Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1422: Wait for a statement


The second volume of Jinghua Shen Xiang Chuan Chapter 142 and other sayings

Ling Fang is a powerful person, and his knowledge is far-reaching.

The wilderness of the wolf evaporates.

After half a ring, the air swayed, Ling Fangyu appeared under the Lingtian battle flag, sweeping around, his brow slightly wrinkled.

The disciples were defeated, the defense completely collapsed, and the family fighters who rushed to the finish line were really many.

If most of the small families have already been cleared, maybe there will be more.

Ling Fangzhen did not say anything, sitting cross-legged under the battle flag.

But on his body, the oppressive momentum, but the soldiers who came to participate in the assessment did not dare to come out.

Everyone has a very clear feeling in the heart, that is, the sky seems to be much lower, covered with dark clouds, and heavy rain is coming.

Very depressed, but can only wait for the scalp.

Ling Fangyi did not say a word, sitting cross-legged, the monks around him did not dare to ask, everyone would sit.

The strange thing is that the opposite of the savage is also sitting on the knees without a word, waiting quietly.

There was no movement on the barbarian side.

Two huge battle flags hunted in the air.

However, both camps are unprecedentedly suppressed, and no one dares to speak.

After three days, the situation remained unchanged, and many of the soldiers who were repaired to the lower level secretly complained.

At this time, Ling Fang opened his eyes and said slowly: "Go back to the desert."

After that, the body slowly lifted off and looked at the banner of the opposite barbarian. Ling Fang said with a deep voice: "It’s pretty, look like, he won’t come, maybe he’s just a demon or a demon. It’s messy, we’re also scattered.”

Quite a cold cry: "The kid is obviously your son, don't give me a slap in the face, I strongly doubt that your Terran is playing tricks and tricks, weakening the power of my barbarians."

Ling Fangyan said with a deep voice: "Don't forget, the disciples lost by my swordsmanship are far beyond your eight-different hole."

It’s a must-have to fly: "Roll, you are losing some chickens and dogs, and the first warrior of my barbarian has encountered unexpected events. Even if all your disciples are coming to bury, they can't afford it."

Ling Fang snorted: "Jokes, my sword disciples are all elites, each one is cultivated by thousands of choices, fallen on the spot, can only say that they are not good at learning, hey, your barbarian first warrior It’s really so powerful, it’s not going to be shot on the spot, you have to keep it, and as you go, I will go back first.”

Pretty sighed with a deep breath: "I need a saying. If you don't give a statement, no one here is allowed to leave, because I suspect that the kid is hidden among these people. If you have Ling Fang, if you have The ability can stop me, although you take people away."

Ling Fang must be flying: "You have to say, who am I going to say?"

The pretty big fingers lifted up slightly and shook a finger at Jiang Fu: "If you don't give a statement, I will take this little life directly. You humans hurt my first warrior, and I will destroy your master..."

Jiang Fu was chilling, as if he had been pegged by a beast, and his forehead spurted out the sweaty beads of the beans.

Ling Fangqi’s palms were slightly pressed, and the arrogance of suppressing Jiang Fu’s body was blocked, and his mouth said: “The sky is a resource.”

Pretty two erect fingers: "Two."

Ling Fangxiao sneered: "A warrior who has not developed, the so-called first warrior, do you think it is possible?"

Quite nodded: "That is also, one achievement is 10%, go, brothers, today's shame, you remember to Lao Tzu, all the barbarian warriors, go back to the relegation of half a grid, the smashing of the number of places to halve..."

Barbarian warriors, looking at the eyes of the Terran is suddenly full of bad, but still in the mouth.

Although there are many disciples lost by Ling Tianjian, in the true sense, it is really not as great as the barbarian loss. The loss of the first warrior is indeed more valuable than the loss of all the swordsmen.

Ling Fangxuan’s mood was not so bad that he directly cut away the number of places where his disciples were recruiting. Shen Sheng said: “Go back to the desert.”

The big sleeves waved, and the Lingtian battle flag was pulled up. The monks around him gathered a lot of chariots, and they sang in the thunder, followed Lingfang’s return to the side of the desert.

