not able to come out, the possibility of being shot on the spot was not impossible. Then, it is estimated that the soldiers who came under the battle flag of each family may not really not enough.

After a while, they found that the soldiers who passed smoothly were really too many.

In the past, there were twenty days in total, and this time it was good, directly more than two hundred.

The **** side of the ridiculous wolf, who smashed the big leak, actually escaped, and somehow disappeared.

I don't understand why this is. (To be continued.)

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