The ruins of the ancient city are a majestic ancient city pool, standing tall on the wilderness with wide walls, the blue and slightly reddish wall, which looks old and vicissitudes. After careful observation, the wall can still see the after the war. Traces, many places have dry blood drops, and some places have fallen off walls.

Ling Fang was on the wall of the city, and the flag was vertical, sitting cross-legged in the air.

The sword-study monks drove the chariots and came from the bang. The chariots under the body of Ling Fang’s body quickly built a high platform on the wall. The monks stood quietly beside Ling Fang’s, waiting for him. command.

Ling Fangyi did not say a word, sitting on the side of the wilderness for three days, the look on his face was more and more gloomy.

The entire ethnic group, including the four major families, has produced a lot of uneasiness, and does not know what Lingfang wants.

In three days, the news of the battlefield has been passed back to Gousse through various channels.

The various families have basically understood the cause and effect of the matter, and they have been so powerful that the savage wolf has eliminated ten disciples of the swords and destroyed the first warriors of the barbarian.

Then I played a big disappearance and the world evaporated.

All the families were sighing, but they also understood that Ling Fangqi was sitting on the top of Gusei, without any expression, that is, waiting for the various families to give him a statement.

The families took urgent action, especially the four major families, and they began to meet and exchange information to find relevant information about the wild wolves.

However, at this time, the families suddenly discovered that the information about the lone wolf that created this great disaster was very few. Everyone finally realized that he first appeared about five years ago. No one in the spirit of God, no one saw his true face.

No one knows his true origins at all. Even if his people are warriors in Gusai, they are unclear.

The four families chose the owner of the Jiang family as the representative, and smacked the information collected on the side of the wild wolf.

Ling Fang took a glance at the information and said nothing, still sitting still on his knees.

Obviously dissatisfied.

He is not satisfied, and the days of the wilderness may not be good. I am afraid that the swordsmen who are eager for each family will also be discouraged.

I sat for another two days.

Jijia Laotaijun, the only one of the gods of the ancient gods, finally appeared on the top of Gusei and began to negotiate.

The flesh is vacant, and the old lady is white and fluttering, and comes to the air: "Fang Fangjian Wang, the old body Ji's request."

Ling Fangyi finally opened his eyes and his face smiled: "Tai Jun, please."

The old lady jumped up and sat side by side with Ling Fangyu. His eyes swept away and he said with a smile: "Sword King, all my family members have come, hope that the sword king will not be disappointed."

Ling Fang伧 swept the direction of Ji’s children and smiled and said: “The team of your Ji family is very neat.”

Laotaijun laughed happily: "Yes, one is not lacking, all of them are gone. I didn't think that there would be such a good thing. Haha, now, I just hope that the sword king will immediately start the disciples assessment and see my family. In the end, there are a few excellent children who can become naturalized in Lingtian and then walk on Kangzhuang Avenue."

Ling Fangyi gave a slight glimpse, his eyes looked to the side of the desert, whispered: "Taijun feels that the time for the disciples' big test has matured?"

Lao Taijun smiled and said: "People are all here, and naturally they are mature."

Ling Fangyi was a sigh of relief. He asked one sentence: "Is everyone here?"

Laotaijun laughed and said: "Isn't it? You can turn over the roster. Besides being eliminated, I am a younger disciple, but I don't need to come in. Is it true that the sword king has to take those who have been eliminated? Also pull to try?"

Ling Fang’s face showed a bright smile: “That’s not to be In fact, Fang Wei is just waiting for the old lady’s words.”

Laotai Jun said with a smile: "I am not here?"

Ling Fangxuan and Laotaijun looked at each other and laughed loudly. They announced loudly: "Statistical points, arrange for examinations, and after three days, the border with Gusei."

The monks of the Lingtianjian faction sang in a loud voice: "Good."

The heart also breathed a sigh of relief.

The power of the gods, the strength of repairing is not what they can compare. Once Fang Weijian is dead and biting, this time the big test may turn yellow.

Only the gods of the same realm can come forward to communicate.

Lao Taijun said a few words. Everyone actually didn’t hear anything, but Fang Weijian agreed to open the exam.

Sometimes, when the realm comes, it will work. (~^~)

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